
Xun Yu, Chen Gong, Cheng Yu, Xun Yu and others entered the mansion, ready to discuss yesterday's unresolved matters.

One by one, while waiting for Cao Cao to come over, they began to talk about each other.

"Zhongde, you know the most about farming, have you thought of a solution?"

Cheng Yu shook his head: "I didn't sleep for half the night last night, and I didn't think that my hair was gray!" "

Cheng Yu can be said to be the little old man among the crowd.

The oldest, one in fifty this year.

One round bigger than everyone else.

"Come less, Zhongde, are you sure that your hair is not already white!" Liu Ye joked.

The originally sad looks of everyone immediately eased a lot.

"Ziyang, don't envy Zhongde's white hair, what way did you think of to crack it last night!" Xun Yu, who was familiar with him, asked.

Isn't Liu Ye good at machinery and likes to find ancient books to specialize in equipment?

Liu Ye shook his head: "Although I like to specialize in ancient equipment, it is armaments, not agricultural equipment, and in terms of agricultural equipment, if the ancients had agricultural tools that are convenient for land reclamation, they have long been popularized and disseminated, and this way will not lose its inheritance!" "

Successive dynasties have been based on agriculture, so there are good things that will definitely be handed down.

Everyone nodded slightly, but then there was disappointment.

Soon Cao Cao came, and unlike everyone, Cao Cao's face did not have half a sad look.

Instead, the spring breeze was proud, with a strong smile.

"Master, but what's the good thing?" Chen Gong knew Cao Cao best, after all, they had been with each other the longest.

Looking at Cao Cao's face full of spring breeze, I guessed that maybe yesterday's problem was solved.

A figure unnaturally appeared in his mind.

No, he will still do this!

Cao Cao smiled and said, "Those who know me are also Gongtaiye!" "

"Guys, yesterday's matter of the reclamation army plowing the land has been largely resolved!"

"My family Ziang invented a new plow, which can be ploughed more than twice as fast as the original straight plow, and can be ploughed deeply, which is more conducive to agricultural production!"

As we all know, the farther the land is ploughed and the more soil is turned out, the better the crops will grow and the more yields will be.

This is also why it is necessary to cultivate deeply.

Before the Quyuan plough did not come out, it was all used with a straight plow, and the straight plougher could only plow shallowly, so the yield was correspondingly not so high.

"What, the eldest prince invented a new plow!"

Everyone was taken aback.

The new plough is more than twice as fast as the original.

That's too strong!

You can also plow deeply, which is powerful.

"Lord, if this is the case, then the efficiency of the reclamation army can be greatly accelerated, as long as there are enough new plows, then this spring planting can all catch up, although the new land is barren, but it is also a little harvest!"

Everyone nodded one after another, and the old and difficult problem was solved at once.

"Not only that, everyone, as soon as the new plough comes out, the sown land can be increased tomorrow or this autumn and winter!" Cheng Yudao:

"The speed of the new plough is more than doubled, so that the original household can plunder 100 acres of land, which can be increased to 200 acres."

"Now that the war is over, the most important thing is land, as long as the people go to reclamation, a lot of new land can be added soon!"


The impact of the new plough goes far beyond solving this problem for the reclamation army now.

Cao Cao and the others finished discussing the new plow, and then clapped their hands:

"Put aside the plough beforehand, and the thing I want to tell you today is another!"

As Cao Cao's applause rang out, an attendant immediately came in with a plate.

In front of each person's desk was a tray with a stack of golden foreign objects!

"Master, this is..."

Everyone was puzzled, the thing in front of them looked like golden beans, but it was not gold.

I haven't seen it, and I don't know what it is?

Cao Cao also didn't sell the guanzi anymore, and introduced:

"This thing is called corn, and the mu production capacity is more than a thousand catties, that is, more than ten stone!"

"Durable, especially suitable for newly reclaimed land, a pit can grow once buried, it is easy to carry seeds, easy to survive, and there is no need to manage things."

"The key is his delicious nutrition, planted in spring, harvested in summer, and can be planted in new land and improved by the reclamation army on a large scale!"


This name is apt!

Everyone picked it up and found that this corn was really hard!

Suddenly, the eyes lit up.

Hard texture means that it is not easy to spoil and resistant to storage.

"Master, can this thing really yield more than ten stones per acre?" Xun Yu squeezed the corn seeds excitedly.

Xun Yu next to him had already begun to bite on his teeth.

As a result, I almost didn't knock out the big yellow tooth.

"Of course, this thing is a fetish like potatoes!" Cao Cao pulled a lie:

"It was an accidental income from an overseas merchant ship on a certain island, and it was sold to me at a high price, and I am the only one here in Yanzhou at present!"

Ten stones!

Everyone reacted back to it, and it was another high-yield thing!

No wonder Cao Cao was full of spring breeze when he came in.

When everyone praised vigorously, they only looked at ease, and they were already muttering in their hearts, which should be from Mr. Ye's hand again.

First potatoes, then corn.

It's all highly productive.

God can't wait.

With these two things, Longteng Huaxia's future food does not have to worry.

My Dragon Dragon Civilization will be even more brilliant.

Cao Cao glanced at everyone and said, "Next, my Yanzhou will make every effort to ensure spring sowing and vigorously supervise the construction of new plows and promote the planting of corn." "

"At the same time, I guess that Tao Qian's side will start soon, and it will not let us finish the spring planting with peace of mind!" Therefore, it is expected that some of the grain left for the Yellow Turban descending masses needs to be appropriated for military use! "

"At that time, there will be other food supplements, this point everyone does not have to bear, what we have to do now is to be safe and prepare for war!" You need to work together. "

Not long after Yanzhou stopped, it was about to go to war again.

But this time, everyone is still full of confidence, there is money, food and soldiers, why fear Tao Qian.

"It's the Lord Lord, I will definitely do my best to support the Lord Gong in preparing for the war to expel Tao Qian's invading army!" Everyone got up and replied sonorously.

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