Blood Princess and the Knight

47~Meeting in Black History

Ji Bai. With a weak push, he helped Xun up, who was bowing her head in worship. Under her stunned gaze, he shook his head and motioned for her to keep quiet.

Sir, the guards didn't understand what happened. They watched helplessly as the armored man took off his iron helmet.

This guy took it off like a magic trick. There is only an iron helmet on the head. An iron helmet, but this iron helmet was dark silver and had some kind of black aura that made people aware of danger.

What are you doing standing there? Xun looked coldly at the bewildered guards beside him. Why don't you open the cell door quickly and let this gentleman out?

Ah? Your Majesty? The guards looked at each other and asked not to disobey Your Majesty's orders. They were confused and confused.

Sister Xi, are you going to let him go? Xiaoyu's unbelievable face was still filled with confusion.

Xun covered his forehead with a headache. It was an unfortunate coincidence, so he sent his subordinates to do it. A series of shameless hooks ended up being intercepted halfway by a passing princess.

This is troublesome. If the other party asks, how can I, the second lady’s personal guard, explain to the other party? ?

What’s even more puzzling is why the princess appears in such a place? Isn’t she far away in Saplan State now? Now the Scarlet Emperor

Xiao Yu, you have arrested the wrong person. This is one of our own. Due to Ji Bai's hint, Xun could not explain the truth and could only say this.

Is he also sent by the lady? Then why--didn't you tell me at first? Xiaoyu looked surprised and then said, embarrassed.

Yes, but his existence is a secret. Of course, you can't talk about it casually. Xun was a little helpless, so to speak. Another lie is needed. lie to make up for it.

Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. This is probably what the lady meant.

Xiaoyu glanced at Ji Bai who opened the door and walked out of the prison, thoughtfully.

There are many people in this place, if you have any questions, please come with me.

Can this kind of crooked man who gets angry at a little girl be an adult? Xiaoyu pursed her lips, looking very unhappy. You see, some naughty kids just don't know how to look at the situation and their expressions, and they don't know what kind of person they want to offend.

Tch, the Queen isn't that big of a showman, is she? Xiao Yu muttered in a low voice. Although she had a bad impression of Ji Bai which made her unhappy no matter how she looked at him, she was not overly wanton and she didn't want to cause any trouble to Xun. Factory Mu Xiaohou

It doesn't matter. It's normal for children to be naughty and mischievous. Ji Bai was silent for a long time without saying anything.

Sir, this journey must be very difficult. Let's go to the room first. After we've finished talking, don't follow us. You've done your homework today.

Eh? Woohoo

With the tail behind them, the two of them arrived at the city lord's private room.

Are you in charge of this border city now? Ji Bai pulled up a chair and sat down, feeling relieved. Sitting cross-legged made him exhausted, so he quickly found a chair to lie down on. lie.

Your Highness Princess, yes, but there are people in charge of internal and external affairs, so I don't need to worry about it.

No need, Xun likes it. His subordinates just mistakenly took the princess to prison, how could Xun dare to sit down and talk?

Really? Ji Bai didn't want to force him after hearing this, and it wasn't an important matter. Just let the other party like it.

Probably. Years ago. Ji Bai seemed to sigh with emotion. Yes. We haven't seen each other for years. Since that separation, I haven't had time to say thank you to you.'

Recalling that time in the Yamao Kingdom, Xun felt a little enlightened. In terms of his low status, it was not his turn to talk to Her Majesty the Queen's first love. The two of them had a lot of interactions between each other. Now look at it. It felt like I was dreaming -. Sample.

Your Highness, this journey must be very hard. The two sides fell into each other. There was an eerie silence, and Xun was the first to break the silence.

Don't call me that. Besides, I'm a wanted criminal now. I'm the main criminal charged with treason according to the official ultimatum. Strictly speaking, your current behavior is considered to be collaboration with the enemy and treason.

Your Highness, please stop teasing Xun like this. Xun frowned slightly. No matter what, Miss Second, and the entire Leforno family are your most loyal followers, including us. 2

If I know that you are safe and sound and have arrived at Leforno, the second lady will be very happy.

It's not necessary, it's not the time yet.

Your Highness, don't you believe the second lady? Xun was a little confused.

That's not the question. It's a bit complex to say. In other words, that girl Tina must have thought up the idea of ​​massacring each other's villages. Ji Bai said this question in a declarative tone.

She really has her style, as decisive and ruthless as ever.

‘Are you sure this guy is your friend?’ Milo’s faint voice sounded in his mind.

Why, is it strange that you have a preconceived subjective impression of the other party because she is a little girl? Then


ter girl is not a good person. She has been punished since she was a child.

People who are neglected understand the ways of the world better, and the cruelty of their methods is unimaginable. Ji Bai explained to Milo in his mind.

f male toys

Speaking of which, you, the female dragon, are also in heat? You don't go sweeping the streets and just watch what I do all day long. It feels like the work is too easy. Do you want me to give you some more?

Devil Milo whispered.


It's nothing, I'm not talking about that. I'm here to tell you that your 'little daughter' went crazy for some reason and gnawed several pillars of King's Landing Castle, and all the flowers in the flowerbed lost their leaves.

My Xiaomi Luo, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. I'm not married yet. Where did I get a daughter from? Are you responsible for giving birth to me?

Did you forget so soon? You. The product of a fashion experiment, and my blood was used.

Oh, that seems to be the case. Are you talking about Sita? Can't you just give the naughty child a spanking if she disobeys you? If you still can't deal with her? Then come back and discipline her when I'm free.

Hmm? Why.

She just fainted. Milo - words. Dunmo's emotions were slow and slow.

? ?Did you do this? Don't be too gentle. She is just a child who is not familiar with the world. She is still a child. Don't let her go. If you are too gentle, continue to beat her after waking up.

I didn't participate. Milo said calmly. She just drooled on Miss Yana's comic books and limited peripherals, and was severely beaten by the blackened Miss Yana. In order to make her calm down, her limbs are now tied to the bed. .'

You still have to be gentle with children and educate them with love. Okay, I have something else to do here, so I won't tell you anymore.

Your Highness? Are you blaming the young lady? In fact, the second young lady did this out of helplessness. If Shi Shi is merciful, the consequences will be disastrous, so...

Well, I wanted to ask her how she is doing lately, but looking at her arrogant and domineering appearance, she is probably living a pretty good life. Ji Bai said half-jokingly. I just don't know if she still recognizes me as a friend. Yes.

The second half of the sentence is a joke, why the Leforno family. The reason for being so close to the royal family is partly because the capable second daughter of the Leforno family is firm in her stance. Of course Ji Bai knows this kind of thing.

Miss - I have always missed His Highness very much.

Don't call me Your Highness, just call me Sir. It's not good to say this kind of thing smoothly.

Just in time, I also need your help, but I have to ask, is Leforno really still managed by Leforno now? The Duke of Leforno has been caught inside. What has changed in the Principality of Leforno? Nothing has changed? -

Of course, the current control of the Principality of Leforno is still in the hands of the young lady. Sir, you can rest assured. Although the eldest young master is the temporary head of the family on the surface, the eldest young master has no independent opinions and cannot take on big things. Many family affairs are caused by The second young lady made the decision.

That would be much more convenient. Ji Bai relaxed.

Your Highness, although it is a little abrupt, I can ask. Did something happen between you and Her Majesty the Queen?

What could happen to her and me? I want to ask you what happened, but something happened in the capital. I need your help for something. Ji Bai stood up. Before that, I have to meet your second lady.

Are you planning to see Miss Tina?

Well, without delay, it's better to talk to her face to face about some things. Can you prepare the carriage for me?

Xun's work efficiency is still very reliable. It didn't take long for the carriage and groom to be ready. She understood the urgency of the matter and set off on the same day after having a meal at noon.

They are all strong and good horses, raised by feeding on magic medicine. In terms of horse distance, they can reach the main capital of Leforno in less than a day.

Thank you for your hard work, I have to trouble you to follow me. Let's go. Sitting in the róuruǎn carriage, Ji Bai looked at the scenery outside.

It's an honor for Xun to serve His Highness. I just have something to do and return to the capital.

Your Highness, you may ask. Is it a question that shouldn't be asked?

Well, as long as it doesn't touch my blind spots in knowledge.

Xi, it can be seen that the second lady's feelings for you are very important, and even go beyond ordinary friendship. How did you and the second lady meet?

Said Leforno's iced blood cake tastes good.

It would be better if it was sweet.

Looking at the other person's face, I don't know, don't ask me about my appearance, Xun wisely closed his mouth.

How did the two of them meet? You can't say this nonsense, it's only him. I know it personally, and it can only be him. I know personally, I can’t say it, but this memory still touches me. A dark history

I vaguely remember that. It seems that the Principality of Leforno held a banquet in 2016, and hosted a banquet for nobles of all sizes. Of course, Her Majesty the Queen and her heirs could not be missed.

Ah~ Duke Leforno is really thoughtful. He actually invited the royal family and so on. Aren't you afraid that everyone will be unable to use their hands and feet at the banquet? Lilias sat on a high chair, stroking the high-quality invitation in her hand.

How dare you, the first invitation letter sent by the Duke?


This is for Your Majesty and Her Royal Highness the Princess. Your appreciation will really make the Duke's Palace shine.

Well, let me tell you, Your Majesty the Duke, that my daughter and I will be here as promised.\\ Play

Thank you, Your Majesty. If nothing happens, I will leave first.

And just when Lilias was receiving visitors, inside her bedroom. Only a small head poked out.

Hee hee old woman, stinky zhàzhi~ Ji, let us seize the opportunity! I saw her. He sneaked into the queen's palace and sneaked into the baby's wardrobe with malicious intentions. After a while of tinkering, she was unexpectedly buried by the fallen clothes.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Bai Ji struggled to climb ashore from the sea of ​​clothes, and when her eyes glanced at the few pieces of white fabric beside the bed, she saw them. Liang couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Pfft, haha, Lily, we thought you were so majestic. Your underwear size is not even aa. With two scarlet eyes, Bai Ji smiled evilly and came up with a very wicked idea. .

It's so small that the front is pressed against the back. You don't need so much fabric, right? ~Hey. While Lilias was receiving guests, Bai Ji took Lilias's. Some personal clothing was taken away and then scattered. He put away his clothes, patted his pì gǔ and left as if no one had been there.

Huh, let you bully me, let you give me cakes, let you use us as a pillow, let you let me learn this and that, let you always bully us! Return to the room, put these cloths - -After tinkering for a while, Bai Ji looked at the little rabbit in her hand triumphantly, which was obviously made of different fabrics, and she hit and kicked her angrily, as if she was hitting a person. This made her feel very relieved.

She learned this from the curse master in the palace. Although she didn't understand the principle and couldn't hurt Lilias, this didn't stop her from venting her anger on this doll made of Lilias's underwear. .

As the saying goes, Dao Gao - Chi Mo Gao - Zhang, it's like Lilias installed a 330-degree all-weather all-weather monitor on Bai Ji. Like, hers. All movements are under Lilias' control.

That. sky.

Xiao Baiji~

Hmm? Have you met my mother? Have you had your meal~? When going down the stairs, the voice from behind made Bai Ji immediately. Stunned, it quickly turned into a smiling face in less than zero seconds. He held up his skirt and turned around without daring to do anything. A gift from a royal lady













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