Blood Princess and the Knight

22~Bai Ji VS Sinner (1) (Part 1)

It is calling, and everyone can only remain silent. It is moving, the strong wind is howling, and thousands of waves are crashing. It rises from the ocean level, and a drop of water that falls is a heavy rain.

It looked up to the sky and screamed, the voice that could not be recognized by mortals split the sky into two, and the black mist rose and covered its face. In other words, it is impossible to recognize a creature of this level with mortal eyes, and can only rely on vague The outline identifies its general shape.

Thick whirlpools occupy the blue sky, and black mist sweeps across the earth. The lonely city hit by the black waves is like the last swaying reed in the storm, inconspicuous, as if it will be uprooted in the next moment.

Tentacles as thick as a bell tower rose from the sea level, forming a dense jungle.

The silver-haired girl sitting on the scythe burning with red lotus was small but calm and collected. She looked calmly at the alien god who was close at hand as the mountain collapsed in front of her without changing her expression.

Well, we haven't seen each other for two eras. Do you remember us? Bai Ji grinned.

The only thing that responded to her was the city wall that began to twist and deform, the air that became increasingly anxious, and the roaring sea. 38Reading is the only website with the fastest updates for this novel.

Invisibly, it put pressure on Bai Ji.

This reaction, it seems you remember us. Bai Ji pursed her lips. But it doesn't matter if you don't remember, as long as we remember you.

Our hometown was destroyed by you twice, and you escaped unscathed each time. It's not fair to just not show up. Bai Ji spun the sickle in a circle. Since you don't plan to continue being a coward, are you ready? Our sickle misses you very much.

Solanya, Ratsambo. The sinner spoke. No, it was not 'speaking'. Creatures of this level can understand any form of inferior language, and can also directly convey the meaning they want to convey. into the minds of other creatures.

You have hindered me too many times. The eyes without eyelids flickered, conveying what they wanted to express through brain waves.

Since they were not expressed in words, Bai Ji did not feel the ups and downs in these words.

I am only one step away from becoming a god. The stumbling block must be removed.

I see, it's just as we guessed. Bai Ji revealed. You are indeed not a real god. You can only be regarded as a false god at most.

Similar to the participants of Ultimate Black and Immaculate White, you also came to Barand in order to become a god, but you are worse than them. You can only get the tickets by stealing.

Bai Ji also wanted to understand in her heart that the so-called sinner was just another powerful devouring species, no different from the ones she met in Extreme Black. They were all a group of greedy creatures who gave up their mortal nature for the sake of divine nature.

It's just that this Devouring Species named Sin Lord is larger and scarier than the other Devouring Species, but other than that, there is no difference. To view more exciting books, please go to Zero Seven Chinese

You can think so. The huge black shadow continued to communicate with Bai Ji through the radio waves. As a creature of the same level as me, I don't mind telling you a few more words. You can't defeat me.

My converts and admirers are spread across every corner of Baland. Why are the monuments you have traced so uniform and without any deviation? Because they were all forged by my subordinates, with the purpose of seducing you. To guide you in the direction of today.”

Yes, the key to the world, the ultimate black and the pure white, as well as the so-called mainland prophecies, all this information and knowledge are deliberately told to you by my subordinates. He couldn't feel any emotional fluctuations, but Bai Mr. Ji felt that the monster in front of him was laughing at him.

When a disaster is imminent, the solution to save the world falls from the sky and falls on your head. How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Unless someone does it deliberately. ≤全-网≥




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So, so what? Bai Ji held the sickle and looked at the sinner coldly.

Don't you understand yet? Everything was within my expectations. How could I let you surpass me?

The sinner sneered. The devouring power you currently hold has just reached an embarrassing threshold. Within this threshold, you cannot defeat me.

The role you play in this script is just to bring the swallowing energy to me that is inconvenient for me to get.

Oh, really. Bai Ji swung her sickle and cut off the surrounding tentacles trying to get closer.

Are you still going to continue to struggle? It's meaningless.

Then, does it make sense to become the nourishment of your ugly monster? Bai Ji sneered. We won't do such stupid things as setting an upper limit on our thoughts. We have been waiting for this day for so many years, and the hatred between the two of us cannot be resolved with this simple sentence!

We are not used to setting upper limits, we only like to set lower limits, that is, we can cut you into squid pieces anytime and anywhere. This is the lowest limit of our planning.

It's really strange. The Sinner expressed doubts. It's clear that your aura has entered the realm of divinity, but why are your thoughts still so similar to those of mortals? Is it just your body that has evolved, not your brain and soul?

Spiritual thinking? That kind of needless, rigid and mechanical thing is too boring. What we want is just power, but we don't want the whole person to become a robot that follows the steps and doesn't know how to adapt.

Not to the end

In the end, we still don’t know who will win. By the way, although it was our first time to eat squid meat, we still liked it quite a lot. Bai Ji bared her fangs, and Ratsambo's reluctance to admit defeat was clearly reflected in her body.

In that case. The sinner's voice seemed to be submerged in the violent waves.

Both parties understood that there was no room for negotiation.

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