
Hey hey hey~ The cute white tail suddenly waved back and forth, the small and playful cat ears stood up, and the flowing water-like twin ponytails danced behind her, like two pieces of silk. Ψ07中文Ψ

It's not yet the start of the school year, and most of the current students in Moon Knight Academy are traveling or completing commissioned tasks, and only a few of them are staying at the main campus.

At this moment, in the corridor of the dormitory building, a cat-eared lolita wearing a cute maid skirt attracted the attention of everyone present. The coolness deliberately revealed in front of her chest made people think about it. Her white and delicate skin, cute Her tail wags behind her, and her long legs are wrapped in seductive white silk.

This girl with cat ears seemed to be in a very good mood. Her pair of cute cat ears stood up obediently, her little face was filled with a cute blush, and she looked satisfied =v=.

The exotic style is combined with the product of human civilization, and the girl with cat ears shines like the moon in the dark.

For Ke'er, who was relatively shy, it still seemed a little uncomfortable to have her body exposed to so many people's scorching gazes, but the joy that surged into her heart overcame her shyness.

She walked to the front desk of the dormitory building and handed over the blue card that Lin Tuo handed her. Little sister, open a room~

Pfft. The soft and sweet voice was full of innocence. Looking at the innocent cat girl in front of her, the receptionist couldn't help laughing.

Okay, okay, little guest, please wait a moment~ The receptionist put the blue card on the pressing board and after some manipulation, returned a golden voucher and key chain to Ke'er's hand. Forget to touch gently≒

Meow~ Sensing the friendliness of others, Ke'er rubbed the palm of the young lady at the front desk comfortably and let out a heart-warming meow.

Well, little sister, please be careful along the way. If you encounter any difficulties, you can come and tell me~ The young lady at the front desk reluctantly stretched her hand back from Ke'er's supple head. She knew that it was not possible. Treat the cat-eared girl in front of you as an ordinary pet. Like yourself, she is an intelligent creature in this world. Unless you get consent, this kind of behavior is not advisable. Don't forget to be gentle before leaving. He ordered.

Hmm~ Thank you, sister, I'll leave first~ Ke'er curiously flipped the voucher and keychain held in her two little paws up and down, and thanked the front desk lady with a healing smile.

Hmph~ Humming an unknown cheerful song, something seemed to come to mind in his little head, and the charming red glow filled his entire little face. Mr. Ji Bai, you must be a very good human being~

Most of the sub-cat species are simple and kind-hearted. They pay special attention to kindness, especially kindness in times of adversity. They can repay each other with kindness in times of adversity, or even pledge themselves to each other. This is something that even humans who claim to be the supreme moral beings would not dare to do. .

Just as Kerr was humming a little song and jumping up and down out of the dormitory hall, there was a pop sound, and he perfectly displayed his natural and cute skills - one by one, he was thrown to the ground by the force.

Meow wow! After his center of gravity became unstable, a rapidly enlarging ground appeared in his field of vision.

It's terrible! It's terrible! Ke'er's head is going to bloom! Woohoo~ It will hurt!

She subconsciously closed her eyes and covered her little head. However, when she timidly opened her eyes, she saw the long hair that was flying and shining silver under the light, and an elegant fragrance blew over her. , he was already being held in someone's arms.

Meow meow?~ Ke'er tilted her little head in confusion, a little confused.

Are you okay? came a harsh and indifferent voice, as crisp as an oriole emerging from the valley.

When Kerr raised his head, what came into view was a pair of emotionless scarlet eyes that exuded a faintly penetrating aura. His long silver-gray hair was flowing down. One of the strands was shunted to the side and tied into a side ponytail. .

For a moment, Ke'er was stunned.

The person in front of him, the indifferent girl hugging him, was beautiful, so beautiful that it was unreal. This was Ke'er's evaluation of this girl in his heart when he was short of words.

Say something. Looking at the motionless cat-eared girl in her arms, the girl frowned slightly.

Did he fall somewhere? The girl thought in confusion.

However, this expression completely changed in Ke'er's eyes. It looked impatient, coupled with a pair of scarlet eyes that were somewhat revealing.

Oh no, no! Is this sister angry because she thinks I'm too shivering? Woohoo~ She, she won’t beat me, right?

Ke'er was like a frightened little rabbit in the girl's arms, too scared to move.

On the other side, Ji Bai watched Lin Tuo go away in silence, and then came to the dormitory building to look for Ke'er.

It seemed that the god of fate had made a joke. As soon as he opened the door, he saw this embarrassing scene in front of him.

After a slight lag, his eyes instantly focused on the silver-grey-haired girl holding Ke'er's body.

Scarlet eyes, a hint of silver hair, fair skin, and that deeply hidden, yet extremely familiar smell that makes me sick...

vampire! And he is also a member of the royal family with high blood purity!

In addition, Ke'er, who was caught in her arms and looked frightened, was seriously

Add to that the endless pain the Vampire Queen has left for herself.

For a moment, the air around Ji Bai seemed to condense.

Just like a volcano that had been dead for thousands of years suddenly ignited the sparks in his heart, the Radiant Knight, who had been restrained for a year, completely exploded at this moment.

Let her go! guna! You disgusting maggot!

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