Blood Princess and the Knight

35~Unintentional crime


Science is actually basic magic. Then, things that cannot be explained by science are equivalent to things that cannot be explained by basic magic. Looking at it this way, isn’t it?

Therefore, everything has two sides. When looking at some unscientific supernatural phenomenon, one cannot make a hasty judgment. The truth is often shrouded in an unknown place.

...Is this the crime you want to plead guilty to? The member of the Disciplinary Committee meticulously recorded Ji Bai's remarks and looked at Ji Bai like a prisoner.

I still said what I said. I didn't molest an underage girl at all. It was the teleportation scroll that brought me there. In the final analysis, it was a misunderstanding. Across the glass, Ji Bai sat in the custody room with a look of helplessness on his face.

Who gave you the teleportation scroll?? the disciplinary officer asked expressionlessly.

That... my friend gave it to me. Ji Bai Yuanmu.

Your friend? Is he a student of our school? Why did he give you such a thing?

Alas... Boy, have you ever had a dream? Ji Bai sighed.


I have had a great but unattainable dream since I was a child... that is to become a sprinter, but I have no talent or skills. Ji Bai took a sip of tea with regret.

The Disciplinary Department member fell silent, acquiescing to Ji Bai to continue speaking.

Until that day, my friend came to my home. He tested my scores and said to me seriously that it is difficult to improve your level. The only way to go is not to leave. The ordinary road...commonly known as cheating.

The disciplinary officer frowned.

So, he demonstrated that using this scroll, I can achieve my long-standing dream...I accept that this is what happened. After Ji Bai finished speaking, his face was full of melancholy.

I can understand how you feel.

Hmm? Really?

I admire your spirit of telling lies with your eyes open, but if you use it to tease me, it may be a bit insulting to my IQ, right? The member gave Ji Bai a meaningful look.

No, no, how could it be?? This is really a misunderstanding. Although what I said was a bit outrageous, the central idea has always been clear, right?

Damn, aren't you just pretending to be a bitch in front of your juniors? The cost of this b is a bit high?

Ha! The teleportation scroll was transported to the bed of the girls' dormitory without death?? Even if you tell the trolls, you may not believe this! the member sneered.

Just wait, the Discipline Minister will be here soon. She has zero tolerance for gangsters like you!

Before he finished speaking, a girl with a long red ponytail, a black knight uniform, and an expressionless face opened the door and walked in. Behind her was a little girl wearing a hood who was playing with s.

The girl had a beautiful face and a well-developed body, but she was obviously not comparable to a certain vampire cow that Ji Bai knew. The most eye-catching thing was the two pairs of red horns on the girl's forehead that resembled cow horns.

The Red Demon Clan... Ji Bai narrowed his eyes.

Minister. The disciplinary officer stood up quickly.

The student who committed the crime of obscenity, that scumbag, is he? The girl looked at Ji Bai with emotionless eyes.

That's right, it's this guy with a rogue look on his face. The victim is a pitiful, weak and helpless little lolita with gorgeous cat ears...

Hey, hey, what's going on with these weird adjectives? Ji Bai complained, unable to listen to the strong-sounding words of Mary Sue, the second middle school student.

It's just a routine matter. This victim's self-report form was filled out by the victim himself. The member curled his lips.

Did you do it? The red-haired girl looked at Ji Bai expressionlessly. She didn't show how angry or angry she was. She just looked at him without emotion, but It can be felt that a sun is burning behind the girl, like a fierce torture.

I did it, but it was definitely not what I wanted. This was a misunderstanding. Ji Bai returned her look indifferently.

Yes. The red-haired girl looked at Ji Bai for a moment, then said to the members, Let him out.

Eh? The staff members were all confused, and some of them didn't understand why their minister let the molester get away so easily.

Actually, I really hope you really want to do this. When passing by the red-haired girl, Ji Bai heard her subtle voice.

A crime is a crime, there is no redemption... Isn't it a sin to commit an unintentional crime? You hurt others, but you stand on the highest point of morality. I really hate you humans. After that, the red-haired girl did not hesitate. walked out the door.

Ji Bai stayed where he was, frowning slightly.

Pah! An unexpected hand knife struck Ji Bai's head hard.


You kid, you know how to cause trouble all day long, and now you want me to redeem you, isn't it troublesome? Lan Yi's voice penetrated Ji Bai's eardrums.

Eh? Why are you here?

Nonsense, can you get out if I don't come? Haha, come with me.

Eh? Where are you going? Ji Bai rubbed his head, his face full of confusion.

Go meet the leader of our knights. Speaking of which, you haven't seen her yet...

The Knights of the Moon

long? Why should I go to see her?

Lan Yi looked at Ji Bai as if he were looking at zz.

The molestation case within the Knights is rare in a century.

, do you think it was us who had the final say to bring about such a big thing? ?


Okay, stop inking and come with me. Lan Yi said and walked to the front.

Aren't you going to ask me the details of this matter?

Why are you asking? I know it's not what you want to do subjectively. Otherwise, Ke'er, who sleeps in the same bed with you, would have been walking with his hands on the wall. Lan Yi said calmly.

But isn't it a sin to commit a crime unintentionally? Some things are far from as simple as you think.

...I know I was wrong. Ji Bai lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

Okay, okay, you can go talk to the leader about this, but don't be too nervous, that guy won't care about this... It's just a procedure, by the way, be careful what you say when the time comes. The identity of the leader It's a bit special, she has a mother-daughter relationship with a classmate you can't get along with, Lan Yi said.

...Mother and daughter?? For some reason, Ji Bai felt a strange feeling.

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