Others are somewhat expecting.

But wait for Yuan Shao to open the letter and take a look.

His face gradually turned cold.

"Hmph, Yan Liang is incompetent, 50,000 troops, fighting with Cao Cao in the field, can't even win!"

"If you can't beat Xu Chu in your own fight, forget it, even three thousand cavalry to attack the Cao army and fold a thousand, it's really damned!"


That's all elite iron riding.

This gave Yan Liang a thousand folds, enough for Yuan Shao to feel distressed for a while.

Scolding and scolding, Yuan Shao still handed over the letter to the judge and Feng~ Ji.

The two looked at each other speechless after reading it.

Fifty thousand battles and thirty thousand, but also lost, was chased back to the barracks by Cao Cao.

Now he still came to ask for soldiers, asking Yuan Shao to lead the army south.

"Tell me, should my Jizhou army transfer south and continue to compete with Cao Cao for the plain?" Yuan Shao felt powerless, and he had just mediated with Gongsun Zhan, and he had to deal with Cao Cao's threat.

The 50,000-strong army could not take Cao Cao.

How many soldiers and horses do you have to transfer?

"Lord, I thought that since Gongsun Zan had agreed to a truce, he could lead the army south, after all, some of the soldiers and horses still had to return to Yecheng, just from this side of the Bohai Sea to the south, to give Cao Cao a warning!" The judge said:

"Cao Cao has words first, only the lord is qualified to talk to him, if the lord does not come forward, Cao Cao will always play the fool."

"Cao Cao is treacherous, and he must not be taken seriously!"

Yuan Shao thought for a while and said:

"Well, then lead the army south!"

"However, Gongsun Zan must not be prevented, in case he repents and immediately goes south again, my Jizhou will be embarrassed!"

"The Lord is worried about whether Cao Cao and Gongsun Zan will secretly unite, this matter is still worth considering!" Fengji replied with deep approval.

After the three deliberated, Yuan Shao led an army of 60,000 and began to move south.


Youzhou! Gongsun Zhan!

"Report, lord, General Tian Kai sent the report!"

Gongsun Zan was anxiously walking back and forth, when suddenly someone in front of the tent reported it.

Gongsun Zan said, "Take it quickly and show me!" "

The soldier who delivered the message immediately reported the report.

After Gongsun Zan took it apart, the smile on his face gradually intensified.

"Good, good, good! Great, Zhao Yun did a good job! "

"Cao Cao is very faithful and worthy of deep friendship!"

"Come, immediately collect all the ships in Youzhou, rush to Qingzhou Le'an Country, and go to transport grain."

"And take out three thousand war horses from our army, as payment for this transaction, the horses can be in the future, and the grain must be shipped as soon as possible!"

Gongsun Zan did not expect Cao Cao to be so happy, and the war horse could also transport the grain away before he went.

What a proud guy.

No wonder that it can occupy the land of the four states of the Central Plains, and it is really rich and oily.

With it, Yuan Shao will die


At this moment, a person walked in and saw everyone busy in and out, so he waved his hand to signal everyone to go down, and Gongsun Zan said:

"What's wrong? What happened, so mysterious? "

Guan Jing said, "Lord, Yuan Shao led 60,000 soldiers and horses and is preparing to go south!" "

"Just now, Fengji sent someone over again, wanting to deepen the armistice agreement with us."

"Hehe, Yuan Shao thinks so beautifully, stop fighting with us here, so that he can lead the army to fight with Cao Cao for Qingzhou!" Gongsun Zan said arrogantly and disdainfully:

"When Cao Cao's grain arrives, I will immediately lead the army into Jizhou, catch Yuan Shao by surprise, kill Yuan Shao with Cao Cao, capture Yecheng, and take the counties of Jizhou!"

Guan Jing persuaded: "The Lord must not! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Well, why?" Gongsun Zan looked at Guan Jing puzzled.

Guan Jing explained: "Now that we have ceased the war according to the will of the imperial court, we are attacking Jizhou for no reason, and one of them has lost its righteous reputation, has no name, and cannot get local support!" "

"The two are hated by the imperial court, and Guo Lizhi and the like will definitely take the opportunity to make a fuss, which is not conducive to the lord!"

"Three, if a war starts, won't it attract Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses back and fight against us again, we will finally have a chance to rest and rest, just to clean up the soldiers, and at the same time... Sit back and watch the clash between Yecheng and Yancheng. "

"Whether it is Cao Caosheng or Yuan Shaosheng, it is both of them that are consumed, which is beneficial to us!"

After Guan Jing's analysis.

Gongsun Zhan's eyes widened, and then his face showed joy, and he touched it and said, "It's still wise and thinks long-term." "

"It was me who was angry and almost broke the big thing!"

The friendship with Cao Cao is just that, there is no need to force it.

It's better to preserve your strength.

"The lord just has too much hatred for Yuan Shao, and he is eager to take revenge for a while, and he is eager to attack and destroy Yuan Shao!" Guan Jing said:

"The battle between us and Yuan Shao can not be ended in a short time, and please ask the lord to calm down and cook slowly, so that we can truly defeat Yuan Shao."


Plain City!

In front of Yuan's camp, Cao Cao's army called for a long time, and Yan Liangdu closed the door and refused to fight.

Cao Jun also felt bored, and returned to Plain City early in the afternoon.

"Cao Cao is hateful, he called for a long time in the morning, knowing that I would not fight, and came again in the afternoon, which deceived people too much!"

Yan Liang was both happy and angry when he saw that Cao Jun had finally turned back to Plain City.

If he could, he really didn't want Cao Jun to return to Plain City so easily.

However, for the sake of planning, he could only endure.

"General Yan don't be angry, I believe that our plan will succeed soon, and the Cao army in the direction of Ande should be transferred out of the city.

Tonight we can head towards Ander and take the city. "Will Qi's constant relief and appeasement paint a beautiful vision for Yan Liang.

Yan Liang only then collected his violent temper.

At the beginning of the curtain, it was already dark, and the military had a night's meal, prepared to practice fighting for a while, and then turned off the fire and slept at night.

At this time, a fast horse rushed to the gate of Yuan Jun's camp.

After lighting up the token, the general guarding the camp let this ride into the camp, and soon the rider walked to Yan Liang's main tent camp.

At this time, Yan Liang and Jiang Qi were waiting for news from the east.

"General Yan, this is the intelligence sent by Ande, please check it!"

Yan Liang was overjoyed when he heard this, took the military uniform, and only after checking it was correct, did he take it apart.

After reading the above content, he smiled ecstatically: "If it really didn't go as you expected, the Tai Shi Ci Department had quietly led the army towards the east to attack our army south of the Bohai Sea, and at this time Ande City was empty. "

Jiang Qi came over when he heard this, took the military report, and after reading it, he said: "Tai Shici should want to attack my Bohai troops at night, and after the victory, he will rush back to Ande tomorrow." "

"This period is our opportunity, as long as we can take Ande, we will also have the opportunity to ambush and attack Tai Shici, so that people can report to Cao Cao, lead Cao Cao's army north, and set up a heavy ambush halfway."

"Even if you can't kill Cao Cao, it's enough to hit hard and take back Plain County Ten!"

Người mua: sabmado

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