Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 345 Messenger of God, forced evolution!

Sniper rifles turned into repeating mortars.

Countless bullets with [all things penetrating] swarmed out of the gun's muzzle, filling the sight in just an instant and turning into a curtain of light with no blind spots, completely enveloping Kyōraku's spring water.

The sudden scene made Jingraku Shunshui's scalp numb.

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The huge figure instantly escaped into the shadow space and immediately avoided this wave of attacks.

Even at the moment when the flicker appeared, Jingraku Shunsui came behind Lijie Barro.

He is not Hana Retsu Uno, nor Kenpachi Zaraki, nor Tsunayashiro Sufaze.

As the captain of the eighth division, Kyōraku Shunsui has a unique concept of self-fighting.

All dangers that may threaten Soul Society and even the people he cares about should be eradicated as quickly as possible.

The process of fighting doesn't matter, as long as the result is what he wants, that's enough.

"Did you notice it?"

"The name of the game is [Shadow Sending]. When the shadow is firmly stared at, its afterimage is mapped to other places."

"Looking at it with your powerful spiritual sense, the afterimage left behind will be stronger."

Kyōraku Shunsui spoke calmly, "You Star Cross Knights should have collected relevant information, but why do you have no intention of evading this?"

"Let me guess."

"Is it to completely open that closed eye..."

The moment he finished speaking, extremely powerful spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from the position where Lijie Barro was, and a huge beam of light erupted from his opened left eye.

"I didn't expect that as a god of death, you would know me so well."

Lijie Barrow's voice was suddenly filled with a sense of holiness, like a devout believer singing praises to the gods.

"But as the Quincy that Your Majesty finally gave me power, I am His Majesty's highest masterpiece, and also..."

"The person closest to God!"

The huge Cross of Annihilation completely enveloped his figure, and the beam of light was dazzling, rising thousands of meters into the sky, reflecting each other's crescent moon in Hueco Mundo.

In the light, Lijie Barro's body began to change, and four pairs of light wings spread out behind him.

A huge halo of light hung above his head, and his body was covered in a chrysalis, like a mutated birdman.

The already terrifying spiritual pressure has climbed several levels, and the surrounding air has been distorted by its spiritual pressure, showing deep lines.

"Complete Holy Body..."

"God's sanction!!"

Jingraku Shunsui supported the coir raincoat on his head and looked at the birdman Lijie Barrow in the sky, with an expression of wonder on his face.

Several rays of light locked on Jingraku Shunsui's body, and in an instant, several spirit missiles burst out, landing directly on his vitals.


The blood flowers exploded, and a big hole appeared in Kyoryu Shunsui's body. His whole body immediately became tattered, giving people a miserable look.

"Killed instantly."

Kyōraku Shunsui slumped on the ground slumped, the white sand stained his feather fabric, leaving no image at all.

"Fortunately, it's still within the rules of the game."

"The battlefield between us is also far apart. There are no companions or other Quincy nearby..."

He looked up at Lijie Barrow in the sky with a smile, and said calmly:

"Then, let's move on to the next step where everything is over."


When Kyōraku Shunsui said these words, ink-like black lines appeared on his face, outlining a ghastly virtual mask.

When a lion fights a rabbit, he also uses all his strength.

What's more, as the captain of the Divine Pardon Guards, Lijie Barro was not just Killian who was hacked to death casually on the roadside.

"The crazy bones in the flower world·in the heart of withered pine trees."

A black shadow emerged behind Kyōraku Shunsui, gradually forming a female shadow. From the outline, it looked a bit like the materialized Katen.

The two knives are inserted into the ground, and layers of black shadows extend among them, outlining the pine trees and pine leaves filled with a lonely mood.

The already dark environment became even dimmer, as if the crescent moon in the sky had lost its light as a result.

The shuddering spiritual pressure expanded rapidly.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Kyōraku Shunsui stood up from the ground, his two swords intertwined in front of him, colliding gently, making a rhythmic sound.

"Before declaring war on the Invisible Empire, Sufeng came to me specifically."

Suddenly hearing Sufeng's name, Lijie Barrow immediately frowned, for this being could easily abduct his majesty.

Even he is extremely afraid of it, it can even be called fear!

“He alone explained to me some of the characteristics of the man who is closest to God.”

"You are also specially assigned to me as my opponent."

A wry smile appeared on Kyōraku Shunsui's face, which was full of sighs and stubble:

"Ha, actually I wanted to refuse at the time."

"But that bastard actually came up with the Ise family's sacrificial method."

"In order to prevent Nanao from facing a dangerous guy like you, I can only choose to do it myself."

Lijie Barrow frowned deeply and looked at the man in front of him in confusion:

"what are you talking about?"

The Invisible Empire does collect intelligence on Soul Society, but most of it is superficial.

The inside story of the Priest Ise family, which is so secretive that most captains don't know about it, is completely unknown.


Jingraku Shunsui chuckled, "I'm just telling you your final fate."

"Let the drama begin between us."

"Act 1: Hesitation and trauma sharing..."



Grimmjow raised his eyebrows and said disdainfully: "Ulquiorra, you won't tell me that this guy is the opponent assigned to us by His Majesty, right?"

"The short stature is hidden in the cloak, like a dwarf."

"Is this kind of trash worthy of being my opponent?!"

Ulquiorra looked down at his palm, where claw marks were used to carve some information that needed to be remembered.

Although he had a good memory, he still wrote down everything Su Feng ordered in his hand just in case.

"That's right."

"The hexagonal head, glowing eyes, and spiritual pressure give people a sense of intimidation."

"A member of the Divine Guards, Penida Pakaja with the holy letter 'C'."

When he heard his name being accurately called by the other party, Penida felt a sense of joy.

He liked the name very much.

However, Ulquiorra's next words suddenly made him angry.

"The left arm of the Spiritual King symbolizes the authority to move forward."

Ulquiorra used super-speed regeneration to erase the contents of his palm, and said calmly:

"His abilities are [Enforcement] and [Contact Evolution]."

"Originally, Nirvana was supposed to take action, but the other party rejected this opportunity for meritorious service on the grounds that he refused to sacrifice."

Penida seemed to be angered by Ulquiorra's words, and the cloak wrapping his body suddenly exploded, and a huge figure emerged from it.

It was a huge left hand with chains connecting its five fingers.

There is a pair of eyes in the center of the palm, sparkling and exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

"What a monster."

Grimmjow curled his lips, obviously quite dissatisfied with the opponents Sufeng assigned him.

As a militant being, he should have fought head-on with the enemy, but now he could only use some despicable means to kill the opponent.

"Execute His Majesty's orders."

Ulquiorra's tone did not fluctuate at all, and was extremely indifferent, "If you disobey orders without permission..."

He didn't say everything, but Grimmjow had already put away his contempt.

No one is more afraid of Sufeng than him.

If you were to pick an Arrancar in the Hollow Kingdom who has been beaten the most, it would definitely be him.

"Forced cell division acceleration potion..."

Grimmjow revealed the Leopard King's Claw, which glowed with crystal light.

"I hope that guy Nirvana is reliable, otherwise, I will chop off his head sooner or later."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was like an arrow from a string and launched a suicide attack towards Penida.

The single eye in Penida's huge palm immediately locked onto Grimmjow's figure, and countless blood-red nerves extended from the thick five fingers.

Either sticking to the ground or flying through the air, it instantly covered all the paths Grimmjow moved forward.

"Kill... kill the enemy... the enemy..."

It seems that Penida has not yet fully mastered the language skills. Penida speaks very reluctantly, like a child learning to talk.


Grimmjow looked disdainful, "Your Majesty actually lets a strong man like me deal with a fool."

"Still in this way..."

Countless dark red nerves surged in, as if they were going to swallow his body completely.

At this moment, Grimmjow acted in a way that no normal person could understand.

He suddenly cut off his left arm, and then threw the severed arm in the direction of Penida.

The dark red nerves weave into a network, wrapping the severed arm without any hesitation, and then analyze and devour the ingredients contained in it.

Finally complete a new round of evolution!

Then, Penida began to grow crazily, and the flesh and blood chrysalis continued to breed flesh bubbles one after another, and continued to accelerate and expand until it grew to a terrifying appearance of tens of meters or even a hundred meters in height.

"It was a crazy scene."

Grimmjow grinned, "What did that guy Nirvana put in his arm?"

"Growth hormone?"

The moment the words fell, Penida's growth stopped abruptly, as if it had fallen into a state of stillness and entered a brief stagnation.

Then with a loud explosion, the huge body exploded into a shower of blood!

[Forced Cell Division Acceleration Potion]

[It can make the body break through the theoretical limit and continue to grow, and put the functions in a violent state, thereby breaking through the division limit of transforming the soul cells. 】

Grimmjow's expression suddenly froze, and the torrential rain of blood and mutilated flesh directly buried and engulfed him.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ulquiorra nodded indifferently, then turned around calmly:

"Penida Paccaja is dead, the next enemy is..."

"Gerald Valkyrie!"


The adult drama finally came to an end, and the silver thread cut off Lijie Barrow's neck.

Then, at the broken position of the neck, a large number of spherical spirit seeds suddenly emerged, and a violent explosion occurred in an instant, turning Duanyuyuan into a turbid mess.

Lijie Barro fell helplessly until he reached the bottom of the Broken Fish Abyss.

Kyōraku Shunsui did not let down his guard because of this, he began to tap the Zanpakuto Mad Bone in his left hand.

Light bloomed from the blade, and the solid blade fell off like a shell, revealing a weapon that could not be called a Zanpakutō from its appearance.

Its appearance is ruler-shaped, with four prisms on both sides of the blade, and two red spikes tied to the end of the handle and the guard.

The bladeless sword in charge of etiquette - the Eight Mirror Sword.

A huge beam of light shot out from the Duanyu Abyss, instantly splitting the endless spiritual pressure abyss into two halves.

"A mere death god's swastika!"

"Don't think you can kill the messenger of God!"

Countless rays of light exploded at the bottom of the abyss, and a new huge monster was constructed under the sky of Hueco Mundo.

It has a long-necked bird head, slender four legs, and eight hole-shaped wings.

It's so weird that it can no longer be called a human being.

"God? False God!"

Kyōraku Shunsui let out a disdainful sneer, holding the edgeless sword in both hands and making a weird posture, pouring all his spiritual pressure into it along the lines on the sword's body.

His smile completely irritated Li Jiebaluo. He raised his slender arms directly, and blazing light continued to erupt on them, and the surrounding air even tore apart.

"You humble existence, you will pay a heavy price for your actions!"

A huge penetrating light burst out from the arm, like a blazing sun, completely lighting up the night sky in Hueco Mundo, and annihilating everything in front of it!

Wherever he passed, the white sand melted, the ground cracked, and hideous abyss kept emerging.

At this moment, the pressure is as heavy as the sky!

However, at the moment when the penetrating light was about to touch the spring water of Kyoryu, the Eight Mirror Sword bloomed with an even brighter light!

boom! ! !

The deafening sound rang in Jing Le Shunshui's ears, and the concussive counterattack force instantly shattered his hands and jaws. Even his internal organs had cracks. Dark red blood spurted out from his mouth, soaking the body in front of him. Deadly outfit.

With just one blow, he was completely seriously injured.

Kyōraku Shunsui's arms dropped weakly, and even the Eight Mirror Sword had no strength to hold it, and he fell directly onto the only intact sand at his feet.

And in the sky where he looked, the bird-man monster transformed by Lijie Barro screamed unwillingly:

"He was actually killed by his own power."

"This kind of thing is really..."

"What a sin!"

The moment he finished speaking, he exploded instantly and turned into countless feathers of light, sinking into the battlefield.

The feathers transformed into flamingo-like creatures one after another, roaring unwillingly in the desert.

However, what greeted him was——

"Broken Dao No. 88: The flying dragon strikes the thief and the sky-shaking thunder cannon!"

A shout rang out, and Ise Nanao placed her hands in front of her body and looked forward firmly.

The roaring sound of the explosion blasted through the battlefield like thunder, and the blue light pillar burned with sizzling electric light, swallowing up several bird-shaped monsters and completely annihilating them!

Kyōraku Shunsui looked at the familiar figure stepping into the battlefield, took a long breath, and a relieved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"You have grown up, little Qixu..."

I'm late, I have another update, I'm writing...

Kyoraku and Nanao are uncles and nieces, and the Eight Mirror Swords are also passed down from the Ise family.

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