Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 303: One punch breaks the knife, the real purpose!

"Did Unohana Retsu fail?"

Fake Kyōraku Shunsui didn't seem to place his hopes on anyone else, so there was no surprise in his expression.

"Get ready to run away, Ukitake."

He held two swords in his hands and threw out the Hualun Zhan with his backhand. The ring-shaped sword was pressed in front of him and he slashed out, heading straight towards Suifeng in the distance.

"With our two levels, we are not enough to deal with two monsters at the same time."

Although Jushiro Ukitake was unwilling to accept it, he also recognized what the other party said.

With their strength, they might be able to deal with the scrupulous Yamamoto Genryusai.

But once there is another existence that is not weaker than, or even more terrifying than Yamamoto Genryusai, then there is no choice but to wait for death.

The two looked at each other and pretended to activate Shunpo to try to stay away from the battlefield.

"Humph, want to escape?"

Yamamoto Genryusai seemed to have been prepared for this. He struck the ground with his backhand and poured all the majestic spiritual pressure into it.

In an instant.

Countless abyss-like ferocious cracks appeared on the two's escape route. Golden-red magma flowed wantonly in them, and the blazing high temperature instantly evaporated the moisture in the air.

In an instant, dozens of sky-reaching fire pillars exploded and shot straight into the sky, seeming to burn a hole in the dome.

The way was blocked, and the two spirit corpses looked ugly.

I thought that Yamamoto Genryusai would be completely at a disadvantage due to the joint efforts of the two, but I didn't expect that the other party would actually use the flowing blade like fire to set up the barrier of blazing hell on the battlefield.

At the critical moment, an attack from the fiery hell came, completely blocking the way of escape.

And the moment they paused, a more ferocious and violent aura had completely locked the two of them, and death seemed to be behind them, approaching step by step!

“I’m not good at it, I’m happy!”

Fake Jingraku Shunsui slashed with his backhand, and the rotating and whistling tornado immediately attacked behind.

The strong wind carried the flames, and the scorching heat instantly fell on Sufeng's figure.

Facing this initial move, Sufeng grinned and suddenly smiled:

"The original body, Kyōraku, doesn't dare to play like this, but you spirit skeletons are all so bold."

"Actually, trying to break through the old man's blazing hell is actually the best way to escape."

The two of them stood ready, unmoved at all.

Either way, it's death, so it's better to die heroically.

The spiritual pressure surged, and the materialized light looked extremely small under the pillar of fire that reached the sky.

However, just when the battle was about to break out, Sufeng suddenly remembered something, turned around and walked to Yamamoto Genryusai, and took out an object from his arms.

"I almost forgot the most important thing."

"Master, please take it. This is the latest messenger machine, and its value is equivalent to a captain's feather fabric."

"I've turned on the recording function."

"We must completely record the entire process of this battle."

"Be sure to take a photo of my handsome figure..."

Without giving Yamamoto Genryusai a chance to refuse, the moment Sufeng turned around again, he already appeared in front of the two spirit corpses.

Opportunities to beat Kyōraku Shunsui violently don't come often. The last battle ended abruptly, and the last time he couldn't record it because of this swastika in Kusatsu's heart.

I finally encountered such an excellent opportunity. If I didn't take a photo, I would make eight copies and send them to the eighth team.

I'm really sorry for Kyoraku Shunsui's previous suspicion that he was the mastermind behind this.

Yamamoto Genryusai's forehead was throbbing with veins, his blood pressure soared, and he almost crushed the messenger in his hand into electronic waste.

The Soul Society is in danger, but you still have time to shoot battle scenes? !

Is now the time to do something like this?

Although he was very dissatisfied, Yamamoto Genryusai subconsciously restrained his strength when he thought that such a gadget was worth the same as a Captain Haori.

Too expensive.

He has always been thrifty and thrifty and cannot tolerate such extravagant waste.

Even if he didn't pay for it, Captain Haori could buy thirty or fifty houses in the third ring of Rukongai District 1.

Just when Yamamoto Genryusai set up his shooting posture, the battle broke out.

Sufeng did not choose to use the Zanpakutō, but faced him head-on with a Shunju posture. The captain Haori was torn apart by spiritual pressure in an instant, and even the death hegemon suit on his upper body was blown away by the roaring golden thunder and crimson wind breath. Weathered and annihilated.

Seeing this scene, Yamamoto Genryusai felt his blood pressure rise again, and his temples at both ends were pounding.

Didn’t this traitor learn even a little bit of the philosophy of life that he realized in Yuanliu?

The two spirit corpses did not dare to be careless and held two swords to fight.

Sufeng grinned, revealing a ferocious smile, and spread out his wings behind his back, as dazzling as the Quincy's perfect holy body.

Instant coax·Xun Lei Wushuang!

The golden and red colors even took away the light of the blazing hell, the wings of light bloomed, and the surging spiritual pressure danced wildly!

Fake Jing Le Chun Shui's two swords crossed each other, just when he was about to use Yan Gui's ability to break through Su Feng's defense.

But he was shocked to find that, driven by the light wings, the figure seemed to transcend the isolation of space and approach in an instant.

A straight punch without any fancy——

Complete expression technique·One bone! !

The green fully realized light was injected into the fist bones, and combined with the power of the instantaneous wind and thunder, its power was pushed to the extreme!

This punch represents fifty years of skill!

boom! !

At the moment of the collision, Fake Jingraku Shunsui's eyes suddenly widened. An unprecedented terrifying force came from the blade, and the surrounding space seemed to be shaking violently.

He couldn't even hold on for a second, and his whole body was immediately blasted out, floating on the ash-filled ground like a rolling gourd.

When he stood up, he suddenly discovered that the Huatian Kuanggu that was staggered to resist the blow actually had a crack in the middle of the blade.

"It's really, really scary..."

For the first time, Jingraku Shunsui realized the differences in the world.

I thought that even though we were both captains, even if we were not strong enough, we could still get through two moves. If we tried our best, we might still be able to get a chance to escape.

However, the opponent just sent a straight punch without any fancy, which caused the Zanpakutō to split.

How to fight this?

For the first time, Jingraku Chunshui felt such a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Just when he was decadent, Sufeng was already facing off against the fake Ukitake Jushiro, and he still used the familiar straight punch.

Under the full bloom of light, the power of this shot and bone is even more fierce than before!

I saw the strong and perfect muscles on Sufeng's body expanding, his right fist clenched, and at this moment it surpassed the light!

The terrifying spiritual pressure not only swept through the entire area under the jurisdiction of the First Team, but even spread to the Seireitei. Almost everyone was aware of this numbing sense of oppression!

Boom! !

A huge explosion erupted violently in the fiery hell, and in the billowing dust and smoke, the fake Jushiro Ukitake rolled out in embarrassment.

When he reluctantly stood up, the Pisces Carp in his hand was completely broken, and the fracture was smooth and flat, as if it had been cut off.

"Once raw, twice familiar."

Sufeng Chongjia·Jingle Shunshui waved his hand, "This time, I promise it will be painless and clean, and there will definitely not be any residue."

Looking at that devilish smile, the two of them felt an unprecedented fear in their hearts.

This is a feeling they have never had since their birth.

"If you don't want to come, then I will go over."

Sufeng smiled ferociously, and the wings of light erupted from his back again. His entire body disappeared immediately, and gorgeous golden and red lines floated across the flames.

In an instant, the two of them felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, violent spiritual pressure burst out, and the four broken swords went straight towards them.

Correspondingly, the ghostly chant of Ba Qi also sounded.

"Broken Dao No. 73: Double Lotus Blue Fire Pendant!"

"Broken Dao No. 88: The flying dragon strikes the thief and the sky-shaking thunder cannon!"

In order to survive, the two used all means at their disposal.

The blazing blue flames bloomed to their fullest, and the huge blue beam tried to engulf the flying figure.

But Sufeng's momentum was much more terrifying than before.

He allowed the Double Lotus Blue Fire Pendant and the Flying Dragon Strike Thieves Thunder Cannon to fall on his body without doing anything.

The breaking path of No. 90 or below in the Abandoned Chant is simply not enough to cause defense-breaking damage to him in the instant coax state.

What's more, this time there is the blessing of the Perfection Technique.

He rarely uses this ability, mainly because the opponents he encounters are not enough for him to use the full realization technique.

As an ability that can amplify everything in one's body, Sufeng's Perfection Technique is definitely an excellent trump card.

Complete expression technique·double bones!

Sufeng didn't take any bias, and with a ferocious smile, his fists were blasted out like cannonballs. In an instant, he tore apart the blue flames and beams of light, reaching directly in front of the spirit corpse.

The two of them looked horrified, and another incomprehensible scene happened. The high-level breakthrough had no effect at all.

As the fist wind approaches, a sense of oppression that is difficult to describe in words also comes.

This is completely different from when Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni fought.

The other party doesn't care whether the Seireitei is destroyed or not, nor does it care whether the burst of spiritual pressure affects others.

In Su Feng's eyes, only enemies exist.

The fist bone fell towards the broken knife of the two men. Under the horrified gaze, blazing energy exploded on it, melting the blade instantly!

Sufeng was quite satisfied with his performance, and then he took a deep breath. The muscles on his arms swelled again, and a surging sense of strength came over him instantly.

The power of the two bones restrained a little and fell directly on the chests of the two.

There was only a burst of explosions, and the two people's chests suddenly collapsed.

While the blood spurted out like no money, the two figures turned into rolling gourds again and circled on the charred ground.

Through the magical messenger, Yamamoto saw this scene clearly, and suddenly felt that the old era was coming to an end, and a new generation was better than the old.

Sufeng followed up instantly and blasted the fake Ukitake Jushiro's head with a punch.

This scheming guy has no grudge against him. The main goal this time is the spirit body Kyoryu Shunsui.

He held up his collar with one hand and clenched his fist tightly with the other hand.

With Yamamoto Genryusai's blood pressure soaring, Sufeng began to beat him mercilessly.

It wasn't until he accidentally used force and blew up the fake Kyoryaku Shunsui's head that this terrible battle came to an abrupt end.

The fiery hell subsided, and the mud evaporated in the remaining heat.

Sufeng took over the messenger and admired his heroic appearance with satisfaction.

"What exactly is going on?"

Yamamoto Genryusai looked puzzled and asked in a deep voice, "Why do so many fakes suddenly appear..."

Sufeng put away the messenger machine and said thoughtfully: "To put it simply, it is a revenge journey of a guy who lacks love to take revenge on the Soul Society."

"To be more specific, I need Nirvana to explain it."

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded, noticing that there were only a few fluctuations of spiritual pressure left in the Seireitei, and was temporarily relieved.

However, at this moment, powerful spiritual pressure suddenly came from behind the First Team's building and in the inner court.


The timeline moves forward ten minutes.

Underground meeting hall.

A slender figure passed through the layers of ghost barrier protection and appeared in front of the huge portal.

A faint smile appeared on his face, and then——

A knife split open this huge portal.

Countless fragments exploded in the underground meeting hall, immediately causing bursts of panicked shouts.

"What, who dares to break into the meeting hall!"

"You, you are a treasonous person, Aizen Soyousuke?!"

"Damn it, where are the guards? Why aren't there any movements from those losers!"

"Where are all the captains of the Gotei 13?"

Looking at the shouts below, the man they called Aizen smiled slightly and walked slowly towards the center of the meeting hall.

"Let me tell you a story."

A gentle voice sounded, immediately overwhelming everyone's shouts.

As the dangerous and cold spiritual pressure covered them, the sages and judges seemed to have knives at their throats, and extreme fear suddenly spread and filled their hearts.

"There was once a student in the Spiritual Arts Academy who was ridiculed by others since he was admitted because of his weak abilities..."

The empty meeting hall was extremely silent, with only the gentle voice telling an extremely clichéd story.

"Later, due to some people's stupid judgment, the technology of spiritual bones was completely banned."

"And the college student also secretly made a new plan in his heart, which is to destroy this decadent world and reduce everything to nothingness."

Although I don’t know who I’m talking about, as the storyline progresses, Mao’s Room 46 always feels familiar.

"Unfortunately, the plan has become unstable."

The man raised his eyes and looked around:

"Decades ago, when the new captain of Division 9 took office, everything changed."

"When he realized that his plan could not be carried out, he changed his goals."

"Destroying Soul Society will never be allowed by Captain Sufeng, but what if it's just about killing those maggots who made stupid decisions back then?"

At this moment, the fear in the heart of Mao No. 46 climbed to its peak, and even completely evaporated the few sanity.

"Stop, stop your disobedient behavior!"

"As a judge, I order you to get out of the chamber immediately!"

"Aizen, do you also want to be sentenced to death?!"


The angry roars of lustful and angry people sounded one after another. In this way, they tried to stop the rebellious behavior of the people in front of them.

However, to the man below, these are nothing more than the neighing of insects before they die.

Under the horrified gaze, he slowly pulled out the blade from his waist.

"Farewell, everyone..."

Under the bright light, the blade reflects the ultimate cold light.

With its gentle wave, the noisy meeting hall completely calmed down.

Everything returns to silence...

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