Having reached this point, how can there be any reason to retreat on the spot?

Huang Laogui was in Tangtang's ear to persuade him.

Tangtang was unwilling to listen. She pursed her mouth and looked up. The 15 decks advanced in front of her, as magnificent and magnificent as a huge fortress. But I want to stay in this huge monster for the next few days, far away from the land, and I can't help but feel fear in my heart.

"You are an evil god, how can you be afraid? They should be afraid of you, not you!" Huang Old Ghost said.

Tangtang replied angrily: "Why can't I be afraid? You can become ghosts if you die, and I will be gone when I die! No more!"

Huang Laogui: "..."

It seems to make sense...

There were more and more people on board, Tangtang stopped making trouble and followed Huang Laogui into the cabin.

The decoration inside is similar to a luxury hotel. From the first to the fifth floor are restaurants, casinos, theaters and other entertainment projects, but now they have no time to go shopping and take the elevator directly to the upper floors.

They lived in a suite with a living room. In Tangtang's bedroom, Old Ghost Huang slept in the living room.

Because the direction of the room is facing inward, there is no view of the sea, but the huge oasis garden in the center of the cruise ship can be seen through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The garden is full of tropical flowers from the Caribbean, shrubs and extremely tall palm trees.

Tangtang stood in front of the window and looked at it strangely. She had never seen these plants.

Huang Laogui was busy packing up his luggage, and saw the black cat jump on the sofa and waved to chase it away: "It's leather! I don't have any money to pay if I scratch it!"

"Meow~" The little black cat jumped down and scratched the fringe of the floor curtain.

Old man Huang shook his head and sighed, too lazy to bother.

Tangtang looked outside and muttered: "It's so quiet..."

There is no crowd, no traffic, and even the wind cannot be heard.

"Tomorrow will be lively." Huang Laogui came over, opened half of the window, and took a deep breath, as if feeling the luxury and enjoyment here.

He said: "By tomorrow, you will know what a drunken fan is. Everyone who comes here will enjoy the best everything in the world, the top cuisine, the most beautiful women, the most exciting performances, and the most exciting games. ...Unfettered, completely indulgent, here is simply a heavenly existence."

"Heaven?" Tangtang asked with a concrete understanding of the word, "What would **** look like?"

"This is **** too." Huang Old Ghost smiled.

Tangtang blinked and looked at him puzzled.

"For some people, this is indeed heaven, but for others, this is indeed hell." He chuckled twice, "you will understand later."

Tangtang seemed to understand but not understand.


The next day, as buyers successively arrived, the cruise ship became lively.

There are only more than two hundred real benefactors, but the benefactors will be accompanied by at least a dozen people such as assistants, attendants, bodyguards, plus performers, chefs, bartenders, bands, and glamorous girls who provide services to the benefactors anytime and anywhere. ...

In this way, thousands of people have grown tremendously. Beautiful women are like clouds, coveted and intertwined, singing and dancing are all in the eye.

When you are near the port, it is no different from an ordinary sightseeing cruise ship, but after entering the open sea area, everything starts to become different.

Mu Zi is very uncomfortable.

She had been to the entertainment city run by Murong Cheng. She originally thought that it was already very sensual, but she didn't expect this place to be better.

She saw several common faces in the news. They were elegant and humble gentlemen and celebrities, but they were able to openly molest the waitress here, which was simply unsightly.

Murong Cheng is not surprised: "Humans, there is always a dark side. Maybe you can pick it up for a few days all year round, do what you want to do but don't dare to do, satisfy some evil factors, and try to have a good time."

Mu Zi still felt sick. Seeing the man buried his entire face in the waitress's chest, she cursed unbearably: "A hooligan is a hooligan. What excuses!"

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