"No, it's just a piece of cake."Faced with Kyoraku Shunsui's heartfelt thanks, Uehara Shiroha was polite.

He actually didn't mind showing off his powerful spiritual pressure and strong Zankenkizo in front of Kyoraku Shunsui and the others.

Because his real trump card is the mission system and Dankong.

As for teaching Ise Nanao Kidō, it's just a piece of cake. Completing the special mission is the key.

Kyoraku Shunsui adjusted his bamboo hat with his hand, and his expression under the shadows rarely became serious:

"For you, it's just a piece of cake.

But for me, for that child, it's very important.

Ever since Lisa's accident, I've been regretting it.

I was too careless and shouldn't have let her carry out that mission.

I'm afraid that Nanao will also encounter such a difficult situation.

And Nanao can't use Zanpakutō. Now that you are teaching Nanao, I feel much more at ease.……"

"Brother Kyoraku, you are too polite! As for Lisa's matter, it's not your fault!" At this point, Uehara Shiroha smiled and said:

"You don’t have to worry about it from now on. As a teacher, I will definitely protect Nanao. Just leave Nanao to me with peace of mind!"

"Hmm?" The smile on Kyoraku Shunsui's face froze, and he clenched the Katen Kyoukotsu in his hand.


After the joke, Kyoraku Shunsui remembered the serious matter:

"You know what happened at Tsunayashiro's house, right?"If this kind of tragedy happened to someone else, he would be angry and would investigate. But if it happened to that kind of scum, Kyoraku Shunsui would just drink a few more cups.

"Such a big thing, of course I know, what's wrong?"How could Uehara Shiraha not know? He was the one who caused this.

Kyoraku Shunsui smiled and said:

"The 46th Division is not satisfied with Xing Jun's ability, so they are going to let the First Division monitor it to see if there is anything that needs to be improved.

The old man is going to hand over the pot... ahem, the task to you.

This way you can meet that"girlfriend", aren't you touched?"

"Not really!"

Looking at the gloating Kyoraku Shunsui, Uehara Shiraha said helplessly:

"Everyone knows that there is a little misunderstanding between me and Captain Soi-Fong, but he still asked me to go.

The old man did this on purpose.

He just fished for a few days and took a few bottles of wine from him. He is so stingy."

"That's a treasured collection, I haven't even had a few drinks, can I order a few bottles of wine?" Kyoraku Shunsui pointed it out without hesitation, and reminded:

"You still have to be more serious about the Second Division. After all, we have a big move coming up and we need the cooperation of the Xing Army."

Kyōraku Shunsui had no doubts about Uehara Hakuha's ability.

Before, he was afraid that his little brother would be embarrassed by the Xing Army.

But now, with Uehara Hakuha's strength, it's not certain who will be embarrassed.

"Conquer Hueco Mundo, right? It's time to conquer it, otherwise all the Hollows will come to Soul Society to dance."

Hakuha Uehara also knew that the Hollows have been becoming more and more active recently, both in the real world and in Rukongai.

If there is no strong attack, the New Year cannot be passed.

In this regard, Hakuha Uehara has already made sufficient preparations.

In addition, the reward for a special mission will be credited soon, so he is not panicked at all.

As for the Second Division, a mere Soi Fong is no big deal!

After all, old man Yama and Kyoraku are in front of him to take care of everything! He is not afraid of offending the nobles at all!

Even if he really offends the nobles to death, the worst that can happen is that he can run to the real world to have fun. It's not a big deal!

Then, the two discussed some strategic deployments of Hueco Mundo for a while.

Like this Such a big move requires close cooperation among all squads and the full cooperation of the Kidōshu.

While the chief and deputy Kidōshi were away, Mayuri Kurotsuchi took the opportunity to recruit many of the best players in the Kidōshu, which was tantamount to poaching the nobles.

As expected of him who had studied in [Worm's Nest], his mind is active.

Uehara Shiraha also casually expressed some opinions.

He had"read the script", which was equivalent to having a"full picture vision", so his insights were naturally extraordinary. He often got to the point in just a few words, which made Kyōraku Shunsui nod his head again and again, calling it awesome.

When night fell, Kyōraku Shunsui and Uehara Shiraha came to the flower street arm in arm, and started another night of paper and money.


In the Hanamachi Tavern, Uehara Shiroha's spiritual pressure moved, and his eyes became clear.

Strong spiritual pressure is good, and he can sober up by slightly circulating his spiritual power. If it doesn't work, he still has the horse charm.

As for Kyoraku Shunsui who was reluctant to wake up, it was because"wine doesn't make people drunk, people get drunk by themselves", and he was looking for that kind of fuming feeling.

Although Uehara Shiroha liked the atmosphere here, he didn't want to be in a drowsy state all the time.

Then, Uehara Shiroha used the instant step and returned to his team house.

After using the horse charm to explore again, Uehara Shiroha dismissed all the shadow clones one by one.

After absorbing and digesting, his strength has steadily increased.

After thinking about it, Uehara Shiroha left a shadow clone in the team house.

His original body took advantage of the thick night to walk towards the secret base below the [Double Killing Hill].

This time, Uehara Shiroha only wore [camouflage glasses] and no mask.

After all, he is not"Ma Zefake Man", and it is still a bit awkward to see things alone.

""Otsutsuki Naruto, you killed Tsunayashiro Kumagawa, didn't you?" As soon as she arrived at the secret base, Yoruichi Shifeng, who had been waiting for a long time, couldn't wait to come up and question him.

Now, she still has control over the Xing Army, so she doesn't believe that it was the Xing Army who did it.

And even if she took action, it would not be so easy.

After all, the barriers and defenses of the nobles are not for show, and those people are more afraid of death than ordinary people. The only ones who can do this are this"Otsutsuki Naruto" and Aizen.

Uehara Baiyu took out a chair from the space and lay down, saying lazily:

"As far as I know, your family and the Tsunayashiro family don't have a good relationship. It's okay for Tsunayashiro Kumagawa to die, why are you in such a hurry?"

Seeing that this"Otsutsuki Naruto" did not deny it, Shifengyuan Yoruichi's eyes became sharp:"Why do you want to attack the nobles?"

Generally speaking, the god of death will not attack the nobles. It is completely thankless.

"Didn't you ask me to do it?" Uehara Baiyu pretended to be confused. Shifengyuan

Yoruichi sneered:"When did I ask you to do this? When did you become so obedient?"

"Didn’t you ask me to protect Yushiro? And you gave me a magic weapon." Uehara Baiyu said seriously:

"I thought that the best defense is offense, so I killed the bastard of the Tsunayashiro family. Killing the monkey will scare the chickens. In this way, others will naturally not dare to provoke your Shifengyuan family."

"But this breaks the rules." Shifengyuan Yoruichi's expression was very serious.

These great nobles have a tacit understanding with each other.

No matter how fierce the internal fighting is, they will not attack the noble members. It doesn't matter if those death gods, guards, and death warriors die, but the nobles, especially the members of the five great nobles, cannot die.

Uehara Shiraha shrugged:

"Who made the rules? Have you asked me?

Your rules can't restrict me, nor can they protect you."

These nobles talk about rules all day long because they have no power themselves, and only rules can protect them.

Uehara Baiyu was not infected with the"Will of Fire" and did not have the habit of"raising a father".

The nobles need to fabricate a false charge to kill people.

Uehara Baiyu does not need it.

He just thought that the Tsunayashiro family might be plotting against him in secret, so he stepped on a member of the Tsunayashiro family to death.

Things like ants, dead is dead.

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