Where are you going now?

You still have to ask, of course I'm going back. Do you still want to stay in this forest?

Don't you investigate in detail? Ji Bai was a little surprised - when it comes to seeking knowledge, how could these usually sanctimonious and dignified people with pointed ears give up so easily even if they are willing to dig graves and raise other people's ashes?

What are you investigating? The cave has already blossomed. Is there anything else that can be investigated? Sera said angrily. Let's go. How long do you want to stay here? This unlucky hole will be gone soon. I don't want to be associated with this kind of thing.

Is that so? Ji Bai looked at Sera thoughtfully. He was not stupid, and Sera was not stupid either. Even if she didn't know exactly what happened, she could still make a pretty good guess.

Giving up the investigation here means that she intends to ignore these abnormalities in Ji Bai's body, and even does not intend to report them back.

Let's go, don't be stunned. This cave is too evil. If you stay here, something weird might happen again. Go back, I'm hungry too.

Oh. No matter what the other party thought, it wouldn't hurt Ji Bai to leave here quickly. He allowed the other party to help him out of the holes where big holes were dug.

That's right. Sera seemed to have thought of something, and let go of Ji Bai for the time being, and activated the magic spell on the spot.

[Natural Rejuvenation 1

A gentle breeze blew through, like the gentle and gentle hand of Mother Earth. The broken and broken soil was quickly repaired, and the empty land was covered with green soil again, as if nothing had happened.

Wantfully destroying the forest is the most taboo thing for Mr. Muli. You can't just walk away after the incident. Sera said this, and came to the new land that had been reborn and tried to step on it to make sure it was tough and thick enough.

Covered up.

This weird cave will probably be filled with direction, so there won't be any problems. This time, Sera still led the way, and just as she said, there was no trouble, and it took less than half an hour to lead the way. Ji Bai walked out of the forest.

The healing effect of natural spells is limited. If you want to recover, you have to go back to the enchantment and rely on some equipment for treatment...

Ji Bai nodded, having given up hope that his identity would be exposed to the higher-ups of the elves.

The two returned to the barrier.

Stay at home while I take a bath. I'll be back in a moment. Sierra transformed into Kerr again.

There's no need for treatment↓I'm fine. Ji Bai stopped her.

That's my personal doctor, and I won't take you to public medical facilities. Sera took a breath. She knew that the other party wanted to delay the fact that the upper elves discovered the changes in her body as much as possible, but what could she do? You can't hide it - you can't hide it forever. As long as Ji Bai is still under the nose of the elf, he will definitely be exposed.

Even Sera now suspects that the upper echelons of Moon Knight already knew about this matter, but they just made it public without breaking the layer of paper.

After Sera left, Ji Bai, who almost lost a layer of skin when he went out, dragged his exhausted body and began to put bath water into the tub. After the water was warm enough, he looked down at the clothes in a daze, as if he was in no hurry. At this moment, she noticed that the pendant hanging around her neck seemed to have undergone some changes.

She was so exhausted that she didn't pay much attention, so she took off the pendant and threw it on her clothes. She stepped into the bathtub and soaked her whole body in the hot water. Ji Bai instantly felt that she had been saved and all her troubles were gone. You don’t have to think about it.

The tranquility of this moment did not last long... Where is the bird? Ji Bai was stunned. At first, he suspected it was because he was too young, and he didn't pay attention to it.

If she could be considered a boy physically some time ago, now she is completely

Is it too much? Such an earth-shattering thing happened as soon as I came back after going out for a supercar?!

Ji Bai's reaction to the earth-shaking changes that had taken place in her body was very disappointing, and she touched her breasts. “Why hasn’t this place become more beautiful?

No matter how his body changes, it is hard to say that this place has never changed, which is so disappointing.

Gee, why am I still thinking about these things at this time?

After a quick drink, Ji Bai put on new clothes and a pendant.

Has this pendant changed its shape? Ji Bai looked back and forth, and at this moment, there was a sound of the door axis turning.

It was Sera who came back, with an old doctor dressed in a white coat and looking kind-hearted.

This kid is injured, right?

Yes, it's hurting her heart. Please ask the doctor to take a look at her and prescribe some medicine. Sera asked Ji Bai to come over.

Although Ji Zi hated people touching her, she still accepted it thinking it was Sera's kindness.

Does it hurt here? the doctor asked.

It doesn't hurt. Ji Bai shook his head.

Doesn't it hurt? The doctor frowned slightly. He had already done a preliminary examination. If that's the case, young lady, there's nothing wrong with you.

She wasn't injured? Sierra was a little surprised by this result. Is it because we don't have the equipment and the investigation is not thorough enough?

--Zhang Wei, click on the next page to continue

Miss, I

Know what you are worried about. The purpose of equipment is not to detect the disease, but to accurately and specifically confirm what disease is detected. If the disease cannot be detected, what is the use of the equipment? The doctor explained.


This is a doctor with considerable knowledge and experience from the human side. He knows the structure of the human body very well. If she says there is no such thing, then it probably really doesn’t exist.

‘Thank you for your hard work. ,. it's okay no problem.

After sending the doctor away, the two of them faced each other for the camera

Your Excellency Ji Bai, you said that you have infiltrated the Gulan people, right? Sera found a chair anywhere and sat down... Yes...

Go ahead and tell me all the information you informed me. Sera slumped down on the chair as if all the bones had been removed... If you don't want the higher-ups to arrest you for slice research, you'd better listen to me. Report the information you know truthfully. I will help you hide the changes in your body as much as possible and let them not interfere with your activities between classes.

But you have to let them know you're working...

Can you really help me hide it? This was completely beyond Ji Bai's expectation. He never expected that the elf in front of him would hide her kin for him. To put it bluntly, the behavior of bullying and concealing was enough to get him punished. The disciple's hat.

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It's just a concealment. If they find out, there's nothing I can do. Sierra rolled her eyes.

°Thank you, I really appreciate it. Ji Bai thanked her profusely. Of course she didn't expect the other party to betray the clan for her. This was unrealistic. Ji Bai was very touched that she could buy such a trivial few days for herself.

Don't be too busy thanking me. Let's quickly organize some words to talk about the situation of Gulan and your understanding of them. Well, in this case, even if you have reservations, you can be forgiven. Sera said with deep meaning. .

Xiaoshui Changliu must continue to show value and role, so that senior officials will not attack her.

Hello Yin, is this the information you heard from them? After Ji Bai stated the information, Sera thought for a moment. Besides, is there any other important information? For example, seeing the face of an important organization member, which will make our work go more smoothly... No, I don't have that authority. Ji Bai shook his head. Shake your head to express denial.

Sera didn't doubt anything and nodded. After explaining some important things to Ji Bai, she was about to leave when she was stopped by Ji Bai.

Are there no eyes around here?. Are you worried about this? Of course not. Our control over you has been relaxed before. There is no one else in the eye besides me...

After the footsteps gradually faded away, Ji Bai held the pendant and blew a breath. She sat down, her hands on her thighs, and her face looked a little wistful, as if she was thinking about something.

After a while, he stood up and walked out of the door.

Ring, blind, oh. Three very rhythmic knocks on the door.

Well, today is a really nice day with a clear wind and a clear sky. It’s the perfect time to ask about cappuccino!” As soon as Lin Tuo entered the hot cappuccino, he was startled by a sudden knock on the door. .

Who is it? It's early in the morning and it's not open yet. Come back in half an hour!

Climb, slightly, hide. The person outside the door seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then knocked on the door again...? Who are you? You have been knocking. I said it is not open yet. You come to me whether it is a public need or a private issue. Leave it alone, it's not open for work yet...

For the third time, ignoring his own words, Lin Tuo should have rushed out angrily and yelled whether the person outside the door was playing tricks or simply couldn't understand people, but his current mood was only doubt.

In his mind, there was only one Qi Fan who remained silent even after being warned like this.

Slightly creaking. The door lock was unlocked and the door shaft turned.

As expected, it's you. Lin Tuo recognized the blond girl with beautiful breasts outside the door. After all, he had seen her two days ago, and she claimed to be an acquaintance of his. Lin Tuo had almost been diagnosed.

The other party's dress and makeup were the same as last time. She wore long braided hair with gorgeous hair accessories on both sides. She was wearing very well-fitting clothes. At this moment, she had her hands folded in front of her belly, looking a little uneasy.

Meet Ma Ling again?°

drink. The girl nodded slightly.

Come in, this is not the place to talk...

After entering, Lin Tuo poured a cup of cappuccino for Ji Bai and motioned for her to sit down. Tell me, what kind of trouble have you encountered again? I'll try to help as much as I can...

I can't run out of the border town

Isn't this nonsense? You disappeared without a trace during the high-freedom range last time. This incident even alarmed the upper echelon of Yueqi soil. This time they will not let you escape. This side of the city, even humans The Federation is their spy, do you think you can escape? Lin Tuo rolled his eyes.

If you are here just to let me take you out of the border town, there is probably nothing I can do. You know, I have been trapped here for many years. Besides, you said you tried to escape before? Lin Tuo's tone was still indifferent and he helped him Glasses on the bridge of the nose.

Little boy, you have changed. You used to be a

--Zhang Wei, click on the next page to continue

A very responsible man, if you just walk away like this, it will make the person who has been waiting for you feel cold.

I'm not trying to escape, I'm just looking for a way to change back.

Temporarily avoid the head-on conflict between the elves and Gulan. Ji Bai explained.

Didn't I already tell you how to change back? Mentioning this, Lin Tuo frowned slightly...I, Ji Bai, was speechless for a moment, and my hands on my thighs clenched slightly...I couldn't let go.

Can't do it? Lin Tuo stared at Ji Bai for a while and sighed slowly. Ah, there is nothing we can do about it, right? It is really too difficult for a loyal knight to assassinate his own king, even if there is no emotional foundation.

Do you have any other ideas?

Lin Tuo's silence represented his answer, and Ji Bai lowered his head in depression.

This is the only way to restore you to your original appearance. Be more open-minded. I didn't really ask you to stab her. I just asked you to pretend to stab her and cut her in a place where you don't want to harm her. Don't worry. The vitality of the Quran people is stronger than you think, and they will not die even if they are exposed to vital points.

Lin Tuo seemed to have thought of something, so he stood up and walked to the bookcase behind him, and took out from it - the kind of Xiaoqi that could be hidden under the skirt of the leg strap.

Use this ordinary iron sword against the skin of the Bugulan people. This is made of special metal...

Ji Bai looked blankly at the dagger thrown by Lin Tuo and felt the coldness of the metal.

Don't think too much. Think more openly. You are not going to court. You are just borrowing some blood from the Gulan royal family. It is needed urgently. Isn't it much better to think like this?

Seeing that Ji Bai still didn't speak, Lin Tuo followed his lead. You must be so anxious to restore your original relatives because you have something important to do. Let me guess, restoring your original appearance is not just as simple as restoring your appearance. It also restores your strength at the same time, right?

Maybe it wasn't what Lin Tuo imagined, but he was indeed right about it.

That's right, if that's the case, there's nothing you can do. When Gulan and the elves are confronting each other, you must at least be able to protect yourself, right? How can you save others if you can't protect yourself with a body that can't fight?

Ji Bai Siping was gradually persuaded and gritted his teeth. The hesitation in his heart gradually turned into determination.

Then let me tell you the specific process. You put your wallet away first. Lin Tuo took off his glasses. If you want to get her blood, you know it is unlikely to get the other party's verbal permission. , at least, not likely when the other person is awake.

Understood, just do this...

Any more questions?

Why do you want to help me to this extent? Ji Bai's expressionless face showed a hint of hesitation... Help you? Not really...

I'm also helping myself...

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