Your Majesty, Queen, are you still planning to continue this stalemate with me? Outside the door, a tall and thin man stared at Villette and sneered. Do you think Astrid truly loves you? You are so naive, in every sense of the word.

According to what I know about Astrid, this woman is capricious and likes the new but hates the old. She may put a temporary effort into the things she likes, but it is only for three minutes. When she gets tired of playing with you, you will be gone. It has become a doll that can be discarded at any time, and it will be dead when the time comes.

Your Excellency has said so much nonsense, do you want me to change my mind?

Hmph, you ungrateful thing. No matter what the outcome is, you are destined to die. If you want to be buried with this woman, I'll let you do it! Unable to attack the barrier, the tall and thin man could only face the person inside the barrier with a stern expression. Villette spoke harshly.

Lord Yomo.

How is it, how are my reliable allies doing?

All parties have said that they will help you and delay the reinforcements as much as possible. They also said that they ask you not to live up to their expectations.

Hahahaha! Duke Yomo laughed loudly after hearing this and said mockingly towards Villette. Do you hear me? My lovely Queen? There is no room for reversal between you and your lover.

My allies are very reliable, and they all share the same goals with me. We are determined to overthrow the rule of this hateful woman. No one will come to save you.

~Yomo? Villette raised her eyebrows. She felt that this last name was a bit familiar, and after thinking about it for a while, she remembered it. ~*Are you the father of the embroidered pillow that day?

Ha! Duke Yomo sneered without denying it. If it hadn't been for this incident, I wouldn't have risked my life with this woman and actually treated my son so cruelly for a foreign woman!

Such a woman is not worthy of being our queen, so I united with other Gong clansmen who have the same ambition as me. Like father, like son. Villette shook her head.

Shut up! It’s all because of you, a woman! Do you know how difficult it is to give birth to a family heir?? I'm the only son! This stinky woman actually doesn't care about her at all. Duke Yomo gritted his teeth and looked at Astrid.

Okay, Miss Queen, since you are unwilling to cooperate with me, no matter what you say, it will make no sense, so just wait for death! Duke Yomo pointed out the window with an evil smile. Well, it's daybreak. I'm pretty sure that the moment it gets completely bright, that's when you'll die.

Pitang duh... As soon as he finished speaking, the brilliance of the protective spell array dimmed a little.

Hahaha! So, do you regret it? But even if you regret it now, I won't give you a chance. Duke Yomo sneered. You could have saved your life, but it's a pity that you didn't seize the opportunity.

The sky was completely bright, and the sun was three poles high. It was at this time that the light of the magic protective array completely dimmed.

Duke Yomo smiled quietly, but just when he thought he had a chance to win, a golden arc drew in the air. Villette stepped forward and stepped forward, the sword blade seemed to be integrated with her.

I don't know whether to live or die. Duke Yomo was indifferent to Villette's counterattack, and even planned to stop it with one hand. But at the critical moment, he instinctively sensed the crisis, and his hair stood on end for a moment.

His intuition told him that if he was hit by this sword, he would definitely die.

Always cautious, he did not choose to take the gamble, but quickly pulled a subordinate to him. ~Ahhh?! Before this subordinate could react, he saw the sword blade so close at hand.

It fell on him, as if countless threads were intertwined and connected, and then, his world collapsed and broke, causing his spirit to be torn apart. *Uh-huh!… The subordinate’s eyes were dull, his orifices were bleeding, and he fell to the ground and lost his breath.

Squirt! Such a mysterious killing move shocked Duke Yomo, and he suddenly took a few steps back, letting his subordinates go forward to fight with Villette, while he hid at the back.

[Idea Sky Slash] failed to hit the target it was supposed to hit, and Villette frowned slightly.

Fortunately, it acted as a deterrent and made Duke Yomo fearful. Obviously, the other party didn't know that her Mind Sky Slash could only be used once a day. Looking at the crowd of soldiers coming up, Villette took a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes again, her confusion was gone.

In the light and shadow of the sword, she was like a golden butterfly, flying in the blood and the tip of the sword, but without a trace of dirt, but Duke Yomo gradually saw the clues.

He discovered that in the battle, even though Villette was at a disadvantage, she never used her previous killing move again. He concluded from this that the move just now had great limitations, at least it could not be released continuously, so he gradually became bolder. stand up.

Soon, Villette, who had been neglecting training for a long time, finally couldn't keep up with her physical strength. She was defeated by these soldiers and retreated to the house.

If victory comes so easily, I don't want to remember it anymore. Looking at the panting blonde girl, Duke Yomo raised his eyebrows. Your Majesty, Duke Amore is already outside.

*Oh? My allies came just in time to witness this glorious moment with me!

Not long after, a middle-aged man wearing simple clothes entered the room with his entourage.

Your Majesty Duke Yomo, I was planning to rush over to help you. Looking at the mess in the room and Villette who was about to run out of gas, the middle-aged man's mouth had a deep meaning.

Haha, you came at the right time, because the fun starts now. Staring at Astrid lying on the bed, Duke Yomo said coldly. At this moment, the Scarlet Blood Territory will change. Got it!

Whoosh! A sudden sound of an iron tool entering flesh made Duke Yomo slightly startled. Then he looked at the red knife on his chest, and for a moment he didn't realize what had happened.

~You guys, go over and protect the Queen and Her Majesty.

Amore, you! Duke Yomo pulled out the knife stuck in his chest angrily and glared at Duke Amore. *~What are you doing?!

Do what I should do. Duke Aimor looked at Duke Yomo indifferently. Your Majesty, are you okay? I'm sorry that I'm late.

No need, as Duke Yomo said, the fun has just begun. At this moment, a sweet and childish voice passed by, and Astrid, who was still lying on the bed unconscious before, didn't know where she was. Shi had already sat on the edge of the bed, swinging her feet, with a smile on her face.

Ah~ My sister Willette drew her sword to protect me. I'm so touched and moved~~~

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