Under the escort of the guards, step in. ÷san∫ bar∫ reading ∫ books ÷ a courtyard, Bai Ji recognizes this place, La Sambo. There is no shortage of empresses. Some have weird personalities. . The existence of some abnormal habits.

Not all queens can release the enormous pressure brought about by handling government affairs in normal ways. In the history of the blood race, some queens with eccentric personalities often need outsiders to relieve their pressure. So there is this place, whether it is a handsome man or a graceful woman, someone needs to adjust the empress's unstable feelings. As for their specific ways to relieve stress, it is inconvenient to say.

After the founding of the Blood Race, according to the customs, this place, nicknamed Baiyuntingluo, is indispensable in the Queen's palace. Part, but it seems that it has never been used, at least Bai Ji has never seen Lilias use this place.

After such a long time, that guy must have been completely cold, and he didn't know where the body was buried. Zi Ling wouldn't let his royal sister die in the wild, right? At least he had to be buried in the royal cemetery or something.

Mi Luo, how is the progress of cracking the blockade of the Necromancer World?

I still need it. For a while, what about your side, can't you delay it anymore?

No, it will be our execution day in a few days. Before he sacrifices us to the heavens, he will announce to the world, The culprit has been captured. Wait for the auspicious day to kill us and start a new era for the Scarlet Empire. Well, maybe There are some discrepancies with the original words, and it probably looks like this.'

Huh? What's the matter, stop talking.

Miss Yana and your subordinates are anxious like ants on a hot pot after learning about the situation you are in now, but you, the party involved, are like an outsider.

Then what can we do? Are we as anxious as ants on a hot pot and lose our sense of control? Crying is death, smiling is also death. If this is the case, what are you doing with a sad face? If this is really our last What's the use of being anxious? Isn't it better to go on the road with a smile?

I get it, keep going. Yes, at least you'll be safe these few days. If you annoy the guards guarding you, no one can save you.

Anyone, don't you see that our situation is constantly improving? The previous few times when I went to the city, I went to prison. This time, I have a palace to live in. It's a leap.'

All in all, be careful yourself. We won't be able to come out to help you until the Necromancer World is unblocked. After finishing speaking, Mi Luo cut off the contact.

Hey, Uncle Guard, we've arrived at the place where we're being detained, so let's untie the shackles for us anyway, it's very inconvenient to eat and sleep with this kind of thing. Bai shook - the heavy chain on his hands. Death is big and eight murderers

Although we can live in a few days, we are also princesses after all, so there is no way to satisfy us with this small request?

The guards looked at each other. Eyes, it seems that I can't make up my mind.

Let the princess untie it. The cavalry captain said. This is probably what His Majesty Zi Ling meant, let Her Royal Highness be a princess for a few days, after all, it is the last time

The blood of the members of the royal family is powerful, and once the curse eye is sealed, they will lose almost all their power. There are heavy soldiers around the courtyard, all of which are Zi Ling's personal soldiers. These guards are too watery to deal with. A little girl is definitely enough.

After the shackles were released, Bai Ji moved. His wrists and ankles were a little sore, he stretched his waist as if he was bored, and stepped into the courtyard with his small leather boots. ΨZero Seven ChineseΨ

This will be the residence of Her Majesty the Princess for the next few days. 8 Three meals will be delivered by the maid. Just ask the maid what you want to eat. The serious but gray-haired butler set a standard for Bai Ji. Bai Ji couldn't help but feel flattered by the royal courtesies.

Oh, that's great, can you order whatever you want to eat? That's great, I've been in exile for so long, and I'm eating dry blood clots

Although the order is true, the old slave will let the imperial dining room cook. In addition, there is one thing. The old slave has to explain to Her Royal Highness, don't run around, at least, don't run out of the scope of this courtyard. The words of the old housekeeper became Meaningful.

You can't escape even if you run, and you will be caught again even if you are tired, so why do we run? Bai Ji was confused.

It's good that you understand. Her Royal Highness is almost tired, so the old slave will not talk too much. There are many rooms in the courtyard, and each room can be used for rest. But, don't go to the far right of the third floor of this building. The room. The old housekeeper didn't explain why and left in a hurry.

Did not explain why, (not to mention the consequences, this is not a warning, but a reminder.

Excuse me. Bai Ji pushed the door open and entered the room. The interior of the attic was well decorated, with dark red wool carpets laid, and there was no lack of tidying due to long-term unoccupied people, and there was no dust in the corners.

Bai Ji had visited this place known as the Queen's Palace, but she did not go into these pavilions to observe.

The attic hall is well developed in all directions, the front is the back garden, the left and right lead to the flower garden and the pond respectively, and there are still placed at the corner of the staircase d on the first floor. A life-sized gargoyle sculpture.

It is exactly noon now, and you can clearly see the golden tulle swaying through the French windows on the second floor. A colorful flower bed with light green.

She stretched out her fingers involuntarily, feeling the warm and soft touch of the sun. , h


the ter

The period when ter changed was the darkest moment for me, emptiness and bewilderment occupied the desire to continue to survive, and it was also at this time that Lilias would forcefully hug herself out of the

Castle, and then throw yourself on the grass f in the courtyard.

Hey, little Bai Ji, try to approach us.

The weak-sighted self can only see. A vague white shadow was not far away from him, his limbs were weak and unable to support his body at all.

At that time, I hated her, hated her, hated this vampire demon who forcibly tampered with her blood, and wished to break her into pieces

Bai Ji who was lying on the ground thought so, but unexpectedly, Lilias did not punish her for being disobedient, but just stood there and waited, waiting for the girl on the ground to get up and walk towards her.

-Wait-wait, wait until the sky is getting dark, Bai Ji blinks her eyes, the white shadow is still standing there.

very thirsty and hungry

-No eating or drinking in the afternoon, she didn't know if Lilias had eaten during this period, at least, she couldn't hold on anymore.

It's okay to starve to death like this, maybe it can kill Lilia. Get up to starve to death.

Thinking like this, I was starved and fainted, but the next day, I still had to face the same experience.

At the beginning of being embraced for the first time, Lilias never condoned the cruelty to herself, she once did. Du attributed this to torture, which was the evil taste of the devil Lilias.

In fact, this is not the case. Without Lilias' devil-like torture, Bai Ji might still be lying on the bed in a paralyzed state.

Strolling through the courtyard corridor blown by the wind, Bai Ji came to the rightmost room on the third floor of the pavilion. The wooden house was partially hidden, and the small shoes placed outside the door confirmed that there were indeed people inside.

Without any hesitation, Bai Ji pushed open the wooden door. Accompanied by the slight imperceptible sound of the door shaft turning, the falsely concealed door was pushed open.

Just like one day two years ago, I strayed into her room and saw her sleeping soundly. The scene was very similar.

The cool breeze blows in from the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sunlight floods into the birch floor of the house, shining on the girl's flawless silver hair, shining brightly.

On the big princess bed covered with white velvet, the girl seemed to be sleeping very sweetly, completely unaware of her arrival. Her long pure silver hair was scattered on the bed, and the transparent bed curtains were hanging down, like a scene from another world.

Like a subconscious behavior, or maybe for other reasons, Bai Ji took off her leather shoes and placed them neatly side by side next to the other pair of shoes, the size was unexpected. To

Stepping away from her legs wrapped in white silk stockings, Bai Ji slowly came to the bedside and opened the bed curtain.

Oh, it's really a pity that she didn't get dismembered and killed because of the coup d'état. Looking at the sleeping person on the bed, after a long silence, Bai Ji shook her head with regret.

When we were being punished, there were endless ways of expressing anger and steel. Why did self-protection become a problem at a critical moment?

Speaking of which, Boo Boo, you have today, old witch? Not to mention being knocked down, and imprisoned as a pet mouse, are you kidding Lily Biaosi?

However, the girl on the bed seemed to be sleeping soundly, and she didn't hear Bai Ji's ridicule and sarcasm at all.

Ah, did you fall asleep, did you sleep so deadly? Bai Ji leaned down, and chuō touched the face of a girl who looked very similar to her.

Well, it looks like she really fell asleep. Bai Ji licked her lips with a mischievous smile, climbed onto the bed, straddled Lilias' waist, and bent forward. If you don't wake up, we're going to play a prank, don't you plan to wake up?

Lilias's breathing was steady, and her lower abdomen rose and fell slightly. It was absolutely impossible for outsiders to tell whether she was asleep or not, but Bai Ji, who was the person next to her pillow, was different.

It's boring, it looks like he's asleep, hehe, if that's the case. Bai Ji took it out from under her skirt with a smile. quill

Paint quietly on your forehead - even a turtle won't be able to notice it! Bai Ji touched the tip of the quill with her tongue, dipped it in the ink, and gestured beside Lilias's face. lock up.

Lilias was still in a deep sleep, showing no sign of waking up.

Tch, did you really fall asleep? Bai Ji threw the tip of the pen down boredly. side.

Speaking of which, I haven't had to take a bath for many days, right? There must be a big bathtub in such a large courtyard, and I haven't had to take a bath for a long time.

Bai Ji just turned around and walked out. Before she could take a step, someone grabbed her wrist from behind, and before she could react, someone grabbed her from behind. Pulled him onto the bed.

Ah! Caught off guard, Bai Ji screamed, her vision turned upside down, and she saw the ceiling in an instant.

Huhu light breathing sounded in front of his ears, and two small milky forearms wrapped around her neck, holding her in his arms.

Yeah! Well, good Bai Ji just felt that the back of her head was on a particularly hard and flat place, which was very uncomfortable.

Ahhh, this guy is too good, pretending to be sleeping and deceiving others, and let himself taste the feeling of a tablet pad, sure enough. Have you been thinking about how to make fun of yourself?

I don't know why, but after blurting out the words just now, Bai Ji felt the arms around her become tighter.

Lilias, you really did nothing to tease us.

the ter

Ter didn't use it to the extreme, so you didn't sleep at all

Come on, don't you have to put on a chest pad today?! Let go, the back of our head is going to be blistered! Bai Ji struggled to get Lilias' deadly hug, but Lilias had also learned swordsmanship The queen of melee self-defense, although she doesn't have much strength, is absolutely enough to suppress Bai Ji

Stupid Lilias, are you still pretending to be asleep? Do you take us for fools? If you're exposed, you still pretend to be a dream game to play with us? Bai Ji found that the more she struggled, the tighter her opponent's entanglement became, and even both legs were numb. Get out from the bed and join the battle.

Both legs were also entangled by the opponent's feet, no matter how hard Bai Ji struggled, it was useless.

Ah, ok, are you pretending you're sleepwalking?

Stupid Lilias, you're not tall enough. You're half a meter old, an old loli who has expired, a flat monster, a file monster, and it's not a hundred years old. Be taller - think smarter. Dot Baiji leaned into Lilias's ear and said loudly.

Hello everyone~ We are Lilias. Lilias who can see her own toes, Lilias who can't tell the difference between the front and the back, we have neither conscience nor puff! the editor sang Bai Ji of the nursery rhyme suddenly felt that someone was strangling her neck.

Ming-cough cough!

Ah, little Baiji has been wandering outside for so long, does she really miss my embrace?. The hand touched Bai Ji's life egg from behind, and the long-lost laughter came from behind.

Thinking about the tearful performance of a long-lost reunion, it seems that there is no need for it. Children who wantonly slander their loved ones will be punished.

Cough, you're mistaken. We're not Bai Ji. Take a good look.

No, you are. Lilias rubbed the bat horns on both sides of Bai Ji's head with great confidence.

Even if you turn into meat sauce, mother will know which one is you after tasting it. Lilia licked her lips slightly, resting her head on Bai Ji's Guangjie shoulder, biting her fangs lightly go down.

Okay, it hurts! It's too much, let go now, idiot Lilias

It's so impolite to call your mother's name directly, and call your mother an idiot. Forget what I taught you before? Lilias said.

Si Sisi hurts so much! Oh, mother (Master, we were wrong, we shouldn't be naughty, please don't continue to punish me

the ter

the ter

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