
The card instantly transformed into a small box with exquisite packaging. A spring glove popped out of the small box, and Bai Ming, who had just been released from confinement, flew out.

[The Blasphemer’s Hand Card: Prank Box]

Bang! Bai Ming was bounced to the position arranged by Bai Ji in advance, where the card was placed.

[Desecrator's hand card: fixed]

The jelly-like cuticle wrapped Bai Ming, and the latter fell into a state of being unable to move again.

Miss Bai Ming, you lose. Bai Ji smiled sweetly, put the sickle aside, pulled out two silver revolvers, walked to her, and pointed it at her forehead.

Along with the sound of the gun, the same harsh dang-dang sound came next.

Tsk, how could it be possible? Bai Ji took a breath as she looked at the dark armor blocking the trajectory of the bullet.

I can’t move my body, but can I still control my natal weapon?

She was not allowed to think too much. The next moment, Bai Ming lifted the fixed restrictions.

Without thinking, Bai Ji swung the sickle, and the blade tip penetrated a card. The penetrated card shattered into pieces and disappeared forever, and the sickle was dyed red by the bright red released when the card was shattered.

This is another way of breaking cards. It uses the awakened [Gutmara] to pierce the hand cards, and absorbs the divine energy released when the hand cards are broken, which greatly strengthens [Gutmara].

Before Bai Ming can fully recover, use the strengthened [Gutmala] to penetrate her turtle shell!

Bang! The sickle did not fall on the armor, but on Bai Ming's gauntlet, and a large number of sparks burst out.

[Sword Skill: Counterattack Gauntlet]

[Gutmara] was ejected, and Bai Ji, who was frozen, still had the stunned look on her face from the previous moment.

The sharp edge comes quietly.

[Sword Skill: Headhunter]

The blade of the sword rotated in a circle against Bai Ji's neck. Bai Ming wiped off the blood on the blade. Behind him, Bai Ji's body fell softly to the ground, and something like a ball rolled to the ground.

[The blasphemer’s hand card: life should not be cut off]

Ahem, hoo, hoo. The 'resurrected' Bai Ji touched her neck in shock. At the last moment, the feeling of her head being easily severed by a sword gave her lingering fear.

The sword skill of Headhunter is obviously not an advanced sword skill. If it were Baland, even a knight who stepped into the temple would not bother to learn it. Why did it turn into a destructive killer in her hands? trick?

If it weren't for the fact that he was destined to die, the blow just now would have killed him instantly!

You don't know enough about swords. Bai Ming said slowly. The ultimate trick is to use the simplest moves to the extreme. That's the ultimate trick.

Stop preaching! You should take care of yourself first. Bai Ji, who had regained consciousness, sneered. Don't think we don't know. The counterattack gauntlet attack requires the hardness and endurance of the blade. It can bounce back any attack, but the blade can withstand ten times the impact on your behalf. The strengthened [Gutmara] can It's not covered, which means... your weapon is gone.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ming's sword broke into two halves.

Ah, this is bad. Although Bai Ming said this, he did not show any bad expression or appearance at all.

Oh, how are you going to fight us after losing your weapon? Bai Ji laughed as she looked at Bai Ming who carefully wrapped up the broken sword and put it aside.

Yes, she was far inferior to Bai Ming in close combat, but a knight without a sword was nothing to fear.

Bai Ji thought confidently.

Bai Ji, do you know how I recognized your identity at a glance?

I don't know...why are you telling us this? Bai Ji faintly sensed something was wrong.

Because you carry two swords that I am relatively familiar with. Bai Ming said solemnly. Although they are now your property, my sword is broken and cannot be used. So, can I borrow it from you?

Borrow it from us? Your brain isn't burned out, is it? Bai Ji looked at Bai Ming amusedly. We are doing this just to destroy your sword and let you borrow it? Then what is the meaning of our previous behavior? It's funny, this is a duel, a life and death duel, do you think we will be stupid enough to lend you the sword??

Bai Ji was stuck before she finished speaking.

Two swords, a tattered black sword and a purple sword entwined with roses, came out of her body and fell lightly into Bai Ming's hands.

??? You, you guys?! Bai Ji's two beautiful eyes widened, she pointed at Bai Ming, and then pointed at the two swords in Bai Ming's hands. She was shocked and angry, and she didn't know what to do for a moment. Say something.

It seems that the two of them are more willing to help me than you. Bai Ming's voice without any emotion was particularly harsh in Bai Ji's ears at this moment.

She glared at the two swords and yelled angrily after arguing for a long time. Traitor! You two idiots! White-eyed wolves! Don't you know who treats you well??

So, Bai Ji, are you ready? Bai Ming, holding two swords, seemed to have returned to his heyday at this moment, the invincible paladin who defeated the Asian gods.

Damn it... Bai Ji was so angry that she had already begun to make strategic arrangements in her heart.

Powang and Yuehuang were originally Bai Ming's weapons. There was no doubt that she knew how to use these two divine swords with different attributes better than herself.

Bai Ming, who had already found it difficult to make a comeback, obtained the weapon he once had, which made him even more powerful and even more difficult.

Dealt with it.

Seeing Bai Ming confronting her, Bai Ji felt an infinite sense of powerlessness in her heart.

Calm down, calm down, no matter how strong a person is, there are flaws, you must be calm

Since there is a huge disparity in strength, then try to put her into an abnormal state, and then take advantage of her most vulnerable moment to kill her with one blow!

Bai Ji made a plan.

As for those two young men, hum! It’s not too late to settle accounts in the future!

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