Although the three old ghosts were strong and powerful, they obviously lacked wisdom and soon fell into the vast ocean of human wave tactics.

The three evil ghosts thought that the ghosts in the Soul-Snatching Banner were as easy to deal with as before.

But this time was different, after being refined by Zheng Yi into a life-long magic weapon.

The Soul-Snatching Banner and the cultivators were connected in mind and blood, and the ghosts inside became immortal, with their power greatly increased.

The three old ghosts who were stimulated let out a sharp whistle, but were blocked by the black fog of the Soul-Snatching Banner and could not break free for a while.

Zheng Yi could see clearly that the level of these three evil ghosts was still too high.

Although they were trapped in the ghost formation of the Soul-Snatching Banner, their attack was swift and fast, and they could not be surrounded by many evil ghosts.

"The Green-faced Ghost, according to legend, can be upgraded to a powerful Ghost King. Its advantages are its immense strength and swift movements, but its limbs are well-developed and its mind is simple."

"Now it seems to be true. Even if it has practiced Taoism for a hundred years, it is still like a turtle in a jar."

"Let's just fight and see if you three little ghosts are difficult to deal with with the foundation of the Soul-Snatching Banner, but I, the King of Hell, am not a pushover either. Let's see who can outlast whom?"

Relying on his years of vision as a casual cultivator, Zheng Yi immediately grasped the essence of the problem.

His side has the advantage of time, place, and people.

With the Soul-Snatching Banner as the base.

As long as they can outlast the three old ghosts, no matter how strong they are or how deep their Taoism is, they are just turtles in a jar.

So he increased his urging power and activated the Soul-Snatching Banner, providing a steady stream of spiritual support.


In the underground garage, under the leadership of the red-clothed female ghost, the main soul of the Soul-Snatching Banner, dozens of fierce ghosts surrounded and killed the three hundred-year-old green ghosts.

The thick black fog enveloped the place, forming a huge seal. The blockade could not be broken unless the formation of the forty-nine soul-catching ghosts was broken.

The three hundred-year-old green ghosts let out a sharp howl, but they could not get close to Zheng Yi.

The three hundred-year-old green ghosts that appeared in this underground garage should have regarded this place as their nest.

Ghosts are mostly ignorant, bloodthirsty and cruel, so they have a strong sense of territory, just like many wild beasts.

Once the living creatures enter here, the breath of the living will immediately make the ghosts go crazy, so there is a so-called forbidden place for living people.

These three green ghosts have been practicing for a hundred years. The dilapidated underground parking lot is cold and cold. I don’t know how many living people have escaped the pursuit of zombies and died here in the end, and directly became the food in the mouths of the green ghosts.

Sucking blood and drawing souls, peeling skin and refining bones.

Ghosts also need yang energy. The living souls of living people are a great tonic for them. The prey that falls into their hands will not have any good end.

If Zheng Yi was an ordinary Qi training cultivator, even if he was stronger, he would not have a good ending if he fell into the hands of these three green ghosts.

But Zheng Yi chose to join the Soul-Snatching Sect. From the name of this evil sect, it can be seen that they have been dealing with souls and evil spirits all their lives, and the Soul-Snatching Banner is the natural nemesis of all kinds of ghosts.

In addition, Zheng Yi refined the Soul-Snatching Banner into his life-long magic weapon, and formed an army of 7749 evil spirits in the banner. In addition, there is already a main soul in the banner, so it can be said that Zheng Yi has become a force to be reckoned with.

Now the situation has turned around, and the positions between the hunter and the prey have been completely changed.

After all, the three green ghosts attacked Zheng Yi before, but they didn't take him down.

Zheng Yi only used the Soul-Snatching Banner to mobilize the evil spirits in it to attack and resist the attacks of the green ghosts, and he escaped from here calmly.

Now that Zheng Yi has refined his life-long magic weapon, and his realm has been raised by one level, this situation is even less likely to happen.

After his strength increased greatly, Zheng Yi did not hesitate to find trouble with the three hundred-year-old green ghosts, and trapped them in one move.

Only by eliminating these three green ghosts can he safely leave this underground garage, otherwise he will encounter these three evil ghosts again when he travels through next time. No one wants to be on guard all the time and be attacked by ghosts.

Only a thief can be a thief for a thousand days, so how can you guard against thieves for a thousand days?

Moreover, the "green spirit" will be bred in the body of a hundred-year-old green ghost. In a sect like the Soul-Snatching Sect that deals with souls and evil ghosts all year round, these are rare and valuable things, and they are very expensive.

He lived in the inn in Blood Mist Abyss City, and bribed the elder of the Soul-Snatching Sect in the city with a large amount of spirit stones, so that he could obtain the status of an outer disciple of this demon-cultivating sect, plus daily practice, the purchase of the soul-inducing array...

Although his strength increased quickly, it was a large expense every day.

As time goes by, even if the residence right of Xuankong City was sold for 1,300 low-grade spirit stones, it would not be enough to cover the expenses, and sooner or later, the mountain would be empty.

So Zheng Yi must find other ways to increase his income, after all, many of his next actions will require spirit stones to pave the way.

The sects that cultivate magic rarely follow any rules, especially small sects like the Soul-Snatching Sect. If you can bribe the people in power, it will be much easier to plan the follow-up.

These three hundred-year-old green ghosts are directly hit by the gun.

‘Bang! ’

The green ghost is a special type of ghost, and the main type is that it is extremely powerful and as fast as lightning.

These three old ghosts use this underground parking lot as a nest, eat living people and ghosts, and actually practice a hundred years of Taoism for them, which is really amazing.

The fierce ghosts in Zheng Yi's Soul-Snatching Banner are all trained by raising Gu and fighting. Each fierce ghost is the elite among the elite, and after blood sacrifice, the strength has increased by several times compared to before, but it still cannot resist the continuous attack of the green ghost.

However, the Soul-Snatching Banner is now extraordinary. With the main soul, it is equivalent to having a central control.

The main soul is the red-clothed female ghost sitting in charge, and the other Soul-Snatching Banner ghosts are arranged in a formation, completely separating the three hundred-year-old green ghosts.

The three cannot contact each other, let alone cooperate with each other, which greatly reduces the chances of the three green ghosts joining forces to break out.

And it took only two minutes for a green ghost to tear apart a Soul-Snatching Banner ghost. Its strength is so strong that it is worthy of "hundred-year Taoism".

Of course, this hundred-year Taoism is actually false.

These three green ghosts just ate too many resentful spirits and the essence of living people. They seem powerful, but they are weak inside. They are not the kind of hundred-year-old ghosts that have been baptized by the years, and they do not have enough foundation to bring out their Taoism.

At best, they can only be regarded as beasts with strong strength.

This is also the reason why Zheng Yi dared to stroke the tiger's whiskers.

With its strength, the green ghost went crazy and tore the evil ghosts in front of it. It just saw a passage to break out of the encirclement.

When it was about to move out, a red dress flashed by, and the blood-red ghost energy condensed like substance, turning into a long red silk and colliding with the claws of the old ghost.

The red-clothed female ghost, the main soul of the soul-catching banner, flew backwards as if hit hard.

But the momentum of the hundred-year-old green ghost was also blocked. When the hundred-year-old green ghost wanted to move forward again, it was blocked by another evil ghost.

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