
Several leaves slowly fell as the bushes swayed, and two scarlet rays flashed in the grass.

After looking around, a small silver head poked out.

Huhu~ Fortunately, we escaped quickly. Bai Ji, with her long hair scattered on the ground, put her hand on her chest and cautiously escaped from the grass with lingering fear.

A thrilling experience, if you repeat it a few times, you may be able to shorten your life, but it is not completely useless. At least you can temporarily solve the problem of food and clothing.

Bai Ji subconsciously rubbed her belly.

The fresh blood is prepared for another vampire in the college, and the identity of that vampire is quite special...

But we are not freeloaders. I owe her today's meal, and I will definitely pay it back in the future, um... when I have the money.

Speaking of which, did we forget something? Bai Ji held her hair in her mouth in confusion and fell into silence.

Hey! By the way, the card issuance card, we forgot the card issuance card there! What should I do? Do I want to go back and get it? e……

You might as well just forget it and treat it as a pledge for freeloading... Wow~ How could you just forget it! They are my favorite couple. They have been with us for a year and a half and I don’t want to lose them (


But it’s unrealistic to go back and get it…

Bai Ji hesitantly looked at the bathhouse behind her. She was touched by the unlucky and cruel reality. She recalled her bitter experience from being a rookie knight to becoming the king of knights, as well as the unexpected 'surprises' life had given her after she got through.

The vampires have been fighting the knights for so long. Now, the Scarlet Queen is still alive, and so are his old comrades. It seems that after fighting for so long, the only change for him is that he has lost control? ?

Why? All the knights and vampires were showing off, but he was the only one getting beaten.

The love between children has not yet come, and the strong men of the past have become a memory.

The sadness instantly turned into a river. Bai Ji sat down on the ground and cried with emotion.

Isn't it just a free meal~...It's not like I won't return it! Our hairpin, our life~! I turned into a girl before I even had time to flirt with a few girls! Ugh...


West wall.

The reinforcements from the Brilliant Knights barely pushed back the remaining troll forces. On the city wall, knights walking back and forth were cleaning the battlefield and recovering available materials.

What confused the pioneer knights was that the knights who came to support ignored the wounded. The dead were simply thrown onto the carriage, and they did not show any condolences to the surviving pioneer knights.

Lord Gemu, thank you for your generous help. If the reinforcements come later, the city may be...

Bold criminal general! You can call Lord Gemu's name back and forth? Are you calling your commander? Kneel down, I don't want to see him a second time! The guard knight with a mustache The angry voice interrupted the words of the pioneer old knight.

The old pioneer knight was stunned for a moment, looking at Gemu who was standing in front of him with his hands behind his back without saying a word. Then he followed the pioneer knights behind him to salute and knelt down on one knee.

Collect their weapons. Gemu ordered calmly.

Facing a group of splendid knights who had surrounded them with evil expressions, the pioneer knights who had just experienced a deadly battle felt an ominous premonition, but they still honestly discharged their weapons.

This idea is deeply ingrained in their minds that their own people will not harm them.

What's your name? Gemu looked down at the kneeling old knight proudly.

Lord Zengmu, his humble name is Wright, and he is the vanguard knight commander here. The old knight who was missing an arm and was still bleeding from the broken arm said respectfully.

Well, do you know your guilt?

Convicted? The old knight was stunned for a moment.

We are guarding the city gate and won't give an inch, Lord Gemu? Where does this crime come from??

Where did it come from?? Haha, you don't know?? Gemu sneered and glanced meaningfully at the mustachioed knight beside him.

Crack! Something happened that all the pioneer knights present could not imagine.

The mustached knight, without anyone's knowledge, pulled out his sword blade and stabbed it into the chest of a pioneer knight.

The dying pioneer knight's eyes were full of disbelief and surprise, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

?! Master Gemu!? You, what do you mean by this? Why do you want to attack my students? They are all heroes who defend the city gate! What are you doing!?

Faced with the old knight's angry rebuke and the panicked and puzzled looks of the pioneer knights behind him, Gemu smiled and passed away.

Guarding the city gate?? Are there any? Have you ever defended the city gate? Gemu looked at the mustached knight aside with questioning eyes.

Lord Gemu, don't listen to their nonsense! If we hadn't arrived early, the city gate would have been breached long ago! the mustached knight said decisively. actually said it so confidently. The old knight was so suppressed that his face turned red.

If we hadn't defended, how could we have waited for your reinforcements??

Oh? Are you guarding the city gate? Gemu tilted his head in confusion and looked at the other brilliant knight inquiringly.

Uh-huh,, no, Lord Gemu knew everything, took control of the situation and came to the battlefield in time to kill the escaping

The vanguard knight who was destined to kill him was captured and brought to justice, and defeated the troll man in one fell swoop. The knight was stunned for a moment, feeling the profound meaning of the mustache knight.

With a long look in his eyes, he immediately changed his tune.

Yeah. Gemu nodded with satisfaction.

Did you see it? You said you were guarding the city gate? But no one saw it? I said, old man, don't rely on your old age to act like you are old and make trouble?


Do you know that your absence from duty will make many people homeless and displaced, and how many civilians will lose their families forever?? This city is devastated. Is this what you saw first? You, are not the same as Are the devils having an affair?! Gemu asked aggressively.

You, you...cough! The old knight's eyes widened and he pointed at Gemu tremblingly.

You pioneer knights failed to escape from the battlefield, neglected your duties, and concealed the truth! By doing this, are you worthy of your respective relatives and the people of this city? I ask you, what crime should you deserve!? The mustached knight greeted fiercely.

Lord Gemu, don't talk nonsense to them. According to the commandments of the Brilliant Knights, fornicating with demons and escaping from the battlefield, kill them immediately! Come on, execute these traitors who betrayed humanity!

The mustached knight gave an order, and the surrounding knights drew their swords and walked towards the exhausted and unarmed pioneer knights.

Stop! Let's see who dares! the old knight shouted angrily.

Look at the heroic souls who died bravely at your feet, and look at you who are helping the emperor to torture dogs and rely on human power!...Are you really worthy of being a knight!?

The old knight's roar caused the sword-wielding knights to stagnate and show struggle.

Think back to the moment you joined the Knights and your oath! Compare it to now, you...

The old knight wanted to continue talking, but he couldn't speak anymore.

A cold sword blade pierced his throat.

Teacher! Several wounded pioneer knights swarmed up and hugged the figure who fell helplessly.

After serving in the army for more than 20 years, this old knight closed his eyes weakly.

This old guy is crazy, let's deal with it as soon as possible. Sheathing the dagger stained with blood, Gemu frowned.

Are you planning to end up with them? The Brilliant Knights have never known mercy towards traitors. Gemu's cold eyes swept across, and the sword-wielding knights shuddered and clenched the swords in their hands.

With several chopping sounds, blood spattered on the city wall.

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