Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 212 Falling in love and killing each other comes from the crisis of this world

Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

Ou Nahara Yan Wulang looked at the students below with a serious expression, and his mood was quite complicated.

This is the strongest student he has ever led, bar none.

Even the young Master Haiyan of the Shiba family was far behind some of the monsters.

After all, not every first-timer can master the basic knowledge in a few months.

That's right.

As the most genius of this generation, Hitsugaya Toshiro had already known the true name of the Zanpakutō as early as a month ago and successfully achieved the first understanding.

As for Renji Abarai, who is the container of the Hondama, although he has not yet reached such a state, he has resonated with his Zanpakutō and is only one step away from knowing the true name and mastering the Kaikai.

This kind of terrifying progress has never been seen by Ou Nahara Umgoro. Even if you look at the entire history of Soul Society, there are only a few legends.

However, although the two are geniuses, their personalities are extremely difficult to control.

For example, right now, Renji Abarai is sitting in his seat with his arms crossed and a stinking look on his face, as if everyone else owes him 1.8 million.

Ever since he learned that Hitsugaya Toshiro had mastered the Hakkakai, he excitedly came to challenge him, and then he was beaten with a zero draw.

After the whole battle, it can be said that there is no dignity at all.

He was almost pushed to the ground and rubbed by the opponent.

Originally, a failure was nothing, but for Renji Abarai, who had a tough character and was unyielding, it would only become the motivation to encourage him to continue to move forward bravely.

But in the following time, he continued to challenge Hitsugaya Toshiro, fighting and losing again and again. At a glance, the results were nothing to see.

After learning from the pain, Renji Abarai had to admit the gap between himself and Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Before he mastered the initial solution, it was impossible for him to be his opponent at his current level.

Originally the two were in an evenly matched state.

The initial solution is undoubtedly a qualitative leap for the God of Death.

Toshiro leaped forward, but he still stayed in place, so he naturally ended up in a situation where he was beaten violently.

Ever since, Renji gave up the idea of ​​challenging Toshiro, and instead began to try to understand his own Zanpakutō and practice sword Zen.

It is worth mentioning that Sufeng once taught everyone the Genryu Sword Zen when he opened a small stove for them.

But the only one who can master it skillfully is Hitsugaya Toshiro.

In the field of talent, Toshiro is unparalleled.

Although latecomers, such as the Rukia sisters, Kira Izuru, and Hinamori Momo, have successively mastered Genryu Tozen, their understanding of the Zanpakutō is still far inferior to Toshiro.

As for Renji.

He believed in cutting everything with one sword, and he didn't put much effort into sword Zen.

It wasn't until he was beaten to death by Toshiro that he finally woke up.

Sufeng had no intention of reminding him about this.

It is useless to teach a person a hundred words, but to teach a person once he has learned something.

Some things can only be understood by experiencing them personally.

After realizing the genius level of this year's college students, Ou Nahara Yangoro also immediately arranged soul burial internships for everyone.

If you can get excellent results in this internship, you can try to apply for early graduation.

As a veteran teacher of the Spiritual Arts Academy, he also wanted to see the students he brought out become pillars of the Soul Society in his lifetime.

"Everyone, I believe you all already know about the soul burial internship."

The majestic voice echoed in the classroom, Ou Nahara Yangoro's eyes were serious and solemn, as meticulous as his head.

"For the God of Death, soul burial is a skill that must be mastered, and it is also our responsibility."

"Therefore, the importance of this soul burial internship is self-evident. I hope you will treat it with caution!"

What responded to him was a uniform chorus.

Only Renji Abarai held his chin in his hand and looked out the window boredly, his mind filled with questions about the beginning of the Zanpakutō.

What a desirable state.

I don’t know how far Sufeng-sama has mastered the Zanpakutō. He must have achieved the legendary swastika, right?


When he learned that a class of freshmen from the Spiritual Arts Institute were preparing to go to the living world for soul burial practice, Sufeng fell into deep thought.

If he remembered correctly, Aizen would make plans at this time to strengthen his past personality in front of the elite students.

Although under his intervention, everything changed from the original appearance in the memory.

But in general, it is still within the general framework.

Whether Aizen will make another plan for this is unknown to Sufeng, but it is always right to have more snacks.

With this in mind, he handed over the relevant tasks to Yazhou from the Lingbo Surveying Research Institute.

At that time, if any abnormality occurs in this world, he must be notified as soon as possible.

Under Sufeng's intervention, although Yingzhou did not participate in the experimental research on Arrancarization and Void, he still conducted deeper research based on the original foundation.

Soul Society, the present world, and Hueco Mundo.

The three worlds are all equipped with spirit son monitoring devices. Although they cannot reach the level of detail, they can still accurately control the occurrence of major events.

To this, Yazhou also agreed wholeheartedly.

The power negotiation between the two was reached in an understatement, which completely exceeded Nirvana as the director.

When Sufeng made one small trip every three days and one big trip every five days to release the mission to the 12th Division team building, most of the 12th Division team members had already regarded him as a direct boss similar to Nirvana.

Sometimes, his words are even more effective than Nirvana's.

After all, even Nirvana has to do things according to Su Feng's wishes most of the time.

After all, the Ninth Division is currently responsible for the experimental funds of the Technology Development Bureau.

Although it is attached to the accounts of the Kuchiki family.

But everyone knows that if it were not for Sufeng's relationship, this unscrupulous expenditure of experimental funds would be impossible.

Yingzhou faithfully carried out the order of the benefactor, and directly fixed 90% of the spiritual son monitoring devices in the world to the fixed location of the soul burial practice, and directly synchronized it to the light curtain of the Lingbo Measurement Research Institute, and forwarded it to fourteen people at the same time. Research room.

This is just because his authority is limited, otherwise, Yingzhou would even want to directly synchronize all areas in Soul Society with light curtain links.

"Lord Yazhou, is this a bit of a fuss?"

Rin Chufu was chewing an unknown snack and talking vaguely.

Yingzhou glanced at him disdainfully, knocked his huge catfish-like head, and made a banging sound: "Making a fuss out of a molehill?"

"Anything involving Captain Sufeng cannot be taken too seriously."

"Monitor the area you are responsible for, and there must not be any mistakes!"

"As you command, Lord Yazhou!"


Spiritual Arts Academy.

On the roof of the dean's office.

In front of the simple and elegant crossing gate.

"Let me first briefly introduce myself."

A young man with the number six or nine tattooed on his face looked at the crowd expressionlessly and said indifferently:

"I am the sixth generation, Hisagi Shuhei."

"The short one in the back is Crab Ze, and the tall one is Qinglu."

"Today we will serve as your guides for soul burial practice."

Although he tried his best to maintain the temperament and demeanor of his senior, Hisagi Shuhei still couldn't hide the bitterness in his heart when he looked at the quiet and lifeless people below.

Is this really necessary if there is no guide?

As a sixth-generation student, he is about to graduate, and he has even been allowed to join the Gotei 13, but he has not mastered the Hakkai. Is he really qualified to lead this group of geniuses as a guide?

Hitsugaya Toshiro's reputation had spread throughout the entire Shino Spiritual Arts Academy as early as the few days he entered school.

Regarding the emergence of genius, everyone who is also a student in the college is envious and jealous.

But after learning that he had mastered Shijie, the original jealousy was replaced by bitterness.

It turns out that there really is such a monster in the world.

The exaggerated gap even makes other college students who are named geniuses unable to have the slightest idea of ​​catching up.

Among the crowd, Toshiro Hitsugaya, who was only 1.2 meters tall and had white hair on his head, was particularly eye-catching as his cold expression seemed to have the words "No strangers allowed to enter" written all over it.

Renji Abarai, who was standing next to him, looked impatient.

"Hey, can you stay away from me, you bastard?!"

A low growl was squeezed out of his throat, highlighting Renji's impatience at this moment.

"No." Toshiro's response was particularly concise and firm.

He has always been harassed by Renji, but now he has finally come back, so how can he let this guy escape so easily?

"Please be quiet."

Although he is actually a senior, he has no dignity at all in front of him. After all, the Spiritual Arts Academy is also a place that values ​​strength.

The girl named Kanazawa said, "Let's act in groups of three. We should have drawn lots in the classroom before."

"Those with the same pattern are a group."

Renji took out the paper with the skull printed on it and said disdainfully: "There is no point in grouping. I can complete the soul burial internship by myself."

"Then you can't beat me." Toshiro inserted his knife at the side.

Hearing this, Renji was immediately furious and even had the urge to draw a knife and kill the guy in front of him.

"You two, the world-traversing gate is about to open." Izuru Kira from the same group reminded carefully, "If you are left behind, you will not be able to participate in this soul burial internship."

Kira Izuru, who is known as a genius, has good talent in slaying and walking ghosts.

But he was still overwhelmed by Toshiro and Renji.

Now that he is divided into a group, it makes him pay more attention to his words and deeds.

It is worth mentioning that Toshiro and Renji were not in the same group originally, but in order to deal with this guy, he took the initiative to find someone to change the draw.

The kid, who looks cold on the outside, gradually develops a sinister character while getting along with Renji.

Hisagi Shuhei had no intention of intervening in the quarrel at the rear. He raised his Zanpakuto and pointed it straight ahead: "Untie the ingot!"

After the words fell, the spiritual pressure sank along the blade into the boundary-piercing door. As the light bloomed, the door opened to both sides.

"Take your hell butterflies and set off!"


In this world, the crescent moon hangs high, and the moonlight is like water.

The architecture, which is completely different from the style of Soul Society, is reflected in the depths of the students' pupils.

There was a deathly silence on the deserted streets.

"According to the groups, let's start taking action." Hisagi Shuhei issued the dispersed instructions and divided the corresponding areas. "Follow the ritual process of soul burial and do not have any unnecessary behavior..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the prickly head in the team showing a tendency to act strangely.

"Xiaobai, have you realized..."

Renji's expression was solemn, his left hand resting on the scabbard at his waist, and his whole body glowed with a faint light of spiritual pressure.

Toshiro had the same posture, with his right hand on the Zanpakutō behind his back, and took over the conversation:

"It's a little too quiet around here..."

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