"Captain of the twelfth division, Nirvana..."

Cangdu's expression turned cold instantly, "Why did the God of Death appear here?"

"Could it be that……"

Under the shock, his taciturn character seemed to be affected, so that he started talking more.

The Invisible Empire regards the Gotei Thirteen as its biggest enemy and will naturally collect relevant intelligence.

In addition to the captain, the information on the five nobles was also involved.

The ability of the Shadow Realm has unique advantages in gathering intelligence.

Quincy like Bambietta doesn't like to consult information, but that doesn't mean other Quincy are like her.

Ever since the sky of the Invisible Empire was shattered that day, Cangdu had reviewed all the information about the Gotei 13 and kept it firmly in mind.

Now, it is natural to know Nirvana.

"Oh? You actually know my captain's name."

Nie Shuli grinned, "It's really an honor!"

"Okay, to express my welcome to you all, here is a gift..."

As he spoke, he took out a Zanpakutō that emitted a strange light from his crotch:

"Hope you guys like it."


"The golden scourge kills Ksitigarbha..."

"Thunder Fetus Seal Syndrome!"

The Zanpakutō was raised high into the sky, and countless squirming balls of flesh exploded on the blade, like exploding fireworks.

As the flesh squirmed, countless electric arcs jumped and flickered, causing the temperature in the air to soar, filling the air with a disgusting burnt smell.

Under the extremely shocked gazes of Cangdu and all the Quincy, the huge mass of flesh continued to grow in the sky until it turned into a baby the size of a mountain.

The skin is burnt black, there are deformed horns with lanterns hanging on the top of the head, and the twisted word "Thunder" is tattooed on the swollen abdomen. Electric arcs breed and gradually evolve into thunder.

A huge shadow enveloped the Quincy, and unspeakable terrifying pressure covered everyone's heart, even Aangdu, a member of the Star Cross Knights, was no exception.

The unprecedented pressure made his breathing become stagnant.


Under the cold moonlight, the body with the Thunder Fetus Seal looked up to the sky and roared. The sound was like breaking through clouds and cracking rocks, as if it was about to tear the eardrums of the Quincy, and the violent thunder covered the charred body.

Indescribable pressure swept over me again.

Instinctively, Cangdu entered the "steel" state, and his whole body was covered with colorful metals. While his defense power increased sharply, the pressure also eased a lot.

"Prepare to destroy the cross pendant, activate——"

A calm voice sounded in everyone's ears, making them find their backbone again:

"Holy Mie Ya!"

The well-trained Quincy instantly activated the Quincy Cross Pendant, poured in spiritual pressure, and condensed the standard Spirit Son Longbow. Spirit Sons in the atmosphere condensed on the bow string, and azure blue arrows emerged, exuding a fierce energy. momentum.

"Well, this is the right thing!"

Nirvana narrowed her eyes slightly, as if analyzing the Quincy's attack methods, "Bring out all your fighting spirit, Quincys."

"If you can't let me have fun, the end will be very miserable!"

The moment the words fell, Cangdu's steely arm suddenly swung down, and dozens of sacred destroying arrows shot out, tearing the air in an instant and accurately hitting every vital part of the Thunder Fetus Seal Syndrome's body.

Pure white eyes, beating heart, gurgling throat, protruding horned forehead...

Boom, boom, boom, boom! !

The explosion sounded almost at the same time. The highly compressed spirit flames exploded on the huge body of the Thunder Fetus Fuyin Syndrome, and the blazing temperature swallowed it up in an instant.

Seeing this, the Quincy looked happy.

It turns out that the guy who seems to be bluffing is just a strong man on the outside.

Just a volley of holy destroying arrows killed this guy directly.

Is this Captain Death's swastika?

It seems to be nothing more than this!

However, when the smoke and dust from the explosion gradually dissipated with the wind, Cang Du, who had been staring straight ahead, suddenly skipped a beat of his heart.

Good news, the attack of Holy Destruction Arrow is effective.

Bad news, the effect is extremely limited!

A large piece of flesh and blood exploded, and a hideous and ugly gap appeared on the body of the body with the Thunder Fetus Seal. Countless flesh sprouts squirmed in it, making the already terrifying appearance even more terrifying.

Rao Shicang often met with a certain member of the Knights of the Star Cross that he loved, and his mental endurance was greatly improved, but when faced with the scene in front of him, he still felt that his soul was polluted.


The severe pain seemed to stimulate the fragile nerves of the body with Thunder Fetus Seal Syndrome. After another roar like a ghost crying and wolf howling, the terrifying mountain-like body suddenly crawled to the ground and moved quickly on the white sand at an extremely fast speed. With.

In the blink of an eye, a huge black shadow enveloped the Quincy.

Before Cangdu could fight back, an unlucky guy was caught in the hands of the Thunder Fetus Seal Syndrome.

Blue-purple thunder erupted, and the Quincy instantly lost his resistance.

The bloody mouth opened wide, sticky saliva splashed, and the body with thunder fetus mark directly stuffed it into his mouth.

Accompanied by a numbing chewing sound, blood mixed with saliva overflowed from the corners of its mouth, and this terrifying monster once again turned its attention to everyone.


An unknown sound was made, and the pieces of meat that had not been completely swallowed were ejected from his mouth, splattering on everyone's faces and bodies.

He couldn't describe how it felt to be stared at by a pair of pure white pupils that were bigger than his own body.

Even though Cangdu's whole body was covered with steel, there was still an unspeakable fear spreading in his heart, as if he was facing his own natural enemy.

That kind of fear goes deep into the bones!

"Disperse, six types of battle formation!"

A bright beam of light soared into the sky, and a magnificent symbol of the Cross of Annihilation was erected at the top. As the light shattered, Cangdu, who spread his wings of light behind his back, appeared again in front of the body with the Thunder Fetus Seal Syndrome.

Complete the Eucharist and start!

At the same time as the spiritual pressure increased sharply, the surrounding spirits were also condensing towards it, and the luster of metal continued to flow around it.

The sudden change caused the Thunder Fetus Seal Syndrome to freeze on the spot for a moment, and the Quincy instantly dispersed around, surrounding the huge mountain-like body.

There were even two Quincy who abandoned the enemies they were supposed to face and headed straight for Nirvana in the distance.

"Ah, you are so smart!"

Niryuri stood there, spreading his fingers and praising, "Instead of attacking the swastika, are you going to target the Shinigami who controls the swastika instead?"

"It seems that the Quincy are not without their merits!"

"But, as a scientific researcher, would this captain really make such a despicable mistake?"

The moment the words fell, the faces of the two Quincy approaching their position with flying scythe legs suddenly changed. Extreme fear fell on them again, followed by a dark shadow that enveloped everything.

The two turned around stiffly, and were shocked to find that the body with the Demonic Embryo Seal that should have been in the encirclement actually appeared behind them.


Amidst the roar, two more people were swallowed into the mouth by the Demonic Fetus Seal Syndrome and chewed vigorously. Blood spattered and plasma flowed along the ugly and terrifying faces to the charred body.

It was only then that Cangdu was shocked to discover that the ferocious gap that had been bombarded by the sacred destroying arrow had been completely restored.

After devouring three Quincy in a row, the body with the Thunder Fetus Seal seemed to have lost the desire to continue eating. Its huge body leaned forward, its relatively short arms suddenly raised high, and then crashed down like a heavy hammer.


From the sky, dozens of blue-purple thunder suddenly descended, engulfing all the Quincy in a violent manner!

Terrifying high temperatures erupted within it, and in just an instant, all the Quincy were reduced to charcoal, losing all vitality.

Only Cangdu, relying on his steel-like defense, blocked this wave of attacks.

He put down the arms crossed in front of him and stared ferociously at the huge figure not far away, his face full of anger.

But before he could launch the next round of attacks, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The limbs of the Thunder Fetus Seal Syndrome moved, and countless white sands rose up and floated in the sky, approaching Cangdu in an instant, and his short hands instantly merged it into the palm of his hand.

next moment.

The huge, charred body like a mountain suddenly glowed with bright light.


A huge mushroom cloud erupted in Hueco Mundo, and endless dust flew under the dome, covering up the moonlight and the dark sky!

At this moment, the kingdom of emptiness seemed to have entered daylight!

Strong winds swept in, and the dust flew away with the wind. Huge potholes covered an area of ​​dozens of miles. Under the blazing high temperature, the center of the potholes showed a colorful glass-like color.

When Nirvana approached, a charred black thing with an indistinguishable human shape was lying inside, losing all consciousness.

Until the last moment before falling into coma, Cang Du still couldn't figure it out.

Why would a Shinigami release his swastika at the beginning of a battle? Shouldn't he test it first?


Isn't the Zanpakutō the most important and precious thing to a Shinigami?

Why are there perverted existences that self-destruct their Zanpakutō?

"It's really hard to make people enjoy themselves."

Nirvana kicked Jiao Hei Cangdu and said in disappointment, "You dare to touch Hueco Mundo at this level. You are more courageous than the captain of a certain ninth team..."

"Forget it, I finally gained something."

"There is still room for improvement in the Golden Killer Ksitigarbha. I hope Captain Sufeng can contribute a little more 'insignificant' strength..."


At the same time, on the other side of Hueco Mundo.

In front of Xuye Palace.

Kirujie fought crazily with despair on his face. All around the battlefield were the mangled remains of the Quincy. A large amount of blood mixed with the white sand and formed a solid state, rolling down on the edge.

Out of a whole team of Quincy, he was the only one left.

And his opponent is Kilujie Opi!

Nine points of similar appearance, crazy and violent spiritual pressure, flexible blood armor, fierce fighting style, and a desperate fighting style of exchanging injuries for injuries.

If it weren't for the flowing long black hair and the inexplicably intertwined and strange black lines on his face, perhaps even Kirujie himself wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the real thing and the fake one.

At the edge of the battlefield, Sar'Apollo gracefully admired the battle in the distance, with not even a trace of dust on his white uniform.

Several bony tails with eyeballs at the end were twisting behind him. Black and pink intertwined patterns appeared on the body, and there seemed to be viscous liquid flowing on the blackened fingers.

Very different from the way he first appeared on the battlefield, Thrall Apollo is waiting in a brand-new form for this battle that can bring him a little joy.

"A very strong will to fight!"

He murmured to himself, "Is this the elite of the Quincy?"

"No wonder you have the courage to occupy Xuye Palace."

"It's a pity that the strength is too weak."

The saber in Kirujie's hand suddenly slashed down, splitting the clone tightly wrapped around his side, and then took off his gloves, and the cross star bloomed brightly on the back of his hand.

The next moment, a majestic beam of light soared into the sky, forming a huge cross of annihilation at the top.

With the scattering of the spirit son fragments, Chilujie, who had entered the state of the perfect holy body, also reappeared on the battlefield.

A halo of light appeared above its head, blue wings spread out from its back, and a terrifying aura spread instantly.

"Tremble, fear, you despicable lower creatures!"

Ji Lujie pointed his finger, and the arrogant expression reappeared on his knife-like resolute face.

"This will be a powerful force that you will never understand in your life!"

Saar Apollo suddenly stood up straight and looked at the center of the battlefield with excited eyes.

As Kirujie's perfect holy body unfolded, the spirits in Hueco Mundo began to gather crazily towards him on a scale visible to the naked eye.

Even the clone couldn't resist this powerful suction. The upright body was gradually broken down into countless spirit sons, which were integrated into Jilujie's body.

The power of the expansion caused its body to undergo changes. Two dark eyes sprouted at both ends of the head, and two thick arms sprouted from its armpits, which were adhered to the viscous black liquid.

And behind Kirujie, a bony tail with eyes at the end grew out.

"I really wouldn't want to use it if I could help it."

Chirujie looked at Sar Apollo in the distance, with a similar madness in his smile:

"Because the sacred wings will be stained by evil!"

"Meet your fate, lowly creatures of Hueco Mundo."

The moment the words fell, the black-covered wings suddenly flapped, strong winds surged on both sides, and Kirujie's figure disappeared instantly.

Sal Apollo's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could react, the strange body had already arrived in front of him.

The saber covered with azure materialized spiritual pressure was raised high and slashed downwards!


The flesh and blood were torn apart, and the white bones were exposed.

The hideous wound spread from Sal Apollo's left shoulder to his right waist and abdomen, and the upper half of his body was almost cut off directly!

The broken body collapsed, and Sal Apollo's eyes widened, as if he would not rest in peace.

Kirujie's four eyes were fixed on the body in front of him, without letting down his vigilance at all.

"Hiss, it seems that the outdated tricks can no longer deceive you."

Under his gaze, Sal Apollo stood up from the sand in a way that violated his physiological structure. His whole body was like a puppet on strings, stiff and twisted.

"You did pique my interest, though."

"Kiruki Opi, I remember your name."

Sar'Apollo opened his arms as if he wanted to hug the other person. Kilujie subconsciously launched his flying sickle in an attempt to stay away from the dangerous guy in front of him.

However, something horrifying happened, his body completely lost control!

An elegant yet slightly crazy smile appeared on Sar Apollo's blood-stained face. Amid Chiluji's uncontrollable fear, he whispered:

"I'll put this name on the bottle..."

After writing this chapter, I discovered that it was already the 29th, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

I wish all the book lovers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, good health and happiness! !

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