"Is Aizen already so powerful?"

In the monitoring room, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni seemed as if he had not been exposed to water for many days, and his voice was hoarse to the extreme.

In the picture on the screen, the dark sky covered the entire battlefield, everything around was silent, and the overlapping twisted lines obliterated everything in sight.

Even if you are not immersed in it, it still gives people a depressing illusion of being unable to breathe.

Not only Yamamoto Genryusai, but also more than 99% of the people in the control room were shocked by the picture on it.

With their shallow knowledge, they simply could not understand the horror of this scene.

But just what was revealed on the surface was enough to completely suffocate them.

Sufeng frowned slightly and carefully looked at the performance on the screen.

After a while, he slowly relaxed and his mood gradually calmed down.

The case was solved.

There is no problem with Aizen. After merging with Bengyu, he should behave like this.

Although he is not sure what stage he is currently in, judging from his rebellion against Soul Society, he is already a transcendent.

Aizen now will only be stronger than then.

Since he has no problem, the one who has the problem is Yhwach.

As the King of Quincy, he regained all his power after sleeping for thousands of years, including omniscience and omnipotence sealed by the Soul King's left hand.

Although the current timeline has caused a certain amount of chaos due to his existence.

But what is certain is that now that Youhabach has awakened from his slumber, it means that he has the confidence to fulfill his ideals.

Confidence comes from strength.

Even if Yhwach doesn't regain all his power, he won't be much worse off.

But look at Yhwach fighting Aizen in Hueco Mundo. He looks like a clown.

The small-sized Holy Arrow tests, the medium-sized Holy Arrow fights, and the large-sized Holy Arrow blasts.

Then he took out the Quincy's strongest defensive spell, Holy Sing and Praise of the Holy Realm.

Then, Aizen's shot completely chanted the black coffin, completely burying it into silence.

Dead, most likely not dead.

But even if he didn't die, it would definitely not be any better if he endured such a black coffin.


The black coffin is just No. 190.

But it also depends on who the user is.

This is Aizen's best way to break the path. With the blessing of multiple BUFFs, the power of this black coffin has exceeded its own upper limit.

"Captain Sufeng, if Aizen kills Yhwach..."

Yamamoto Genryusai withdrew his gaze from the screen and looked at the disciple flipping sweet potatoes next to him very seriously. The corners of his eyes suddenly twitched uncontrollably.

It’s already this time, and you’re still thinking about those roasted sweet potatoes, right?

He originally wanted to save some face for this traitor in front of everyone, but this kid really makes people's blood pressure soar!

"Old man, your understanding of Yhwach is still limited to the war a thousand years ago."

Sufeng replied without raising his head, "Do you still remember the secret I told you after I came back from the Lingwang Palace?"

"Yhwach's strength should be superior to that of the Gotei 13 and even the Zero Division."

Yamamoto Genryusai's pupils shrank suddenly, and flames almost burst into flames.

Just when he was about to say something more, the deep darkness on the screen slowly faded, immediately attracting his attention again.

"Take a good look."

Sufeng said softly, "This is Captain Nie's painstaking work."

"In order to obtain enough intelligence, he has upgraded the monitoring system countless times."

"Don't let down Captain Nie's good intentions."

Although he said that, Su Feng still focused all his attention on Liu Ren Ruo Huo.

I believe that if the sword spirit with a sharp blade like fire appeared at this moment, it would definitely be moved to tears.

after all.

At this time, only Sufeng was paying attention to it.

"The beef is carefully raised by the members of the 12th Division. It is said that the taste is as good as the A5M9 Wagyu beef in the world."

"I hope I won't be disappointed."

The sizzling oil flowers are constantly beating on the perfect meat, and the aroma is overflowing and tempting.

The Liubian Ruohuo below was trembling slightly, as if silently describing his unfair treatment.

Unfortunately, someone could get it completely wrong.


Hueco Mundo, under the thick sea of ​​clouds.

The dark sky gradually faded, and the crisscrossing ferocious abyss was located on the battlefield, demonstrating the horror of the destructive power of the black coffin.

Countless eyes fell on the center of the battlefield, nervously waiting for the outcome of this battle.

Normally, their battle is just a continuation of this war.

What determines the real direction still depends on the battle between kings.


An incomprehensible scene appeared. Two figures stood in the sky. The restless spirits turned into a storm, sweeping through the dilapidated and extremely messy battlefield.

"Although I did not participate in the war a thousand years ago."

Aizen looked at the opposite side calmly, as if he was explaining the truth, "But the King of Quincy should not be so weak."

"A member of the Knights of the Star Cross?"

"Or is it another unknown force?"

Opposite him, Yhwach grinned. Under his black cloak, his white Quincy clothes were covered in dark red blood, making him look particularly hideous and terrifying.

Thick blood fell from the fingertips, or flowed along the Annihilation Cross Knife.

The drops fell on the charred sand surface, rolling into round gravels one after another.

It was only then that the people of the Ten Blades and Star Cross Knights who were watching from a distance realized who the winner was in the previous confrontation.

"This guy is still as scary as ever..."

Bailegang struck Gerald with an ax of death, spread his fingers, and then added a shot of aging power to wrap up and crush the giant body like a hill.

He looked at Aizen's back with deep eyes, his mood getting lower and lower.

The probability of regaining the throne of King of Hueco Mundo seems to be infinitely close to zero.

It’s really frustrating...

Under the erosion of the power of aging, Gerald's body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even its recovery speed far exceeded the erosion speed.

He simply ignored Bailegang's attack, roared like a beast, and launched another attack on it.

The Sword of Hope cut through the falling moonlight and landed on the skeletal figure in front of him with an indomitable force.

"Welcome the hero's blow!"

Gerald didn't seem to care about Yhwach's life or death, all his attention was on Bailegang.

As the only being who defeated him, he must be killed on this battlefield this time!

There seemed to be golden flames burning brightly in the pupils under the mask.

"As the spokesperson of the gods, I, Gerald Valkyrie, am the symbol of invincibility!"

Looking at the opponent who looked like an invincible Xiaoqiang, a trace of unconcealed disgust appeared on Bailegang's skeletal face.

"What an ugly and disgusting corpse..."

The battle between the two was not the only one on the battlefield. On the other side, there were two figures that were constantly firing rays of light at each other.

"Don't you care about your Majesty's safety?"

Stark took advantage of the gap between his sword and slashed away Lijie Barrow, and rubbed his swollen eyebrows.

He really has no fighting spirit.

And the current opponent is terrifyingly strong.

Facing that modern weapon that was like a modern sniper rifle, Stark sensed a huge crisis.

After trying to catch a spirit bullet with his body, he realized the seriousness of the problem.

With the strength of his current steel skin, he couldn't even resist.

In just a moment, the arm was directly penetrated, and blood gurgled out from it.

If he hadn't had the ability to regenerate at a high speed, he would have completely lost his combat effectiveness in this attempt.

"Nothing to care about."

Lijie Barrow calmly replied, "Your Majesty is a supreme being, and no life can defeat him."

"He is our true god!"

Despite continuous missed shots, Lijie Barrow can still control the field calmly without panicking at all.

"Hey, that guy is bleeding."

Stark reminded, "If we continue to fight, he will be torn into pieces by Lord Aizen."

However, even so, Lijie Barrow still showed no sign of concern.

He put unprecedented pressure on Stark, but Stark also made his pressure level explode.

The two swords fell, and the wolf shape flashed under the moon shadow and roared.

A single sacred destroying arrow cannot even completely destroy it, and you may be entangled by its attack if you are not careful.

By then, with the Arrancar's close combat abilities, he would probably be torn into pieces.

Death is not scary to Litje Barro, but if death affects Yhwach's plan, it would be a bit hard to accept.


"Did you notice it?"

Yhwach didn't seem to care about the exposure of his identity, "But you don't seem to be able to kill me."

"Let's continue our unfinished battle, Aizen Sosuke!"

"You don't think you really won, do you?"

"The Ring of Depression..."

Before he finished speaking, Yhwach suddenly burst out, and the thick and vast spiritual pressure condensed in front of him, turning into dozens of arrows, trying to seal the person in front of him in place.

"You're too close to me, Aizen."

Yhwach ignored the injuries on his body and spread the five fingers of his right hand. Branch-like dark blue lines spread across the back of his hand and flowed on his fingertips in an instant.

In just a moment, he grasped Aizen's arm and held it tightly with an explosion of strength.

The lines of blood clothing then extended to the clothes of Xuye Palace, seeming to assimilate Aizen's body as well.

The sudden change made many people paying attention to the battlefield suddenly become nervous.

Whether it's from the Invisible Empire or Xuye Palace.

The Knights of the Star Cross, who had slightly lost confidence in Yhwach, immediately understood His Majesty's good intentions when they saw this scene.

Use your own shortcomings to lure the enemy deeper.

Then, with swift force, he will completely kill the enemy here!

As expected of His Majesty the Supreme Yhwach, even we failed to see through this plan!

"Eroding the body?"

Aizen raised his eyebrows slightly and raised the corners of his mouth, "I have to say that your Quincy has developed very rapidly in the past few decades, and you have even left behind the pride of the past."

"It's a pity that no matter how powerful you are, you can't fill the absolute gap in strength."

Incandescent light bloomed on his arm, and a stream of spiritual pressure visible to the naked eye erupted around Aizen, instantly erasing the erosion of the blood suit.

Then, under the gaze of everyone——

The mirror, flowers, and moon passed through Yhwach's body, causing it to immediately break into two pieces!

The battlefield suddenly fell into dead silence again, and countless eyes fell on that white figure.

Or fear, or shock, or disbelief...

The two bodies fell from the sky and landed hard on the charred ground, making a dull thumping sound.

Aizen looked down at the figure below with a calm expression, waiting for changes to appear.

"terribly sorry……"

"Youhabach"'s hoarse voice was full of regret: "I failed to complete the task you gave me, Your Majesty Youhabach..."

The moment the words fell, another terrifying concentrated spirit flame exploded in the shadows.

A huge beam of light shot straight into the sky, shaking away the thick clouds.

The cold moonlight swayed down, intersecting with the light of the spirit flame, reflecting another terrifying figure. The magnificent spiritual pressure lingered around its body, and the suffocating oppression continued to spread on the battlefield.

"Finally we meet, the person who rebelled against Soul Society, Aizen Sosuke..."

The real Yhwach appeared on the battlefield, and the release of spiritual pressure alone plunged everyone into a state of despair.

There was a hint of interest in Aizen's eyes.

"Youhabach", who was cut off by him, now looked like a different person.

A bald male Quincy with a pair of thin eyebrows and a third eye on his forehead.

"Knights of the Star Cross 'Y' [yourself] L Lloyd Lloyd."

After Yhwach and Aizen faced each other, they focused their attention on the two bodies on the ground again.

"No need to apologize. You have completed the task I assigned you and done a great job."

Hearing this, Lloyd Lloyd, who had only a trace of breath left, suddenly became excited, and his whole person seemed to have regained consciousness and became much more awake:

"Your Majesty, you praise me for doing a good job..."

"my pleasure……"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yhwach's fingertips shot out a sacred arrow, completely killing Lloyd Lloyd, who had made great contributions to him.

The bursting blue light flooded his body, causing his spiritual pressure to completely disappear into the air.

But Aizen in the sky narrowed his eyes slightly and noticed something abnormal.

"You are……"


Yhwach turned around, with a hint of calmness in his smile, and stared at the figure in the sky:

"What a ridiculous conclusion."

"I just gave L. Lloyd the honor he deserved."

"You must have exhausted all your strength from the battle with the impostor, right?"

"I will take back the power stolen by you and let my father's will rest in peace..."

Looking at the confident smile below, Aizen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his calm and calm voice echoed in the empty battlefield:

"When did you have the illusion that my power was exhausted..."

I would like to add a little explanation here, because the anime adds a lot of content that is not in the manga, so I will try to follow the settings of the anime when writing. Brother Y and Brother Y in the anime are not like in the manga, one imitates the power of the other. Their abilities to imitate memory gestures have been classified as the same. They are imitating each other. In the anime, Brother Y should be imitating Yhwach from thousands of years ago.

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