The third grade teaching building

The corridor was empty, but footsteps were heard.

At this time, a zombie walked by the corner.

After a moment, a wound caused by a cylinder piercing the body appeared on the zombie's chest.

The zombie fell to the ground, and a small shield emitting green light fell at the same time.

Footsteps sounded again in the corridor, but it was still empty.


When Lin Cheng and his friends rushed to the third grade teaching building, they did not find a single person or a zombie. Just like yesterday, the whole school was filled with a quiet atmosphere of terror.

An Jing stopped and said solemnly: "Master, maybe we should consider killing the mutant plant before we leave. It has devoured too many zombies. I am worried that if we let it continue to devour, it will grow into a giant that can cover the entire Liudao City."

Ning Qiang looked surprised and said: "Senior An Jing, are you serious? Are there really mutants that can grow to cover the entire city? That's too big."

Lin Cheng also showed a curious look.

"Yes, in the end of the world, there are not many mutants that grow to the size of giants that threaten the entire city, but there are also many, and they are all very dangerous. Even the seven heroes will choose to retreat and not fight against such powerful mutants."

"Then it should be destroyed." Lin Cheng said.

Although Lin Cheng's style of action is relatively steady because of An Jing's previous life. However, steady is not cowardly. Lin Cheng will still choose to defeat this mutant plant that may threaten his safety.

Lin Cheng and his friends soon came to the teaching building on the third grade side.

"Senior Lin Cheng, look, there are zombies everywhere."

In the teaching building, Lin Cheng and his friends saw many zombies lying on the ground.

"Master, look, the crystals of these zombies have also been taken away."

"Moreover, their death is the same, with their bodies pierced by some kind of cylindrical object."

"It seems that the black spot this time is not a zombie, but a superpower."

An Jing pulled the corner of Lin Cheng's clothes and said, "Master, look over there, there is equipment."

Lin Cheng also noticed it, but it was just a green equipment. He said, "An Jing, go and put it away."

An Jing nodded, stepped forward to put the equipment away, and equipped himself at the same time.

Lin Cheng was opening the map at this moment.

It turned out that in the entire teaching building, except for this black spot, no other green or blue spots could be seen.

Superpowers, zombies, mutants, do not exist here.

"Master, be careful, this black spot is likely to be hostile to us."

An Jing reminded.

Before, whether it was the black spot that killed zombies or the black spot in the cafeteria, it was no problem to guess that it was a superpower.

But this time, the black spot was alone in a place full of zombie corpses and no human beings. Lin Cheng and his team could not determine whether it was a zombie or a human.

If it was a zombie, then we naturally need to be vigilant.

Even the stupid Ning Qiang's eyes became sharper. His eyes wandered from time to time to places that might exist in the blind spot of vision.

Lin Cheng also remained alert.

In this way, Lin Cheng and his team came to the third grade classroom where the black spot was located with caution and caution, but no one was seen here.

"Master, there is no one here."

"Senior, did the other party run away?"

Lin Cheng originally thought so, but later he realized that something was wrong, and he reopened the map. On the map, the black spot did not change and was still here.

Lin Cheng's eyes swept around and found something wrong.

"Pay attention, there is something here."

Although Lin Cheng could not see any living creatures in his field of vision, someone suddenly blew a breath in his ear.

Lin Cheng did not hesitate, and immediately pulled out the time-stopping short knife and slashed to the left.

With a speed far exceeding that of the psychics of the same level, the opponent could not dodge Lin Cheng's attack at all.

After Lin Cheng swung the knife, he felt that he had cut something. The texture of the meat was a bit similar to that of a human abdomen. After realizing this, he barely held back.

Then, blood dripped from the place where Lin Cheng had cut.

Lin Cheng was suddenly startled and said, "Sure enough, there is something invisible. This should be the opponent's psychic ability. Transparent?"

While Lin Cheng was thinking, a person who was

The girl who fell to the ground gradually became clearer.

? ?

Race: Human

Ability level: Initial level 1

Panel strength: Strength (18+40) Defense (2+50) Speed ​​(20+45) Ability (20)

Ability: Weakness, Penetration

Ability power growth: Range C, Rate C, Shield value A

Equipment column space: Zero

Equipment: ? ? , ? ? , ? ? , ? ?

Overall evaluation: SS

This gradually clear figure was not only seen by Lin Cheng, but also by An Jing and the others.

An Jing was unfamiliar with the people in the school and could not recognize who this person was.

However, Ning Qiang said in a surprised voice: "This is Senior Sister Dong Yingxue from the third grade. She and I are in the same club."

Lin Cheng thought about the memory that his roommate had given him before. This Dong Yingxue is definitely not a school beauty. However, her appearance is not inferior to An Jing, Ning Qiang and Li Xuefei. She is definitely a school beauty.

Lin Cheng secretly said: "The quality of the girls in this school really opened my eyes. How come such a not-so-famous school has such high-quality beauties. '

The girl named Dong Yingxue lay on the ground, her long black hair brushed across her cheeks. Her hairstyle was simple and beautiful, exuding natural feminine charm. However, her hair naturally covered her eyes, which made it easy for people to ignore her delicate face.

At this time, Lin Cheng remembered Ning Qiang's club: "Ning Qiang, your club is the animation club, right?"

"Yes, this is the third-year senior sister Dong Yingxue, who is also my senior in the club. In general, it is..."

Ning Qiang wanted to finish her words in one breath, but when she was here, her voice stopped abruptly. She scratched her hair in distress, and then said: "It feels like a passerby with little presence. I seem to only know her name and have never said a word to her. She is also the type of person who is taciturn in the club."

Based on the display of Dong Yingxue's panel, Lin Cheng also vaguely knew what kind of ability this existence weakness was.

Existence weakness and penetration, Lin Cheng's first reaction was to add points to the assassin, which is definitely adding points to the one-hit-kill fighting method.

In addition, Lin Cheng also confirmed that the zombies that were killed by one hit along the way should all be made by Dong Yingxue.

However, Lin Cheng couldn't figure out one thing, that is, was this person blowing hot air in Lin Cheng's ear just now playing a prank? '

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