Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 264 This captain is not a devil either

The eighth division team building.

On the roof of the butler's office, the faint aroma of wine lingered around the spring water of Jingraku, and the air was filled with an intoxicating smell.

He sat there cross-legged without any image, looking in the direction of the Sixth Division's jurisdiction, with an unconcealable complex meaning in his eyes.

"He looks less and less like a god of death."

"Sufeng, what is your purpose..."

As the words fell, Kyoryu Shunsui's figure had disappeared on the roof, leaving only the faint aroma of wine and the unfinished sake.

Regarding the fact that he destroyed nearly half of the area under the jurisdiction of Division 6, he was discovered by the patrolling Shinigami troopers. To be more precise, he should have been caught by Kuchiki Byakuya.

"Wantfully destroying team buildings and causing financial losses..."

Kuchiki Byakuya said expressionlessly, "Don't you guys have any responsibilities that a noble should have?"

"No!" Su Fengli was not straightforward and strong.

Byakuya Kuchiki's breath suddenly stagnated, and he swallowed back all the words that were on his lips. He almost forgot that the guy in front of him was so thick-skinned that he could even withstand attacks from the 90th or above.

"Is there anything else? I'm leaving without you."

Sufeng glanced at the messenger machine in his hand again. Several red dots were moving very fast. The god of death who was responsible for surrounding them couldn't resist for a moment.

The green dots that symbolized the team members were like wheat at harvest time, falling in pieces, without any dignity that the Gotei 13 should have.

"One more thing." Kuchiki Byakuya stopped Sufeng from running away, "What is your opinion on this matter?"

"I find that I am increasingly unable to see through you..."

Hearing this, Sufeng raised his head in surprise, looked straight ahead, and met the eyes of Byakuya Kuchiki.

Different from the coldness in the past, Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes were full of complex meanings at this time.

As the head of the Kuchiki family, he upholds the responsibility of maintaining and enforcing Soul Society's rules and regulates his words and deeds at all times.

However, as the contact with Sufeng increased, the so-called legal rules and the dignity of the nobility were gradually forgotten, replaced by the protection of those who valued him.

For the Shiba family, his senses are extremely complex.

In Kuchiki Byakuya's view, whether it was Shiba Isshin or other members of the Shiba family, they had given up the rights that a noble should have and should have been kicked out of the ranks of the nobles.

However, no matter in terms of behavior or character, the people of the Shiba family seem to be more worthy of the title of noble than the current nobles.

Perhaps only people like them who value emotions can be considered qualified nobles.

But now, all members of the Shiba family have violated the laws of the Soul Society and openly invaded the Seireitei. They are completely on the opposite side of the nobles. Even the Golden Seal Society will deprive them of their noble status.

At this moment, Byakuya Kuchiki's mood was extremely complicated.

He specifically returned to the mansion yesterday to ask Kuchiki Ginling, who had retired, about the direction of the road ahead.

However, the other party's answer to him was to ask Sufeng.

It happened to happen today that Kuchiki Byakuya simply expressed all the doubts in his heart.

Upon hearing this question, Sufeng's expression suddenly became serious:

"As the captain of Division 9, I will clear up all illegal activities."

"It is our duty to protect the laws of Soul Society!"

After the words fell, Kuchiki Byakuya's expression suddenly froze, and a question mark seemed to appear on his face.

After a moment of silence, his eyes looking at Sufeng were filled with contempt.

Do you, who have been constantly jumping on the edge of Soul Society's laws for three days, deserve to say such a thing?

Not long ago, after secretly leading a team to attack Rukongai to wipe out the rebels, and openly violating the laws, he even directly proposed to the 46th Chamber of Mao to amend the corresponding laws.

You've already done this kind of thing, why are you talking about protecting laws?

"Hey, how offensive is that look in your eyes?"

Su Feng said dissatisfied, "Believe it or not, this captain will handcuff you right now!"

Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly realized that he seemed to have asked a nonsense question.

An unreliable guy like Tsunayoshi Sufeng is likely to make any decision.

Maybe one day when he gets tired of his position as captain of Division 9, it's not impossible for Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni to retire directly.

"Shiba Isshin's behavior is certainly excusable, but he ultimately violated Soul Society's laws."

Sufeng chuckled lightly, looked up at the area under the jurisdiction of the Sixth Division that was destroyed by one punch, and said, "If other gods of death were like him, they would wantonly pass on the power of death to human beings in this world."

"Then the Three Realms will really turn into chaos."

"Can you imagine the level of destruction that hundreds of millions of Death Gods will cause? The balance of the world will be completely disrupted."

Kuchiki Byakuya was silent for a moment and whispered: "I understand."

"You understand a hammer." Sufeng glanced at him disdainfully, "You try to replace Zhibo Yishin with my captain, he will screw up the heads of those old guys from the Golden Seal Society."

"Isshin Shiba was sentenced to death because he was not strong enough."

"That's all."

Kuchiki Byakuya's expression suddenly froze.

He suddenly realized that he could not communicate more with Sufeng. Once he communicated too many times, his outlook on life would be affected.

"Always remember." Su Feng raised his right hand, opened and closed his five fingers, and the air flow visible to the naked eye exploded instantly, and a deafening scream arose, "This is the only truth."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure was like a bubble in the sun, shattering directly on the ruined street.

Kuchiki Byakuya's expression became stiff again.

He suddenly realized that his hard work in cultivation was like a ridiculous joke in front of this monster.

There was a time when he could fight head-on with it.

Nowadays, even the trajectory of his instant step cannot be distinguished.

The difference can no longer be described in words.


The area under the jurisdiction of the Fourth Division.

As a logistics unit, the fourth division's combat effectiveness is undoubtedly the worst among the Gotei 13. Even the deputy captain is a little worse than the senior officers of other divisions.

And this was the main reason why Shiba Kukaku chose to pass through this place.

It is worth mentioning that due to Sufeng, Shiba Kuukaku became a student of the Spiritual Arts Academy and joined the 13th Division. He was busy with team work on weekdays and did not research much on fireworks. This is also As a result, its arms are sound and without any defects.

"Sister Konghe, I, is it really okay for us to do this?"

Inoue Orihime closed the green strap of the medical bag on her chest. She felt that this style was too small and the restraint was a bit uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, even if Captain Unohana finds out, there won't be any fight."

Shiba Kukaku patted his chest, which immediately caused a wave of ups and downs, "I often go back and forth to the Fourth Division, and Captain Unohana is the captain with the gentlest personality I have ever seen."

"She won't hurt us..."

However, before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by a voice:

"It's so sad, Kukaku."

"I thought I was the gentlest captain in your mind."

Shiba Kukaku turned around with his neck stiffened, and saw an extremely familiar face appearing in his sight.

"Su, Captain Sufeng..."

A very forced smile appeared on her pretty face.

"Haiyan has fallen. Do you choose to resist or just surrender?"

Sufeng said with a smile, as if he was chatting with his friends about insignificant topics.

Although Shiba Kūkaku entered school a little later, Sufeng kept in mind Shiba Isshin's advice and gave her some advice.

Anyway, one sheep is being herded, and a group of sheep is being driven, so we simply taught them together.

It can be said that at least one-third of Shiba Kukaku's current strength is related to him.

Inoue Orihime hid tremblingly behind Shiba Kukaku, looking at the smiling Sufeng with fear. The main thing was that she was too afraid to speak.

Just a few months ago, she was an ordinary high school student.

In the blink of an eye, he came directly to the Soul Society and fought against the ferocious God of Death. Being able to avoid being frightened to the point of weakening his legs was considered to be a strong-willed person.

Now facing the Shinigami captain who even Shiba Kukaku was afraid of, Orihime Inoue, who was still a girl, how could she not feel scared?

"Captain Sufeng, can you let go..."


"Damn it, I didn't say anything yet!" Shiba Kongkaku was furious, "Tianfeng·gorilla·spoon·elm stick, the plan of a thousand ashes and a thousand wisdom white clouds!"

The spiritual pressure surged, and red light condensed in his palm.

Sufeng discerned that this was the Shiba family's secret ghost method, part of the ghost method incantation No. 2 Hanazhen Shooting Technique: Kosaki.

Originally it was just a Kidō used to fire Hanakuru cannons, but through the joint development of Sufeng and Kūkaku, it was discovered that if only part of the Kidō incantation was chanted, it could unleash quite powerful destructive power.

The blazing fire burned in the team building, erupting with terrifying temperatures, turning into a huge fire dragon and rushing straight into the wind.

Then under the stunned gazes of the two people, the majestic fire dragon was grabbed by the neck, followed by bursts of wailing.

Spirits flew, and the blazing flames spread completely like countless fireflies.

"Should I do it or do you do it yourself?"

After doing all this, Sufeng said something that made people imagine.

Shiba Kukaku's head drooped, his momentum suddenly dropped, and he no longer had the high spirits he had before.

"Orihime, hold out your hand."

Inoue Orihime was very obedient and obediently stretched out her small white hands.

"The Fourth Way of Binding: This Rope."

A rope-like light cord made of spiritual power flew out from his fingertips and was directly tied to his wrist.

Furthermore, Shiba Kūkaku quite consciously tied himself up together.

If he was discovered by other captains, he might still be able to struggle a little.

But being caught by the monster in front of him, Shiba Kukaku had no idea of ​​resisting.

The gap is too big, they are not in the same dimension at all.

Sufeng nodded with satisfaction: "That's right."

He randomly found a vice-captain from the Fourth Division. Under Kotetsu Yongin's stunned eyes, he directly handed the rope that bound the two of them into his hands:

"Let's keep him in the Fourth Division for now."

"Never let them escape from prison."

Huche Yongyin's expression was slightly nervous, and he nodded repeatedly: "Follow, obey, Captain Sufeng."

"I don't eat people, why are you so nervous?"

"But, you and the captain..." Kotetsu Yongin replied subconsciously, then suddenly realized and quickly closed his mouth.

As the deputy captain of the Fourth Division, she had seen the so-called kendo exchange between the two more than once.

This also caused Sufeng to become a complete villain in the heart of Kotetsu Yuine, even more terrifying than Kenpachi Zaraki of the 11th Division.

Seeing Kotetsu Yuune being so cowardly, Shiba Kukaku rolled his eyes and suddenly had thoughts he shouldn't have.

"If you dare to escape from prison, I will break off Haiyan's limbs, then reattach them and break them off again."

Sufeng looked directly into Shiba Konghe's black eyes with a smile, "You don't want your elder brother to suffer so much, right?"

For a moment, the faces of the three people froze, and there was unconcealable fear in their expressions.

"But don't worry, with my Huidao attainments." Sufeng reassured, "Haiyan will not leave any sequelae."

"After all, this captain is not a demon."

Kotetsu Yongin led the two of them away in fear, walking much faster than before, as if he was being targeted by something fierce.

[Self-discipline daily tasks completed! 】

[The spiritual pressure has been improved, and it is currently the spiritual power of the transcendent! 】

The rewards are less than before.

Sufeng frowned slightly, but when he thought of the strength of Shiba Kukaku and Inoue Orihime, he reluctantly accepted the result.

In fact, he was quite interested in Inoue Orihime's abilities.

Vientiane's rejection.

A powerful ability that truly invades the realm of God.

If it were not limited to Inoue Orihime's own spiritual pressure, the power of this ability would be several levels higher.

When this happens, we can join forces with Nirvana Kisuke Riurahara and Yamada Seinosuke to conduct in-depth research on this ability.

With that girl's kind character, she should agree.

Sufeng shook his head, temporarily putting this idea behind him, and took out the messenger machine from his arms, looking for the next victim, the lucky one.


The area under the jurisdiction of the 10th Division.

Two figures faced each other on the street, and a cold aura spread among them.

The temperature in the air dropped to freezing point, and large flakes of snow fell from the gloomy sky until they covered the entire battlefield.

"You shouldn't do this." Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression was serious, "Go and admit your mistake to Master Sufeng, and then I will help you explain."

"With Lord Sufeng's mind, he will definitely not argue with you!"

Opposite him, Abarai Renji shook his head in despair, with a hint of bitterness in his eyes: "It's too late, I have no way to turn back."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you and Master Sufeng."

Hearing this, Toshiro Hitsugaya did not show any surprise on his face. He seemed to have already expected Renji Abarai's answer.

"In that case, I will personally interrupt your path."


"Daigurren Hyōrinmaru!"

The ice dragon roared out and soared into the sky. Its ice wings flapped, and huge ice crystal petals slowly bloomed behind it.

The violent spiritual pressure immediately enveloped the entire neighborhood!

Then under Hitsugaya Toshiro's astonished eyes, Abarai Renji achieved true liberation for the first time in Soul Society:


"Double King Shebimaru!"

Thanks to the boss Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly support.

The monthly tickets have been doubled in the last two days, please help me!

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