Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 217 Is the end of Soul Society coming?

As the captain of the rescue team, Aizen Sosuke-sama was once again a step too late.

If I remember correctly, the last time I came to Japan was when Saar Apollo invaded the present world, and the last time I came to Japan was when the rebel Takehara Kazyusaku rebelled against Rukongai.

In any battle involving Sufeng, dear Captain Aizen will always be a little bit late.

But the anxious look on his face didn't seem to be fake, which also prevented others from having an attack.

After all, as one of the most popular captains of the Gotei 13, how could he put his companions in crisis?

You think so, members of the Masked Forces.

Sufeng smiled and looked straight up into the sky, staring at Aizen, trying to see through the cover of the lenses to see through his disguised true face.

"Huh..." After looking around, Aizen breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Sufeng with relaxed eyes, "It's great that there were no casualties."

"Thank you, Captain Sufeng."

"It should be done." Sufeng nodded and replied with a smile.

As if realizing the abnormality in his expression, Aizen was startled for a moment and asked in a surprised tone:

"Is there something wrong?"

appeared, and it was a seamless and perfect acting performance.

Su Feng shook his head, the corners of his eyebrows twitched, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. No matter how he tried all his observation methods, he could not find any flaw in Aizen's face.

This is too exaggerated.

If Sufeng hadn't known its nature, he would have been fooled easily.

It's as if the current performance is exactly what Aizen should be.

Maybe he can compete head-on in terms of strength, but there is really no way to compare in terms of acting skills.

The two are not on the same level at all.

In the field of acting alone, Sufeng was killed by Aizen.

Thinking of this, Sufeng no longer struggled to find Aizen's flaws, but instead narrated the battle process in a hypocritical manner, and told Aizen all the reasons why he appeared here.

"That's the way it goes."

Hearing this, Aizen breathed a long sigh of relief again, and his whole expression became much more relaxed: "Anyway, this time it's thanks to Captain Sufeng."

"If it weren't for you, this Soul Burial internship would have been completely wiped out."

"Maybe these guys are not destined to die." Sufeng laughed, "If I hadn't been in the Technology Development Bureau at the right time, I wouldn't have had time to catch up."

After a brief exchange, the fifth division commander who came with Aizen began to be busy giving first aid and comforting the students.

Although the only ones injured were Renji Abarai and Toshiro Hitsugaya.

But others also suffered a certain amount of damage due to the large gap in spiritual pressure.

However, famous geniuses like Hijin Rukia and Kira Izuru Hinamori Momo did not suffer any harm from this.

They even stepped forward at critical moments to reduce the impact of spiritual pressure caused by the outbreak of battle through means such as the Dao Binding Barrier.

It can be said that there were no casualties among the students, and they had a share of the credit.

The performances of Hitsugaya Toshiro and Abarai Renji even shocked the accompanying officials.

A student in the hospital begins to understand.

Two words that were in no way related to each other suddenly happened to the two of them.

What kind of genius is this? !

The words of unstinting praise filled the ears of the two of them, so much so that even a cheeky guy like Abarai Renji couldn't help but blush, and couldn't adapt to it for a while.

As for Hitsugaya Toshiro, he almost buried his head in his chest, not daring to look at the officials at all.

In his impression, the chief among the gods of death was still an unattainable big shot.

But in fact, whether the officials responsible for the aftermath can beat him is another matter.

After all, not everyone's Zanpakuto is qualified to be called the strongest in the ice and snow system.

Geniuses are often so unreasonable.

It is worth noting that Sufeng noticed that Abarai Renji also mastered the Hakkake, and it was very powerful.

Although it was cut off by Nnoitra, it didn't have much impact.

Once it is broken, Nirvana can be repaired.

Once the swastika is broken, you can only go to the Spiritual King's Palace.

Sufeng returned to Soul Society first with a group of students and trophies.

Aizen is responsible for the aftermath of the current city.

The previous battle nearly destroyed half the city, and the human casualties were astronomical.

Except for those beings that were affected by the battle and instantly annihilated, there are still a large number of souls wandering in the ruins in the distance.

Before the members of the Thirteenth Division arrive, the Fifth Division, as the rescue squad, needs to gather them as much as possible, and finally the Soul Society will make the corresponding decision.

Aizen stood in the sky, looking down at the ruins below. The ravines were crisscrossing each other, and the earth seemed to be wailing.

Above the dome, countless thick clouds piled up, and blue-purple arcs flashed from time to time, erupting into bursts of roaring sounds.

Several figures were constantly moving through the ruins, busy.

As the captain, Aizen does everything himself, perfectly explaining the reason why he is so popular.

But the figure in the sky overlooking the city seemed to be deliberately ignored by everyone, and no one even glanced upward.

"If you look at the same scenery for a long time, you will get tired of it."

"Captain Sufeng, you seem to be able to see a wider sky."

"I'm really looking forward to what kind of expression you will have when everything is revealed..."


Soul Society.

Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

The seriously injured Renji Abarai and Toshiro Hitsugaya were treated like heroes.

Compared to Sufeng's war-god-like performance, others were naturally more concerned about the two students who were still in the academy.

He faced the Achucas-level Void without any fear, and faced the invincible enemy with firmness and determination, winning a glimmer of hope for everyone.

Such achievements naturally require generous praise.

As the head teacher, Ou Nahara Yangoro, like a little woman, held the two heads and cried bitterly.

A stream of snot and tears were rubbed onto the two of them.

Ever since he learned the details of what happened, he almost thought he was going to hell.

If thirty elite academy students really died during the soul burial internship, then he, the class teacher who applied for the internship, would definitely not be able to escape.

Being able to be imprisoned in hell is already considered a mercy from Chamber 46.

Lord Spiritual King, fortunately everything is fine and everyone is still alive.

When this matter was passed to the first team, the captain's meeting was also held routinely.

Captain's meeting room.

When Sufeng arrived, there were already many captains waiting here.

After decades of getting along with each other, we have become familiar with each other's personalities, and when we chat, we no longer have the initial restraint.

But when they saw Su Feng's figure, everyone's eyes were still somewhat abnormal.

As the captain, isn't this guy's destructive power a bit too amazing?

They have already read the information about the battle in this world.

More than 60% of the buildings were razed to the ground, and 70% of the human beings were affected by the fighting and died on the spot.

Two Daxu whose spiritual pressure was higher than Vastod were killed on the spot. One of them was directly turned into fly ash, and not even a trace of the spirit was found.

The captain who was so fierce last time was named Kariyashiki Kenpachi.

If this Kariyashiki Kenpachi had not died, he would probably be a member of the Zero Division by now.

Thinking about this, Kyōraku Shunsui, who knew the inside story, had an even weirder expression, as if he was constipated. The guy who was still learning cultivation under him has now transformed into a reserve member of the Zero Division?

He said he could not accept this.

As the captains gradually arrived, the atmosphere in the conference room gradually became solemn.

In fact, the Gotei 13 holds a lot of minor or major meetings every month, including captain meetings, vice-captain meetings, chief officer meetings, and association meetings.

But once something major happens, the captain's meeting will be held as soon as possible.

"About everything that happens in this world..."

Yamamoto Genryusai sat at the front, holding a staff with both hands, suppressing the entire audience with a coercive aura. His old voice echoed in the empty room, adding a bit of seriousness to the atmosphere.

"You must have understood this already."

"According to Captain Niryuri's research, the Great Void named Zomari Lulu is at the level of Yachukas."

"But during testing, its residual spiritual pressure has exceeded the recorded level of Vastod."

"And its shape is also very different from ordinary Yachukas."

"Looking at his appearance, he looks very similar to Vastod..."

Nirvana immediately took over the conversation and continued Yamamoto Genryusai's unfinished narrative:

"In this regard, I discovered through the database of the invasion of the Great Soul Scroll Corridor that similar existences have appeared in the million-year history of Soul Society."

"Their names are Arrancar."

"Da Xu has mastered the power of death!"

At this point, Nie Yuli did not forget to add: "Reminder, regarding the invasion of the Great Spiritual Book Corridor, I have the permission of Captain Sufeng, so please do not cause any misunderstanding."

"Continuing with the previous topic, the spiritual pressure of the great void after the Arrancar will be increased several times or even dozens of times, and its shape will be close to that of a human."


Niryuuri looked around, observing the changes in the expressions of each captain. It was not until Yamamoto Genryusai showed a look of surprise on his face that he continued:

"According to my observation, it is almost impossible for Daxu to make his own Arrancar."

"But in this incident, two Arrancars appeared at once. What does this mean? You must be very clear, right?"

Zhibo, who was standing next to him, was thoughtful, suddenly raised his head, and suddenly realized:

"The end of Soul Society is coming?!"


Yamamoto Genryusai's beard trembled, he couldn't help his violent temper, and immediately cursed:

"This means that there are unknown beings in Hueco Mundo who are helping Daxu conduct Arrancar!"

"We have no way of knowing the identity of the other party. If he has any unfavorable thoughts about Soul Society, the doomsday catastrophe will come to Soul Society!"

Shiba Yishin, who was scolded, was not convinced, and whispered: "You said a lot of nonsense, isn't it that the end of Soul Society is coming?"

"I'm not wrong..."

Resisting the urge to draw his sword and kill this guy, Yamamoto Genryusai set his sights on Kyoraku Shunsui.

Before he could speak, Kyōraku Shunsui, who was familiar with his character, was the first to speak:

"Old man Shan's idea is to form a reconnaissance team to collect intelligence in Hueco Mundo?"

Hearing this, Yamamoto Genryusai nodded with satisfaction. Although most of the time, his incompetent disciple looked unreliable, he could still understand the situation at critical moments.

"The threat from Hueco Mundo is imminent, and we must not sit still and wait for death."

Yamamoto Genryusai's tone increased, and wisps of flames circled up on the swirling crutches, and the temperature in the room also climbed up.

"Finding out what's going on is a top priority."

"As for intelligence investigation, do you have any suitable candidates to recommend, captains?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jingraku Shunshui spoke again, with a stern look:

"Captain Sufeng is very powerful. With one against two, he killed two Achucas-level Arrancar head-on."

“It’s perfect for him to be responsible for this matter!”

Yamamoto Genryusai stroked his beard gently, his expression showed satisfaction, he looked around and asked:

"Do other captains have different opinions?"

Everyone was silent, looking at their noses and minds, as if the matter had nothing to do with themselves.

"In that case, let Captain Sufeng go to Hueco Mundo to collect intelligence."

Yamamoto Genryusai did not even ask the parties for their opinions and finalized the result immediately.

Su Feng's eyes widened and he couldn't help but take a breath as he looked at this scene.

Are you guys so good at picking up your lines?

In just a few words, you sold me?

We are about to enter the original plot.

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