Yu Yang Wenyan was stunned.

Zhuang Jia recovered, stroking her cheek and murmured: "It's not right...If you want to steal it, wouldn't it be more convenient to steal the ring directly? Why do you want to remove the gems?"

Zhuang Jiachong smiled at Yang San: "I made a mistake, I just said that casually."

"No, you are not mistaken." Yu Yang said, "If the ring is stolen directly, there will definitely be marks on the corpse's fingers, but if the gems of the ring face are removed, the police will only think that the ring itself is a hollow design. "

Zhuang Jia's face turned pale, "You said... the hand in the photo is the hand of a corpse?"

Yu Yang didn't seem to hear her, so he pulled out the photo just now and placed it in front of Zhuang Jia again——

The photo is a close-up of a hand. A white hand is half-floating and half-sinking in the **** waves, and a platinum ring on the slender ring finger is very delicate.

"You take a closer look, are you sure it is not a deliberate hollow design?"

Zhuang Jia looked back with an ugly expression, she just wanted to close her eyes now! I didn't look closely just now, she thought the red water was because of the color reflected by the rose petals.

"How did you see it?" Yu Yang asked.

"Is there anything I can't see..." Zhuang Jia replied, "I myself do jewelry design, and I can tell at a glance. The small round hole in the middle is the ring holder, and the slightly protruding parts around are claws. , Used to stabilize gems, but I can also understand that you men can’t distinguish even feminine without makeup, and you don’t even understand jewelry..."

Yu Yang asked again: "Can you see what the gemstones look like?"

Zhuang Jia shook his head: "You can see that the ring has a multi-petal shape, it may be a rose, it may be a peony, it may even be a four-leaf clover, this is not certain."

Yu Yang thought for a while and asked Zhuang Jia: "Are you free next week? I have something to do with you."

Zhuang Jia was taken aback: "When is next week?"

Yu Yang pondered for a moment. Next week, he will definitely give priority to Meng Xiaotian's case. It is estimated that he will almost leave work after he is busy.

"Tonight, I invite you to dinner." He said.

Zhuang Jia was a little embarrassed: "I might go on a blind date..."

Yu Yang said, "Let's go together."

"This..." Zhuang Jia hesitated, "Is this appropriate?"

Can we be together for blind dates?

Yu Yang said: "If you mind, the time can be later, and we will meet again when your blind date is over."

"Actually, I don't really mind..." Zhuang Jia had a guilty conscience. She was not happy to disagree with those men at first. It was purely for the purpose of curing...

"If you don't mind, let's go together. It won't take you too long. I will take you home after dinner. You can chat on the way."

After Yu Yang finished speaking, he added another sentence: "Citizens have an obligation to assist in the investigation."

Zhuang Jia: "..."

"I didn't mean to force you, I hope you understand the importance of this matter." Yu Yang said.

"Yeah..." Zhuang Jia pursed her lips and forced a smile, "I understand."


After Yu Yang returned home, he read the black rose file carefully again.

The picture Zhuang Jia saw was the second victim in the Black Rose case.

At that time, the corpse was lying in the bathtub, completely naked, naked, except for the ring on his hand, there were no other objects attached to it, and the bathroom was strewn with rose petals everywhere, and no valuable clues were found.

If there are jewelry in the shape of black roses on the ring, it can be connected with the first victim.

As Mu Zi said, the target group is people with black rose tattoos or rose-shaped jewelry.

It is more direct to infer that the murderer may be in that chat group!

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