Blessed Daughter

Chapter 164 Father's Promotion Again

After coaxing Chen Aqing, Wei Ruo and Xiumei went back to Tianqin Garden.

Wei Ruo was calculating and planning the next work with a pen and paper in her room. The seasoning consumption of Zuixianju was greater than that of her lo-mei shop. She needed more raw materials and a workshop that could produce seasonings stably.

Purchasing raw materials, transportation, and setting up workshops are not completely unfamiliar fields to Wei Ruo. In those thirteen years, Wei Ruo has accumulated a lot of experience in this field, otherwise he would not be able to open the shop of Sibaozhai.

In terms of purchasing raw materials, under normal circumstances, considering the transportation cost, Wei Ruo will give priority to some raw material origins that are far away, but because the application of these spices is not popular enough at present, there are relatively few people who grow spices, and many spices are wild, so For the time being, Wei Ruo can only go to the place where she bought before to make a lot of purchases, and the cost will be slightly higher.

But according to the price she negotiated with Boss Fan, the cost is not a problem.

In the future, if the sales scale is further expanded, she will consider freeing up some land for the cultivation of raw materials such as cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon.

In terms of delivery, after two days, Lao Tao, who is in charge of land transportation, came, and she gave Lao Tao her list, and asked Lao Tao to go there. The raw material she used to make the five-spice powder and the previous hot pot base was Lao Tao. I bought it for her.

As for oysters, which are raw materials for making oyster sauce, they are relatively easy to get. Taizhou is close to the sea, and this thing can be easily handled as long as the sea is opened.

It's just that due to the Japanese pirates problem, the oysters will be unstable, and the same problem is still the same. If the sales volume increases, Wei Ruo will consider farming, which can save costs and stabilize the supply.

The premise is that there must be considerable sales support, otherwise the benefits of doing so will not be high.

Soybeans are grown more in the north, so Wei Ruohui will entrust it to brother Daqiu who runs the boat.

Lao Tao and Brother Daqiu are people Wei Ruo has known and worked with for a long time, and their characters are reliable.

In addition to the supply of raw materials, Wei Ruo also needs to choose a site. There is still some vacant land on her Zhuangzi in Fucheng, which can be used to build a small workshop.

The scale of small workshops does not need to be large at the beginning, but we must choose a few reliable ones with good attitudes.

When she has time, she will visit Zhuangzi more, and if there is a suitable one, she will pick it out and work in the workshop.


Wei Ruo stayed in Fucheng until Xu Ji's lo-mei shop reopened, and then returned to Xingshan County.

As soon as he got home, he heard good news about the Wei family.

The paperwork for Wei Mingting's promotion and assignment has arrived. He has been promoted to deputy garrison and will assist the garrison of Taizhou Prefecture in charge of the anti-Japanese army in Taizhou Prefecture.

The rank has also been upgraded from the original sixth-rank captain Zhongxian to the sixth-rank captain Zhaoxin.

But in just half a year, he was promoted two levels in a row!

Such honors are rare, and it can be seen that Wei Mingting has indeed performed outstandingly in the matter of fighting against the Japanese.

Because of this good news, the captain's mansion was immersed in joy.

I feel happiness and excitement on the faces of every servant passing by.

Wei Ruo and Xiumei passed through the crowd calmly, returned to Wangmei Garden, and then did what they should do.

It was already expected that he would be rewarded after winning a battle. Although the re-promotion was indeed a bit unexpected. Before, everyone thought that he had only been promoted once within half a year, so it might be inappropriate to be promoted again now.

But the facts have proved that the imperial court still attaches great importance to the fight against the Japanese, and there is a lack of talents to fight the Japanese, so the generals who have made great contributions to the fight against the Japanese are not stingy with rewards and promotions.

At present, the biggest impact on Wei Ruo should be the issue of moving.

I just received the news that Wei Mingting's residence will be moved from Xingshan County because Wei Mingting has been promoted to the sixth rank, and the army that will be under his jurisdiction in the future has changed from the anti-Japanese army deployed in Xingshan County to the anti-Japanese army along the coast of Taizhou Prefecture. To Fucheng.

Now the whole government is busy with this matter.

Wei Ruo can't avoid being lazy about this, because Wei Ruo's things are no less than others, not to mention the things she brought from Huzhou Mansion back then, just in the past half a year, she has saved a lot of things. The warehouse is so full that it will not be able to fit in a truck when the time comes.

Wei Ruo is very happy about the move this time. Although there are many of her properties in Xingshan County, these industries have been operating stably. Now it is the Fucheng that needs her more.

Moving Wei's mansion to Fucheng will greatly facilitate her next actions.

In the evening, after Wei Ruo and the others had dinner in the dining hall, Yun talked about the move with the others.

Yun specifically asked Wei Ruo: "Ruo'er has been in Fucheng for the past few days, and I don't know the situation at home these few days. Mother is telling you that your father will be transferred to Fucheng. The letter of appointment has been issued. The transfer It's urgent, so we also need to pack up our things as soon as possible, and move to the new residence in Fucheng with your father."

As the Japanese pirates problem has been invading Taizhou, the transfer of military officers is more urgent.

But it can also be seen that Wei Mingting's ability has been recognized by the people above, so he is so eager to transfer him to Fucheng, let him assist in the defense of the anti-Japanese army that governs the entire Taizhou Prefecture.

"Well, I will pack my things as soon as possible." Wei Ruo replied.

"Well, it's best to tell Mother in advance, so that Mother can prepare the carriages and horses in advance." Yun said.


Yun continued: "Over there in Fucheng, Ruo'er, you know better than your father, brother and sister at home. When you go there, if there is anything, Ruo'er needs to help your siblings more."

"Yes." Wei Ruo agreed with a slight smile.

Wei Yilin asked a question: "Mom, what should I do? I'm still practicing martial arts with my master! I can't give up halfway!"

Yun said: "Silly boy, there are also martial arts masters in Fucheng, and the masters in Fucheng are more powerful than those in Xingshan County."


"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, ask your father."

Wei Mingting nodded.

After getting Wei Mingting's affirmative answer, Wei Yilin's face was full of joy and anticipation.

"Great, then I can become even stronger! At that time, my current seniors will not be able to beat him!" Wei Yilin is already imagining what will happen next.

"You study hard, because my father will hire you the best martial arts teacher in Fucheng." Wei Mingting said to Wei Yilin.

"Okay! Father, I will study hard!" Wei Yilin replied firmly.

Seeing his lively, cheerful and thoughtful appearance, Wei Mingting and Yun couldn't help showing gratified smiles on their faces.

This child has really changed a lot in the recent period.

Wei Qingwan took Wei Yilin's happy look into her eyes, and lowered her head involuntarily.

When her younger brother left her, she wasn't as sad as she imagined. Instead, she lived a very happy and happy life.

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