Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 307 At the Spirit King’s Palace

"Kanata! The copper-colored desire wants to be controlled by thirty-six degrees!"

"Seventy-two pairs of illusions, thirteen pairs of horns and flutes, the ape's right hand grasps the stars! Embracing the twenty-five rounds of the sun, the cradle of sand is bleeding."

After stuffing the Tianzhu chariot into the Hanakuru cannon, Shiba Kuukaku burst out with powerful spiritual pressure, and his right hand burned with blazing flames.

Maybe the trajectory of her destiny has changed. Now her hands are still intact, and she looks quite heroic in her movements.

The bandages on his arms were loosened layer by layer, wrapping around them like tornadoes of flames.

Shiba Kongkaku's expression was firm, and he stared intently at the incantation on the Hanakuru cannon, letting the flames burn on it.


As the last ghostly incantation fell, the Tianzhu chariot suddenly launched from the Huahe cannon, instantly piercing the clouds and leaving concentric circles on the sky.

Sufeng looked around and saw only darkness.

The Tianzhu Chariot seems to have the ability to isolate spirits, and its perception of the outside world is also reduced to the extreme.

Judging from the material, it seems to be on the same level as the murderous stone.

However, it has a somewhat familiar taste, just like——

The power of the Spirit King.

With a violent roar coming from outside, the Tianzhu chariot landed successfully.

The door opens, and the magnificent scenery comes into view.

The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the huge cylindrical building suspended in the sky——

Spiritual Palace.

Just looking directly at him gave people a strong sense of oppression, as if he was looking directly at a god.

Under the column, there are five huge disks suspended.

This is the Zero Ban Lidian granted by the Soul King to members of the Zero Squad.

Judging from the surface area alone, each Zero Banli Temple is comparable to a small city.

Further down, there is Soul King Omotesando, suspended in the air like a huge square.

The Spirit King seems to have some obsession with this architectural style.

Except for the Soul King Palace block at the bottom, almost all the buildings are suspended in the air.

The stars in Reiban Riden surrounded the Soul King Ouchi like a moon, and Omotesando held it up like a tray.

The houses at the bottom are well-proportioned and have different styles.

Although there is a huge Omotesando across the street, humanoid creatures can be vaguely seen walking around inside.

Sufeng guessed that this was probably the so-called royal family, beings with the bloodline of the Spirit King.

However, judging from the fact that they have never appeared in Soul Society, there is a high probability that the monk was imprisoned in the Soul King's Palace due to safety concerns.


Before Sufeng could take a closer look, a sincere voice sounded in the spacious corridor in front of him.

The visitor has a bald head, extremely thick eyebrows, a thick beard, and a broad nose.

He is tall and burly, wearing a white wide-sleeved coat-style haori with the Zero Division emblem embroidered on the back, a large crimson rosary hanging around his neck, and high-heeled clogs on his feet.

The first time he saw this person, Sufeng recognized his identity.

The leader of Team Zero, the being who conveys the Soul King's will, a special life form of the same era as the Soul King, and the namer of all things in the Soul Society.

A monk with an eye, a military guard in charge of the army.

If the Soul King's Palace is included in Soul Society's sphere of influence, this person is now the true ceiling of strength.

As he arrived, a burst of cheerful music also sounded.

The percussion and blowing between different instruments form a piece of music that is elegant inside and out, and can vaguely convey a welcome meaning.

Following the sound of the music, what came into view was an elegant woman with pale skin and beautiful appearance.

She has medium-length black hair with side-parted bangs, complicated golden hair accessories, and a white draped with buckles. On her side are six golden skeleton arms that are constantly dancing musical instruments.

Member of Team Zero, Northern Divine General, Oori Mamoru, the creator of the Death Overlord Suit——

Shutra Senju Maru.

Compared to the rugged-looking soldier, Ichibei, Sufeng was obviously more interested in him.

He remembered clearly that this person was also the only one in the Zero Division who showed swastika.

Wave your sleeves and shake the three realms!

"No guests have arrived at the Soul King's Palace for a long time."

Ichibei of the Military Chief's Department clapped his hands, looking familiar, "You must be the new disciple of Yamamoto Shigekuni, right?"

"The twenty-third generation head of the Tsunayashiro family and captain of the ninth division, Tsunayashiro Sufeng."

"He really looks upright, but compared to me, the monk, he looks a little thin."

The words fell.

Next to him was Shutara Senjumaru, who appropriately showed a look of disgust:

"But many women in the world like people like Mr. Sufeng."

"Master monk, you are obviously not welcome..."

In response, Sufeng nodded with approval.

This can be fully justified by facts.

Hearing this, the first soldier of the military commander's department scratched his head and then grinned, very heroic:

"Haha, it doesn't matter, monk, I don't rely on my reputation to make a living!"

"Wang Yue is still communicating with his Zanpakutō in his Zero Ban Riden, and Hikifune Kiryu is preparing a welcome banquet for you."

He came to Su Feng quite familiarly and introduced the situation of Ling Wang Palace in a familiar manner.

"It seems like there should be one more person."

Sufeng said doubtfully, "If I remember correctly..."

"It's me, sir!"

An arrogant voice suddenly came from behind, followed by strong spiritual pressure.

In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to solidify and turned into a sticky gel.

Every time I take a breath, I feel like I am swallowing glue. The airway is blocked, and the instinct of life becomes extremely difficult.

It was not until this moment that the true face of the Lingwang Palace was revealed to Sufeng.

The concentration of spirit seeds far exceeds that of the Three Realms, making it impossible for people to adapt quickly.

If it were a vice-captain-level Shinigami, he would even be overwhelmed when he first entered the Soul King's Palace, curling up directly on the ground and unable to breathe at all.

Fortunately, Sufeng is a few billion points stronger than the deputy captain level Death God.

The moment the opponent's spiritual pressure hit him, he had already reacted and instinctively fought back.

Just as the black plane's nose was about to land in front of Sufeng, an unimaginable majestic force suddenly hit the chest of the person behind him.

In just an instant, the people behind him rolled down towards the outside of Omotesando like meteors, drifting one after another on the wide street, in an extremely embarrassing state.

What surprised Sufeng was that after suffering such a heavy blow, the other party didn't suffer any harm at all.

Moreover, the punch he fired with his backhand didn't feel like it hit flesh, but more like it hit steel.

The power of the king's key?

Sufeng's eyes flashed, and the figure that flew out had returned to him in an instant, and its speed was so fast that it even exceeded his sight.

"It's been a long time since anyone has been able to defeat me."

"This guy is very interesting!"

This person has a thin face, a hook-shaped airplane head at the end, and a broken straw stick in his mouth. The long-sleeved and short-sleeved feather fabric is open, revealing his dusty upper body.

The Eastern God General, the Fountain Ghost, the creator of Bone Hell and Blood Pool Hell——

Tian Shilang of Kirin Temple.

Just when this guy was brewing his spiritual pressure and was about to explode, he was directly punched by Ichibei, the commander of the aircraft, on the nose of the plane, and it was immediately hit hard on the floor.

"Sorry, sorry."

The great monk was true to his appearance and apologized honestly, "This guy from Qilin Temple has always been unreliable and made you laugh."

Sufeng readily accepted the other party's apology.

To this day, he still doesn't know what the purpose of Team Zero's invitation to come up to the Soul King's Palace is.

On the surface, except for Kirinji Tenshiro, a guy with an abnormal head, the other two behaved extremely friendly.

Especially a certain elegant woman whose charming eyes wandered over her body many times, as if measuring her size.

But the superficial atmosphere remains superficial.

Even if you don't use any means, you just rely on the effect of high Lingzi affinity.

Sufeng could detect a faint sense of depression in the air of the Lingwang Palace.

It's like gravity doubled several times.

"Oh, it looks like Hikifune's big banquet is ready."

Ichibei, the commander of the army, stretched out his hand as if looking towards the direction of Omotesando.

"Come on, Sufeng!"

“This will be a feast of food like you’ve never tasted before!”

The exaggerated smile made Sufeng startled. Has the long life of millions of years made this great monk who knows everything have his head a little abnormal?

I'm afraid even Yamamoto Genryusai has never received such treatment, right?

He is just the captain of Division 9, the secret ruler of the Soul Society, the head of the five noble families, and now the only transcendent person in the three realms...

It does seem worthy of a grand welcome.

Sufeng's expression was a little dazed, and before he knew it, he seemed to have become one of the few high-ranking beings in the three realms.

Even big shots like Team Zero need to be cautious when facing themselves.

Although it is not clear whether it is sincere or fake.

On Omotesando, in the huge square, there are countless magic soldiers dressed in black and wrapped tightly, and they move neatly to arrange various kinds of food that exudes tempting fragrance in an orderly manner.

Looking around, there was no duplicate food on the huge banquet.

In the middle of the banquet, a woman with big purple waves carrying a huge spatula and full of lust directed the magic soldiers to arrange the food.

It is not difficult to judge her identity from the spiritual pressure that is constantly escaping from her body and the food that is born under her hands.

Southern Divine General, King of Valley, creator of temporary soul technology——

Hikifune Kiryu.

Sufeng was very glad that when he saw Kirifune Hikifune for the first time, he was not her other self.

There is no doubt that this appearance is obviously more attractive now.

"Well, is that guy Wang Yue still busy?"

Hikifune Kiryu glanced at Reiban Riden in the sky, "Obviously all the guests have arrived."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bright light fell from the sky.

What followed was a huge spiritual pressure that was extremely powerful and contained a sharp aura.


There was a loud shout and a figure fell from the sky.

"I am the No. 1 Zanpakuto creator!"

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five!"

"Finally four, three pieces, two pieces of house Oh-Etsu!"

The visitor had black punk curly hair, wide-frame sunglasses, a grass-green shirt and exaggerated slippers.

The outer lining is more like a sleeveless down jacket.

He has dark skin and a very bright toothy smile.

Western god general, sword god, creator of Zanpakutō——

Two-piece house Wang Yue!

"Hey, welcome to the Soul King's Palace, long-lost guest!"

After Wang Yue finished his opening remarks, he jumped in front of Su Feng and showed more enthusiasm than Ichibei, the commander of the army.

But his eyes immediately fell on Su Feng's waist.

To be precise, it should be two symmetrical Zanpakutō.

Under Sufeng's strange gaze, Ermeiya Wang Yue squatted at his feet without caring about his appearance, staring at the two knives with a serious expression.

"One is the ancestral Zanpakutō of the Tsunayashiro family, Enara Kadenori."

Sufeng nodded and admitted.

Although rarely used, I have to admit that Yanluo Jingdian is still very useful at certain times.

Especially after Nirvana developed a method of use without side effects.

"Its existence has a long history!"

There was an inexplicable rhythm when Wang Yue spoke, but there was also a sense of forced rhyme.

This reminded Sufeng of an old friend of the Eight-Tails.

"Strictly speaking, before me!"

Wang Yue said seriously, "It has something to do with Lord Spirit King's power. I don't know the specific details."

If the forced rhyme fails, the person can only return to the normal rhythm of speaking.

"What about the other one?"

Sufeng was quite curious about his own Lan Yin.

Especially after he used a special method to break through the boundaries of death through the passage of the Zanpakutō, Lanyin himself had already changed.

Wang Yue stood up, his expression a little complicated, and he hesitated to speak:

"I have seen countless Zanpakutō."

"Not even the Great Monk's Ichimonji, Jiluo, Yanluo Jingdian, or Eight Mirror Swords have ever made me feel so strange."

"Your knife is like a mirror, reflecting my appearance."

"I communicated with it and didn't get any response..."

Sufeng nodded, not surprised.

Strictly speaking, from the day he broke through the boundaries of the Shinigami, Lan Yin was no longer a pure Zanpakutō.

For example, Aizen became a transcendent with the help of Bengyu's power.

As a transcendent, Yhwach inherited the power of the Spirit King.

Others become transcendents, or the power of the void, or the power of the Spirit King, or some other unspeakable power.

And Sufeng comes from one's own body.

The shape, state and abilities of the Zanpakutō are modeled after one's own soul.

The Shinigami gains power by knowing the name of the Zanpakuto given to him and by having spiritual conversations with it.

The initial liberation is the first solution, and the second development is the swastika solution.

Swastika is not the end, people like Yamamoto Genryusai Shuge will be further improved with continuous practice.

The sword of great fire thousands of years ago is now the sword of residual fire.

What Sufeng has done is to conduct deeper development based on this theory——

Beyond swastika!

Use the power of the Zanpakutō to break the inherent boundaries of the soul.

The reason why Ermeiwu Wang Yue couldn't hear Lan Yin's voice was because its essence had gradually merged with Sufeng's soul...

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