She came with me to hunt cats. My distant cousin, my sister is not very talkative and is a bit shy. Please forgive me.

It turns out that this young lady is also a relative of the emperor. I'm disrespectful. The officer saluted while looking at the girl's clothes and appearance. In terms of hair color, she was indeed somewhat similar to the Asian Cat Queen.

How's it going? Officer, have you caught the little mouse you wanted to catch? My room is only so big. If you are still worried, you can check if there is a secret passage or something like that.

No need. I would be very unhappy if I messed up Her Majesty's palace.

It doesn't matter. Didn't you make a mess on my border? You don't care about this, do you?

Your Majesty, may I say a few words to your cousin? The officer wisely did not answer Xiao Sha's words.

Yes, yes, but I don't know if she will ignore you or not. After all, my sister is very angry, so don't make her angry.

Probably not...the officer said this, stroking something in his coat pocket, and he took out a stick with a long front end and a large end.

Xiao Sha recognized what that thing was at a glance.

That's a cat-catching stick, yes, it's a cat-catching stick.

Out of consideration for the development of the situation, Xiao Sha was not in a hurry to speak out. I chose to wait and see what happens.

I saw the officer holding the cat-stick in front of the white-blond girl, waving it, chuō and chuō. At first, he could only receive the girl's idiotic look. Slowly, the girl - - towards Qingguan. Inexplicably, his eyes followed the movement of the cat-catching stick, and then turned into a pair of mosquito-repellent incense.

The officer rubbed his chin and looked at the white-blond cat girl whose body was swaying and about to fall out of bed.

There was nothing wrong with the cat-stick test, but it could be disguised. Looking at the pair of wagging cat ears, a bold idea arose in his mind.

He stretched out his hand and did something that shocked everyone, including those around him, and grabbed the girl's furry cat ears.

Yeah! The two girls' buttocks instantly stood up, as if their tails had been stepped on. They flashed their claws like furry cats - their claws scratched the officer away.

Sir, are you okay? The close relatives rushed over and it was hard to blame the girl. After all, their parents' actions confused them all.

After all, he is also a royal relative of the Yamao Kingdom, eh? Is this something that can be touched casually? And in front of the queen. Isn't this just a slap in the face of the royal family?

The officer shook his head, looked at the two genuine cat scratch marks on the back of his hand, and smiled bitterly.

The white-blond girl was kneeling on the bed at this moment. Put on a cat-like stance. Looking at him with vigilance.

You can't touch a tiger's pì gǔ, and you can't touch a cat's ears either.

The officer's guess was wrong. This was a real sub-cat, and the price for being wrong was the price. It was probably to meet the anger of the sub-cat queen who couldn't bear it because she kept pushing her too far.

Mr. Junfu, please give me an explanation of what's going on? Words that were colder than ever before came from behind.

This is just a small guess. It seems to have caused unnecessary mistakes. The officer knew he was wrong and said with a smile.

A little guess? Oh, so that's it. Are you guessing that my cousin is the criminal you are looking for, and I am the one who secretly hides the criminal? Xiaosha narrowed her eyes.

That's not the case, that's not the case. I said this is just a small attempt. I, I'm trying to see if I can make this distinguished lady laugh if she doesn't speak. The officer said with a stiff face. If you come out, you may not even believe it.

Hehe, hehe. Xiaosha laughed twice. Isn't that funny, Mr. Officer?

No, the officer shook his head, After that, I mean I will compensate Her Majesty the Queen after this, including compensation for delaying people's working time.

Do you need to compensate me? Xiao Sha raised her eyebrows. My sister is a young girl who has not yet become a monk. She has never even touched a man's hand since she was a child. Today, her ears were touched by a stranger like you. Do you know that the Asian cat tribe always says to touch their ears? What does it mean? ?\u0026quot;

This, I don't know.

It means getting married, my lord officer.°

From an angle that no one could see, there was an undetectable twitch at the corner of the white-blond girl's mouth.

There seems to be something wrong with this situation. The Asian Cat Queen wants to mess with me?

I'm sorry, I'm extremely sorry, I will do my best to compensate you.

Compensate? How to compensate? Can you make time go back to the moment you touched my sister?

No, I don't mean a lot of compensation, such as food and supplies. - Turning to the offensive, the officer who was in the wrong was suppressed and beaten by Xiao Sha.

Is that enough for material compensation? Mr. Officer also has a master to serve, right? If I slap your master in front of his face and then confidently tell you that I will compensate you, will you be happy?

Besides, the Yamao Kingdom is not short of supplies. Xiao Sha added.

Then, how do you think we should make up for it? The officer's tone revealed his helplessness. He didn't say that the main culprit was caught, and he was still covered in odor.

You always talk about compensation. Are these things you can compensate for just by saying compensation? ?

So, what should we do? Tell us, what should we do? “The officer was a little anxious.

Depending on your sincerity, it's not impossible for you to make compensation. Speaking of which, our Yamao Kingdom's iron ore and salt mines are short of wellheads.

That's no problem. Maybe we can't give you the territory, but we can still get the resources. In a few days, I'll send it to you under the border for you to check. That's okay. Can solve this trouble Things couldn't be better, and for this reason, the officer did not hesitate to spend money. It would be troublesome if he caused diplomatic disputes.

Well, okay, you are sincere enough, but don't expect that by giving this little resource, both parties will be cleared! You have dirty my sister's virginity and you will never be able to pay it back in your lifetime... Little one. Sha obviously got an advantage and behaved well. Ji Bai sighed. Taking advantage of her, this shrewd queen made a huge profit.

Sir, if it doesn't work out, just pledge yourself to me. (Elvish)

Don't talk if you can't speak. I already have a fiancée, and I'm going to marry a foreigner. My family can't forgive me. (Elvish) The officer glared at this and was still in the mood to tease himself. glance at his subordinates.

What's the matter? I think this Miss Yamao is quite beautiful and she is a relative of the emperor. What is there that makes her unworthy of you? (Elvish) \u0026quot;

This is not a question of deservingness. Don't joke about this kind of thing, I will be angry. (Elvish) Officer Zhou said.

Elves attach great importance to the loyalty of love. Betrayal of love is absolutely intolerable. This is why he must choose to compensate after knowing that he has been wronged. This is a value of elves. They claim to be noble and have their arrogance. It is impossible to do this. To act like a barbarian.

Several subordinates also knew. I accepted it as soon as it was good and stopped making fun of my parents.

Then, Your Majesty, excuse me for disturbing you before. If there is nothing else, please allow us to leave first. The officer looked away. He didn't dare to look into the white-blond girl's eyes.

Of course, I know Mr. Officer is very busy, so naturally I can't delay Mr. Officer. By the way, it's not just the border. If Mr. Officer is still worried, you can search the entire Yamao Kingdom. I don't mind.

Don’t forget me, I won’t be able to pay all my family’s property when the time comes.

No, no, it's my fault that the suspicion has been brought to the Yamao Kingdom. Please Her Majesty the Queen, please don't pursue it. The officer quickly waved his hand. Lead the soldiers outside.

Just as he was about to step out of the door, a maid holding a basket happened to pass by. The officer stopped and let the maid pass in a gentlemanly manner.

The Queen's maids are really hard-working. Ever since we entered the inner city, we can see these hard-working little figures everywhere. The officer seemed to sigh with emotion.

Yes, officer, if you fall in love with a prostitute, remember to tell me. I'll set up a line for you...

Really? the officer suddenly laughed. That's the maid who ran past me just now. She seemed to have just come out of the laundry room. The basket in her hand still contained clothes soaked in wine.

A little curious. Who washes the clothes?

Ah? Isn't this normal? As a queen, I am not even qualified to wash my watches and clothes.

Of course not, of course not. Then, Your Majesty the Queen, we have a long way to go. Jun Gong smiled, turned around and was about to step out the door, making everyone turn around unexpectedly. He took out his sword and kidnapped Xiao Sha.

No one expected the sudden change, and the maid next to Xiao Sha turned pale with fright. General Yamao, who noticed the situation in the courtyard, also rushed in. Only Xiaosha's clumsy and dependent girl remained silent.

Dignified guest of the Human Federation, please give me an explanation for your current behavior. The guard who entered the door had a sullen face and said the word honored guest very seriously.

Why are you going to go back on your word, officer? Don't you want to pay for those resources? Xiaosha's face gradually calmed down after experiencing a slight change.

No, no, Her Majesty the Queen, we'd better not talk about resources for now. Let's get back to business. Let's talk about the topic just now. The officer sneered.

Although the cronies didn't know what their officers had discovered. But they unanimously chose to believe in Jun Yan's decision. He drew his blade and confronted the guards who came after him.

Oh? What topic.

Your Majesty, the lady guard who passed by just now betrayed you.

Appreciate further details……

The basket held by the guard lady contained wet clothes. She had just washed them.

Is there a problem with this?

It's no problem in itself. But the officer who pursued it carefully grinned. You've revealed your secret.

The clothing she is holding is a close-fitting dress in the human federal standard. I can't mistake it. There is no dress of this style and material in the Asian Cat Kingdom. The dressing customs of the two countries are completely different. It’s too obvious to appear in the linen-covered sub-cat kingdom.”

So you held me hostage just for this kind of thing? Xiaosha sneered.

This speaks volumes. My Queen, there are humans in your dormitory, but my subordinates unanimously stated that no humans were found in the inner city. Your Queen's statement is completely inconsistent.

Whether there are humans in my house seems to be none of your business, right?

Yes, Your Lady Queen, this is your business.

, but if that person is the key criminal we are looking for, it will not be that simple. The officer said coldly. If possible, I don't want to make the relationship so tense. If the Queen is willing to cooperate, I promise to forget the past.

What nonsense are you talking about? When has my queen ever hidden a human being? ? We are so messy that we will fight you to death and we will keep you all here! Seeing his queen being threatened with a dagger, the guard was furious. Furious.

Don't think of us sub-cat people as soft persimmons that anyone can bully!

No doubt it's offensive, but it's just something you don't know about. How can you be sure that your queen doesn't know about it either?

At this time, the elf soldiers waiting outside the door almost surrounded the entire palace.

Officer, do you really want to do this? To trigger a war between the two countries because of your baseless speculation?

That's it anyway. If the queen wants to survive, she must rescue that human being. If I still guess wrong, you don't need to do anything. For the sake of peace between the two countries, I am willing to commit suicide on the spot!

It's useless to talk more, Your Majesty the Queen. Any explanation now is feeble. Quickly get that human out. I heard that the queen of the Yamao Kingdom hates humans because of something, right?

In that case, there is no need to risk your life for that unknown human being, right?

During the confrontation, the officer suddenly felt that he was hit on the back of the head by a hard object. Turn around - look. A copper coin just hit the ground.

The cat-eared girl on the bed had already gotten out of bed, standing barefoot on the blanket, holding a moonlit knight's sword in her hand. Give him a cold look.

Take out the sword. Is it really you? The officer let go of Xiao Sha. Immediately, all the cronies gathered around her.

My Queen, are you okay? The guard quickly stepped forward to check on Xiaosha's condition.

This is really bad. Xiao Sha raised her forehead and looked helplessly at Ji Bai, who was surrounded by Tuan Tu. You can make a sneak attack at a time like this. Why throw a copper coin to remind him to sigh? It's so cool.

Your Majesty the Queen, are you really

Your Majesty, your Majesty is really well-hidden. If that cute little lover hadn't reminded me, I might have been tricked into it, right? the officer joked.

Listen up, now is the time to capture the key criminal. Anyone who interferes will be regarded as an accomplice, and those who are not involved will withdraw their respect.

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