
Zhang Jichu!

"Cao Gong's kindness, we understand it!" Zhang Ji looked at Cao Cao's envoy Lu Qian in front of him and said:

"I Zhang Ji has no ambitions, and I have no intention of competing with all parties, so I don't want to act rashly, and I also ask Lao to tell Cao Gong that Hongnong's road can't be opened!"

In the face of Zhang Ji's refusal, Lu Qian was not annoyed, and only said: "Since General Zhang has no intention of returning to Xu County, I will definitely convey the general's meaning to my lord!"

"However, please also ask General Zhang not to be our enemy!"

Zhang Jidao: "Your envoy, please rest assured, it is Li Guo and the others that Cao Gong wants to fight, what do I Zhang Ji do, I will not betray Cao Gong!"

"Your envoy has never come to Hongnong!"

Lu Qian was relieved, and then said goodbye, left Zhang Ji, and went to Huayin.

When Lu Qian left, Zhang Xiu was puzzled: "Uncle, why should we refuse Cao Cao's move of "280"!"

"Cao Cao now has four states, the largest prince in the world, he wants grain and food, money and money, soldiers and soldiers, generals and generals, strategists are like clouds, and the population is large, and he is really the first overlord in the world!"

Zhang Xiu didn't understand that his side also had a lot of dealings with Cao Cao, and the relationship was already good enough to be like glue.

Zhang Ji glanced at Zhang Xiu, and taught quite uneasily: "Xiu'er, you, you're still too young!"

"Although Cao Cao is the largest prince in the world, his land of the four states has no natural danger to rely on, and it can be attacked on all sides, and its momentum collapses, and it is also in a moment!"

"As long as he loses a battle, the four states will be divided and devoured by the major princes!"

"He seems to be strong, but he is also weak!"

Is that so?

Zhang Xiu can be regarded as gaining knowledge.

In terms of vision and strategy, Zhang Xiu is really inferior to his uncle, Zhang Xiu is a simple-minded martial artist.

Where is Zhang Ji, a lieutenant who came up from the grassroots level, has brains, methods and experience.

Besides, now Zhang Ji is no longer a captain, but the emperor's own general Anton, the Marquis of Pingyang!

It can be said that he is powerful for a while, and his wealth is unparalleled.

"However, in this way, we are not evil to Cao Cao. Zhang Xiu said worriedly.

Zhang Ji smiled:

"Otherwise, Cao Cao wouldn't dare to do anything to us!"

"We occupy Hongnong, on the one hand, we can threaten Luoyang, attack the eastern part of the country, and control the Hangu Pass on the other hand, which is the only way for Cao Cao to advance westward, and he needs us!"

"Otherwise, what do you think he will do with so much grain, salt, wine, and cloth for us every month?"

"If we vote for Cao Cao, all this will be gone, Cao Cao will not treat us as preferentially as before, but will become his general, if we make a mistake, we will not be able to protect our heads!"

Speaking of low, Zhang Ji also believes that he is now in a high position, and he is a little floating.

I feel like I'm on an equal footing with Cao Cao.

So there was no will to vote for him.

The current small day, for Zhang Ji, is not too good, he doesn't want to break this balance.

Even he wanted to take advantage of Cao Cao's mentality of attacking Guo Li to gain more benefits for himself.

Once Guo Li was beheaded by Cao Cao, the emperor obtained it for Cao Cao, and his Zhang Ji's value was gone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Ji also wanted to gather more Xiliang soldiers and strengthen the Zhang family's army, so that even if he had to vote for Cao Cao one day, he could carry more capital and become a pivotal figure.

Of course, the premise is that Cao Cao can keep his current family business, kill Yuan Shao and others, and become a veritable overlord of the world, with the real strength to dominate the world.

Zhang Xiu hadn't thought about it so much, and when she listened to Zhang Ji's words today, she suddenly fell into deep thought.

It turns out that when you are a prince, you have to think so much.

It's really troublesome to have so many worries and calculations!

"Xiu'er, everything I have is yours, and I do it for you!" Zhang Ji saw that Zhang Xiu was silent, and continued to teach:

"Now I am also a small prince, so you have to think not only about training troops to fight, but also about mental scheming, otherwise, you will be swallowed by Cao Cao's traitorous males in the future!"


It is said that Lu Qian came to Huayin and met Duan Xuan.

After listening to Lu Qian's intentions, Duan Xuan only said one sentence: "If Hongnong is willing to let Cao Gong cross, I have no problem here!"

"If Duke Cao can restore the court, I and all the generals will still be loyal ministers!"

The meaning is obvious, Cao Cao attacked Guanzhong, and he didn't stop it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If Cao Cao can win the Son of Heaven, he is the imperial court, and he is only a loyal minister of the imperial court.

As for who controls the imperial court, it is none of his business.

This answer has made Lu Qian very satisfied.

Compared with Zhang Ji's ambiguous attitude, Duan Xuan said it extremely explicitly.

But at the same time, it also made Lu Qian understand that Duan Xuan belonged to the category of Mingzhe's self-protection.

I can't rely on him, and I can only remain neutral.

"Thank you, General Duan, allow me to go back and report to my lord, and there will be a great gift afterwards!" Lu Qian also gave Duan Xuan a reassurance, and Duan Xuan kept smiling when he heard it, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Cao Cao was still very generous, and the things he brought to Zhang Ji and himself every month were very rich, such as grain, cloth, salt, Bai's, and wine.

It also really made Duan Xuan enjoy it.

So Duan Xuan didn't want to give up Cao Cao, even if he didn't love it, he had to hold it in his hands, after all, a big patron like Cao Cao was hard to find in the world!

"Mr. Zike, should we go back to Xu County, or should we go to Hedong instead?" asked the accompanying deputy envoy.

Lu Qian glanced at the deputy envoy and said, "You go back to Xu County, report the matter of Zhang Ji and Duan Xuan to the lord, and I will go to Hedong for a walk!"

Hedong is the key to this layout, so Lu Qian must go.

This is what Cao Cao specially explained.

Hedong's plan involves more, so fewer people know.

The task of the deputy envoy has basically been completed.

"It's Mr. Zike!"

The deputy envoy didn't dare to ask too much, but he was just puzzled about what was important in Hedong and what big role it could play.


Xu County!

Zhendong General's Mansion!

"How is Jingzhou preparing?"

Cao Cao's gaze swept over everyone.

Xu County has completed the mobilization and dispatch in 3.2, and only needs to wait for an order, and then he can wave his army to the south and fight with Liu Biao's army in Nanyang.

This battle is extremely important.

If you win, you will overwhelm Jingzhou, and from then on, Liu Biao will not dare to look north, and Cao Cao can go straight to Xiangyang.

At the same time, it can also secretly attack Guanzhong.

By the way, it shocks the small.

If you lose, you will break the myth of consecutive victories, lose your troops and lose your generals, and be surrounded and bitten by Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao, and the four states will not be at peace.

"Back to the lord, Liu Biao of Jingzhou, 200,000 troops gathered in Nanyang by land and water, Cai Mao has arrived in Wancheng, taking over the defense, building fortifications, repairing the city, and preparing to deal with our army's southward movement!" Guo Jia stood up and told the situation in Nanyang and Jingzhou one by one, not only to let Cao Cao understand, but also to make everyone clear that there is a real background.

"By the way, Cai Mao has recently won a general, this person... It's the lord who wants to collect the generals!".

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