
A tavern in an unknown alley in a border town. ζSee↑ba↑Read↑Booksζ

This tavern looks very inconspicuous, and the interior decoration is also unremarkable. There are only a few customers in the tavern, most of them are drunken people.

The bell attached to the door number rang, and a handsome young man wearing a neat dress and light blue bangs walked into this inconspicuous tavern.

The boss, who was lying on the counter and snoring, raised his head in a daze.

Oh, Mr. Gao is really on time every day.

Well, as usual, a full glass of beer. Gordon smiled and sat down at the counter.

How is Boss Zhao's business lately?

Oh, what else can I do? Just live my life. My old bones will never see the light of day. I can't compare to you young people who are just born in the morning sun. Boss Zhao said with a smile and put away a few crooked sticks. Wine glasses on the counter and into the background.

Gordon casually twirled out the neatly stacked newspapers beside the counter, which seemed to be the newspapers he had just bought this morning.

A news headline with bold black letters caught his attention.

'Shock! The demonic invasion has come to an end, the pioneer knights are innocent, and the truth is so horrifying! ? ’

There are piles of densely packed words below, half of which describe the fairness and impartiality of the temple's judgment, and the other quarter analyzing the so-called general trend and necessity.

Gordon picked it up and read it, and he roughly understood it. He roughly explained the aftermath of the trial the day before yesterday. The Pioneer Knight was acquitted, and the real situation was revealed. It was said that a certain manager of the Brilliant Knights in the border town colluded with the knight captain. They attempted rebellion, but failed and blamed it on the Pioneer Knights. The truth was revealed first, and the minister had captured them and killed them on the spot.

This world is becoming more and more unfriendly to the common people. Even the Brilliant Knights have a mole. I don't know what benefits these traitors have received from the devil... Boss Zhao walked away with a glass full of foaming beer. Arrived at the counter.

Gordon smiled and without making too many comments, he picked up the big wine glass and drank the wine in one gulp.

Boss Zhao, where is Xiao Yu? Why haven't you seen the child?

She... is sitting on the couch on the second floor basking in the sun. I'm really sorry for this child. When mentioning this, Boss Zhao smiled bitterly, feeling depressed for a while.

Then child, are you feeling better?

...I seem to be feeling better.

Excuse me, can you go up and see her?

Oh, okay, that girl doesn't have many friends, she can only talk to you...


On the second floor of the tavern, a little girl who looked no older than fifteen was sitting on the balcony. Her delicate and delicate facial features made her look like a quiet porcelain doll.

Xiao Yu seemed to be afraid of the cold. She was wearing a dress and a blanket. Her long black hair was scattered on the ground. There was no luster in her two beautiful black eyes, which were even hollow.

As usual, Xiaoyu, who was enjoying the sunbathing at noon, suddenly felt someone gently put his hand on his shoulder.

Brother Gao? Is that you?

Oh? I haven't spoken yet, and you recognize him now? Gordon smiled and pinched Xiaoyu's tender face.

I'm already fifteen, brother Gao, don't treat me like a child, okay?~ Xiao Yu pouted, seeming to be a little dissatisfied with Gao Deng's actions.

Haha, what dreams did Xiaoyu have? For example, to become a dancer or something?

No... Xiaoyu shook her head like a rattle.

Huh? Really not?

...If anything, I want to take a look at Brother Gordon.

Hehehe, let's see if Brother Gordon is as handsome as I imagined. Xiaoyu smiled jokingly.

Is this your dream? Is it too small? What can I see? Gordon said jokingly.

No... this is an unattainable dream for me. Xiao Yu turned her head and looked at Gordon with her dull and empty eyes.

Xiaoyu, I'm on your left.

Eh? Really? Oh oh. Xiao Yu then turned her head to Gordon.

This dream is not far away at all. Didn't Lao Zhao always say that if you bask in the sun every day, your eyes will see the light again one day?

Pfft...Does Brother Gao Deng actually believe the fairy tale made up by his father? Xiao Yu has long since stopped believing it. Xiao Yu covered her mouth and smiled.

Then why do you still bask in the sun every day? Isn't this just a fluke?

... Xiaoyu said nothing.

Boss Zhao, he's not telling lies. I can see in your eyes that you've almost recovered. Gordon smiled gently.

Mr. Gordon, it is very unethical to lie to a disabled person.

Haha, I never lie. Gordon gently stroked Xiao Yu's soft head, closed his eyes, and sang a song like the warm sun in winter with heavy bass and overlapping notes.

“Uar e, veda en de senct deittet vebis acaete vastre…”

Soft warm colors

The halo bloomed in Gordon's palm, and the light elements poured into Xiao Yu's lusterless eyes one after another, like an elf with only intelligence, detecting something...

Xiaoyu, be good

Dream, after waking up is the beginning of your life. Gorden stroked the girl who closed her eyes and fell into sleep, and walked down from the attic.

... After a while.

...Eh? Are you asleep?...Brother Gordon, are you still there? Xiao Yu opened her eyes as usual. This was a meaningless move for her.

However, this time, when she opened her eyes, she was greeted by the dazzling sunlight outside the window.

The bustling streets, the scorching sun, the red building tiles, the bell tower ringing in the distance, these colorful colors and the colorful expressions of passers-by were all clearly presented in my eyes.

This, this is... Looking at it, a trace of tears flashed in Xiaoyu's eyes.


So, what kind of person is the leader?

... Lan Yi suddenly fell silent. a pigeon, a cold killer, decisive in killing, without any emotion, and also has a sinister attribute, and is controlled by daughters...

Hearing what you said, I suddenly felt so dangerous... Ji Bai frowned slightly.

That was before, but now... just go in by yourself, and you will know when you go in. Lan Yi turned around and left without explaining too much.

...Why does this building look a bit like a vampire? Doesn't the central management office look like it was built like this? Ji Bai frowned and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly.

The bat statues adorning the eaves made him feel like he was back in prison.

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