Huang Zhong replied: "Mr. Ye not only found the cause, but the treatment method is also correct, but this disease is a chronic disease, and it takes a period of treatment to recover!"

"That's good, Mr. Ye is amazing, he saved a life as soon as he made a move, and he was pulled back from the door of death!" Zhang Ji was very happy to hear this, stroked his beard, and then said to Chen Gong:

"Mr. Gongtai, I won't hide it from you, I have two things to find Mr. Ye here, please make it convenient. "

Find Ye Qing.

It's a tough thing to do.

Ye Qing's existence is unknown to most people, and even if he does, he must be Cao Cao's henchmen, or someone who has already submitted to Cao Cao.

Zhang Ji, who was himself an outsider to the princes' conquest, and was not an official under the rule of Juancheng and Xu County, wanted to see Ye Qing, but he did not have this qualification.

When Zhang Ji went to see Ye Qing, he had to take a big risk.

As soon as Ye Qing was informed by the outside world, the princes of the world did not collectively fry the pot.

"This matter..."Chen Gong asked with a look of embarrassment:

"I don't know if Mr. Zhongjing has been to Xu County 01 and seen my lord Cao Cao?"

Zhang Ji was asked and shook his head slightly:

"I've never been there, and I don't dare to go!"

Well, what are these words.

As soon as I didn't see Cao Cao, I came to Juancheng to see Ye Qing without asking for instructions, which was too violated.

Second, I don't dare to see Cao Cao, what's so boring here.

Huang Zhong also heard the taste, so he asked:

"Mr. Zhongjing, what do you mean by that?"

Even Zhang Zhong understood that Ye Qing's importance could not be approached by ordinary people without Cao Cao's approval.

There are so many troops there, even if you can't be sure you can break in.

Zhang Ji sighed and said, "Originally, Mr. Ye gave me the formula for treating the plague, and I tried them one by one and found that they were all extremely effective methods.

The epidemic in Suiluo County was quickly cured. "

"So I wanted to come to Juancheng and ask Mr. Ye for medical advice in person, and at the same time, I also wanted to see how Huang Xu's illness was solved!"

This point was recognized by Chen Gong and Huang Zhong, but the two still didn't know the meaning of what Zhang Ji said just now.

He didn't dare to see Cao Cao.

"Second, when I passed through Yingchuan, I wanted to go to Xu County, but I heard that Cao Gong had arrested Hua Yang (Hua Tuo) and wanted to kill Mr. Yuanhua, so I didn't dare to enter Xu County, so I rushed to Juancheng overnight, hoping that Mr. Ye could save Mr. Yuanhua!"

"Mr. Yuanhua is my former teacher, and I have asked him for some medical skills, so he is not only my elder, but also a master!"

I see.

This time, Chen Gong can be regarded as understanding.

"Mr. Zhongjing, rest assured, my lord has no intention of killing Mr. Yuanhua, it is all just a rumor from the outside world!" Chen Gong explained:

"We invited Mr. Yuanhua to go to Xu County, also for my lord's head wind, this disease Mr. Yuanhua is good at, but he doesn't want to treat it, so it's more difficult?"

Hua Tuo didn't want to treat Cao Cao!

Zhang Ji seemed to have touched something.

But he still said: "No matter what, I still hope that Master Cao Gong can ignore the villain and let Mr. Yuanhua go!"

"I think in this world, only Mr. Ye can make Cao Gong fight to sanitize the intention of Yuanhua, please let me meet Mr. Ye, otherwise this body will be regretted." "

When it comes to seeking medical treatment, Zhang Ji is serious.

In the past, he traveled all over the world, visited famous doctors in various places, learned various medical skills from others, and discussed medicine.

This is still the case.

If you can't see Ye Qing, in this life, you will definitely regret it.

"This..."Chen Gong thought for a moment and said:

"How about this, I wrote to Xu County first and asked my lord, if he agrees with Mr. Zhongjing to see Mr. Ye, then there is no problem on my side!"

"Sir, and stay in Juancheng, I will persuade my lord not to touch Mr. Yuanhua. "

Zhang Ji looked towards Huang Zhong, and Huang Zhong nodded slightly.

There is no way to do this, it is too difficult to meet Mr. Ye.

Unless Zhang Ji becomes his own person.

Otherwise, you won't be able to get in.

If outsiders know about it, they all have to die.

"Okay, then there is Mr. Lao Gongtai!" Zhang Ji had no choice but to agree, not knowing how Cao Cao would treat him.

arranged for Zhang Ji to stay, and Chen Gong immediately wrote a letter to report to Cao Cao, asking Cao Cao how to deal with Zhang Ji, and at the same time opening up to Hua Tuo.

Then Chen Gong said to Huang Zhong:

"Hansheng, how much did you reveal about Mr. Ye to Mr. Zhongjing?" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Huang Zhong said: "Mr. Huigongtai, I only mentioned Mr. Ye's medical skills, and the others have not been exposed. "

"That's good! If Mr. Zhongjing knows too much, I can only take coercive measures to keep him in Juancheng forever, and I can't let him go outside to heal and save people!" Chen Gong confessed:

"Go to Ye Qing first tonight today and ask Mr. Ye if he is willing to meet Mr. Zhongjing!"

"Mr. Gongtai, didn't you say that you should ask the lord first?" asked Huang Zhong puzzled.

Chen Gong said: "It is necessary to ask the lord, but if you can't see Zhang Ji, Mr. Ye is the key." "

"If Mr. Ye doesn't want to communicate with him, then the lord has passed it, and he can't let Zhang Ji go to see Mr. Ye!"

I see.

"It's okay, I haven't been to Mr. Ye's for a long time, and I can listen to the story again!" Huang Zhong naturally wanted to go to Ye Qing's place for dinner.

Chen Gong suddenly remembered what Cao Cao had confessed, and asked, "Han Sheng can be literate, can he write articles?"


Huang Zhong blushed and replied: "Mr. Taigong, I know some words and write articles... This is what celebrities are good at, and loyalty will not be!"

Chen Gong couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

He really doesn't want to help Cao Cao write a script and record Mr.'s story, or does he need to hand it over to someone else!

Huang Zhong is a military general after all, and Chen Gong naturally will not force it.

When the sun set, Chen Gong took Huang Zhong to Ye Qing with 560.

When Lu Bu saw Chen Gong coming, his eyes immediately lit up.

This is to listen to the story, and today's dinner can be eaten in Yefu.

So Lu Bu walked to the front diligently.

When Dian Wei saw the three of them coming together, he immediately became energetic.

"Hehe, let me guess..."Before Dian Wei finished speaking, Chen Gong said:

"You don't have to guess the evil, you're right about everything!"

Then he walked straight past Dian Wei.

Huang Zhong gently patted Dian Wei's shoulder: "Brother Dian, you guessed right!"

Seeing the situation, Lu Bu also walked over from the other side, and patted Dian Wei gently: "Dian Tinghou, you are amazing, you will rush to answer!"


Dian Wei hurriedly turned around and followed.

What about these people, one by one they can't talk well.

"Husband, it looks like we're going to have more dinner tonight!"

When Cai Yan saw Chen Gong and the others coming, he immediately understood, so he reminded Ye Qing.

Ye Qing's ears moved slightly, four people.

Add four pairs of chopsticks tonight.

"It's okay, the person who comes is a guest, the hard lady and the little cicada are preparing for dinner!"

Ye Qing knew that he was the most special existence in the entire Caojia Village, and he never had to worry about food.

The village committee has already prepared everyone's share, that is, ten or eight are coming, and the mansion also has grain, vegetables and meat.

The arrangement can be said to be proper.

How could Ye Qing reject the arrival of everyone? .

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