Blood Princess and the Knight

20~Unfinished purchases


Ke'er, be good~ I'll feed you. Xiao Sha smiled sweetly and put the small rice spoon she had lifted to Ke'er's mouth.

Uh-huh~ But I'm almost full.

Uh-huh~ Just eat a piece, hold it in your mouth for a while and spit it out. This is my personal preference.

e, okay. Ke'er, who was not good at rejecting others, couldn't stand Xiaosha's cuteness and pity Erlian. Besides, she even risked her life to save her.

I still have a good impression of this savior Ke'er, so I just pushed him to the right and obeyed.

Hey~! Ke'er is the most well-behaved and the best! Xiaosha rubbed Ke'er's head and pouted provocatively towards Ji Bai, who was sitting on the sofa not far away.

Is this girl trying to antagonize me on purpose? ? The corner of Ji Bai's mouth twitched.

Although there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart, Ji Bai felt relieved after thinking that this was just some friendly interaction between the two kittens.

He is also a grown man and is too lazy to be angry with a little girl.

Watching the two kittens on the dining table feeding each other, Ji Bai felt that his chest was a little clogged, and he had an indescribable feeling.

It was as if the seasoning in the kitchen had been spilled. It was so complicated that Ji Bai didn't know whether he should hold a small flag and rice popcorn and shout Lily is infinitely good, or calmly take a puff of cigarette and experience all kinds of life. Say something: this damn love.

Ding dong ding dong~ the doorbell rang.

Uh-huh? What day is it today? Why do so many people come to visit?

Ji Bai felt a little surprised. He was just a newbie here. He didn't know his way around the campus. He didn't know many people. He didn't tell anyone where he lived. So, who would knock on the door of his dormitory? ?

Click. Ψ Zero Seven Chinese Ψ opened the door, revealing a pair of burgundy eyes that were emotionless and emotionless.

Ji Bai looked at him for a moment with no expression on his face.

Who are you looking for?

The owner of the eyes said nothing and looked at Ji Bai quietly.

So, how did you know that I live here? Ji Bai narrowed his eyes.

Teacher Lin Tuo. Lin said calmly.

What do you want to see me for? Ji Bai went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Naturally, Ji Bai would not naively think that this parasite came to express feelings for her. She came to him either as a last resort or because her instructor asked her by name. of.

Can you go in and talk?

The cockroach nest is very shabby. If your feet are dirty, please tell me and I will clean them for you. With that said, Ji Bai opened the door.

Excuse me. Not paying attention to Ji Bai's sarcastic words, Lin bowed slightly and stepped into the door.

I'm sorry, I don't have any slippers here anymore, and I didn't buy shoe covers. Miss, please help yourself. Ji Bai spread his hands calmly.

It's okay, I'm prepared. Lin took out a pair of small pink slippers from the bag she was carrying, replaced her canvas shoes, and put her black silk-covered feet into the slippers.

I actually bring my own slippers when I visit, okay, okay, I’m impressed by this.

Eh? Sister Lin, why are you here too? Xiaosha tilted her head in confusion, frowned for a moment, and turned her eyes to Ji Bai.

Huh?? Ji Bai expressed confusion about Xiaosha's gaze.

Oops! Xiao Sha looked at Ji Bai as if she were looking at garbage.

What did I do to make you angry? Ji Bai felt confused.

Hmph!~Three beautiful girls with proud figures came to your house in a daze. Uncle Xianshi, did you perform some evil ritual behind your back?

You've seen too many porn movies, haven't you? I didn't ask you to come here. Also, don't fish in troubled waters and include yourself in the category of 'arrogant'.

Yeah, yeah! Uncle stinky, if you stop saying a few words, will you die? Believe it or not, I will bite you! Xiao Sha showed her fangs in an extremely vicious manner.

Hello, sister Lin. Ke'er greeted obediently.

Yes, Gui'an. Lin nodded.

Okay, now that we're done with the household chores, you should tell me why you came to see me, right? Ji Bai raised his eyebrows.

Purchasing. Lin said expressionlessly.

Huh? After hearing this, Ji Bai felt that the sun was setting in the east.

Purchasing? Looking for me? Are you sure you didn't find the wrong person?

Mr. Cockroach, it's time to drink melatonin and take vitamins. That day, our purchase was not completed. Lin rolled her eyes in a rare move.

Fuck! Ji Bai covered his forehead.

Does it have to be today?? Today is Sunday, and all the gangsters are on holiday, okay?

Lin didn't say anything, just looked at the grumbling Ji Bai quietly.

Okay, I understand, let's make a quick decision, let's go.

Wait a minute. Lin called to Ji Bai who was walking out.

what happened again?

Are you going to go out wearing this? Lin looked at Ji Bai in front of her, who was shirtless and wearing a pair of large red pants.

Yeah, what's the matter? Traveling lightly, there is a simplicity in it.

How great would it be to pierce through all the hypocrisy and simplicity?

Put this on. Lin took out a set of fabrics from the bag and threw it to Ji Bai.

?? Did you buy it? Looking at the brand new set of dark blue jacket and trousers in his hand, Ji Bai asked


Cockroaches and peacocks are not the same species, so how can they learn to open their tails? Lin tilted her head expressionlessly.

Tch, I know it's impossible, so is this suit?

You didn't get the school uniform in time, so the instructor asked me to send it to you.

Uniforms? ? Don’t the members of the Knights wear formal clothes? What the hell is a school uniform?

Although Ji Bai had a thousand things to complain about in his heart, this school uniform was like giving timely help to him who was running out of ammunition and food.

Okay, okay, the female parasite is also a female, can you go and avoid it first? Ji Bai shook the clothes in his hands.

Get dressed, I'll wait for you outside the door. After saying that, Lin walked out of the room.

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