How is the progress of space deciphering?”

Come on, sir. Although our space spell research department is weak, it can still use the sound of the gourd to find the specific direction. With the subspace coordinates you provided, we can definitely find the specific direction. Ling Qi Chinese

Well, we must crack the passage before tomorrow morning. The black and purple-haired girl stood with her hands behind her hands.

Sir, you really have a way to get the spatial coordinates of the hiding place of those pointed ears. Haha, this raid will be unforgettable for them forever. The man in the tuxedo chuckled.

But I want to be ignorant, I am curious about how you obtained this spatial coordinate?

You don't need to go out of your way to find channels. We have them here. It's just that a certain guy pretended to be stupid and refused to give it to me. I had to go and get it in person before I could accept my little idea. Ji Yue said coldly.

Oh, it's him, He Jian...

If the purpose of this raid is just to scare them, it would be too superficial. Di's eyes turned cold. No fool will take such a huge risk to do something with little profit. Remember clearly what our true purpose is this time, and let the operational officers keep it in mind.

Yes, my lord, I will make them remember their mission

Sir, the spatial coordinates have been deciphered and have not been discovered by the enemy for the time being.

“Open the passage.

We have opened a space tunnel in the southwest corner of the barrier space and are creating an entrance...

Assemble the army, and use all the armed forces that can be used for fighting. Ji Yue has decided to end all this with lightning-fast tough measures.

She hesitated no more.

Follow your orders. The king will no longer break his daughter's love, which is the most touching thing for his subordinates to see. The man in the tuxedo saluted and immediately went to organize the combatants.

A military armed force organized with various Quran merchants as squad leaders was established.

It's over to bide our time and bide our time. Everyone, we are ready to be rich and powerful. This battle is the door to the new empire. Let's move forward to a new era together! The general gave an order and held up the Changchuang in his hand. Warriors of Gulan, for the sake of the revival of the empire and the glory of the Luo clan, now listen to my orders and hide the truth from the evil spirit of Can Ju.

The spirit launches a surprise attack!

Long live the Quran!”

Long live humanity!

Get the Saint back!

With roars soaring into the sky, the space passage opened wide and tens of thousands of armed sergeants rushed in. Knights swarmed in. This night was destined to be an unstable night for the elves.

Uh-huh, uh-huh_ At this moment, Ji Bai, who was sleeping in the corridor in the Moon Knight's barrier, could faintly hear the sounds of city beatings and killings coming from outside the window. She opened her aching fat man and looked at it in confusion. Look out the window.

Why is it so noisy tonight? - It seems like someone is whispering next to her. The added noise makes it impossible for her, who is already exhausted, to relax and sleep.

She checked her own sun, barefooted and walked to the window to wipe out her sleepy eyes. She looked closely at the fire outside the dormitory. When she opened the window, she saw the huge killing sound, roar, and roar. Sound, filled with clips - - pieces.

She was startled, and quickly closed the window, drew the curtains, and hid in the room. Her brain quickly turned to judge the current situation.

The elves are performing martial arts? Impossible. Even if they are performing martial arts, it cannot be at this late night. Moreover, Moon Knight declares itself to be a neutral organization both internally and externally, and will never reveal the identity of the elves in public.

After thinking about it and removing all the possibilities, Ji Zi could only think of one possibility.

Who has the ability and motive to steal an elf's home? Who else? A man of the Qur'an

Kill! All kinds of noises and languages ​​were mixed together. Ji Bai could only vaguely hear the gathering sounds of killing. At this moment, she was in a state of confusion.

This time, they are truly caught between the elves and Gulan. Looking at the overwhelming momentum, Gulan's side is not much better even if they don't rush out in full force.

Gulan is crazy. Those guys stabbed the elves in their lair for the sake of being in a violent camp. This is crazy.

This was what worried her the most. Gulan was not a fool, and Ji Yue was even less of a fool. It must have been driven by interests to allow them to take such a big risk and send troops to attack the elves. But Ji Bai racked his brains and couldn't figure it out. Is there anything in the barren land of Moon Knight's Barrier worth grabbing for them? ?

After much thought, Ji Bai decided not to think about it.

Now was the time to give up. Although she didn't like those pointed ears who used strong tactics to make her obey, she had no choice now.

In a sense, they were right. Going to Gulan was tantamount to seeking death. Emperor Gu Zhu knew that it was not enough for him to lie to her once and he lied to her a second time. It would be strange not to cut her into pieces.

Besides, Ke'er was still in the elf's hands, so it was impossible for Ji Bai to be separated from the elf for the time being.

Sela, are you there? At this point, the first thing Ji Bai thought of was the elf's eyeliner, Sera, who was placed next to him, calling her name.

Are you in there? I'm in. Ji Bai pushed open the door of Sera's room after Rongmen didn't respond.

The bed was neatly arranged and clearly not in the room.

--Zhang Wei, click on the next page to continue

Ah, how come I am never there when I should be there. Ji Bai had a headache and scratched his long hair, which was messy and had no time to take care of.

Boom! The ear-shattering sound accompanied by the feeling of pouring down the scene gave Ji Baiyi a warning: he can't stay in this painful house any longer, and he has to escape quickly.

Take refuge.

If I were caught by these Gulan soldiers who were beating, smashing, and robbing me, the consequences would be disastrous!

The approaching sound of killing outside the door kept urging Ji Bai to evacuate. She didn't even have time to take care of her hair. She took off her nightgown and put on her clothes roughly, put on the sling and pushed out the door.

Crack! There was a sound of the iron door collapsing, and several knights in full armor rushed in from the dormitory door.

When they rushed to the second floor, they met Ji Bai. Before they could see each other's faces clearly, they were all killed by the flying black shadows.

Have you already invaded? These knights are undoubtedly humans, but Ji Bai doesn't think that Gulan's inevitable attack will only involve human troops. These vanguards, who are not even knights, are just a way to die. Just the troops.

Kicking the corpse blocking the way away, Ji Bai was just about to slip out of the corridor when he heard the sound of dense footsteps that followed.

not good!

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Ji Bai hurriedly retreated to the corridor on the second floor. The torch illuminated the dim corridor, and the sound of footsteps echoed downstairs. Ji Bai jumped out of the corridor's wide window and landed on the róuruǎn lawn. He rolled a few times. Take it and keep running. Ah, it's too bad now. I can't get to the headquarters? Ji Bai hid in the grass and moved forward. He found that the road to the high-level residential area of ​​the Moon Knights had been blocked by the rebels, and there were all kinds of killing sounds in the city. In the harmonious Moon Knight barrier in the past, the torch illuminated the dark night brightly.

Despite the extremely ferocious attack of Gulan, the Moon Knights were completely defeated. This was just because they had not yet recovered from the sudden attack. If they really wanted to fight head-on, the human forces would not be enough. The elves are not vegetarians. No, they still Really vegetarian.

In other words, Ji Bai could not go anywhere, just lie in the bushes and wait for the elves to rescue him.

That's right, plans can't keep up with changes.

Ji Bai took aim at the soldiers who smashed the stalls of other people's food shops.

Hey, what are you doing here? The pig boss at the table wanted to cry without tears. He had no idea what he had done wrong and was ravaged by these bandits who ran out of nowhere.

Shut up! You pig-headed man-eating monster, filthy alien, pointed-eared accomplice, you should be burned to death! The soldiers didn't say anything, and they caught the pig-headed boss and beat him severely.

Suck, ouch! I don't know what you are talking about. I am a vegetarian. Although I also eat meat, I have never eaten human meat. Who are they with pointy ears? No one I know is called pointy ears. Yes!

You dare to be cunning and try to replace humans when you are about to die. You are a shameless foreign race. Just go to hell with those elves and accept the punishment of Gu Lanzu!

Suddenly, a huge dim purple sword pierced Lintoukan and nailed it to the wall.

All the soldiers who were smashing, smashing, and robbing turned around, and the white-gold shadow flashed past and took out Chuangchi who had just entered the corpse's blood, flesh, and internal organs.

Without any explanation, she beheaded the soldiers like chopping melons and vegetables.

Although Yuehuang has no battery, it is still not a problem to deal with these shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

He simply solved the problem for the buffet owner↓Ji Bai also successfully attracted the attention of some soldiers↓They swarmed over with red eyes.

Ji Bai clicked her tongue. The scene in front of her was contrary to her thoughts. Now almost everyone's attention was turned to herself. This was still the vanguard force, and there should be Gulan's elite in the follow-up.

Ji Bai felt dizzy when he thought of this.

She originally planned to hide and wait for someone to rescue her, but this was the end of the world.

Why do things become so careless?

There was no way to deal with so many armed soldiers at once. Ji Bai could only fight and disperse, hoping to slowly divert the attention of the soldiers.

But what she didn't expect was that more and more soldiers gathered around her, and it was like there was some kind of magnetic field of attraction around her. The soldiers dodged and came again and again, but they couldn't cut them all. , chasing her so hard that she hid here and there

Why are you so difficult to deal with? Ji Bai, who had temporarily escaped by hiding in the alley, gasped and leaned against the wall, his chest rising and falling.

By the way, is my body a little more up and down than before?

No, what time has it been? Why am I still thinking about these irrelevant things?

The ground is there, go up there quickly!

Wen Fu, Ji Bai was shocked, this alley is a dead end, if you get it all the way, the game is really over.

The footsteps gradually faded away. Ji Bai, who covered his mouth, breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed his body, and fell to the ground with a thud.

After strenuous exercise, her muscles relaxed, and the feeling of looseness gradually came back, but she knew that she couldn't rest yet.

Standing up with Yuehuang on his back, four stars outside the alley

--Zhang Wei, click on the next page to continue

, after making sure that no one was left here, Ji Bai slipped out of the alley with his body covered.

Since she couldn't seek the power of the Elf Headquarters, there was only one person she could rely on.

The former King of Knights who could barely be considered her senior, the Watch Knight.

She opened her legs and ran with burning lungs. Her breathing became more intense, and her fatigue made her feel like she couldn't do her best. With this feeling, she ran all the way to Lin Tuo's residence. Fortunately, she saw almost no one along the way. arrive

No soldier, not even a few lone soldiers, found her.

Huh huh huh After waiting for a while, Ji Bai leaned down and swallowed the air. She felt that all the strength and oxygen in her body had been taken away.

Kaliu. He knocked on the door with his last strength, but the expected response did not come.

She kept knocking on the door.

Still no movement.

As a last resort, she used all her strength and banged hard until her knuckles hurt, and the door panel creaked slightly. This level of noise was enough to wake up a sleeping person. Ji Bai was even worried that the sound would Welcome those hard-signed soldiers.

There was no one, and it wasn't until Ji Bai was blowing the cold wind at the door for more than ten minutes that she slowly confirmed this fact.

Have you left long ago?

Ji Bai blew a breath and walked out of the corridor when a gust of black wind blew up. No, it was not wind.

A sharp black shadow flashed across the sky, and the moment Ji Bai raised her head, it just covered the moon above her.

The burly figure covered in darkness landed on one knee, holding a girl about the same age as Ji Bai in his arms.

Yeah, you can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes, but it doesn't take much effort to get gold. The girl obviously noticed Ji Bai. She walked out from the protection of the gray and black knight, and the frost in her eyes made people shudder.

Tell me, what should I call you? The purple-haired girl lifted up her long skirt and slowly walked towards Ji Bai, pretending to be confused as she walked.

Vampire Queen, Your Majesty Bai Ji? Bai Ming? Bai Jin? Or should I say, brother and sister? Ji Yue approached step by step, while Ji Bai stepped back step by step.

Obviously, he did not expect to encounter Ji Yue in this place, and Ji Zi secretly thought that it was not enough.

She knew that she was no match for Ji Yue, let alone one, or even ten or hundreds of them.

If she had a head-on confrontation, she would die miserably, not to mention that she had the Black Knight with her who could fight back and forth with her in her prime.

In an instant, several options appeared in Ji Bai's mind.

One kind, surrender to sensationalism.

Throw away all the weapons, crawl over and hold the other person's ankles, cry, tell the ground about the feelings and emotions during the training day, and beg her to let him live.

At most one leg will be broken in this way, and my life may be saved.

This decision was rejected by Ji Bai as soon as it flashed through his mind. This kind of thing without dignity and restraint could not be done and could not be done.

Several choices ran through my mind, and they all felt inappropriate. In the end, I could only say hello to the other party with a smile on my face.

Long time no see, Miss Ji Yue. For the sake of survival, Ji Bai wanted to smile as friendly as possible, but not only could he not smile with his painful face, but his voice was also indifferent and indifferent.

Enhanced welfare, (2as) if Bai Ji can win the first place in the battle, I will update ten times that day! Not only ten updates, but also a customized chapter dedicated to the first place! There will also be a free pillow)

(But this is just the preliminary round, don't use too much force. There are several rounds in the semi-finals, and the final is the key.

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