The more you do, the more you will be able to do.

"Yes, Master." An Jing said excitedly.

Lin Cheng at level 1 was already so exaggerated, it was hard to imagine how strong Lin Cheng at level 2 would be.

In terms of crystallization, An Jing kept taking out crystals according to Lin Cheng's absorption speed, allowing Lin Cheng to absorb crystals without any time interval.

Lin Cheng calmed down and began to absorb crystals.

From the initial breakthrough of level 1 to the middle of level 1, Lin Cheng consumed almost 400 crystals. Lin Cheng's basic attribute values, not counting the bonus of happiness value and equipment bonus, increased to 300 strength, 300 defense, and 300 speed.

From the middle of level 1 to the late level 1, Lin Cheng consumed almost 400 crystals. Lin Cheng's basic attribute values ​​increased to 400 in strength, 400 in defense, and 400 in speed.

From the late stage of level 1 to the peak of level 1, Lin Cheng consumed almost 800 crystals. Lin Cheng's basic attribute values ​​increased to 500 in strength, 500 in defense, and 500 in speed.

Finally, the crystal consumption of breaking through level 2 cost Lin Cheng 2,000 crystals.

The breakthrough brought about by this also made Lin Cheng's attributes soar. Lin Cheng's basic attribute values ​​increased to 1000 in strength, 1000 in defense, and 1000 in speed, which was doubled compared to the peak of level 1.

The three measurements of 1,000 are not comparable even to the current increase in joy value.

In addition, Lin Cheng's ability has also increased to 100 points.

If Lin Cheng is now facing the purification before Dong Yingxue, Lin Cheng may only consume about one-tenth of his ability.

Lin Cheng has achieved rapid growth in all aspects, which makes him want to thank his old friend "mutant plant" for sending all this.

After the level of his ability was upgraded, Lin Cheng did not continue to absorb energy ore.

Because after reaching level 2, Lin Cheng's efficiency in absorbing level 1 crystals would become very poor, so he kept these level 1 crystals and waited to exchange them with other survivors.

As for An Jing and the others, Lin Cheng did not intend to let them use these remaining crystals to upgrade, but planned to give them the energy ore occupied by the mutant plants. This would be more efficient.

'The next one is...'

Lin Cheng spread out his right hand, and three pills appeared in his palm.

Strength enhancement pills, speed enhancement pills, and defense enhancement pills.

Lin Cheng's current style of doing things is more stable. In order to deal with mutant plants, even in the previous transaction with Ling Qingyou, he did not trade all the pills.

Lin Cheng first swallowed the strength enhancement pill. At first, he thought he needed to swallow it with water. As a result, as soon as the strength enhancement pill was put in, it turned into a warm current and spread towards Lin Cheng's limbs.

Next is the speed enhancement pill and the defense enhancement pill.

After Lin Cheng swallowed three different pills, his preparations were basically over.

‘Only the last step. ’

Lin Cheng took out the time-lapse TV and let it locate the mutant plant.

The creatures that can be viewed by the time-lapse TV must be those that Lin Cheng has touched.

And the mutant plant Lin Cheng has already touched through the vines, and can use it immediately.

Lin Cheng saw the simple life of the mutant plant through the time-lapse TV.

Planted, grown, as a willow tree.

If it weren’t for the blood rain, this willow tree would only be an ordinary willow tree.

However, the blood rain gave the willow tree the opportunity to mutate, and the energy ore created the willow tree’s powerful power to dominate the university.

Through the time-lapse TV, Lin Cheng also confirmed the level of the willow tree————level 3.

That’s right, this willow tree has been upgraded to level 3 after devouring a large number of zombies and mutants.

The judgment standard is that among the zombies devoured by the willow tree, some of the levels are obviously higher than level 1 and reach the level of level 2.

Moreover, this willow tree has two superpowers.

One is to continuously grow vines, and the other is to invalidate superpowers.

The superpowers of the superpowered people touched by the willow tree will be suppressed. If the superpowers are not strong enough, they cannot even use them.

However, this effect only affects superpowers, and has no effect on strength, speed and defense.

After confirming the situation of the willow tree, Lin Cheng took 30 photos of the willow tree and weakened the defense of the willow tree by 30%.

‘Everything is ready. ’

On the attribute panel, Lin Cheng’s basic three-dimensional attributes are 1000, and the three-dimensional attributes of the pills are enhanced to 2000 after the enhancement, plus the 950 attributes of the joy value increase, and the hundreds of attributes of the weapon increase.

This three-dimensional

The average attribute of the people is close to 2500.

After Lin Cheng did all this, he told An Jing and the others: "You stay here, I'll be back soon."

At present, An Jing and the others' attributes have almost increased by nearly 100 points with the blessing of the joy value.

Lin Cheng is still very confident about their safety.

However, this willow tree is at least a level 3 mutant plant, which is not something they can handle, so it is better for Lin Cheng to go alone.

Otherwise, when the battle starts later, he will have to take into account the safety of An Jing and the others.


Lin Cheng followed the vines and left the school all the way, and then came to the basketball court near their school.

There, there was a huge monster standing.

The huge tree trunk was more than 30 meters long, and a human face was reflected on the trunk.

Lin Cheng's right hand appeared with a time-stopping short knife.

A large number of vines of mutant plants began to emerge.

"Human... you are finally here... let's do our best to fight a fight that neither of us regrets."

As soon as the words fell, a large number of vines of the willow tree shot towards Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng was a little disappointed.

The time-stopping short knife in his hand cut more than three thousand vines into one hundred pieces in one second.

At this time, the willow tree also fell into a state of being unable to move for three seconds.

This feeling made the willow tree happy instead of surprised.

"That's it, human, what I pursue is this feeling of being on the verge of death."

"Sorry, unlike you, I am... quite disappointed." Lin Cheng finished speaking, but turned around.

"Human, why do you want to run away."

"Because the victory and defeat have been decided."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, the willow tree seemed to realize its miserable situation at this time.

The whole trunk was cut in half from the middle.

The huge cheek reflected in the trunk was also split in two.

Willow realized that he had lost, and lost miserably.

"... So I have already lost..."

Willow said, and completely lost his life.

Lin Cheng found a place to sit down, waited for a while, and after confirming that Willow was completely dead, he said regretfully: "I thought you could fight with me for a few moves. It seems that I was too cautious."

However, if you ask Lin Cheng whether he should be so cautious next time, Lin Cheng's answer must be: Yes!

Mutated plants and animals are similar to humans. There are no crystals in their bodies. Only zombies have crystals. They will not drop equipment.

So to be honest, if Lin Cheng hadn't felt that Willow would affect his life, he would actually be too lazy to care about this willow tree.

A moment later, An Jing and the others came here.

When they saw the willow tree split in two, although their reactions were a little different, they were almost all shocked by Lin Cheng's power.

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