~So that's it. Looking at the evidence at hand, Villette was slightly absent-minded.

It wasn't until her first birthday in the Blood Spirit Empire that she learned that Astrid had never killed any of her subordinates. The attack that night except for a small number of accidental death of knights, including the adjutant and her confidants. , all her subordinates were released.

In addition, her aunt and uncle were also alive and well, nothing happened at all. Astrid personally ordered that no one related to Villette should be harmed. The vampire soldiers only captured them, leaving Villette alone. On this day when they fully recognized their identity, they were returned to the Quran.

This is my birthday gift to you, sister, do you still hate me now?

Villette looked at Astrid complicatedly.

She had been struggling with her emotions. In the final analysis, she had hatred for Astrid, but now the reason for hating her was gone, and the suppressed emotions spurted out like a flood from a dam.

She really didn't know how she should feel towards Astrid, she kept everything in silence and could only obey what was in her heart. At night, the two slept in each other's arms, and Astrid felt Villette's passion for her. At this moment, she was satisfied. Isn’t what she has been pursuing the same as the warmth that this Gulan man named Villette gave her a few years ago?————————

In a blink of an eye, it was Ellie's age to go to school.

Villette finally realized the bitterness of her parents when she was a child. She was very happy when she sent the naughty child away. The child started school and she was on vacation. However, after not seeing the naughty child for a while, she missed her a little, and finally she was looking forward to her coming home. Then another cycle begins. No one can escape the principle of far fragrance and near smell.

Astrid is happy with this. Ellie usually always competes with her for her sister, but now no one competes with her anymore, and some things that cannot be done in front of the children can finally be released.

Wife is true love, children are just accidents. This sentence completely applies to Astrid, but even so, no one can dislike this naughty but not troublesome, lovable little girl. After Ellie goes to school, She also missed Ellie very much.

Finally, the summer vacation time came. As parents, Astrid and Willette stood in front of the royal guest gate waiting for Ellie's return. However, what they waited for was a group of Forbidden Soldiers rushing back anxiously.

What's going on? Where's Ellie? Astrid frowned, feeling something was wrong, and the superior asked breathlessly. Her tenderness is only given to her sister Sheng Lun and Ellie. From the perspective of others, she will always be the queen's style and style. Sorry, Your Majesty, we did not take back the princess.

Didn't pick him up? Soldier, tell me clearly.

Your Majesty, when we went to pick up the princess, the housekeeper said that the princess was in her room and didn't come out. After waiting for a long time, when we realized something was wrong, we broke in and only found this letter: Captain of the Forbidden Army He lowered his head, knelt on one knee and presented the letter.

After reading the letter bit by bit, Astrid took a deep breath and held her forehead in silence.

I failed to take back Her Royal Highness the Princess, which was my dereliction of duty. I am willing to die to apologize!

If your death allows Ellie to return to me, I will not hesitate. But soldier, answer me, will your death allow my daughter to return to me? ~Astrid frowned.

If you still remember that you are the captain of the Forbidden Army, you should take responsibility, make meritorious service, and find the princess. ~Sure! I understand! The captain of the Forbidden Army clenched his fists.

~What happened?… When Villette next to her heard this, the last trace of luck in her heart disappeared. Something happened to Ellie.

It's okay, Sister Shenglun, you don't need to worry about this. Don't worry, Ellie will definitely appear by your side intact within a week, I promise.

~So, what happened? What happened to that letter?? Willette was anxious. Hey, hey. Seeing that Villette was concerned and confused, Astrid had no choice but to give this letter to Villette to read.

Vampire Queen, listen carefully. When you receive this letter, your daughter is already in my hands. If you want her to be safe, withdraw your troops from Gulan and release all the prisoners. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee it. Your daughter's safety. ‘

The letter was unsigned and unsigned, and was obviously a kidnapping threat letter. Withdraw troops from Gulan? Villette hesitated for a moment and then looked at Astrid.

Sister Shenglun, please stop looking at me like that! Do I look like the kind of person who doesn't keep your word? Astrid said angrily when Villette looked at her suspiciously.

Seeing that Willette didn't trust her, Astrid felt a little aggrieved.

The original agreement was that as long as Sister Villette obediently becomes my queen, I will withdraw the entire army from Gulan. I have carried out the agreement in accordance with the agreement. Not a single soldier has stayed in Gulan.

Besides, there is no point in leaving my troops there. I have no interest in the country of Gulan at all, so why should I leave my imperial army there. Astrid explained.

But why did you write the letter?

I don't know either, unless there is a noble who disobeyed my orders and left private soldiers in Gulan without my knowledge, but this should be impossible. Astrid stared at The last paragraph.

~I think the focus of the person who wrote this letter should be on the last paragraph. ~Last paragraph?

That's right. Astrid stared closely at the letter, which was written in Quran and did not conceal her purpose at all. Release all the prisoners. But, didn't you release all the prisoners? Villette was a little surprised.


There is a prison cell that I have not released. Astrid turned her gaze to Villette. You can't let it go either. When Villette heard this, she immediately understood and turned away with a slight blush.

Wait, Astrid, show me this letter. Villette suddenly realized something and took the letter over. What's wrong? Is there something wrong?

The handwriting on this letter looks a bit familiar, Villette and Ruomei said. Kind of like-————————

In a dark and damp abandoned hotel.

The comatose Ellie gradually opened her eyes and gasped, as if she was savoring something delicious, Little one, are you awake?

Woo? Ellie moved her body and found that she was tied up like a caterpillar, with only her fingers and toes able to move.

As soon as her vision flickered, a blond girl appeared in her field of vision. What attracted Ellie the most was the dazzling white blond hair of the girl, just like her mother.

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