The canteen of their university is considered a safe passage, with a total of four entrances.

After An Jing finished her investigation, she came back in less than three minutes and said, "Master, the entrances to other canteens are either guarded or locked."

Lin Cheng nodded and said, "It seems that there should be a relatively disciplined group of students gathered in this canteen."

The group of people Zhou Xunfa encountered before had no discipline at all. Moreover, most of them just wanted to rely on Zhou Xunfa's power for protection, and they didn't have the courage to fight zombies at all.

But here is different. The students are disciplined to protect the base by standing guard. This can be said to be a very organized behavior in just one day.

Lin Cheng said, "Let's go in and take a look."

Although it was difficult to pull the black spot from this organized group, he decided to go in and take a look out of curiosity about this group.

When Lin Cheng and the other three came over, the two students at the entrance of the cafeteria immediately became alert, holding iron rods in their hands.

However, these iron rods were not equipment dropped by zombies after death.

The two students raised the iron rods and said, "Wait a minute. Fill in your name and grade on this paper before you can go in."

Lin Cheng replied, "Okay."

Then, Lin Cheng and the others stepped forward and filled in their names and grades on the paper the students took out.

The two students then said, "Go to the senior sister with long hair over there first. The senior sister will check if there are any wounds left by zombies on your body. If there are, you must deal with them as soon as possible."

When they said this, there was a meaningful taste.

Lin Cheng curled his lips and thought to himself: 'Deal with it as soon as possible means killing it as soon as possible, or driving it out? It should just be driven out. ’

Lin Cheng felt that on the first day of the apocalypse, the students would not be so cold-blooded as to directly kill the classmates who were about to be infected. If it was An Jing who was reborn in the apocalypse, Lin Cheng would not doubt that they would make such a judgment.

Lin Cheng and his friends then came to the senior sister.

There was a piece of white cloth in the area where the senior sister was, and the inspection process was to let them go in one by one to take off their clothes and be inspected.

An Jing was the first one, and she came out quickly after the inspection, followed by Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng thought that this process might be just a little casual, but what he didn't expect was that the senior sister directly asked him to take off his pants.

Although Lin Cheng was a little embarrassed, he had a higher evaluation of this student group.

When the senior sister saw Lin Cheng stripped naked, she was also a little shy, but she still carefully confirmed whether Lin Cheng had any wounds on his body.

After confirming that there were no wounds, she let Lin Cheng put on his clothes again and go out.

"After the inspection, you need to leave your name and grade here."

The senior student handed over a piece of paper. After Lin Cheng and the others wrote their names on the paper, the senior student added a healthy check mark on the back for them.

Ning Qiang was doing the inspection. Lin Cheng and An Jing got together. Lin Cheng said, "An Jing, don't you think the discipline here is very strong?"

An Jing nodded and said, "Although the process is very simple, it has largely avoided the situation where students mixed into the group and suddenly turned into zombies."

"Wait for Ning Qiang to finish the inspection, we will..." Lin Cheng was waiting, and suddenly he said, "No, Ning Qiang has a wound on her body."

Ning Qiang's previous zombie transformation was caused by Lin Cheng deliberately letting her wound get infected. Although the wound is scarred now, it can still be identified as a new wound.

Then, the senior sister came out from the white cloth, looking a little flustered, and picked up the intercom on the table and said, "A girl with scars was found here. Please take her to Xuefei immediately."

Lin Cheng and the others noticed the movement here and rushed over immediately.

At this time, another student with an intercom came over with several students.

After Lin Cheng came to the cafeteria, he had been checking the students' panels, and the few students who ran over at this time were all elite psychics without exception.

Ning Qiang was a little scared of the current situation and stood up like a frightened bird.

And Lin Cheng stood in front of Ning Qiang and asked, "What do you want to do to Ning Qiang?"

The student holding the intercom frowned at first, then smiled and said, "Don't worry, classmate, we are not trying to hurt her. We want to deal with her safely.

. "

"After yesterday, a large number of zombies appeared in this world. People who are injured by zombies have a certain chance of being infected and becoming zombies. However, as long as the wound is removed before infection, this risk of infection can be avoided. "

Lin Cheng asked: "Remove the infected wound?"

"No, depending on the condition of the wound, a larger area of ​​removal will be performed. For example, this student will have her entire arm removed."

Hearing that her hand was to be cut off, Ning Qiang's pretty face turned pale and said, "Wait, I won't become a zombie, I promise not to, please don't cut off my hand."

However, these people said in a firm tone: "This is the rule here. If you don't want to, please leave the cafeteria and don't pose a threat to other students."

Ning Qiang didn't know what to do and looked at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng asked: "You don't have excellent medical staff here to guarantee Ning Qiang's safety after her arm is cut off, right?"

"Please rest assured about this. After the end of the world, some people will awaken superpowers, and one of us has superpowers that can guarantee her safety. "

After the explanation, these people lost their patience. After all, Ning Qiang was injured and the wound had scarred. They could not guarantee whether Ning Qiang would become a zombie in a moment, so they had to hurry.

"Senior Lin Cheng, I don't want my hand to be cut off..." Ning Qiang said with a crying voice, not having the little devil character of yesterday. Ning Qiang was really scared. It was scary to hear that her hand was cut off.

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand to protect Ning Qiang, and said in the same tone: "I understand, then we will leave immediately."

These people didn't seem to expect Lin Cheng to answer like this. After a moment of silence, the person holding the walkie-talkie said: "Are you sure? It's so dangerous outside now. There should be no place in the school that is safer than here."

"It's decided. Please get out of the way and we will go by ourselves."

"Okay then. "These people had no intention of stopping them, and planned to watch Lin Cheng and the others leave.

But at this moment, a voice sounded.


Two girls came from a distance.

The girl walking in front had no expression on her face. Although her appearance was also beautiful, she was obviously one or two levels lower than An Jing and Ning Qiang.

When this girl walked, she had the demeanor of a superior, which made people focus their attention on her.

Behind her was a beautiful girl who made Lin Cheng's eyes move slightly.

With pure temperament, fair skin, and loose clothes, she exuded a natural and pure aura.

In terms of appearance, she was on par with An Jing and Ning Qiang.

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