Blood Princess and the Knight

30~ Recognition (Part 2)

Wait, you all calm down. Nim, who had been listening next to him, finally figured out what was going on.

Recalling Bai Ji's previous words to defend her situation, such as 'There is a soul in our body', 'We are trying to save her' and 'This is not what you imagined', Nimu figured it out.

Miss Yana, put down the knife quickly... Miss, what do you call me? After comforting Yana, Nim asked Bai Jin in a very respectful tone.

My name is Bai...oh, now, my name is Lilina.

Okay, Miss Lilina, are you really sure that Her Majesty Bai Ji is your mother? Nim stopped Yana who was about to say something.

Well, I'm sure, because Bai Ji has already embraced me for the first time. Lilina calmly dropped another bombshell at the scene.

After all, I'm just a remnant soul and can't transform. Bai Ji can only take this method to give me a new body and life. Well, that's what she seemed to have said at the beginning. Lilia checked her body. My body feels a little strange.

I am not white-haired, and I have not become a vampire. The big lump in front of my chest does not look like the standard of a royal family, but more similar to my original body.

One thing to say, she was used to holding such a big weapon, and she really wanted to try the feeling of being able to see her toes at a glance.

... Everyone was silent. Read the latest chapters on Baidu Search 38 Reading.

Then, now we can confirm our identity. Nimu saluted Lilina. This salute was not a common courtesy or a salute to express respect, but a higher level of courtesy for a monarch and his ministers.

Chief Elder Nim, please see Your Excellency Princess Lilina.

See you, princess. With Nim taking the lead, the other ministers also bowed their heads and saluted.

Eh? Princess or something? Seeing so many people giving her gifts, Lilina looked like she was in trouble. Can you please stop calling me that? I'm not used to it.

It will be fine when you get used to it. Nim said naturally, looking at the somewhat overwhelmed Lilina with a smile, just like an elder looking at a new junior.

This is too messy. Among the vampires, only Yana looked at Lilina with a complicated expression.

Although she had previously vowed to pat her breasts and say that she would treat her sister's child as her own, the contrast may be too great. She thought of a newborn as pure white as paper and ignorant of the world, not in this way. form

Maybe she hasn't converted yet.

What is your highness Yana struggling with? Tina held Yana's hand from behind.

As you can see, this child's etiquette is very decent. It is obvious that His Majesty, who has personally taught her through words and deeds, has intended to make her his heir a long time ago. Don't His Highness still believe in His Majesty Bai Ji's vision?

Yes, what am I thinking about. Yana suddenly understood. Although it's a little different from what I imagined, it will be the imperial sister's child after all.

You said that Her Majesty Bai Ji gave you a new life, but before that, did you have your own name? the female elder asked curiously.

Well, yes, I used to say, well, everyone seemed to call me Bai Ming. For more exciting books, please go to 38 Reading.

Ah?! Before the words could be finished, Ji Yue's screams filled the entire hall before the vampires could react.

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