The reason why everyone is dissatisfied is that they are worried that one company will

Big, stabbing someone in the back, who can swallow this power?

Whoever is there will become a new thorn in the side and the target of public criticism.

I don’t think any of you want to lose your life because of temporary gain.

Bar. Hei's words made it clear what was at stake, and everyone fell silent.

Got it

Since no one is worried about handing it over to anyone, it's better to

Give this power temporarily to the lowest among us

Let her keep the Devourer temporarily so that everyone can

There won't be any objections, right? Don't let the wealth go to outsiders.

Well. Hei turned his attention to the two inconspicuous people at the end of the team.

And along with his behavior, everyone was also very consistent

He moved his gaze to the end of the team.

Just like that, watching a show and eating melons happily, only in

In an instant, Bai Ji became an animal for viewing.

...She silently put down the melon in her hand, her head

Several question marks popped up.

Being at the end of the team, I didn't get involved in this mess.

Water, how come it’s your turn to do this?

According to what you said, it seems that is indeed the case...

The short-haired man looked at Bai Ji. The woman wearing the mask

Not to mention, this girl really doesn’t seem to have any special characteristics.

Except for the pair of pointed ears that are a bit weird.

This should be a racial trait, not a divine trait

Zheng, I have observed that this little girl’s level is definitely at

Under twenty is correct. Hei looked around. Please

Let me ask you, are there any of you who are below 20 levels?

If there is, this devouring power can be given to

You, no one will say anything

We are all smart people. What kind of imposter is this?

Chang, don't you need me to tell you? Hei glanced at the body being chopped into pieces.

A few dollars, a man who died violently.

Everyone looked at each other, and those who coveted the corpse also

He withdrew his gaze angrily.

If you are found to have bad intentions, you will lose your life.

The best result is that they who understand this truth will not

I can’t think about the ownership of the energy consumed by a corpse.

Get through this simple question.

Besides... Hei said a lot, so I'll keep it for now.

That's right, it's just for temporary storage. The money won't flow out.

As an outsider, this power is only temporarily given to her.

, who knows whether she can keep it in the end.

After a while of silence, everyone said they had no intention

See, this proposal is passed.


Can we refuse? Bai Ji raised her hand.

Just kidding, everyone knows these are useless and can’t afford to be early

The guy gave up this devouring energy so easily to

It's just my own bad intentions.

I am the lowest level being in this team, no

It is possible to absorb a portion of the energy and jump to the highest level.

If you can't afford to talk nonsense, it will only add unnecessary hatred.

speed and attention, then anyone who is unhappy will be able to find him at will

An excuse to kill yourself like a pig.

Bai Ji is not an idiot, how could she not know that Bai Ji

This is a storage that you can deposit and withdraw at any time.

Box? Used.

Among the ferocious beasts, the first to die

Often not the weakest, but the most eye-catching

Bai Ji understands this truth, and so does everyone else.

Yes, the members of Devourer who were still hesitant before saw this

Situation, they immediately colluded and fought against Bai Ji step by step.

I said, little girl, what do you mean?

When we were fighting life and death, you did nothing and stood by.

Watching the show, now giving away the fruits of labor for no reason

You, you don’t want this? It’s too disrespectful.

That's right, you get something for nothing. There is such a thing in this world.

Is it such a comfortable thing? Just lie down and watch it being swallowed

Are you not happy with your level rising slowly?

I'll give you a piece of advice, young man, don't fail

Just fun. The Devourers with different looks are aggressive.

They have only one meaning: you can take over this devouring power

You have to accept it even if you accept it, and you have to accept it if you don't accept it.

Bai Ji looked at Lilina next to her and sighed.

gas. We have no choice.

Humph, it's good to know.

Bai Ji patted Lilina on the shoulder and asked her to stay where she was.

Waiting for myself, I just stepped forward, in front of everyone,

Walked to the man's body

The blood of the dead is like spoiled food.

People gag.

Given Bai Ji's taste in the past, she would never do it

Such a disgusting and disgusting thing happened.

She knelt on her knees, her petite palms caressing the man's

Front xiōng, baring sharp fangs

She does not

Like being surrounded by so many people while eating

Observe, this gave her a very bad feeling, as if

It's like he is a rare animal for people to watch.

Helpless, she had no choice.

It's like these Devourers are trying to monitor whether she's cheating

It's like a fake. If you get closer, you won't be able to escape even the slightest movement.

past their eyes.

The dark and slightly purple blood is restrained and flowing gurglingly

The body of the man gradually solidified and closed, and the man's body gradually dried up.

It shriveled up and turned into a mummy covered in skin, flesh and bones.

Bai Ji leaned back, licked her red tongue, and took out

A silk scarf, lightly wiping away the remaining blood from the corners of her mouth.

Her heart is far from as peaceful as her appearance

A hot torrent jumped up and down in her body,

It was as if her body was about to collapse.

Her face gradually became ugly, and the swelling heat

As if she was going to explode from the inside out, her muscles

Veins, blood vessels, and tissues almost all swell due to violent energy.

It swelled up, and every pore on my body stood up.


In the darkness, bathed in a stream of heat*

She feels that her body is undergoing a qualitative change, or

The author said that it should be called sublimation.

She covered her head, her eyes were dim, and she always felt that her head was

The sides are yǎngyǎng, as if something is about to protrude.

At the same time, my ears also felt hot and dry.

A very subtle feeling is constantly changing her body structure


Gradually, when she came back to her senses, her clothes and hair

The towel was soaked with sweat.

The first deification may be a little painful, but it's just

Even though it is painful, it is also painful and joyful. The black voice is

came after the fading darkness.

God, transformation?

After hearing this, Bai Ji subconsciously touched Qiwu.

On both sides of Bi's head, he unexpectedly touched two hard

Damn, something that shouldn't exist.

Welcome to the world of mythical species, little girl,

First of all, I have to congratulate you on officially joining from now on

In order to get rid of the ranks of mortals. Hei opened his arms and said. Nothing.

You need to be surprised and afraid of your own changes, that’s you

Proof that a qualitative change has occurred and that he is about to leave the ranks of ordinary people.

Escape from the mortal race? Bai Ji rubbed her head, because she didn't

Because of the mirror, she didn't know she had a growth on her head

What exactly is a pair of things, and what is the feeling of ears?

I feel a little weird, like, a little light feeling

Are we becoming more and more like monsters? Bai Ji murmured

Said to himself

Monster? That's right, but little girl, for us

Generally speaking, the word monster has never had a derogatory connotation. Hei Lu

He gave a faint smile. Why would someone call

What about us being monsters? Isn’t it just because we are weak?

Are creatures afraid of being powerful and different from themselves?”

In fact, why should we feel inferior? We are

is powerful, and that is why it is subject to mortal species

suppression and exclusion, what we have to do should not be to deny ourselves

The strength of oneself is not to listen to the rumors of ordinary people.

But face up to your own strength and make all living beings willing to surrender.

Clothes. Hei grinned. The power is ours.

Li, I can guarantee that you will return to where you were with your current strength.

The plane must be the one that dominates the world and is invincible.

Bai Ji, who had lowered her head and said nothing since just now, everyone

They all laughed it off, everyone thought she was digesting herself

Physical changes are actually not the case.

She was checking her dashboard carefully.

The level jumped directly from the previous sixteen to twenty.

Three, surpassing nine levels and breaking through twenty


Skill points continue to rise, and there are more skill panels

Several skills are coming, in the container column, the word Demon King is flashing

Shining with a strange light

Not only that, the natal device seems to have also undergone some changes.


Maybe the man named Hei didn't mean this feeling.


This is a qualitative change, a kind of change whether it is oneself or

A qualitative change that others can feel.

Hearing Hei's words, Bai Ji's eyes fell into space.

The cave is like an abyss with two pools that choose people to eat.

If this qualitative change had come earlier, how could the Blood Spirit Empire

Will it be destroyed a second time? How could my empire be destroyed?

Destroyed by that motley army??

By then, the Blood Spirit Empire... no, the entire Baland

It's all in his own pocket, no one can resist anymore

Oneself, disobey oneself.

The name of our ruler will praise us as the king of kings, shoulder to shoulder

The existence of the Nine Creation Gods... is not enough

Ah, not enough, since

I still want to become stronger, and I still want enough

Bai Ji, Bai Ji?

God? Yes, no one can resist

Existence, isn’t it a god?? Thinking about it this way, it becomes

A tyrannical and ruthless god seems pretty good.

Bai Ji? Bai Ji?

Send down divine punishment on the numb world, wantonly tilting

Is it okay to do this to express my own anger? As the world

This is the prerogative of the gods, hee hee hee.

Just when Bai Ji folded her arms and trembled

At that moment, a cold jade fat tip touched the side of her face, touching the soft

The soft skin dented.

Eh?? Let's... Bai Ji stroked her head and murmured

After the turbidity in the brain recedes, consciousness gradually wakes up.

Are you okay?

Looking sideways, the pretty girl wearing a mask looks a little...

He looked at himself confused, with a hint of worry in his tone.

We, we just...Bai Ji touched her cheek

Confused face.

I don't know. After you came back from Devouring, you felt a little uncomfortable.

normal. Lilina explained calmly. I'm still saying

Read the words

Says she is the queen who rules the world

He would also say that it would be good to have rage raging across the continent.


Ah, let's say all these words

Ma?? Bai Ji was startled, with a hint of blush on her face.

I don’t know why, but I suddenly became a ghost

I'm so confused, saying these incomprehensible words, now

Looking back I just feel ashamed and embarrassed.

We were talking loudly just now.


Well, it's not that big. Lilina looked calm.

complained. Although I didn't listen carefully, I could still hear it.


“Isn’t that huge?!…Black History Plus

Bai Ji felt that her whole body was not well, and then

Then she moved her face to Lilina.




We ask you to quickly forget your previous memories.

Do you understand? Bai Ji grinned threateningly.

tooth. If you dare to mention it again, don't blame me for being rude!

I understand. Bai Ji claims to be the master of the world.

I will forget about the world, the number one invincible queen in the universe.


I told you to stop talking! Bai Ji felt that Lily

Is this girl Na deliberately trying to make herself angry?

After being angry with Lilina, she opened a new

What surprised her most about the new panel was that the items

The bar actually lit up.

This means that you can open the inventory yourself

Speaking of which, what do you have in your inventory?

Woolen cloth

Bai Ji opened it curiously. Inventory, panel only

Two feather fragments lay quietly among them.

Eh?... Bai Ji recognized these two at a glance.

The casual distinction was given to me by Bian Zi and Gao Deng.

Gordon also told her that this was the broken heart of the Lord God.


Although I don’t know if it’s true or not, I’m a little surprised

Strangely, these two fragments actually followed him to the extreme.


The two golden fragments glowed with dazzling golden light,

Under Bai Ji's surprised gaze, the golden light pointed straight ahead, like

It's like trying to figure out the direction for Bai Ji.

The direction of the dragon? Compare the direction of this team's march

direction, Bai Ji quickly noticed where this golden light was pointing.

Direction is no small matter.

This is the destination of this team's trip

Dragon's Nest xué

Are the remaining fragments hidden in the Dragon's Nest?


As the distance gradually approached, Bai Ji could clearly detect

I felt the blood rising in my body.

In the past, maybe she didn't understand the meaning of this

meaning, but now, she who is extremely sensitive to facial expressions feels

Knowing that the surging force like the rivers and seas is there

Summon yourself, and at the same time, connect with the broken pieces you own

The film resonates.

Tuck, pull, pull.

What's the matter? I felt like someone was pulling me.

There was a long hard object on the top of her head. Bai He looked towards Lily very dissatisfied.

Na, slapped her hand away

Is it fun? Really, you are still a child


It's a little longer than before. Lilina's attention

The point was obviously on the pair of hard objects on Bai Ji's head. She

Somewhat doubtful.

What's a little longer? You mean on our head?

Is this something? Bai Ji strangely touched the pair of

Hard object. Speaking of which, you see our image has changed now.


It has an extra pair of horns that are not too long.

Lilina calm down

The way. There are also some ears

Huh? A pair of horns? Bai Ji was stunned, and then quickly

He covered the corners of his head tightly and looked at Lilina nervously.

What does the horn look like??”

What does it look like?... Lilina looked uncomfortable, like

It's like he wants to say something, but can't.

Oh, I almost forgot, your worrying expression can

force. Bai Ji sighed. There was no mirror for her to look at.

Look at what you look like now. Other than that, other than that

Are there any other changes outside of us??”

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