
Who is the owner of this shop?! Come out quickly, my captain wants to see you! The knight member with pigtails patted the wooden table placed outside the shop and shouted loudly. This shout attracted There were many onlookers. ☆Zero=撒中文☆

Come on, come on! What do you four knights want to eat when you come to the shop? I will definitely serve my best dish, Lao Wang! The bloated boss wearing an apron hurriedly ran out of the shop, rubbing his hands to please him. He smiled at the four young knights in front of him.

We are not here to eat. The leading knight waved his hand and glanced at the simple and plain decoration of the noodle shop in front of him, with an imperceptible trace of disdain flashing in his eyes.

I wonder if the boss has noticed anything unusual near your shop recently? The knight with short hair at the head glanced at the noodle shop owner in front of him and asked calmly.

Abnormal? Is this? The boss looked at the four people in front of him hesitantly, feeling a little puzzled.

Well, I'd better make my words clear. To be honest, the four of us have received a mission from above to hunt down a demon species that has escaped into a human city. This matter is of great importance. We also ask the boss to cooperate with our investigation. The short-haired knight frowned slightly and explained slowly.

Devil?! The boss gasped first, then shook his head like a rattle. 0uqiu中u文 No, absolutely not. Sir knights, how could such a giant Buddha get into my small shop? Not to mention some kind of devil, I don't even have a few patrons here. There are no guests.”

No? Haha, are you sure? I advise you to tell the truth, otherwise it will be found out later that you are harboring a demonic species! It would be too easy to risk the lives of your whole family!! Before the short-haired knight could say anything else, What? The braided knight beside him couldn't bear his temper and said coldly with the arrogance of a playboy.

These knights, my family only has such a small shop. Let alone a devil, I can't even look down on a mouse. The boss's expression changed after the braided knight spoke. It also started to look ugly.

Ger, don't make mistakes. The short-haired knight symbolically criticized his pigtails, then looked indifferently at the boss and said seriously, Mr. boss, you'd better explain it to me. Yesterday, we commissioned the divination faction. A fellow holy warrior, he followed the devil's escape route and accurately calculated the location where she should be now. If nothing else, she is near your shop, and

The short-haired knight's eyes narrowed into slits. Around here, your shop is the only building that can be used as a body-covering building. Do you understand what I mean?

Eh?! You, are you saying that I'm hiding demon seeds? It's impossible, how could I do that? The boss's face turned pale, and he explained in a panic.

It's not your decision! We have to search! Another knight interrupted the boss's self-defense without mercy.

Hey, well, my store isn't that big anyway. If you want to search it, then go ahead and search it, but please be quick. The store is a small business and needs to be open. The boss sighed helplessly and made A compromise.

The short-haired knight winked at the three knights on the side. The other three knights understood and rushed into the shop in three steps at a time. There was a sound of tinkering, followed by several pots and pans. The sound of hitting the ground.

That Lord Knight, our store is running on a small scale, can't we withstand such trouble? Can you please ask the other three adults to be gentler? The boss's face now looked even more bitter than a bitter gourd.

Don't worry, they know what they know. He seemed to be impatient in replying. The short-haired knight folded his hands and said casually. Then he wanted to find a stool to sit on and rest his feet. However, after looking around, all he saw were four-cornered stools with simple craftsmanship. , frowned and withdrew his gaze.

Pili card! Hearing the sound of smashing coming from the store, the boss's heart was bleeding and he felt like his days were like a year.

Finally, after the sound of smashing, several knights with frowning brows slowly walked out.

Not found? The short-haired knight showed a little disbelief. In his opinion, the fortune teller's prediction was absolutely reliable and could not be wrong, not to mention that he was a holy warrior from the fortune telling faction who he had spent a lot of effort to hire. If he is not found, not only will he lose all his money, but his prestige in the team will also be completely lost.

And if he captures the demon species wandering in the city, he will rise to great heights and reach the sky in one step. By then, his future in the Knights will be smooth, and he may even be able to become a branch leader.

Intensify your efforts and continue the search! The short-haired knight's eyes narrowed. He was already determined. Today, he would dig three feet into the ground to find the devil!

Wait a minute! Sir knights! Is my little shop really unable to withstand the search and rummaging of these people? Please have mercy on me, sir knights. You see, I am already in my forties. How could a human be colluding with some kind of devil?? The boss rushed forward to block the door of his shop, with even a hint of begging in his eyes.

Get out of my way!! Otherwise, you will be arrested for obstructing the knight's official duties and harboring demons and crimes against humanity! the short-haired knight threatened fiercely.

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