Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 51~You are not a knight, but you are everyone’s knight (Part 2)

The realm of God is beginning to collapse.

why is that?

I think that Baland's reckoning has probably reached the final moment. Bai Jin frowned and looked at the indifferent god, and the sphere in his hand gradually began to crack.

The so-called world reset is to completely destroy the world from the inside out and then rebuild it, and with it, the realm of God will be destroyed.

It's too late...

At this moment, Barland.

No! News just came from the central control room that the air defense barrier has been stretched to its limit! A guard rushed into the tense room.

How long can I last? Yana's expression remained unchanged after she had calmed down, but if you looked closely, you could see that her fingers were trembling.

Probably, less than five minutes...

I know, back off.

Yes... Zero Seven Chinese updated.

Yana took a deep breath and stood up. She had never been so solemn as she was now. Everyone, I am honored to be able to advance and retreat with you in the end.

Everyone present was silent.

At this point in time, everyone knows the result.

For the sentient beings of Baland to face the gods alone, Her Majesty the Queen did a great job... It's just a pity that we can't let this good story spread. Gordon sighed.

Now, it's our turn. Huo Lei beat his chest. While others are fighting for us, we can only sit at home. It's a shame.

We will probably go to see Her Majesty the Queen soon. Tina smiled, calm and calm, full of open-mindedness and calmness. Anyway, nice to meet you all.

Then let's drink and have fun in the next life. Landrito raised a glass of fine wine and drank it down.

You guys are really in the mood to drink now? The wooden tenon on the side gave Landri a elbow.

If you don't drink, won't you have no chance? Do you really have to wait for the next life to drink?

Mu Yan thought about it and thought it made sense, so he also picked up the wine glass and filled it for himself.

Then, I can't treat myself badly. At least I can savor the taste of wine on the way. The moment Huo Lei picked up the wine glass, the earth trembled.

A big hole was torn in the sky, like a scene from mythology about the end of the world.

Tsk, it's too late. Huo Lei helplessly looked at the wine spilled on the floor. This moment seemed to be frozen in Baland's eternity.

Everyone who had made all preparations unexpectedly discovered that when the next lesson came, the meteorite still did not hit their heads.

Don't, don't give up... Xiao Sha struggled to support herself, and saw a purple-gold lotus barrier propped up outside the Blood Spirit Palace. Don't give up until the last moment...

In the realm of God, Bai Jin stared blankly at the sphere that should have completely collapsed, but it actually stopped breaking apart. Just because of that inconspicuous position, an inconspicuous little lotus flower was born.

Bai Jin knew who it was, and also knew that this would be Baland's last moment.

They can't sustain the message they're sending out for much longer.

Bai Jin was extremely anxious, but defeating the gods in this small amount of time was a complete fantasy. Even the Holy Knight couldn't do it. Lilina, we lost. Bai Ji put down her sword and squatted on the ground dejectedly.

Did you lose? Lilina looked at the giant god from a distance, picked up Jin Xun, and threw it to Bai Jin. Bai Ji, you dropped something.

What's the use of this thing?

Bai Ji, chivalry has always been an abstract and not concrete concept. No one knows what the spirit of chivalry specifically refers to. Lilina leaned down and sat in front of Bai Ji.

What does the ultimate chivalry mean? Although I am not a real Bai Ming, I don't think it is as rigid as the stereotype.

Qi Tu is also a human being, isn't he?

I'm no longer a knight.

Isn't it really true? Lilina tilted her head. Perhaps the emotion required by this gold medal is not the spirit of knighthood, but a certain spirit of knighthood.

The spirit of a knight includes love for family and dedication to friends, and these have always been the highlights of you, Baiji, haven't they?

In a broad sense, you are no longer a knight, but in front of your family and friends, and even the sentient beings of Baland, you are the true knight in their hearts.

You are not a knight, but you are a knight to everyone.

I...? Bai Jin held Jin Xun in her hand. As her expression gradually became clearer, Jin Xun gradually bloomed with a dazzling brilliance.

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