The old doctor and the imperial doctor went to Guixiang Hospital where Shen Hanchun was.

The old medical immortal took out the precious golden needle from the Medical Immortal Valley, and first helped Shen Hanchun, who was unaware of the personnel, to stop the internal blood, and the next three people took her pulse one after another.

"It's so strange," the imperial doctor was puzzled, "This girl Shen has no lesions at all, it is reasonable to say that these days of warming and nourishing should improve, how do you see this pulse at the moment? , is she more serious?"

Come and take a look, what the **** is this girl scared of..."

The old doctor frowned. Not really, really not, this Guixiang courtyard is more than a quarter of an hour away from the main courtyard of the British Princess Mansion, that is, the British Mansion is large, and it is considered to live in one mansion. According to the actual distance, it is already separated. But Wang and the others haven't come over since they inquired about his fate. It wouldn't affect her to this extent.

When the three of them were at a loss, the little maid suddenly screamed in the room, "Miss Shen...Miss Shen is out of breath!"

The three doctors all changed their faces and rushed into the house one after another.

In the casino, Feng Gongzi, who was born in the Duke of Lu, was also stunned: "Impossible, impossible!"

After Gu Ye bet on the leopard once, the bet book increased from ten taels to thirty taels.

Afterwards, Master Wen Er advised him not to bet on big and small again, for fear that he would be too hot to bet on leopards. Gu Ye went to guess odds and evens and bet on Pai Gow.

But no matter which table you play, no matter what you bet, it's all one word - win!

Thirty taels soon became sixty taels, one hundred twenty taels, and even two hundred and forty taels.

At this time, Gu Ye went to the VIP table where Mr. Feng was.

Two hundred and forty taels became four hundred and eighty taels, then nine hundred and sixty taels... and finally three thousand eight hundred and forty taels.

While Feng Gongzi kept buying the right home with him, he kept losing, and he lost thousands of taels in the blink of an eye.

At the end, Young Master Feng had only two thousand taels of silver left in his hand, and he seemed to lose anxiously.

Other gamblers didn't join in, and they copied their hands to watch the fun.

"This time, I'll bet first!" Mr. Feng looked at the two silver notes in his hand, one for big and one for small!

He bought the right home with the child in front of him many times before, but now he bought the whole size first, if the child in front of him had the backbone, he couldn’t buy the same one!

"Don't pay attention to him, and you didn't say that you can't buy the same, he's not authentic!" Master Wen Er anxiously persuaded.

Then Young Master Feng sneered again: "Also, people from the British government usually don't pay attention to any rules and regulations. Child, how old is this Young Master? let you?"

Gu Ye looked at the banknotes in his hand with the same expression, and then looked at the piles in front of him. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head without speaking.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious - you lost like this, I won like this, who should let who?

Feng Gongzi looked red when he saw him, gritted his teeth and said, "Do you dare?"

"I buy a leopard." Gu Ye didn't look at him at all, and pushed all the money in front of him onto the gambling table.

He was still calm, and Master Wen Er jumped three feet in shock—this is almost four thousand taels of silver!

At this time, the job of shaking the dice is already done by the young owner.

Although he is not very old, he has been in and out of the casino since he was a child. If it weren't for his own casino, he would have suspected that someone had partnered with the dealer to make a fortune!

He shook the dice cup himself for almost half an hour, and the sieve cup was buckled on the table.

The noisy casino was extremely quiet, and everyone was holding their breaths waiting to see the result.

"Open!" Shaodong opened the dice cup and dared not say anything, "Six six six...and three six again, leopard!"

"Oh my God! How can there be so many leopards in such a short period of time?"

"That is, I play in the casino every day, and it is amazing to be able to play once a day!"

"It's not normal! There must be a scam!"

Get someone to check the dice and dice cups, even this table..."

Then Young Master Feng nodded to the people around him, five or six people rushed up and checked all the gambling equipment.

The result, of course, was nothing.

The people around me are all well-informed, eyesight and ears. !

Then Feng Gongzi slumped back into the chair, and said indifferently: "Impossible...impossible..."

Gu Ye has already received the money he won, more than 10,000 taels. He has silver notes and silver, and he can't hold it with a pair of small hands.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Master Wen Er was so happy when he saw Yin Zi, and his eyes were gone from his smile.

Gu Ye said no, turned his head to Shaodong's house and said, "I only need five thousand taels, and I will give him the more."

The young master gave a thumbs up and said, "Young master is so cool!"

When the young master went to redeem the bank note, Mr. Wen Er was biting his ears with Gu Ye.

"It's all your winnings, why don't you?"

Gu Ye glanced at the direction of home worriedly, reached out and touched his little butt, and said, "Too much is not good, enough is enough."

Master Wen Er couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's a loss for me to live this age, it's better for you to be transparent."

While talking, the young owner of the casino helped Gu Ye redeem five thousand taels of silver notes and sent them out of the casino in person.

Master Wen Er was still thinking about what Gu Ye had just said, and he always felt as if he had understood something, but he couldn't say what he experienced for a while.

The young master saw Master Wen Er with a sullen face, closed his eyes and said, "50,000 taels is not a small sum. I will have someone prepare it tonight, and you can pick it up tomorrow."

Master Wen Er: ? ? ? ! !

The young master lowered his voice again: "It's just this young master, don't bring him here again!"

His casino is really not a thousand, and it has operated with integrity until now. If this child has a good luck, if he comes again, it will not only affect the reputation of his own brand, but even worse, the gamblers will buy with him, and the banker will lose money.

It's an ancient anecdote!

"That's nature, that's nature!" Master Wen Er grinned.

The last two people walked all the way, Gu Ye suddenly said: "Second uncle, can you take me home?"

The British government and Wenjia are not far or near, so it is not a good way to go.

Gu Ye has a servant who wants to accompany him, so Mr. Wen Er is busy collecting debts, and he has no skills, so most of them will be sent to the intersection.

Today's luck is really good, and the big account of 50,000 taels is completely entrusted to Gu Ye's blessing, so Master Wen Er agreed without thinking.

"Okay, it just so happens that it's getting boring in the evening. I'll go to your house to have a bowl of tea before leaving."

I received this good job before, so Mr. Wen asked Mr. Wen Er to come to the door with a gift to thank him, so after Mr. Wen Er finished speaking, he led Gu Ye to the British government. .

In the evening, Gu Yin and Mrs Wang finally waited for the old doctor who came to report.

The old doctor wiped the fine sweat on her forehead, drank a sip of the hot tea handed by Gu Yin, and said, "This girl Shen's situation is really dangerous, just now I'm exhausted, we Although she tried her best to rescue her, she felt like she was going to die at the time... Later, she miraculously regained her breath, and although she was still breathless, she finally got her life back."

Mr. Wang exhaled and asked, "Old Doctor Immortal, what kind of regulations do you think this is? We really didn't go to her place again, and we definitely didn't want to harm anyone because of some luck."

The old doctor nodded to show that he knew.

Gu Yin was still skeptical about this matter, but now she has to believe it, and said sternly: "Can the theory of fate really lead to such serious consequences?"

The old doctor waved her hand and said: "No, although the fate and luck of ordinary people will affect each other, it will not be like her. Destiny, it will be like this."

In other words, Shen Hanchun is an exception, other people will not have this kind of thing.

The old doctor said and stood up again, "I'm not sure about this time, you and her are so far apart, so long as you don't meet, it won't matter. .And there must be some advantages to this one, and I haven't seen anything good in your family."

Wang asked tentatively: "There is nothing different at home, but Qingyi and the children have gone outside, do you think they are..."

How strong and precious is the fate?"

The old doctor slandered again, but there is such a man of destiny, that is the current Emperor Zhengyuan.

There is no such thing as a very expensive person, and it is not the roadside shopping, just pick one up and you can meet?

"I'll go back and read the books."

After sending the old doctor away, Gu Yin said to Wang Shi, "Mother, let's send Miss Shen to the nunnery ahead of time."

Don't dare to let her recuperate in the mansion, don't really raise people to death.

Mrs Wang nodded and said, "Just do it like this, I'll let your father know."

Wu Zhong also has no objection. In the end, it is the person who saved his life. Although he has no feelings, he will not watch her lose his life.

He asked two imperial physicians to **** him. Wang went to tell the maid to take good care of her, while Gu Yin personally led someone to set up the carriage, and watched the servants put a thick mattress in the carriage to ensure that even if the carriage was moving, it would not turn people out of harm's way.

It's really amazing to say, Shen Hanchun was in a coma when he was carried into the carriage, and opened his eyes not long after leaving the British government.

Finding herself in the carriage, she weakly said: "What is this? I am the one who saved the grandfather of the country, is this sending me elsewhere to die?"

Your body is in good shape. You don't think you're better now than before?"

Shen Hanchun opened her mouth to say something else, but she was really sick and lethargic, and she fell asleep again amid the bumpy carriage.

Not long after sending Shen Hanchun away, Gu Ye came home.

"This kid begged me a while ago to say he wanted to go to a farther place to see, saying that our neighborhood was all over, and there was no more to play. Didn't we still play so late today? "Gu Yin reluctantly smiled with Wang Shi.

Later I heard that Mr. Wen Er sent him back, and Gu Yin asked people to put the evening meal in the main hall of the front yard to entertain guests, preparing to leave a meal for Mr. Wen Er to leave behind.

Mr. Wang took Wu Zhong and walked over.

As soon as the three of them walked to the front yard, Gu Ye came over at a trot.

"Grandma, mother, I was wrong."

The thoughtless sentence stunned them all.

Without waiting for anyone to ask, Gu Ye lowered his head again, twisted his fingers and said to himself, "I shouldn't have gone to the casino with the second uncle of the Wen family!"

The three of them looked at Mr. Wen Er behind him.

Master Wen Er:…

This monkey! I'm waiting for him here!

But Gu Ye didn't lie, he really took him there by himself.

Master Wen Er resigned and apologized: "It's mine, not."

Standing up and talking is not a problem. Later, Wu Qingyi and Wu An also went to work and came back from school. The family invited Mr. Wen Er into the main hall.

Master Wen Er explained everything today.

Gu Yin heard that her cubs had entered the casino, not counting, but she really went to the table to gamble, and she was already so angry that she was grinding her back molars. Immediately invite Gu Ye to eat fried pork with bamboo shoots.

The little servant went to strengthen his courage, why did he really let him go to the gambling table later?

Wang is not angry, losing the bet is a bad thing, and winning the bet is a good thing? And the eldest grandson doesn't have much money in his hand, even if he loses all, it's just a kid playing.

"Ono and Nii talk about it, how much money did you win?"

Gu Ye lowered his head, stretched out a small palm weakly and compared five, "Five thousand taels...just enough to buy the restaurant that my mother likes." After saying that, he looked like a quail. plunged into his grandmother's arms.

According to the current financial situation of the British government, it is just enough for Gu Yin to buy a restaurant of about 10,000 taels, and the remaining money must be used for the daily expenses of the family and as a spare liquidity.

It's five thousand taels more, isn't it right to buy the restaurant that asks for fifteen thousand taels?

Seeing that her daughter-in-law's complexion did not turn bright, Wang peeked at him from the corner of the eye and deliberately raised her voice: "Oh, good boy. Tell everyone, is it because you want to Buying a restaurant she likes for my mother, that's why I went to the gambling table?"

Gu Ye nodded first, then shook his head, "Part of it is like this, mainly because I met a man surnamed Feng, who said he was from the Duke of Lu, and said that his family was the number one general of the dynasty. I just asked, isn't that our family? He recognizes our family's clothes..." He raised his head and pointed at the servant, and immediately lowered his head, "Then the inside and outside meaning is that he doesn't look down on us. Home. If I'm not convinced..."

Wu Qingyi looked at the young servant, and the young servant immediately said, "Young master is right, it is indeed that Young Master Feng who recognized the emblem on the little boy's clothes and provoked him first."

Gu Yin and Wang Shi were first here, they didn't know the details of Lu Guo's mansion, so they all looked at Wu Qingyi.

Wu Qingyi nodded slightly to them, and gestured with her eyes, indicating that it was inconvenient to say this in front of the guests.

"This, this matter." Master Wen Er embarrassedly said, "It's still me, really blame me. If I don't bring Ono there, nothing will happen."

He doesn't have a charter, and it's not a day or two. Seeing Mrs. Wen's face, it's hard for everyone to say anything about him.

Master Wen Er was embarrassed to stay for dinner, got up and said goodbye, and ran away in the wind.

As soon as he left, Wu Qingyi began to explain the relationship between his family and the government of Lu.

The Duke of Lu, Feng Yuan, used to be the guard of Chuzhou. Unlike the mud-legged warriors like the Wu family, they were military commanders several generations ago and held military power for generations.

Feng Yuan is not a foolish and loyal person, and he has long despised the abolition of the emperor in the old dynasty.

The righteous king behind him did something. Although he was not the first to take refuge, he was the first to take refuge with his troops.

The righteous king has his troops and horses, and he is even more powerful, and he has won many battles.

Feng Yuan was indeed the number one general of the Rebel Army in the past, but it was a pity that Wu Qingyi grew up within two years.

Wu Qingyi was born with supernatural powers, but he didn't learn martial arts at the beginning, and he was young. Compared with Feng Yuan, who became the head coach, he was not particularly used.

But later, by fate, he saved the Medical Immortal Valley, and the old medical immortal came out of the valley to become Wu Qingyi's master.

He first gave Wu Qingyi medicine to decoct the bones, and then taught him his own mental methods, and then combined with Wu Qingyi's ability to fight and kill the enemy, he quickly compared Feng Yuan to martial arts from elementary school down.

When the evil general's reputation became common, the people only knew him, not who Feng Yuan was.

Then Feng Yuan is ten years older than Wu Qingyi, how can he be convinced?

The first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty started a new dynasty. Invisibly, Feng Yuan was compared again.

The Duke of Lu is not convinced. It's hard to be a human being, and Wu Qingyi generally doesn't bother to pay attention to it.

"Then our Ono did nothing wrong this time!" Wang said angrily: "We are indeed from Zhuanghu, but the merits of our family are all that you and your father fought back with their lives. Especially you They even captured the defunct emperor! Why can't they look down on our family?"

People are afraid of what they say."

The mother and son both looked at Gu Yin after speaking, and even Wu Zhong pulled Gu Ye behind him, begging for Gu Ye with his eyes.

Gu Yin said with a smile: "Don't talk so much, how old is he? If you don't gamble with people, people will use children to arrange our family? The Duke of Lu can do this. kind of thing?"

Wu Qingyi said: "It's really hard to say. He has an old lady who speaks very well."

Wu Qingyi would not lie, Gu Yin rubbed her chin and thought for a while, "Okay, let's take Ono's gambling for a reason, but it's always wrong for children to gamble, shouldn't everyone object to this?"

Gu Ye stood up from behind Wu Zhong and admitted his mistake.

"I know I'm wrong, mother, there's really no next time."

Although others are small, they have always made great promises. When he followed Guan Huotou to Fucheng, Gu Yin taught him a lesson, and he said the same at the time. After that fight, no matter what I do, I will inform my family in advance. When I got to the capital, I didn't run around, and I had discussions with his mother.

"Okay," Gu Yin nodded, thought for a while and said, "Although you are wrong, but there is a reason for it, I will not punish you severely. I will let you reflect at home for half a month, and you are not allowed to go out for half a month. ."

"Yes, I will take the punishment." Gu Ye replied with a lowered head.

After the evening meal, Gu Ye was still not very interested. Gu Yin and Wang wanted to prepare clothes and jewelry for entering the palace, so Wu Qingyi took him.

It was not until Gu Yin and Wang Shi left together that Wu Qingyi said, "Do you remember the little pony I promised you?"

Wu An was doing his homework next to him, and when he heard this, he immediately raised his head, Gu Ye's eyes lit up, and the two little guys looked at him together.

"It has been delivered this afternoon, but the foals are also afraid of people. Let them familiarize themselves with them overnight, and you can go to the stables to see them tomorrow morning."

Gu Ye didn't lose his head anymore, he took Wu An to discuss what to name the pony.

The next morning, Cining Palace came to the palace to pass the word of the queen mother - the queen mother will entertain a group of foreign wives in five days.

Of course, although it is a banquet for female family members, you can actually bring your own children.

At that time, many people will definitely bring their children over and take the opportunity to show their faces in front of people.

Second, Gu Ye had just sinned against the Duke of Lu, and the old lady of the Duke of Lu was notoriously eloquent, so she was afraid that she would say something rude in front of the child.

Of course, the most important thing is that their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are new to the palace, and they have never entered the palace, so they don't know the situation inside. Anyway, the chances of entering the palace later will not be less, and there is no need to bring the child in at this time.

Wang shi naturally listened to her, she was gearing up to meet the old lady of Lu Guogong's mansion.

Later, the two imperial doctors who sent Shen Hanchun to the nunnery in the suburbs of Beijing also returned.

The two of them were amazed, saying that Shen Hanchun woke up on his own when he got out of the British palace, and when he arrived in the suburbs of Beijing, his pulse was completely stable.

In the end, it didn't kill anyone, Gu Yin and Wang Shi were relieved.

As for Gu Ye's gambling and Shen Hanchun's serious illness, no one thought of it.

People and old doctors and immortals have said that the suppression of fate is calculated according to distance, and the closer the distance, the greater the impact.

Gu Ye has gone out of the mansion, and the casino is not close to the British mansion. How precious is Gu Ye's life, how can he affect Shen Hanchun by running so far?

Clearly unrealistic.

In the middle of the night, in the nunnery in the suburbs of Beijing.

Shen Hanchun woke up, and it was a very strange place.

This is the nunnery... The Wu family really sent her out of the British government!

She was anxious and angry, annoyed that she had become so seriously ill at this stall.

She has already seen that Wu Zhong and Wu Qing have different opinions. He is soft-hearted. As long as he uses his life-saving grace and helpless life experience as a weapon, he will definitely not be so cruel.

There were two little girls who followed Shen Hanchun to the nunnery.

The first time they saw Shen Hanchun awake, they no longer felt uncomfortable, and were sincerely happy for her.

I saw her thinking from behind, her face was solemn, her eyes darkened, and the two little girls were worried again.

When they came out, the lady of the country told them in person that she should take good care of Miss Shen, but she should not be neglected just because she changed places.

And the two imperial physicians also escorted them all the way, took Shen Hanchun's pulse, stayed overnight, and returned to her life after confirming that she was all right.

They grew up in the palace since they were children, and they have never seen such a kind-hearted host. If this were replaced by their former master, who knew that the person was seriously ill at home, and had already driven him out of the house, where would there be such a resettlement?

The two were just about to persuade each other, but saw Shen Hanchun get up by herself.

"The soup is here, I will drink it myself."

The two little girls were overjoyed, and they were afraid that she would mistakenly think that she was abandoned, and she wanted to die.

The bitter soup entered the mouth, Shen Hanchun pinched his nose and swallowed it.

I will be back! she thinks.

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