Blood Princess and the Knight

29~tactical intimidation

Are there really no normal people here?? Bai Ji covered

With her eyes closed, the extremely impactful picture was about to overwhelm her eyes.

Two eyeballs flashed blindly.

Sadist, pica, and now here comes another xìng

An exhibitionist with extremely weird personality habits

These heroes from another world are under great psychological pressure

Have they been released somewhere? Why are they all so twisted?

Qu's metamorphosis?

Just as Bai Ji covered her eyes, in an instant

A window pops up: The battle for competition has begun.

You can leave the arena by placing your hands at the dead end.

The next moment, Bai Ji was hit by a huge force carrying wind pressure.

The force flew out.

Tsk... Bai Jiwen flew backwards for more than ten meters.

He froze his body and raised his head with some difficulty.

She tried hard not to look or think about it

The picture in her heart, but since then, she has fallen into being

If you can't move and look directly at your opponent, you won't be able to go all out.

What a mental pollution. Not much struggle and

After hesitation, Bai Ji regained her previous calmness and raised her eyes.

Light. But you want to use this dirty way to disturb us

It can be said that he chose the wrong opponent.

Ah, my lovely baby, you are finally willing

I raised my head and took a closer look at my perfect body.

Oh, that’s great, watch it to your heart’s content! This is what I give to you

What a reward. A man with an indescribable image holding a rose in his mouth.

He said bad words that made Bai Ji's heart tremble, and he also looked like

With an unfinished expression, he stroked the one that had just attacked Bai Ji.


Ah...the refreshing fragrance, this hand I

I will never wash it again in my life. Smell the smell on it

Said, the man's intoxicated face was flushed.

Tsk...Bai Ji looked at him with disgust.

Ah, yes, that's right! Baby, those radiant photos

The eyeballs, which are like pearls, are looking disgusting and abnormal.

Look at me, ah, yes, this is the feeling

Please feel free to look at it with disgusting eyes

Me, it's best to treat me like a humble insect underfoot

Son! Bai Ji's gaze not only did not disgust the man, but instead

And it made him even hotter and climax~

Do you think that our expression shows disgust?

What's your attitude? Bai Ji raised her eyebrows, her expression gradually turning contemptuous.

Oh, what else? My lovely baby, let me see

When it comes to your trembling shoulders, stop pretending, you are afraid now

Terrified, like a pure white lamb being dyed

Darkened with filth.

Tch, we've seen this kind of thing a lot. Bai Ji didn't

Rolled his eyes scornfully. We thought you were going to show us how old you are

The eagle, I didn’t expect it to be a chick without all its fur.

Bird, now we just want to say two words: That's it?

It's still a perfect dòngtǐ, bah, it's so shameless, boneless

As skinny as a lollipop, beautiful dòngtǐ

You really made us laugh. With a weak constitution like yours, it’s hard to

It’s not even your turn to do X.

?!The lean man’s eyes widened, and then

His eyes narrowed into thin slits. Not all hairy, little chick


You said I'm a little chick?? My dignity was greatly affected

The lean man was angry at the insult and provocation. Okay, then I

Let you try the power of the little chick! I will let you try it later

You cry and beg for mercy, for your ignorance and

Pay the price for speaking openly

No, no, that kind of thing doesn't feel good at all.

Yes, please keep it, so as not to be embarrassed or embarrassed later.

. Bai Ji waved her hand, mocking while not forgetting to look for

The nearest weapon.

Fortunately, it was less than five meters away from her left

Holding a long sword.

Haha, little baby, you want to anger me?

Really? The man sneered a few times. Yes, as far as the effect is concerned.

Yan, you really pissed me off... more than a little bit.

Sorry, I'm different from other people, and I won't do it because

Anger makes me lose my mind. On the contrary, the angrier I am, the more

The more rational.

It's a perfect work of art, but... the man's eyes widened in anger. There are actually so many

The slightest flaw.

You should obviously be a very pure girl, so pure

What about a girl who blushes at the slightest physical touch?

Hey, how can you say something like this?? In this way

It’s not perfect enough, you bastard, damn it!”

I came a step too late, a step too late!

When you were still in love and your innocence was extremely pure, I should

I met you at that time and then made you into this

The most flawless work of art in the world! the man roared.

road. So beautiful

Eyes, but they reveal that they are dirty and filthy

My soul, no, it’s not perfect!”

Turns out it’s a necrophiliac combined with eye control.

Bai Ji calmly drew out her long sword and tried to swing it

For a moment

Now, now everything is ruined... there is no way

, it seems that the whole thing cannot be turned into a work of art, it must

You have to remove the defective part! Staring at Bai

Ji's lean man suddenly laughed. My Xiaoke

My love, don’t worry, I will take you with me from now on

Belt, I will use a carving knife to remove the incomplete part of you

fall off, making you whole again

Snake essence disease. Bai Ji held a sword in one hand and held it in her left arm.


While she was talking nonsense to him, Bai Ji

Don’t be idle. Open the panel and see the other party’s messages at a glance.


Name: Nader

Container: Wise Man [Those who control emotions, are not affected by emotions

The impact of fluctuations] (restrained)


Skill: Obliterate Rose

Natal device: not turned on

Oh, Miss, you can also play with a sword. It just so happens that I can also play with swords.

Can play with a sword. The man kissed the rose in his hand and

He casually threw it on the ground and pulled out the one closest to his hand.

of that sword.

Bai Ji, who knew the information, glanced at the fallen Mei

Rose, a trace of vigilance flashed through her eyes.

Besides, this kind of deserted place where birds don’t poop

There is something strange about roses.

¨Since the little sister likes to play with swords, then I will accompany the little sister

Sister, just have some fun. The man named Nader ran with a sword.


Bai Ji's brain reacted, but her body

I can't react at all. It's like my brain and body are completely different.

It's the same as synchronization, intercepting the opponent at the critical moment

The falling blade.

Well... When the weapons were connected, Bai Ji

Her arms went numb, and the huge force made her

The hand lost consciousness in an instant.

Try hard, little sister, I just used the strength of one hand

Tao, can't you bear this? The man is evil.

Bad smile. You stopped before I even exerted any effort...9 Don't

Be anxious, my offensive has just begun.

Bai Ji knelt down on one knee, unable to rely on her as expected.

After gaining the upper hand in strength, she changed her strategy and planned to

Avoid its edge and adopt roundabout tactics.

Letting go of the sword bitten by the opponent, Bai Ji decisively chose

Choosing the golden cicada to escape from its shell, it rolled backwards, intending to fight the opponent first

Create some distance.

The movement of throwing away the sword and rolling was done in one go, but she had the ability to

There was an anxious feeling on my back, and before I had time to turn around, I felt a strong feeling.

It was so cold that it penetrated her chest.

In addition to the large amount of damage caused by being restrained, this

Bai Ji almost died.

The arena is only so big, my little cutie, you are

You can't run away. There was a demon-like evil coming from behind.


Are speed and strength completely suppressed?

Bai Ji, whose back was penetrated, bit the tip of her tongue and forced herself

His chaotic thoughts returned to calmness.

The devouring level is only one level lower and you can beat yourself.

With no room to fight back, Bai Jizhi lay flat on the ground.

I still underestimated what the number on the panel represented.

Meaning, also, overestimating one's abilities

The visitors are all the beings at the top of the pyramid in each dimension.

Now, even if you lose your original strength like yourself,

The system is by no means comparable to those of shrimps, soldiers and crabs.

The existence that rises to the top from many difficulties cannot be

Can rely solely on luck, there is no doubt that a few of them

Almost all of them have super strength.

My little cutie, what's wrong with you? Haha

Ha, oops, why are you bleeding all the time? Your expression

It looks so painful, are you okay? Don’t worry, blood is such a thing

West, if you put too much, it will naturally not hurt.

I said

Are you okay? Tsk, are you going to die? Man

He leaned down to check Bai Ji's condition and pinched her chin.

Turning her eyes towards him.

You're going to die now? Tsk, it's just one sword strike. I thought

In order to save some breath, let’s do it while it’s hot. Look at that pair

If his blood-onyx eyes gradually lost focus, the man was full of disappointment.

Hope and regret.

He silently put the sword at his feet, planning to deal with Bai Ji

When picking up the corpse, the 'dead' Bai Ji suddenly moved

He got up, grabbed the sword and stabbed the man with lightning speed.


That's right, Bai Ji had long expected to be suppressed by her rank.

From the beginning, I did not intend to confront him head-on, but instead took the


Weak, giving the opponent a fatal blow when he relaxes his guard

However, this move is still not clever after all.

What kind of area is the ultimate black place? How many people can come here?

He is the strong man at the top of the pyramid, and he is as cunning as a fox.

or a lunatic among lunatics, neither

Ordinary people.

Seeing Bai Ji grabbing the sword and stabbing him, he deliberately put the sword down

The man smiled slightly, tilted his head, and missed the stab with the sword.


Ah, my little cutie, why are you still pretending to be dead?

Li? The man grabbed Bai Ji's sword-holding wrist and grinned.

road. A good boy shouldn't lie to others.

Bai Ji snorted. Due to the excessive range of movement,

Big, the towel on the head fell down, pure and flawless

Her silver hair spreads down to her heels.

Oh! It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful! Man

before my eyes

Brushing a few strands of Bai Ji's hair, she came closer

He sniffed it and looked intoxicated.

Just as I thought, little sister, you are indeed a

A rare little beauty, just like the invisible

A starry night...

Bai Ji didn't miss the moment when the man turned away his attention.

Turn the movable part of your wrist to throw the sword out.

One hand accurately caught the blade of the sword, and the hilt was hit hard

Men's neck.

The man who didn’t react and ate this forcefully

Zi was fooled, and took this opportunity to pursue Bai Ji's victory.

He struck, and the sword blade cut into his abdomen mercilessly.

The fainted man reacted extremely quickly and made up his mind

Made a dodge move.

Having experienced many battles, he has sensitive five senses and can dodge to the extreme.

It is not impossible to avoid it, and he has the confidence to avoid it.

It's a pity that what he encountered was not an ordinary sword and soil.

The moment Bai Ji hit the sword, it was settled that he could dodge it.

Distance, the sword blade seems to be stabbing the abdomen, but in fact it is tilted upwards a long way


The man's way of dodging is to retreat and let the sword reach his hip.

After stabbing, the sword blade stabbed into the abdomen very accurately.

somewhere under

Ahh!! The man let out a cry that shocked his brain.

The roar, the extremely miserable sound alone,

It's chilling.

You, you, you...little guy, what are you doing?

The man stepped back several steps and looked angrily at Bai Ji

I'll help you with your humanity. Bai Ji sneered. Go up

On this path, it is natural to do things that are contrary to God’s nature.

Plan to say goodbye to everything, we are here to help you.

Damn girl, I, I swear I will make you

Beg for mercy for what you have done

Compared with this, you should first see if you have any

Just step on shit and stuff like that. Bai Ji stuck out her tongue.

He turned his head and made a face towards him.

Huh? Have you been blinded by me? This is a fight.

Animal farm, how can there be dog poop in a place where birds don't poop?

Planting something?... The man's eyes moved down, when he saw

When he stepped on something next to his feet, his eyes twitched

Some stared.

Because when he was stabbed, he subconsciously backed away from the pain.

I walked several steps, so I accidentally stepped on it

He picked up the... roses that he deliberately threw on the ground before.

Ah! Damn girl, you actually, you actually fucked me up

You're so embarrassed, I'm going to cut off all your fingers and toes

Come down!

Obviously this is all your own fault, why do you want to

Count it on our head? Looking at the roses bàozhàshè coming out

Bai Ji raised her eyebrows at the man whose thorns were like a hedgehog.

Shut up, you imperfect defective product! Obviously,

Obviously only your body is enough, your soul is

You defective product full of flaws, get out of here and go to the abyss! Male

Zi was moody and jumped in anger at Bai Ji's words.

Don't think you can win against me with this one, ha, I've already

I can tell, your Devouring Level is only 1, I think

It's just wishful thinking to defeat me! Even if you are angry enough

Choking, the man can still calmly analyze the differences between the two parties

Pros and cons.

Really? But I have to remind you, you are now

You are already seriously injured, support you to stay in this world

There is not much energy left in the world, only the last straw is left, little

Be careful, Mr. Nader.

You... The man's expression changed from anger to shock.

He was stunned, and then panicked. He looked at it in disbelief and smiled.

Bai Ji.

You, how do you know my name and me?


You think we came to this world just like you?

Admissions? No... Bai Ji looked at it with a smile.

The man's face became increasingly ugly. Nader, we are neither

Those who are participating are not the natives here, we are,

The collective fear within you.

Give up, we know you well

This, this is impossible

Is it impossible? Then we'll let you try

Bar. Bai Ji threw the sword in his hand to Nader, and followed

I even picked up a sword.

Let's compare our swordsmanship. Besides, I'll let you

Just one hand

Stop joking...this kind of bluffing thing,

Who would believe it?! Even though he said this, Nader was completely

Can't explain why the other party knows your name

and state, which made him feel very uneasy, and he rushed towards him with his sword in hand.

Go up.

He can't think of anything else now, he just wants to quickly put this

Girl solve it.

Two sharp rays flashed through, Nader's eyes widened and he covered his head.

With warmth gushing from his neck, he fell down in disbelief.

Sword competition, you are too young.

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