

There was a rustling sound coming from the friction of the fabric, like the sound of someone rummaging for something.

Ji Bai, who was hazy in consciousness, instantly opened his eyes. Even though he was in a comfortable environment, he was still wary of his surroundings.

I saw a petite cherry-colored figure kneeling next to the small wooden wardrobe, sorting something.

Ji Bai let go of his vigilance.


Ah! Is Mr. Ji Bai awake?

Well, this is what you are doing?

I'm sorting out Mr. Ji Bai's clothes. These clothes have been dried. Ke'er will help you fold them and put them in the closet~ It was the same healing smile as always.

Oh... I can handle these trivial matters by myself. I can just do it myself from now on. Ji Bai guessed that it was time to get up, so he grabbed various clothes on the bedside table and stuffed them into the quilt.

It's okay~ This is what Ke'er should do~ I put it on the dining table earlier. Ke'er wants to go to the bathhouse to clean herself up, so I'll excuse you. Ke'er held her apron obediently and bowed slightly.

I know, you go ahead. Within ten seconds, Ji Bai, neatly dressed, got out of the quilt and nodded.

It probably has something to do with race and nature. Ke'er is a child who loves to be clean. He does all the housework at home and is meticulous about hygiene.

He didn't know if Ji Bai was overly concerned, but he always felt that Ke'er was too polite to him, so polite that he felt like there was a transparent glass wall between him and her.

Thinking about it, it would be awkward for a grown man to live with a little girl, so long as the little girl doesn't dislike him.

Although today is a weekend holiday, Ji Bai is not free.

He believed that it was necessary to purchase some equipment. Every time he picked it up on the battlefield, some emergencies would inevitably occur, and the equipment for picking up the dead was not praised by others. ≒Zero﹤Seven﹤中文﹤文≒

I always feel a little uncomfortable without a weapon on my body.

But the assets are limited, and the installment payment method has cost the counter money. After excluding daily expenses, the remaining money is pitiful.

This is not fantasy martial arts. You can bump into an old man casually walking on the street and force you to learn martial arts secrets.

There won’t be any scenes of undiscovered jade and artifacts being procured at low prices.

You get what you pay for, and it's unrealistic to just buy flashy cheap metal pieces and just want to kill the devil.

At least, the sword must be made of Mu iron, or mixed with Mu iron.

This is still the minimum requirement, and Mutie is just the least lethal type among [dark metals].

Ordinary ordinary metals or firearms cannot even shave off the body hair of demons.

[Dark Metal], this kind of metal that has been corroded by dark matter is likely to cause harm to demon species.

For example, Muite, which has the lowest dark matter content, contains less than one percent of dark matter.

The materials in order are azurite, black steel, ryuk wood, holy steel, lacquer wood, and huanlin.

Ji Bai's former sword, Holy Sword: Tianfeng, was forged from holy steel and was not made by human craftsmanship.

Treasures like holy steel would be a waste for human blacksmiths.

But none of this matters anymore. Tianfeng has now been collected and exhibited by the Imperial Capital Museum. If you want to see this old man, you have to buy a ticket.

And why is war so costly? ?

Because [dark metal] is not only rare, but also difficult to control with human’s immature forging process. If you don’t know how to find it, it will be ruined.

From this, you can imagine how difficult it is for a competent knight to get a sword that he can wear. Then imagine how many weapons are broken or lost in a battle?

Therefore, weapons are very important, and this is also true in the eyes of high-level knights. It is impossible for any master to pick up tree roots to fight with him. It is a fable to coax a child.

Divine weapons cannot be bought with money, and Ji Bai doesn't have any money.

Ji Bai himself couldn't even count how many swords he had broken before he got Tianfeng.

First, you have to get out of the academy.

'Hope Elementary School' is actually located in an alien plane. In order to conceal it from others, the teleportation point was placed in the toilet of an abandoned building in Luoyuan District.

It is unknown which powerful person is able to create an environment suitable for living creatures in an alien plane.


How can I sell this sword?

Young man, you have a good eye! This sword was made with great effort by our family. It is made of solid iron and will not break easily. It is definitely enough for self-defense! It only costs twenty silver coins and it belongs to you! The shop owner was full of determination. said.

...Is there any cheaper one?

Twenty silver coins was an astronomical figure for Ji Bai now.

Oh, then this is a long-blade gun. Only the head is made of Mute. The price is about five silver coins.

Is there anything cheaper...

What Ji Bai is best at is naturally the two-handed long sword. This type of sword has high requirements on the user and is expensive. Well, this sentence is the key point.

After some downgrading and back-and-forth bargaining, Ji Bai walked out of the weapons store with a two-handed long sword mixed with only a small amount of iron.

Now Ji Bai has spent all his savings, but no matter what, he still has a sword.

Ji Bai wasn't too picky either.

If you're lucky, this sword might be useful for a long time.

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