Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 322 The five great nobles were destroyed

"Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water..."

Sufeng rubbed his chin and repeated thoughtfully.

If he remembered correctly, after Aizen merged with Bengyu, as the degree of fusion increased, his Zanpakutō also merged with it at a deeper level.

Initially, the right hand and the Zanpakutō merged into one.

From now on, even if the blade is completely abandoned, you can still use Kyoka Suigetsu's abilities.

Even in the original work, Yhwach only took a trip to the Eternal Hell, and was directly plotted against by Aizen using Kyoka Suigetsu's ability.

In terms of elusive abilities, Aizen definitely ranks first.

At the moment, Yhwach is depressed, which is still expected.

After all, even if Yhwach "opened his eyes" and swallowed the Human Spirit King, he would still be crushed in his hands.

As for whether Aizen has reached that level, Sufeng is not sure.

But what is certain is that even if it has not been integrated to that level, it will not be too different.

"Let them involve each other for now."

Sufeng thought, "Now, hell is the top priority."

"I will take this opportunity to go to the criminal's house first. The situation in hell may be more serious than we imagined."

"Well, Captain Nirvana and Seinosuke should come with me."

“For some professional terms and things, it’s better to let professionals handle it.”

He is still very self-aware, and fighting is nothing more than a trivial matter.

But once it comes to the field of scientific research, it becomes somewhat difficult.

"Take Inaba Kagerouza with you."

Nie Yuli suggested, "He is the only boundary-breaking research expert in the Technology Development Bureau, and has profound research on the connections between different worlds."

Sufeng nodded and agreed.

Soon, a group of four people left the Technology Development Bureau and headed towards the most mysterious criminal family among the five nobles.

Before leaving, Sufeng did not forget to ask Yingzhou to keep an eye on Hueco Mundo's movements.

Once any abnormal situation occurs in the Invisible Empire or Xuye Palace, he must be notified as soon as possible.

Soul Society is plagued by internal and external troubles and is swaying like a broken ship, unable to withstand any big storms.

Although many Shinigami had been mentally prepared to die in their duties long before the war began, vowing to protect the Soul Society and even the Three Realms to the death.

But Sufeng is a nostalgic person.

If you can avoid death, it's better not to die.

Otherwise, who would compliment him every day and help him build a large hot spring? Without a large hot spring, how could he open Impart?

Therefore, on the way to the prisoner's house, Sufeng did not forget to ask about the research progress of Inaba Kagerouzuo.

"How's the production of the large figure going?"

Inaba Shadow Wolf: "???"

"I mean, the old man's spirit remains are the same style, the kind that can be set on fire by Kuku."

Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo suddenly looked ashamed, lowered his eyes and whispered: "I'm sorry, Lord Sufeng, I have betrayed your trust."

When he heard this, Sufeng's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Did Copy Mountain fail?

"The progress is still at 80%, and it's stuck on the swastika of Ryūren Wakahu."

Inaba Kagerouzu said guiltily, "Because I have never seen Captain Yamamoto's swastika, and the database only has the Fire Sword from a thousand years ago."

"But when I matched the Sword of Fire with the Spiritual Skeleton, I always felt like something was missing."

After hearing these words, Sufeng remembered that in the past thousand years, no death had ever appeared that surpassed Yamamoto Genryusai.

Let alone the swastika, anyone who can force him to perform the swastika is considered the best among the best.

"The residual fire sword's ability is..."

When Su Feng was about to elaborate, he suddenly frowned and said, "Forget it, I'll go to the first team to grab Liu Ren Ruo Huo when the time comes."

Next to him, Yamada Seinosuke almost coughed himself to death when he heard this.

Nie Shuli's expression became more and more strange: "These are really rebellious remarks. Does Captain Sufeng want to take up the position of captain?"

"Hey, if someone else becomes the captain, he will have to look at my face."

Sufeng dismissed this.

Nirvana was suddenly speechless. It was only then that he remembered that the person in front of him was the real person in power in the Soul Society.

His every word and action affects the operation of Soul Society's laws and order.

That is to say, his character is acceptable. Otherwise, if it had been anyone else, Soul Society would have been on the verge of collapse.

Just as the four of them were pulling at each other, the prisoner's mansion suddenly appeared in sight.

Unlike other nobles who live in Noble Street in District 6.

Both the Incarcerated Family and the Shiba Family arranged their residences in Rukongai.

The difference is that the former is because he needs to guard the gate of hell, while the latter is because he does not want to join the ranks of other nobles.

Sufeng didn't care much about the Zhiba family's hypocrisy.

After all, he still knows very well what a noble is like.

"Wait a minute, something doesn't seem right."

Su Feng frowned, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he disappeared instantly.

The three of them didn't know what happened, so after looking at each other, they followed suit.

The residence of the Incarcerated Family is not as luxurious and luxurious as the Tsunayashiro Family, but it is far superior to that of ordinary upper-class nobles and is on the same level as the Kuchiki Family.

The mansion, which covers an extremely large area, is still extremely out of place in the wild area of ​​Rukongai, and is incompatible with the surrounding environment.

Nirvana and others didn't pay much attention.

There are weirdos everywhere in the Soul Society, and the fact that the criminals are incarcerated is nothing at all.

With curiosity, they stepped into the gate of the grand mansion.

next moment.

I was completely shocked by the scene in front of me.

Before his eyes, he could see blood floating in the oars, piles of corpses, broken limbs and broken arms intertwined in the river of blood, broken Zanpakutō and various weapons inserted into each other's corpses.

The strong smell of blood continued to permeate the nostrils of everyone.

A hell-like Shura field.

"Prisoner, this is..."

Yamada Seinosuke was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time, and even his voice became trembling.

"All dead."

Nie Yuli stated this fact with a solemn expression, "The Lingzi Life Detector did not capture any life fluctuations."

"Throw away your broken instrument."

Sufeng pursed his lips and gestured, "You didn't even see such a big person in the middle of the yard, right?"

Following his instructions, the three of them saw a figure in the middle of the courtyard.

With a pretty face and a ferocious expression, her twin ponytails rest on her petite body. She wears a black eyepatch over her left eye, and wears a black death-defying uniform and sleeveless red bottoms.

After noticing Su Feng and others, an evil smile appeared on his face, making him look extremely arrogant and fierce.

"Well, I finally noticed it."

"Unfortunately, our great hero is still a step too late."

The girl with twin tails smiled evilly, and her red tongue lightly licked her thin lips, adding a bit of evil temperament to her.

"Oh, by the way, you probably don't know my name yet."

"My name is Saito Immortal, and I was the captain at the same time as that idiot Yamamoto Shigekuni."

In fact, Sufeng recognized his identity as early as he noticed the other person's image.

The captain of the Sixth Division of the First Gotei Thirteenth Division, Saito is immortal and has a very arrogant and crazy temperament.

Expression management is almost as good as Nirvana.

"all these are……"

Sufeng said in a deep voice, "Did you do it?"

Hearing this, Saito Immortal suddenly showed contempt and said with disgust: "They are just a bunch of worthless insects, are they worthy of my taking action?"

"My sword only kills the strong, Tsunayashiro Sufeng!"

As she spoke, she suddenly pulled out her Zanpakutō, the purple and evil curved blade exuding a strong smell of blood.

The surging spiritual pressure poured down, and a torrential sea of ​​blood rushed towards his face.

Without warning, the girl smiled crazily and disappeared in the river of blood in an instant. The dark red sword pressed straight towards the wind, as if to split it in half.

Black chains rushed out of her body and wrapped around her slender arms and waist, leaving deep marks.

The brown pupils were bleeding like blood.

His ferocious posture and wild spiritual pressure surpassed almost everyone present, and even ranked among the top in Sufeng's impression.

"Compared to that piece of trash like Kumenjing Yantie."

Sufeng stood there, unmoved at all, staring straight ahead with cold eyes, waiting for the attack to fall.

"Your spiritual pressure is too strong."

"Is it the credit of hell? Or is it that you were stronger than him when you were alive?"

Saito immortal grinned, and the blade was already falling towards Sufeng: "Kill me, and I will tell you!"


The explosion sounded, the ground collapsed instantly, and the surrounding walls collapsed in the aftermath, stirring up dust all over the sky.

Nirvana and others had already left the battlefield the moment the battle started.

They are not fighting talents.

As a scientist, you should be hiding behind the scenes.

"Master Sufeng, he should win, right?"

Inabata Rousa looked hesitant, "Saito's immortal spiritual pressure is even comparable to Kyōraku Shunsui Unohana Retsu's first-class veteran captain."

"Stop your doubtful tone!" Yamada Seinosuke looked unkind, "As a retainer, the last thing you should do is question the head of the family."

"Master Sufeng is the strongest, there is no doubt about it!"

Nirvana Li also added in due course: "To be honest, if Sufeng is defeated by this kind of guy, we won't have to expend any effort to study unknown areas."

"Just wash your necks and wait for the Invisible Empire or Xuye Palace to come and chop you off."

Compared to Inaba Kageroza's doubts, Niruri and Yamada Seinosuke have almost blind trust in Sufeng.

It is precisely because of understanding that we believe.

There may be someone in this world who can defeat Sufeng, but it will definitely not be Saito who is immortal.

The smoke cleared.

Saito's eyebrows were furrowed, and the purple blade landed in front of a transparent barrier.

"Duan Kong..."


Sufeng's expression was as indifferent as before:

"The moment the blade fell."

"Old woman, you know nothing about strength."

Hearing this title, Saito Immortal's hair suddenly exploded, his twin ponytails flying behind him, and while he was imposing, his spiritual pressure actually increased to a higher level again.

The Zanpakuto in his hand shimmered with light, and the blade turned into a six-pointed star shape, and the arc of the blade became even more curved, like a crescent moon emitting a shimmering light.

"You brat, you're dead!"

The girl with twin ponytails was furious. Purple flames burned on the blade, and the surrounding space became distorted.

The terrifying high temperature filled the prisoner's mansion, evaporating the river of viscous blood inside.

The violent killing intent is constantly surging, almost solidifying, making people shudder.

The moment the blade fell, majestic waves of air flowed toward both sides, the sound of tearing cloth could be heard endlessly, and dark and deep cracks could be vaguely seen emerging on both sides of the purple blade.

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Breaking the Sky."

Clang! !

The collision of gold and iron resounded loudly, and the ground suddenly collapsed with countless cracks. The violent impact spread out, sweeping through the entire courtyard in a destructive manner.

The wall behind collapsed, dozens of houses and buildings were reduced to rubble, and dust and smoke filled the sky.

"Duankong, Duankong, this bullshit ghost way again!"

Saito's immortal pupils were filled with countless bloodshot eyes, and his whole figure was slashing forward like a madman.

Soon, spider web-like lines appeared on the empty barrier.

Seeing this, the killing intent in her eyes swelled to the limit.

The next blow must make the brat in front of me turn into two neat halves!

go to hell!

With a click, the sky shattered, and countless spirit fragments scattered.

The purple blade was raised again, and with extremely rapid movement, it was slashed towards Su Feng's head. Countless black chains were dancing behind Saito's immortal body, like some kind of tentacle with self-awareness.

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Breaking the Sky."

Sufeng didn't even raise his eyelids, and before the calm voice fell, another sky-breaking barrier appeared in front of him.

It happened to block Saito's immortal slash.

At this moment, the expression of the girl with twin ponytails became distorted.

She didn't want to believe that she couldn't even break the bondage of a brat's abandoned chant.

He has obviously endured so much pain in hell, and his strength has obviously improved so much compared to a thousand years ago...

But why? !

A large amount of fluid bone suddenly surged out of Saito's immortal cheeks, and instantly turned into a white bone mask.

Violence, blood, chaos, extreme madness and destruction are all displayed on his body.

Looking at this scene, Sufeng was a little surprised. Although the other party was wearing a bone mask, it was only in a virtual state.

Among them, Daxu's spiritual pressure only accounts for an extremely negligible part.


Saito Immortal launched an attack on Sufeng again.

This time, just three swords shattered the empty barrier in front of him.

Then, under her unbelievable gaze, Su Feng opened his lips and teeth lightly, and his calm voice sounded again:

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao·Multiple Breaks of Space."

The light burst out, and one transparent barrier after another appeared out of thin air, continuously stacking up and increasing until it formed an indestructible barrier!

Looking at the scene in front of him, a trace of despair flashed through Saito's immortal eyes. The Zanpakutō in his hand dropped weakly, his fighting spirit collapsed, and his spiritual pressure was low.

The stacking of countless empty spaces became the last straw that broke the camel's back...

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