
Ji Bai rubbed his chin, his eyes wandering between the man and the woman who were quarreling, and he was a little confused as to what the situation between these two people was. ☆Zero=撒中文☆

Although they are said to be comrades, they don't look alike, but it cannot be said that the two are completely unrelated.

So, what is the purpose of your trip? If you don't recruit it from the truth, you will suffer some physical pain. Studying and analyzing demon seeds? If this kind of underground organization could be so stupid as to spit out all its secrets at the first sight of a stranger, it would probably have been followed by demons to pick up crystals, right? This clumsy lie was exposed as soon as it was revealed.

The only thing worthy of praise is that the acting is not bad. For a moment, Ji Bai really believed what this guy said.

Don't, don't, don't, little brother, please speak up if you have anything to say! A gentleman should speak or not use his hands, we are all civilized people! As the saying goes. The middle-aged man now looks like he can be as cowardly as possible. Looking back, he thought before There is something about this guy, and now it seems that Ji Bai has the urge to slap himself.

Looking at the imageless man on the ground who was talking about running around, Ji Bai silently pulled out a dagger with a silver wolf head guard from behind and made several gestures at the man. The blade of the sword shone brightly under the blazing sun. of light.

Hey! Come on, be serious! Little brother, put that thing away first, uncle, my heart is not very good.

The embarrassing voice was almost distorted. The cold-faced woman on the side couldn't stand it anymore. She covered her face and turned her head away, as if she didn't know this person.

You have to understand, I don't have much patience. Ji Bai narrowed his eyes.

Hey?! Are you in a hurry to get to the point? Okay, give me a hand first! The man held out his hand to Ji Bai with hopeful eyes.

Get up, you're a grown man, with hands and feet. Before Ji Bai could speak, the woman beside her frowned and scolded.

Okay, okay, hey, Yiyi, don't be so fierce. The middle-aged man stood up with difficulty and laughed.

If you call me that again, believe it or not, I'll let you take a day trip to heaven and earth? the woman leaning against the wall said coldly.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man trembled and no longer dared to joke.

Ahem, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Lin Tuo, and her name is Lan Yi. Nice to meet you, young man. The gray-faced Lin Tuo forced out a smile and stretched out his hand to Ji Bai. .

Haha Ji Bai looked at the middle-aged man named Lin Tuo with disdain. He had no intention of shaking hands with him. Lin Tuo could only put away his hand in embarrassment.

Young man, I think you have a big misunderstanding of me. In fact, these are all part of my plan.

Was the rolling all over the floor just now part of the plan?

Ahem! This is called Congxin, Congxin! Why isn't the matter of Congxin not part of the plan?! The middle-aged man, who was obviously choked by Ji Bai, explained with righteousness and righteousness. stand up.

Okay, let's get to the point. The woman reminded coldly.

Oh, okay, young man, congratulations on passing our test. After saying this, the middle-aged man's face instantly became serious, giving Ji Bai the illusion that it was not him who was rolling on the ground just now.

Test? Ji Bai frowned slightly and turned to Lan Yi, who was also looking at him at the moment, with a little approval and recognition in her eyes.

What's the meaning?

Well, that's the case. Originally, our purpose was indeed to take away this cat-eared girl, but it wasn't as I just said. Instead of taking away, I think the word rescue is more appropriate. .”

Looking at Lin Tuo who was serious and solemnly speaking these words, Ji Bai frowned slightly, looked at the two people in front of him up and down, and after confirming that they did not have the aura of demons on their bodies, his expression became even more surprised. .

Are you humans?

As you can see, that's right. Lin Tuo replied cheerfully.

Ji Bai's expression became even weirder. Then why do you want to save the demon species?? If you don't do this, you will make all mankind the enemy.

Young man, why did you save this cat girl even though you knew the consequences? If I'm not mistaken, you should have stabilized the cat-eared girl's injury, right? Lin Tuo smiled. Yi looked at the silk scarf on the cat-eared girl's ankle.

There is only one answer. You are unwilling to do anything to these innocent and harmless demons, or you have pity for them. I just conducted a test to test whether you would stand by and watch someone persecute you. A demon species friendly to humans.”

Oh? What do you want to say? Ji Bai squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Tuo who was talking eloquently in front of him.

What I want to say is, there is no need to feel confused! Boy, this is your virtue of pity for the weak. It is not only the positive side of human nature, but also the embodiment of chivalry! At this point, Lin Tuo opened his arms exaggeratedly.

Uncle, do your family members know that you are such a middle-class kid?

Ahem!! Sorry for saying I was addicted for a moment. Lin Tuo was choked by Ji Bai again.

Also, chivalry? Don't bully me for not reading enough books? Not only is there no

There is a clause for protecting demon species, and there are also serious crimes such as harboring demon species and betraying humans. Ji Bai was very suspicious that the unreliable middle-aged man in front of him was trying to help him.

Young man, in addition to the knight's creed that every knight needs to follow, don't forget that every knight

Each group has its own spiritual creed.

Have mercy on the weak and protect the innocent. This is the purpose of the Moon Knights. I wonder if you are interested in knowing more about it, young man?

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