"What? Cao Cao wants to crusade against me?"

Li Wei was shocked when he heard this, and stood up.

I'm still a little nervous.

So he immediately ordered someone to present Cao Cao's inscription.

After reading it, Li Dao was furious, threw it on the ground, and scolded:

"Cao Cao, this bastard, in the past, we still showed his title and officials, and even Qingzhou was given to him by us!"

"He will take revenge, and he wants to kill us. "

"This is a rebel minister, and he dares to be disrespectful to the court!"

After scolding, Li Dao said to Song Zhong:

"Cao Cao not only wants to attack Chang'an, but also to capture Nanyang, so Liu Biao will not send troops to exterminate Cao Cao, a rebellious minister and thief?"

Song Zhongzhong replied in fear: "My lord has mobilized Jingzhou's heavy troops to fight Cao Cao in Wancheng. "

"However, my Jingzhou is alone, not enough to resist Cao Cao, if Nanyang is lost, Cao Cao's army can cross the Wuguan Pass and directly attack Guanzhong, so I am willing to ask the imperial court to send troops to suppress Cao Cao!"

I want to send troops too!

If it were any other time, Li Dao would naturally send troops, but... Now he and Guo Yan are at odds, attacking each other, and the two are fighting like fire and water near Chang'an.

Where do you still have the heart to follow the soldiers and horses to take care of Cao Cao and Jingzhou's affairs.

Knowing that Cao Cao's strength is greater than his own disadvantage, Li Dao can only say to Song Zhong:

"This matter still needs Jingzhou to save itself, if I can defeat Cao Cao, I will ask for Liu Jingsheng to be crowned, and he will be added to the knighthood!"

"As for the imperial court, there are no soldiers and horses for the time being, let me think about it, and you can go back to Jingzhou and inform Liu Jingsheng. "

That's what sent me.

Song Zhong was stunned for a moment, and his heart was sad.

However, when he saw Li Dao's eyes that wanted to eat people and kill people, he had no choice but to retreat silently.

After Song Zhong left, Li Dao said to the attendants: "Go, invite this old man Jia Xu!"

After a while, Jia Xu came over.

"Da Sima summoned me here, but is there something wrong?" Jia Xu asked.

Li Wei pointed to the text on the ground and said:

"Look at it, Cao Cao is not at ease, and he wants to tackle the problem, which is really hateful~!"

"You want to kill Cao Cao for me with a move"

It is impossible to send troops, and now Li Dao wants to kill Guo Yan, monopolize Chang'an and the imperial court, and do what Dong Zhuo did.

When he is the minister of the country, he must also take the ride of the Son of Heaven.

When Jia Xu heard this, a trace of strange light flashed in his eyes, which quickly disappeared, and returned to the state of the ancient well without waves.

After reading the article, Jia Xu thought for a while and said:

"Da Sima, isn't this exactly what the imperial court expects?"

Li Wei was a little confused: "What do you mean?"

Jia Xu said: "In the past, the imperial court sealed Cao Cao's states to the princes of Kwantung, so that they attacked each other internally to divide Cao Cao's momentum.

Now Cao Cao provoked the Battle of Nanyang, focusing on Jingzhou, not Guanzhong. "

"Cao Cao and Liu Biao will have a bloody battle, and Yecheng and Shouchun will both participate at that time, isn't this exactly what Da Sima wants!"

After listening, Li Dao patted his thigh and said, "That's really the case, I was almost deceived by Liu Biao." "

"Cao Cao Ming is attacking Chang'an, he really wants to swallow Jingzhou and destroy Liu Biao, Liu Biao wants to pull me out of the customs in order to protect himself, it's really hateful!"

"I'll sit and wait for them to attack each other, let them fight hard, hahaha, or Wenhe can see the long term and spy on the heavens at a glance!"

But he said that Song Zhong waited left and right, and in the end, he only waited for a sentence from Li Wei's attendant, Da Sima had already fallen asleep, and Jingzhou's affairs were handled by Jingzhou itself, so he turned around and left.

Song Zhong understood that it was impossible for Li Dao to send troops. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His mission was a failure.

But soon he found that the old man Jia Xu had walked out of Li Wei.

And everyone in the camp respected Jia Xu a lot, so they bribed the guards and said, "Who is this, why can you come and go freely in the camp?"

The guards took advantage of Song Zhong, so they explained:

"This is Jia Shangshu, the life-saving benefactor of my Xiliang Army, and the confidant of Da Sima's strategist, so he can naturally come and go freely in the camp!"

I see.

Li Dao must have listened to this person's words and didn't care about Cao Cao's attack on Jingzhou.

Thinking of this, Song Zhong immediately left the camp and went to Guo Yan again.

Since Guo Yan is Li Dao's enemy, Guo Yan should agree with Li Dao's opposition.

So Guo Yan became Song Zhong's hope.

It's just that after Song Zhong saw Guo Bichen say something, Guo Bi directly beat Song Zhong out.

The anger is still more than Li Dao, and it is not Cao Cao who hates, but Li Dao and Song Zhong.

Song Zhong went to Li Dao's place first, and when he came to himself, he obviously valued Li Dao and despised himself.

Guo Yan felt that he didn't kill Song Zhong, and he was already very embarrassed by Liu Zhong.

And Song Zhong was aggrieved.

The officials at Guo Yan's office heard that Cao Cao wanted to send troops.

All excited.

"Okay, Meng De is willing to send troops to rescue the Son of Heaven!"

"Yes, Meng De first assassinated Dong to eliminate the thief, and then sent two generals to enter the customs to kill Dong Zhuo, and now he is ready to send troops to destroy Guo Yan and Li Dao, only he is still loyal to the court in his heart, and His Majesty!"

I heard that back then, if Yuan Shao and others did not enter the army, the princes of the Eighteenth Route could catch up and eliminate Dong Zhuo, for which Meng De was ambushed by General Dong Zhuo and almost suffered damage, I didn't expect that after so many years, Meng De was still so radical and loyal!"

"Liu Biao is confused, isn't it just a Nanyang, what about giving it to Meng De, there is no Wuguan, how can Meng De send troops to attack Guanzhong!"

"That is, Liu Biao, as a clan, actually colluded with traitors like Guo Li to murder Zhongliang is really disloyal and unfilial. "

"Cao Cao is willing to send troops, it seems that we are not far from the day we return to Luoyang, hey, Luoyang doesn't know what it was burned into, I heard that Cao Cao repaired it, whether it can still be used as a national capital!"



Yuan Shu stared at Liu Biao's envoy Pang Ji, and the corners of his mouth showed a sneer:

"Isn't Liu Biao an ally with Cao Cao? When did you remember to cooperate with me!"

Yuan Shu did not forget that when he was defeated by Cao Cao in Kuangting Fengqiu, (so good) Liu Biao fell into the well and seized the important town of Nanyang, so that he could only run across the Huai River all the way to Shouchun to settle down.

He always remembered this hatred.

It's already very good that I didn't go to Liu Biao to settle accounts.

Pang Ji had served as Liu Biao's envoy to persuade the thief Zhang Hu and Chen Sheng to surrender to Liu Biao.

He is a well-spoken strategist.

I only heard him respectfully reply: "Yuan Gong doesn't know, in the past, my lord was also deceived by Cao Cao, so he formed an alliance to attack Yuan Gong, for which my lord felt deep guilt and self-blame, and often said that Cao Cao's wolf ambition was to get Yuzhou and want to seek Jingzhou, which is my real henchman!"

"Now Cao Cao wants to invade the south, my lord specially ordered me to come to Shouchun, hoping that Yuan Gong can reconcile with Jingzhou and deal with Cao Cao together. "

"The battle of Nanyang, if you win and retreat, you can protect Jingzhou and Yangzhou, and you can take Yuzhou and Xuzhou, I hope that Yuan Gong can think about it, take the opportunity to take revenge, and get back the glory that belongs to Yuan Gong!"

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