Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 298 Maozhihualie’s comfort

The Fourth Division team building.

I came here as if I was fleeing from the wind, ready to seek comfort from Sister Hua.

The world is too crazy and cold, and only in Sister Hua's broad mind can we find a rare trace of warmth.

"Hey, Captain Sufeng, why did you come back alone?"

Kotetsu Yongin was surprised, "Didn't you meet the captain who went there?"

Sufeng had a question mark and said in confusion:

"What do you mean, didn't the old man let me act alone?"

"Also, the anomaly in the broken space has been dealt with..."

Kotetsu Yongin exclaimed: "Ah, captain and the others, didn't their trip go in vain?"

"Not long after you set off, the captain received a secret order from the first team, saying that she was worried about the way you were doing things, Captain Sufeng, so she sent many captains to support you."

Hearing this, Sufeng fell into deep thought.

Can there still be any trust between people?

Is Old Man Shan so worried about his efficiency? He is clearly just a man named Gu...

While he was deep in thought, Kotetsu Yongin was already counting on his fingers:

"Captain, Captain Kyōband, Captain Byakuya, Captain Zombie, Captain Shiba..."

"Well, it seems there is Captain Hitsugaya!"

"Captain Sufeng, the captain is very worried about you!"

Kotetsu Yongyin smiled, but he didn't look angry at all.

As early as when Su Feng ran to the Fourth Division every now and then, she had gradually become familiar with him.

In Kotetsu Yongin's opinion, although Captain Sufeng is a romantic person, he is considered to be the best among many captains in terms of appearance and strength.

Although there are many rumors about him.

Like taking all the female captains, raising female Arrancars in the team building, and wiping out the female Shinigami Association in one fell swoop.

But since what the captain said is false, then there is nothing wrong with Captain Sufeng's character.

What's more, she is also a member of the Female Death God Association, and she has never seen Captain Sufeng behave too much.

If I had to pick something wrong, it would probably be that when she was with the captain, she would often get bloody.

The most serious one even cut off his arm.

"Worried about me?" Su Feng sneered disdainfully, "I'm afraid the old man is not worried about me, but about the world."

No one understands Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni better than him.

Yamamoto Genryusai was definitely worried that he would go too far and directly demolished the barrier.

As for the doubts about his strength, after the two had a real fight with each other with swords and guns, Yamamoto Genryusai doubted anything and would not doubt his strength.

Kotetsu Yongin smiled softly and said nothing.

When it comes to the grievances between the master and the disciple, she can't say much.

"Since Sister Hua is not here, I will come back another day."

Sufeng stood up and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment, Kotetsu Yongin unexpectedly looked out the door and said happily: "Captain, you are back."

In response to her, with the same gentle smile as before, Uozhihuaretsu nodded slightly: "The problems in the world have been solved in advance, so naturally there is no need for us to do anything else."

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Sufeng."

Faced with this appropriate greeting, Sufeng nodded naturally.

He would not be polite to Uozhihualie, let alone...

Looking at the familiar face and figure in front of him, Su Feng's expression suddenly felt strange.

He took a step forward, walked to Uozhihua Lie, held his seemingly fragile shoulders with both hands, and said pitifully:

"Sister Hua, this world is so chilling. I need your comfort."

While speaking, under the stunned and shocked gaze of Hu Che Yongyin, Su Feng suddenly held the figure in front of him in his arms, resting his chin lightly on the black hair, gently smelling the fragrance coming from it.

"You, you, I..."

The silver-haired girl was shocked by the scene in front of her, her face turned red and she couldn't even speak.

Then the next scene immediately made the redness on Kotetsu Yuine's face disappear, and he instantly became extremely pale.

A palm stained with sticky blood stretched out from Uozhihua Retsu's back, bright red falling drop by drop, and the room was suddenly filled with the pungent smell of blood.

"Although you are very similar to her, in terms of appearance, spiritual pressure, and even the little habits in your behavior, they are exactly the same..."

Sufeng narrated calmly, as if he was talking about something insignificant:

"But the smell on your body is really disgusting, you despicable imitator."


Violent spiritual pressure rose into the sky, and in an instant two figures flew out, plowing two deep ravines on the ground.

Uozhihualie leaned slightly, with his left hand lying on the position of his heart. Through the huge hole, he could even see the wall behind him.

The blood flowed uncontrollably, turning the white captain Haori red in just a moment.

She raised her head as if weakly, and blood spilled out from the corners of her mouth, which gave her a feeling of absolute beauty.

"Team, captain..."

Kotetsu Yongin's voice was already trembling, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

Didn't it mean that Captain Sufeng and his own captain had already secretly been in love? How could such a fratricide happen?

Or is it hate that comes from love?

The sudden situation greatly stimulated Huche Yongyin, and he couldn't even hear clearly what Sufeng had just said.

However, neither of them took her seriously at this time.

As the deputy captain of the logistics team, Kotetsu Yuune's combat prowess is unparalleled. Even if he joins the battle, it will not change the outcome at all.


Kotetsu Yongin raised his head tremblingly and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

Sufeng comforted her softly: "She is not Sister Hua. Now go gather the team members and inform them to stay away from the team building. Also, be careful of your captain and vice-captain."

"No, not captain..."

Koche Yongyin's eyes wandered between the two of them, and for a moment he couldn't believe Sufeng's words.

As mentioned before, she is just the deputy captain of the logistics team. Although she is quite decisive in fighting, her strength limits her vision.

From Kotetsu Yuine's point of view, it's impossible to tell the difference between true and false.

"Yongyin, don't believe his words."

Uozhihualie suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth, showed pain on his face, and said in a weak voice:

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng is a lie. Get away from him quickly."

As soon as the words fell, the girl staggered back a few steps, trying to put as much distance between herself and Su Feng as possible.

Although it is impossible to judge whether it is true or false, it is always right to stay away from everyone.

Sufeng sighed softly: "How can you prove whether it's true or false?"

Hearing this, Uozhihua Lie on the other side looked slightly startled, and then smiled. He was actually a little more charming than the original version, and someone immediately couldn't help but take a second look.

A completely different style of Miss Hua!


Uzhihua Lie gently lifted up the hair hanging down by her ears. The blood stained on her fingertips drew several traces on her pretty face, adding a bit of charming temperament.

"I don't know, is this okay?"

Under Sufeng's astonished gaze, Maozhihualie stretched out his white palms and closed them slightly in front of his body. Suddenly, a large number of spirits gathered crazily in his palms.

Crimson light bloomed brilliantly on it, and the next moment it turned into a Prajna mask.

It was ferocious and frightening, like an evil ghost in the deepest part of hell.

It was in stark contrast to the delicate face that was pale due to excessive blood loss.


Su Feng was completely shocked.

He originally thought that the counterfeit could only produce a swastika, but he didn't expect that even the virtual blur was perfectly reproduced.

This can no longer be described as outrageous, it is simply outrageous to the extreme!

The spiritual pressure exploded, like seawater pouring in, and endless terrifying pressure poured down, covering the entire team building instantly.

Kotetsu Yongin, who could not bear the excitement of the scene in front of him, was even more shaken by this majestic pressure, and his whole face turned pale to the extreme.

Just when she couldn't bear it and was about to collapse, a figure suddenly stood in front of her, resisting all the terrifying pressure like a flood bursting its banks.

"Now can we confirm the real and fake captain?" Su Feng said without looking back.

Koche Yongyin muttered a few times but could not speak. The pressure was so shocking that under normal conditions, she could not recover in a short time.

As one of the weakest among the vice-captains, she is not good at fighting and spiritual pressure.

The spiritual power standards that barely meet the standards are all focused on treatment methods and recovery paths.

The terrifying spiritual pressure after Uozhika Retsu's emptiness was simply not something she could bear.

"Let's get out of here first."

Sufeng said softly, "Evacuate the soldiers as much as possible, this place will soon turn into hell."

Kochetsu Yongin looked at the tall figure in front of him, and a strong sense of security suddenly emerged in his heart. After a few moments of firmness, he propped up his weak body and launched Shunpo, disappearing from sight.

After he left safely, Sufeng turned his attention again to Mao Zhihualie in the distance.

At this time, she had already taken advantage of the gap in conversation to heal the huge hole in her chest.

The only fly in the ointment is that the treatment method does not seem to be enough to restore the inner lining of the clothes, so that the bright white snow in front of him is so dazzling that Sufeng is dazzled.

Maozhihualie's fingers gently stroked it, leaving a bright blood mark, and asked softly:

"Does it look good?"


Su Feng is an honest person and would never lie about this.

"Go and die when you've seen enough."

During the exchange, the other party held a Prajna mask and put it on his delicate face.

In an instant, thick blood flowed freely and erupted under his feet, rising into the sky in an instant, dyeing the sky above the Fourth Division building deep red.


boom! ! !

The violent spiritual pressure exploded instantly, like a dome overturning, and the vast ocean pouring back and boiling!

The spiritual pressure, which was more terrifying than before, completely enveloped the sky of the team building, and almost all the team members were enveloped by an unspeakable sense of suffocation.

Although they didn't know exactly what happened, under the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, they fled towards the team building one by one. Even the wounded and patients in the comprehensive first aid center temporarily suppressed the pain and rolled and crawled. Escape from this place.

The team building, covered with flowers and lush green grass, turned into hell the moment Uzuki Hana Lie's words fell.

The crimson color of blood surged from the depths of hell. The aura of extreme madness filled and exploded between the buildings. The strong smell of blood filled the nostrils, making people feel dizzy.

The origin of the fakes is unknown.

Although there is some speculation, I dare not make a conclusion.

Because even he didn't expect that the current Uozhihua Lie could actually complete the virtual transformation.

And in terms of spiritual pressure, not only is it not inferior to the original version, it is even a bit stronger.

This is outrageous.

Only he knew how much Sufeng suffered when he first tried to become virtual. His waist and knees were so weak that he almost couldn't get out of the sea of ​​blood.

But in the blink of an eye, a fake suddenly appeared, with a blurred starting hand and a swastika backhand, directly surpassing the original version.

In the distance, the corners of Maozhihualie's mouth were slightly raised, the hairpins were scattered, and the black hair was flying behind him, like an Asura in hell.

Her left hand was seen clenching the sharp blade, and she slashed it hard. Blood immediately soaked the blade, and thick blood dripped from it.

The slender blade was bent into a strange shape at this moment, and crimson blood continued to gush out from it, dripping down into the sea of ​​blood at his feet.

"All done!"

After completing the swastika, Unohana Retsu gently raised the curved blade, and slashed out with a ferocious backhand. The blood-colored sword tore through the sea of ​​​​blood, creating a violent wave.

The majestic sea of ​​​​blood was cut from the middle, and walls of blood tens of meters high were instantly built on both sides, and they were still rising at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The bloody sword plowed through violently, and in just a moment, it was in front of Sufeng. The fierce power directly exploded the air in front of him, and white air waves exploded instantly!

In an instant, Sufeng drew his sword and slashed, golden thunder entwined with the crimson wind breath, and met the bloody sword pressure head on, and the two collided in the endless sea of ​​blood.


The flowing sea of ​​blood stagnated, and then a terrifying wave a hundred meters high was aroused, as if it was going to completely submerge the entire team building, and the violent aftermath impacted in all directions.

Like a shoddy project, the building collapsed in an instant, and hideous cracks were torn out on the ground. After the first bombardment, the entire Fourth Division team building had already turned into a ruins-like scene.

"Breaking Path No. 63: Thunder Roar Cannon."

The moment the sea of ​​blood rose, the golden thunder tore apart the blood-colored curtain in front of him, reaching the direction of Sufeng with unparalleled force.

Different from the bloody fight driven by the utmost instinct like the real Uno Hana Retsu, the fake now just wants to use all means to completely kill Tsunayashiro Sufeng in front of him!

However, for Sufeng, even the spiritual pressure defense could not break through this level of breach.

Thunder exploded and roared in front of him, but it couldn't even shake the fluttering Yuori.

Sufeng raised his eyes and looked ahead, Maozhihualie was already holding a curved blade and was heading straight towards him to kill him. Wherever he passed, the sea of ​​blood surged and waves bloomed one after another.

Faced with such a fierce attack, Su Feng swung his sword to face it.

The moment the blades connected, all of his abilities were activated, and the sea of ​​blood eroded his body as if it had turned into a living creature.

The flesh and blood separated from the bones, as if there were countless blades tearing the whole person apart.

However, just when Maozhihualie thought that his attack was effective, he looked up at Sufeng's face, and what he saw was the cruel smile of a skeleton.

"You wouldn't think..."

"Can an attack of this level be effective against me?"

The extreme premonition of danger exploded in her heart, and the terrifying chill instantly eroded Uozhihua Lie's body, making her seem to fall into an endless abyss.

When the blades were touching each other and restraining each other, Sufeng raised his left hand, and crackling thunder exploded on it, falling fiercely forward.

In just an instant, the head of Uozhihua Lie in front of him was exploded!

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly recommendation votes.

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