The vampire is coming.

The vampire was driven away by the knight. The world is at peace.

Oppression and slavery began.

The old vampires have been banished and they have become new 'vampires'. Most knights were apostates and didn't realize it, but he finally understood.

He embarked on the journey again, vowing to drive out all vampires and return peace to the earth. —————The Legend of the Anonymous Knight Hero.

~Your Excellency Captain, Captain Yan?

Sorry, I was a little fascinated and lost my mind. Hearing someone calling her, Villette put down the book titled The Legend of the Anonymous Knight and Heroes in her hand.

Captain, what book made you so fascinated by it? I called you several times but there was no response. The team member sitting next to me joked. Well, it's a novel that tells the story of a lonely and tragic knight. Villette said, hugging the book tightly in her arms. Haha, Miss Captain always likes these poetic and romantic stories. Another team member stepped forward and said.

But war is not as romantic as you think, Captain. A veteran frowned slightly as he looked at the war-torn city ahead. When Jian Yan saw this, the other soldiers on the carriage also frowned.

The war between the Gulan Empire and the Blood Spirit Empire is at a stalemate. These two huge empires have never coexisted peacefully in an era, and their relationship is shockingly bad.

Nowadays, times have changed and there seems to be a dispute within the Blood Clan. The Gulan Empire sent troops on the grounds that its affiliated territory was occupied by the Blood Spirit Empire. The three major guardian families and hundreds of knights marched together, vowing to fight the vampires to the death.

In order to defeat the vampires, the Gulan Empire spent a lot of money this time, dispatching all registered knights, and even the reservists who were not officially naturalized in the army were dispatched to the front line, putting all available troops on the battlefield.

The vampires who were busy fighting for power had no time to pay attention. When they reacted and planned to attack the outside world as one, the situation was over. The Gulan Empire went straight to Huanglong, and the offensive line was like a spear at the entrance of the vampire's imperial capital.

Now, it is the final decisive battle. The vampire garrison in Saplan State was defeated when they were outnumbered. Now the various legions of Gulan have invaded King's Landing City, and the garrison behind the city wall is making the final fight against the trapped beasts.

The leader is on his way here. The entire Knights of the Holy Shield attack the flanks. It is only a matter of time to capture them. In addition, the third team and the twelfth team of the Falcon Knights, which belong to the Ned family, have already entered the city and are fighting with them. The stubborn vampires are fighting. The adjutant reported the situation to Villette.

Soon, the carriage approached the city gate and arrived at the battle area. The remaining team members could only go in vain.

The noisy wind blew Villette's brilliant platinum hair. She lifted the hair from her forehead that obscured her face, pulled out the broad-bladed sword from her waist, her blue eyes filled with determination, jumped off the carriage and shouted softly .

Knights of the Holy Shield, Squadron No. 15, attack! For the empire, for glory, for victory!

Led by the flag-bearer, the members of the 15th Squadron were high-spirited as they looked at the fireworks in the main vampire city.

Vampires have always been their heartache and a lingering dream of the Gulan people. As the long sword and strong shield of Gulan, it is duty-bound to eradicate this threat completely. Now, the opportunity is approaching, and it is the right time to kill the vampire emperor with your own hands. opportunity!

Whether it's for meritorious service or glory, it makes their blood boil.

Accompanying Ruo's charge order, three large flags were raised into the sky, namely the black-backed golden spear flag representing the Gulan Empire, the sword-cross flag representing the Shenglun family, and the lion-gold shield flag representing the Knights of the Holy Shield.

When these three flags were raised, the Gulan soldiers in the detachment were inspired as if they had been given blood. They knocked open the burning and damaged city gate and rushed in with shouts.

Villette clenched the exquisite broad-bladed sword in her hand, which was a coming-of-age gift given to her by her father last year.

Villette Saint-Lun graduated from the Knight Academy when she came of age. After winning several small battles, she received a commendation from Emperor Gulan and received the Knight Medal. When she officially became a knight, she took over the knights led by her aunt. A team under his command.

Now, answering the call of the empire, she stepped onto the battlefield without hesitation.

Sheng Lun will never refuse any battle that upholds righteousness, so this time almost all the knights under Sheng Lun responded to Emperor Gulan's call, and Villette, who graduated as a top student in the academy, also got her wish. Arriving at the frontal battlefield against vampires.

It was different from the previous battles she had experienced. Although she had been mentally prepared, the cruelty of the frontal battlefield with the vampire was still beyond her imagination.

Even after their hands were cut off, their bodies were shot by several arrows, and they were attacked several times by enchanted weapons, the elite vampires were still struggling. Just like a mantis with tenacious vitality.

Rather than saying they are humans, it is better to say they are a group of living monsters.

However, it is different from the various versions of vampires circulated in China. Although their vitality is not as tenacious as humans, Willett believes that these vampire soldiers are also a group of respectable warriors.

Like them, they are also fighting for the survival of the country. In this regard, there is no distinction between the two sides. However, her idea was ridiculed by the team members.

~Captain, don't be ridiculous, vampires are vampires, don't you dare identify with a group of monsters. Shaked his head to dispel his thoughts.

Whether in her family or the Gulan Empire, she is a very inconspicuous one.

There are many talented people in the Shenglun family, and there are many younger generations who are more talented and brave than her. In comparison, she only

It's just one of those inconspicuous existences.

Soon, Villette led her team members into the city.

-The road was clear, and we only encountered a few defeated generals who were remnants of the army, and they were easily killed.

Captain, it seems that all the vampire soldiers in this city are dead. I'm afraid other knights have ended the battle and we are too late. One of the team members spread his hands.

Willette asked for the map of King's Landing from the adjutant. After reading it, she frowned slightly. ~Follow me. After that, she went around into an alley without explaining.

This? Captain, the Vampire Palace is not in this direction. the adjutant reminded.

I know. Villette said without turning her head. The frontal battlefield has been fought, now it's our turn to deal with the aftermath.

The rough guy glanced at the map. The vampire army was defeated frontally. There was no room for maneuver. The vampire who ruled the city was 80% likely to escape, but the city was already besieged and it was impossible to break out from the front.

~After observing the structure of the city, I think it is very likely that they slipped out of the sewers.

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