Blood Princess and the Knight

55~Is it controversial?

It took Ji Yue a lot of time to take care of her hair and dress her, as well as to deal with image issues, which can be seen from the gloomy faces of the adults that are almost overflowing with moisture.

However, in terms of makeup and dress, Ji Bai is more like an ignorant child who doesn't know what he is referring to. The knight paid little attention to his image and dress, both before and now. Awareness is very weak.

At this moment, she was standing next to Ji Yue, with her hair braided on the back of her head, her long hair flowing down her sides, her beauty with a hint of prowess.

The ministers were swaying, looking at Ji Yue's extra tail since this morning with a look of disbelief. They looked at each other, and they had something to say but they kept it in their hearts.

What's the matter? Didn't the adults say they have something important to discuss with me in detail? Why are all of them speechless after changing clothes and eating? Ji Yue, who was sitting on the main seat, stretched her limbs very wantonly and swept across the room. A group of ministers who were happy but stopped.

Sir, it's like this. The elves have completely turned us into an opposing force. Now the entire city of the Human Federation has classified us as ministers who destroy the peace. They even accuse us of being internal agents of the demon species and superintendent. Bring us and the three major families loyal to us to justice... Isn't this something that was expected? Why, you woke me up so early in the morning just for such a trivial matter? Ji Yue spoke unceremoniously.

My lord, with all due respect, this is not a trivial matter, but an urgent matter that we should concentrate our efforts on solving. Ji Yue's temperament has changed a little since the blood sacrifice, and everyone feels this way more or less.

The elves have begun a large-scale arrest operation against us. Now the human federation is heavily guarded. Guard knights are encountered in the streets every day. They would rather kill everyone by mistake than let one go. Qu Jie has completely entered an extraordinary period.

“Now, the consequences of previous actions are beginning to unravel…

Is this saying that my previous decision was too reckless and lacked thinking... No, no, we don't mean this. We just want to remind you that we exposed our identity prematurely and did not receive corresponding benefits. If this continues, The situation may be very unfavorable to us. Everyone looked at Ji Bai with undisguised eyes, and the meaning couldn't be clearer.

Oh, then what should we do next from the perspective of asking for help? I believe that the most ideal way for us to respond at this moment is to wait and wait for their vigilance to relax. Then we can start attacking again and again, and we will be able to recharge our batteries and bide our time. Seeing Ji Yue's attitude of obeying them, the old guys relaxed.

They just said this because they wanted to get some rights to speak and act from Ji Yue. Even if they successfully established the country, they would have a high degree of autonomy in front of the emperor.

Ah, you are ignorant and short-sighted. Who knows Ji Yue said with disdain. The four major families have rebelled against the Federation. At this moment, people must be in panic↓This is the most chaotic moment in the history of elf management, but you want me to wait for a year and a half↓Wait until they bring order back to justice before making any plans. , what’s the purpose? ?”

War is not a child's play, Wen Baizhuangman. The enemy will not have the slightest pity for you. If you don't attack decisively when they are in the most pain, we will only die. Ji Yue continued regardless of everyone's shock.

My lord, are you planning to take the initiative during this extraordinary period? Why not? You can think of ideas that elves can't think of. Since they think that we will postpone our actions to survive the storm, they will definitely focus on dealing with the stability of the federation without worrying about the alert within the federation, and do the opposite. This is a huge opportunity!”

Sir, with all due respect, your approach is indeed inappropriate. It is not logical at all to anger someone who is stronger than us and then take the initiative to attack:

Listening to the voices of people below, Ji Yue stroked her forehead and felt an inexplicable helplessness. ζSee↑ba↑Read↑Booksζ

It's really awkward to talk to a group of old men who don't understand the art of war at all and talk about the truth.

When did I say that I was going to take the initiative and now I'm going to recruit the onion elves to do it? Now that our goal has been achieved, it's time to return to our ancestral land and rebuild the empire. Ji Yue patted the table to signal everyone to quiet down. .

Leave the Human Federation? Almost all of the subordinates here are natives of the Human Federation. If they were given a choice, they would certainly not be willing to leave here. They would rather go to the ancestral land of Gulan to establish the restoration of Gulan. Overthrow the elven dynasty and rebuild the Quran on the basis of the human federation.

Of course, this is just an ideal. They all know clearly in their hearts that Gulan, who is still in a state of subjugation, will definitely not be able to compete head-on with such a large colonial empire as the elves.

Of course, do you plan to continue to stay here and suffer? The birthplace of Gulan is not in the Human Federation but in Otonpus. Ji Yue raised her eyes. She had doubted more than once what the people under her command had. A few of them sincerely wanted to restore the Quran.

It was too early to say this before. Although the Gulan Empire was a monotheistic country with a rich cultural heritage, it was very enlightened and prosperous. The southern part of the continent was almost the radiance area of ​​Guzhu culture. Each country believed that it could obtain the enlightenment of Gulan culture. And to feel proud, the pride of the Quran people is not arrogance, but a kind of cultural self-confidence deep in their bones.

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