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Ah, if I had known better, I wouldn't have kept such a troublesome thing. ≮≯ Lin laughed so hard that her whole body shivered.

She raised her gaze. He stretched out his hand towards Lilias who was close to Yang Chi. A silver dagger popped out of the cuff.

Only when! At the critical moment, a dragon scale bounced the dagger away. The dagger, which was out of control, spun around in the air for a few times and landed at Yana's feet.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, picked up the dagger and looked at it carefully, her brows gradually deepening. Isn't this the silver dagger that the Queen ordered to be destroyed collectively after causing civil unrest in the Scarlet Blood Territory some time ago? ?

Feedback. It seems that you were also involved in the turmoil in the empire. Yaguan put a little force between his fingers. The seven songs were twisted and deformed. Now it's time to calculate the old and new accounts.

It's really troublesome, Ratsambos. Originally, I had no intention of dealing with you at this stage.

You mean, if you don’t deal with it now, you’ll come to deal with us after all the other forces in the mainland have been wiped out, right?” Sheng Na made a provocation.

Of course not the descendants of Ratsambo. There is no direct conflict of interest between the two of us, right? No conflict of interest means that we have the possibility of peace talks or even cooperation.

No, the elves' allies are a high-risk occupation. I really can't afford it. Nan Ming took over the spear of a guard. Pointing at Lin. Shen Qi. Form an alliance with a guy who doesn't even know who he is. He doesn't even know whether he's a man or a woman or a ghost. I won't be able to sleep. For me, it's better for us to fight each other now. .”

A very irrational decision. He shook his head. What benefits can you gain from doing this, except that both sides will suffer losses. You may even be eliminated.

In fact, as long as you are willing to obey me, I can give you many things that you will never get in your lifetime.

Then I want you to die. Is that okay? Yana said with a smile.

As expected of that woman's descendants. Lin smiled and shook her head. It's motivated. It doesn't look far-reaching at all.

You don't want to start a war with us, at least not now, right? Yana pointed her long gun at Lin unceremoniously, or to be precise, the existence in Lin's body. That's right, I only have one principle: the more the enemy doesn't want something to happen, the more I will make it happen.

The sound of Pin Yao's sword being drawn shattered the remaining trace of calm in the air.

Stubborn. Under Lin's emotionless order, the elf soldiers rushed forward, and the two torrents that had been flowing for a long time merged together in an instant. The harsh collision of gold and iron overlapped, and in different languages, they shouted to their God sends a prayer before battle.

Both sides lined up their troops. There are magic masters in the rear supporting the front line.

The Shadow Curse and Night Calling Curse released by the Vampires caused a certain amount of interference to the elves. But it can't change the situation.

The large-scale strangulation of space magic broke through the impregnable and impenetrable military formation of the blood clan. The guards on the front line died, and soldiers immediately came from behind to fill the gap to prevent the front from collapsing.

The gap in magic technology gradually changes the evenly divided field.

Xunming Roar! A dragon roar rang out from the air. The elven soldiers slapped their heads, and the hot dragon's breath fell from the sky, spraying towards the back row magicians who were still chanting and had no time to release the protective spell.

Countless flower sheds flew up and gathered into a huge garland. The dragon's breath poured into the center of the garland and was absorbed. Then the garland turned its head and sent a stream of the dragon's breath inhaled back to Mi Shi.

[Two-way braided ring of the natural system Evening Star]

The huge dragon form Feiqiu was like a moving fat man in the air. Mi Mengmeng turned into a human form to avoid the dragon's breath returned from the garland. However, what she didn't expect was that this dragon's breath seemed to have spiritual power. Same, same way of turning from behind her.

Mi Meng barely reacted and dodged away. However, the dragon's breath refused to give up until it hit her, and kept following her around in the air.

Milo had no choice. Stretching out - - the huge dragon hopes to wrap itself in it.

The terrifying high humidity surrounded her, and Milo tasted the power of her own dragon's breath.

Is this the Dragon Clan, the king of the continent's sky? Lin, who also spread her wings, was slightly disappointed.

Milo patted away the solid black light on her wings, knowing that she had underestimated her opponent.

When two gods fight in the sky, Yana and Lilias are destined to fail.

Because of the sacrifice of blood. Yana's current strength is only about the second level. It's okay to bully Ji Yue, who is still young and has just regained her bloodline. It's incomparable to a race ranked among the third-tier races like elves.

Lilias is even worse. Now that she has lost all her fighting skills, she can only prune and plant pots in her own garden. Not only is she unable to attack her fellow warriors, but she also has to hide far away to avoid herself. The Imperial Guards were in trouble.

What's your name? Jiao Bo said. The blonde girl stroked the sub-cat girl's head.

Kerr. As if sensing the kindness and soft tone of the other person towards her, the cat girl took the initiative to rub the girl's hand.

A feeling of familiarity and strangeness.

Ke'er. Good name. Have you seen me?

Keer tilted his head to the left. He tilted his head to the right, and then bumped his head like a drum. He said he couldn't remember any interactions with the girl before.

That's it.

Sister, what do you want from me?

Nothing, I just happened to see you in the corner and came up to talk to you.

The girl's smile is beautiful, but Ke'er always feels that something is wrong.

This feeling was very inconsistent. In her previous opinion, this blond girl was a quiet and taciturn knight, but now she seemed different.

As for why Ke'er is in the corner. Of course Milo was silent. He did it when no one was looking.

Bai Jin, they are fighting. While their attention is not on us, let's retreat first. You are injured, and I will ask Rand to take you out. Ji Yue quietly touched Ji Bai's side. She felt inexplicably that there was something wrong with Ji Bai now, but after careful observation, she found that there was nothing wrong.

This is very strange

Xiangli? No, Your Majesty, we don’t need Xiangli at all. Ji Bai has to stand up facing Ji Yue.

Don't leave without permission? It's impossible to join them, right?

No, no, maybe my way of expression is wrong. Ji Bai outlined the slightest curvature that would never appear on this dull knight's face, the kind of old love that could be cut into the palm of his hand. My thinking is, I don't need to run away.

Jia Qi! A figure flew upside down from the air and drove deeply into the statue of the temple.

Mi Luo shook off the dust on her body, Gang Ying raised her body from the groove, immediately clocked Kong Xiangxiao, and shouted to Ji Bai. careful !

Use? Ji Bai turned back indifferently, seeing Lin rushing down from the air towards him. She was bound to win. It was obvious that her target from the beginning was herself.

Lin seemed to have regarded her as a fish on the drilling board, but she saw an expression on her face that should not have appeared.

The blonde girl smiled very sinisterly.

Lin's pupils widened slightly, and she hurriedly stopped her body from rushing towards the opponent, and something like a huge bone fell from the sky. It hit between the two of them.

Lin finally slowed down her speed and then retreated. The smoke cleared. The huge scythe, which looked like it was carved from bone, whirled violently. The clothes she wrapped around Tao's mouth were newly torn. The other party refused to give up. The street is near.

Lin, who was still in the air, quickly dwarfed her body. The cool breeze touched her scalp and cut several floors of long hair.

The blond girl seized the weak spot and hit her hard. She lost [Po'an], and the huge scythe of the Bone Lai was chasing after her like a snake's fangs.

The person who controlled Lin's body was obviously not very good at close combat, and he avoided the fatal sickle chop. However, he was staggered backwards by the girl's heart and legs.

With the power of Gulan's bloodline, even the blow of the iron boots cutting into the vital parts is not enough to cause actual damage to the opponent. It can also make her suffer for a long time. [Gutmara]? Na stared blankly at the girl holding the scythe, and her long golden hair blew up.

After a brief period of confusion, Ji Yue thought of a terrible possibility and involuntarily took a few steps back.

Milo didn't speak, silently patted the dust on her body, and stood behind the girl like a clever little daughter-in-law.

She should have been like this a long time ago, so after the girl recognized her, she had always planned to perform well as compensation and make the other party forget some trivial things.

The punch you punched me before was a good one. The blonde girl patted Mi Meng's head with a smile on her face. How about it? Do you feel like a great revenge has been avenged?

With this familiar tone and smile, Mi Meng's body stiffened and she did not dare to move.

It is obviously impossible to expect this petty, vindictive and vindictive person to be magnanimous and open to him.

Sister Huang, you. How did you become like this? Yana was really a little cautious. If you don't know enough about your sister's habits. Even to death, she would not believe that this golden-haired Xiaobi, who looked like a Gulan from head to toe, every finger and every hair, could be her sister.

Did you do something when you sent some Qurans?

It's just a new look, Xiaoya, how are you doing recently? The blond girl rubbed Wei Na's head like a gentle lady next door.

Although Yaqi had not recognized the blond girl before, could he treat his own sister with the same attitude as his pet dragon?

The Owl Pouch Dragon will be dealt with later.

cut. Mi Luo had a slanted face and pouted her lips, which was rare and awkward.

Sister Huang, listen to me. It's been hard for Xiaoya during your absence. She has to deal with all kinds of things, including correcting memorials. She also has to wipe her pussy every day for Mi Luo, who is messing around. Speaking of which, that Aolong is really It's so bad that I either eat or sleep every day and do nothing. When I wake up, I go to someone else's farm to steal tomatoes and make their fields a mess.

Ya Na threw herself into her white chest and cried, all she said was Milo's crime record.

! Mi Luo still had no expression on her face. However, the tail reaching straight behind her had completely overturned her mood at the moment.

Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work, Xiaoya, wait until we go back to take care of her. Ji Bai patted Yana's head.

Borrow it. The Gulan people looked at each other, looking at Wenyue who bowed her head and said nothing, and felt a little worried.

pharynx. So this is ah. Lin supported her body under the capture of the elf soldiers. She looked at the blond girl with an expressionless face. There was a trace of blood left at the corner of her mouth that had not been wiped clean.

Saint Lún, you have been pretending to be crazy and acting stupid. But no, I shouldn't call you Saint Lún. The Queen of Vampires.

Why, otherwise, are you waiting for you to continue threatening me with your hostility? Ji Bai glanced at Ke'er, who was under the protection of the Blood Clan Imperial Guards.


Lin wasted no time talking to Ji Bai. When did you wake up?

When? Sing early. Speaking of which, I have to thank Lizi for pouring some blood into me so that I can slowly clear my mind. Ji Bai stopped smiling and looked at the broken animal on the ground. Pendant.

So, since when did you start acting as a character? ?

It turns out that my clearing skills are quite good. No one saw through it, and the mastermind behind it was successfully exposed. Ji Bai pursed her lips.

It’s interesting, is the situation developing to this point all under your control?”

It's a little off. In fact, I plan to take care of you myself. Ji Bai looked down at Lilias who was silent, and his tone was gloomy.

He planned to use himself who had lost his memory as bait. He revealed the mastermind behind the scenes, but he didn't expect that Lilias would be separated from her sister.

Take care of me. Yourself?

Why are you laughing? Maybe you are laughing at me for not overestimating my abilities.

No, not really.

Ji Bai felt that Lin looked at her in a strange way. It's not so much contempt and laughter as it is an emotion that is a bit like pity.

I'm just pitying a poor guy who thinks he's in control of the situation, but actually has been kept in the dark for thousands of years.

Really? I admire you so much. You can't protect yourself and you still have extra mercy to harm others. The end of the sickle smashed the earth, and the blonde girl put her hands on the handle of the brocade knife - breaking the armor of the huge black ghost wings. The huge amount of magic energy eroded the entire temple.

Is it coming? Lin turned a blind eye to this. Lasambo's direct descendant, the real blood spirit.

The little red bat flew in all directions. The strong wind blew up and the elf soldier in the center of the storm was swept away. The dragon cake wind gathered by the fat red revealed her true appearance.

Her skin is as delicate and smooth as a child's, and the excessive white color adds a touch of strange beauty under the moonlight. Her scarlet eyes are like drops of blood in the dark night, and her pure and innocent hair gradually turns into a cherry blossom at the end of her mouth. Ruobai has a baby-like round face, as pure and lovely as snowflakes, and at the same time has a subtle touch of coquettishness.

The girl appeared naked in the cold night sky, and then the editor's bats quickly gathered on her skin to form a long skirt in the color of night.

She holds the sickle beneath her spleen.

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