Blessed Daughter

Chapter 305 I have a countermeasure

"In the past, Xingshan County opened up wasteland in the south, with little land and few people, so the expenditure was naturally low. Before the farmers who opened up wasteland planted crops, most of their food and clothing expenses were borne by the government office and His Highness. I believe His Highness knows that this is a big deal. It's not a small expense." Wei Ruo said.

"The old slave is clear about this matter, and it is indeed a considerable expense."

"Ma'am, tell me, now that the number of refugees has expanded to Taizhou Prefecture, the number has doubled. How much did they spend before they planted crops?" Wei Ruo asked.

Nanny Qin didn't answer right away, but her look told Wei Ruo that she knew it was not a small sum.

Wei Ruo went on to say: "Besides, the more refugees and disaster victims there are, the more difficult it is to manage them. More people are needed to participate in management adjustments to avoid all kinds of troubles."

Mother Qin was silent again, of course she could understand what Wei Ruo meant.

Even ordinary people, it is difficult to control the number of people, let alone the refugees and disaster victims who lost their homes and land.

"Miss, what do you mean... the method proposed by His Highness is not feasible?" Mother Qin asked.

"With all due respect, the manpower His Highness Seventh brings with you is far from enough." Wei Ruo said frankly.

"Your Highness doesn't necessarily have to settle all the refugees and disaster victims. If you just select a small part and control the scale within a certain range, if the difficulty is similar to that in the south of Xingshan County before, then there should be no problem, right?" Mother Qin Ma said.

Wei Ruo smiled slightly: "Nurse, if the scale is the same as before, why bother your Highness? The same credit has already been done, so what's the point of doing another one? Your Highness wants to make this now. It must be to solve the problem of the disaster victims in the entire Taizhou Prefecture, and to make greater achievements, right?"

Wei Ruo's words hit the point, and Nanny Qin immediately had no rebuttal words.

After thinking for a moment, Mother Qin said: "Is the young lady planning to use these two excuses to reject His Highness?"

Wei Ruodao: "It's not a complete rejection, I just think this matter can be resolved in another way."

"Miss, do you mean that you have a better solution?" Mother Qin asked hurriedly.

"Probably." Wei Ruo replied.

"How to solve it?" Mother Qin hurriedly asked.

"My solution is also very simple. Since His Highness and me alone are not enough for this matter, the Yuan family and all the dignitaries in Taizhou should be involved to mobilize all available resources. There is a chance to make things happen." Wei Ruo said.

"It's not an easy task to get all the dignitaries in Taizhou Mansion to participate." Mother Qin said.

"I know, Mammy, don't worry, since I dare to propose such a solution, I have a way to persuade." Wei Ruo replied.

Looking at Wei Ruo's confident eyes, Mother Qin pondered for a moment and said, "The old slave can't answer what the eldest girl said, so I have to go back and ask His Highness for instructions."

"Nurse, just ask for instructions." Wei Ruo looked calm.

After Wei Ruo finished analyzing the matter, Nanny Qin didn't dare to delay for a moment, and immediately left the Captain's Mansion and rushed back to report to Chu Lan.

After Mother Qin left, Xiumei asked Wei Ruo worriedly: "Miss, if His Highness agrees, wouldn't we still have to be involved with His Highness?"

Wei Ruodao: "The tree is hidden in the forest. If everyone participates, the connection between the Wei family and the Seventh Prince will not appear to be particularly close. And if there is a real contribution to be made at that time, it will not be all credited to the Seventh Prince." .”

Xiumei pursed her lips, feeling aggrieved on behalf of Wei Ruo: "At the end of the day, His Highness the Seventh Highness is too inhumane. The lady helped him once, but now she still threatens the lady."

This still doesn't count the time when their lady saved the Seventh Prince!

Wei Ruodao: "Whoever puts his identity there, I can't afford to offend him, and I can't hide it. But if this thing can really happen, it won't be bad for me at all. At least I can help some people affected by the disaster. You can also use this opportunity to delay the marriage with the Xu family, and then run around in the fields more, and you will also have a chance to gain a bad reputation for not being a woman."

If Wei Ruo wanted to do something for these refugees, he just didn't like to cooperate with Chu Lan.

Now that it is inevitable, she can only think about it in a positive way.

Xiumei couldn't help but said: "I heard that the late Empress Xu may still have a Ninth Prince alive, I very much hope that this is true, and then the Ninth Prince will appear and restrain the Seventh Prince, so that he can't do it again. Bully Miss you!"

Xiumei's wish is pure, direct and beautiful.

But it was just a wish, because the Ninth Prince who was rumored to be alive had never even appeared in person, so far it was just everyone's imagination and guesswork.


Nanny Qin returned to Xiaowei's Mansion an hour later, much faster than Wei Ruo expected.

"Your Highness said that the young lady's analysis is reasonable. As long as the young lady can convince many dignitaries in Taizhou, His Highness is willing to fully support the young lady." Mother Qin brought Chu Lan's reply.

"Okay, I'll go to Yuan's mansion early tomorrow morning to meet Mrs. Yuan, and I'll notify Mother Qin after the date is confirmed." Wei Ruo said.

"I'm currently living in His Highness's temporary residence in Fucheng. If the eldest girl needs me for anything, you can go there to find me at any time. I will be there whenever you are called." Mother Qin said.

"Okay, then Mother Qin will wait for my news."

Early the next morning, Wei Ruo went to the Yuan Mansion to look for Mrs. Yuan.

In the afternoon of the same day, Mrs. Yuan sent invitation letters in her own name to the mistresses of the rich and powerful families in Taizhou Prefecture.

These wives are Madam Yuan's guests on weekdays, so when Madam Yuan invites them, they all refuse the invitation.

The Yun family also received an invitation letter from Mrs. Yuan, which was directly brought back to her by Wei Ruo.

In Cangyun Garden, Mrs. Yun, who was sitting on the right seat, read the invitation letter, and then asked Wei Ruo puzzledly: "Why is Mrs. Yuan looking for us tomorrow?"

The letter only said that there was an important matter to discuss, but it did not explain what the matter was.

The time is urgent, if it is an ordinary invitation to get together, it will usually be many days in advance.

"I'll find out when I go tomorrow, and I can't explain this in a sentence or two." Wei Ruo replied with a rather cold face, and didn't intend to explain more to Yun.

Yun frowned involuntarily: "Why do you have such an attitude? Mother just asked you a few words, why are you so impatient?"

Wei Ruo chuckled and said, "Mother didn't tell me some things, why did you ask me to tell you everything?"

Yun Shi was startled, and a guilty look flashed across his face, but he quickly covered it up.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yun said angrily, raising her voice a little bit.

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