Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 195 A pack of wolves? lone wolf!

As the blue light gradually faded, a figure passed under the sky, and a terrifying abyss-like spiritual pressure suddenly descended.

The glass-like ground then sank slightly, as if gravity was intensifying.

"It really gives Xu a headache." The visitor rubbed his head with an impatient look on his face, "I obviously don't want to come."

"after all……"

"You look very dangerous..."

I saw a slender white figure standing next to Bailegang, with short dark brown slightly curly hair, blue pupils full of impatience, and a slight beard on his chin, looking like an uncle.

When he saw this person, Sufeng's first impression was none other than his mentor and friend, Captain Jingraku Shunsui.

In some respects, the two are highly repetitive.

The only independent Arrancar, Vastod, Hueco Mundo's true strongest, Keyatai Stark!

Compared to Thrall Apollo's degeneration from Vastod to Yachukas after his split, Stark still maintained the level of Vastod after his own split.

This alone is enough to show how terrifying this guy is.

And before the split, the weak Xu would even be wiped out by his powerful spiritual pressure when he was close to him.

This level of performance is something that not even Balegang has ever had.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest Vastod.

"I originally planned to keep escaping until both of you are injured, or you are defeated by Balegang."

Stark muttered like a salted fish, "But I didn't expect that your strength is far greater than expected. If you continue, Balegang may be chopped into a pile of broken bones."

"I'm afraid even the dogs will dislike it by then..."

Bailegang, who recovered from the shock, was immediately furious when he heard these words, and the majesty of the king broke out again:

"You're just a mere Vastod, you actually dare to offend the only king of Hueco Mundo like this, I will definitely kill you..."

"Save your energy." Stark glanced at him casually, his cold gaze piercing his heart like an arrow, "We should think about how to escape from that guy now, instead of focusing on internal fighting. ."

As he spoke, he pointed at Su Feng, who looked slightly excited.

Bailegang's face darkened, but despite his bones, he couldn't express this expression.

But it is not difficult to judge from the subtle changes in his movements that he is skeptical of Stark's words.

At this moment, Stark looked into the distance, put his hands to his mouth like a trumpet, and shouted:

"Hey, Death, can you not fight?"

"No, I just want to beat you two to death, or be beaten to death by you two."

After confirming the opponent's identity, Sufeng said that this wave was very profitable, and Vastod was a rare commodity in the Technology Development Bureau.

With the abilities of the two of them, they can research more high-end technologies.

In his opinion, it was a bit reluctant to fight one against two, but if he took out two more trump cards, it was not impossible to win.

Moreover, he also has Mole Chengshuangya and Nilu on his side.

One Death God and one Hollow are both in perfect condition. Two against one is enough to hold down any one of them.

All he had to do was to kill one of them as quickly as possible, and then use more to bully the smaller ones to take down the remaining one.

"Your ideas are very dangerous, Death." Stark's eyes narrowed and his expression became more serious, "Although, I have no idea of ​​fighting you at all."

The surging spiritual pressure surged, covering the entire Gobi desert.

Although the words are said so, the body is very honest.

However, Sufeng misjudged Stark's thoughts and heard him continue:

"Your goal is the female Vaxu behind, and my goal is Bailegang Ruisenbang."

"But if I'm not mistaken, that female Vasu doesn't have the strength to fight anymore, right?"

The azure gaze passed through the darkness and fell on Harribel. The surrounding spirits suddenly solidified, and the pressure immediately doubled.

"But both me and Balegang are in their prime."

"What's more, do you really think that Balegang is the most powerful Hollow in Hueco Mundo?"


"Chase him, lone wolf!"

After the words fell, Sufeng's face changed slightly, and an unexpected situation occurred.

Keyarti Stark is stronger than he remembered!

A blue beam of light ignited from its body and shot straight into the sky, rising above the night sky like a blazing sun, suppressing the cold moonlight.

Stark completed the Return of the Blade alone without Lilynite.

As the substantial spiritual pressure beam faded, Stark, whose appearance changed drastically, also appeared on the barren mountain in the distance.

The original white clothing was replaced by a gray fur-collared coat, with hair like wolf hair appearing on the collar, calf, and other locations.

The most surprising thing is that the double black guns that were supposed to be the main attack weapons are gone, replaced by two slender blades of similar appearance.

The blue light lingers on it, and the surrounding air seems to be distorted, with irregular fluctuations changing all the time.

The strong spiritual pressure even caused some discomfort and resistance to Balegang, who was standing next to him. He subconsciously moved away from Keyartai Stark, and at the same time, he exploded with spiritual pressure to resist this astonishing oppression.

Although it is not clear what happened, Sufeng guessed that it was probably related to Aizen.

Keyartai Stark completed the evolution from Hollow to Arrancar before splitting. His soul is in a complete state, and even his spiritual pressure is far beyond expectations.

In terms of performance alone, it definitely has the level of first-class spiritual power.

"It's still a bit unskilled in returning to the edge."

Stark moved his arms and made a heart-wrenching crunching sound, "The spiritual pressure has become stronger, and no Hollow can get close to me now."

"Loneliness is really an unbearable thing."

The other party seemed to have no intention of fighting Sufeng, let alone the slightest intention to fight. He just raised the blade in his hand and said:

"Now, can I apply to take this guy away?"

Sufeng sneered, his spiritual pressure surging: "Although I have taken out my trump card, it is still a bit whimsical to take away my prey so easily."

"At least, we'll talk about it after the fight."

After the words fell, Sufeng disappeared from the place. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Stark, and the blade suddenly slashed down with majestic power.


The sound of gold and iron interlacing echoed in the sky. In an instant, the barren mountain made of sand and stone collapsed, and countless dust flew away and swept to all directions.

In the dust, two figures intertwined, their blades collided, and sparks flew out.

The spiritual pressure of green, white and azure intertwined, leaping around like an electric arc, getting caught in it from time to time, and instantly annihilated into dust.

The Arrancar is comparable to a qualitative change for the Great Hollow, and is also named [Hollow transformed into a God of Death].

To a certain extent, it is equivalent to the god of death who is permanently in a virtual state.

It can be inferred from this that after the Arrancar, Daxu's strength will increase several times or even dozens of times.

Returning to the edge is equivalent to the liberation of one's own abilities. Returning to the original posture, the strength will further increase.

Even Sufeng couldn't explain this medium-fold change.

The only thing that is certain is that the lone wolf named Stark in front of him is definitely the strongest enemy he has ever encountered so far.

In terms of spiritual pressure alone, Balegang, who has lived for millions of years, is not even worthy of carrying his shoes.

The long years live directly on the dog.

"Terrible..." Stark gritted his teeth, looking like he was enduring a heavy blow, "There shouldn't be many Death Gods like you in Soul Society, right?"

"Otherwise, Hueco Mundo should have been crushed long ago."

Su Feng shook his head, the muscles on his arms swelled, and his strength exploded, instantly suppressing Stark:

"Why does Daxu always have such serious misunderstandings about the god of death?"

"The meaning of our existence is to maintain the balance of the Three Realms, not to annihilate the crowds of the world."

"Xu was killed by the god of death, it was just a incidental matter."

"After all, if Xu Xu is allowed to swallow it, it will also affect the balance of the Three Realms."

Hearing this, a thoughtful look appeared on Stark's face, but as the power on the blade increased sharply.

When he was careless, his whole body flew across the night sky like a shooting star, and fell fiercely into the white sand in the distance, exploding into sand waves tens of meters high.

Su Feng quickly followed, without any intention of letting the other party go.

A fierce son rushed into the sand waves, and the substantive spiritual pressure surged again.

A god of death and an Arrancar fell into a fierce battle. After Balegang hesitated for a moment, he glanced at Mole Cheng Shuangye and the others who were guarding in the distance with a threatening look. Then he started the gun and turned away from the desert without looking back. .

He didn't want to die, let alone die in the aftermath of the battle.

Millions of years of life haven't brought him much change, and the world is constantly advancing, which makes him feel strange.

Once upon a time, the king of the virtual circle also had to act according to the faces of others?

Just thinking of this, a burst of rage rose in Bailegang's heart, but it was followed by deep powerlessness.

King of Hueco Mundo? The lost dog!

Whether it's the god of death named Tsunayashiro Sokaze, or the Vastord who looks very different from the other Daimon.

Facing them, Balegon couldn't even afford the courage to fight.

At this moment, he had a strong dissatisfaction with himself, and an unprecedented desire for powerful power.

The real King of Hueco Mundo should never flee the battlefield in embarrassment like he is now!

Mole Cheng Shuangye and Nilu just glanced at Bailegang who was escaping and didn't pay much attention. The battle in Sufeng was what they cared about.

Different from the previous confrontation between Sufeng and Baile Gang, the spiritual pressure surged and the aftermath swept across a wide area, as if a natural disaster was coming at every turn.

At this moment, the two warring parties are all converging their power on themselves, relying only on close combat to determine the outcome.

But whether it was Mole City Shuangye, Nellie, or Harribel, they could all clearly sense that the danger level of the battle at this time was several notches higher than before.

The aftermath of the blades intersecting was enough to easily wipe out the Achucas-level Daxu.

In just a few short breaths, the desert dozens of miles outside the Gobi was once again crushed into a mess.

Everywhere he looked seemed to be washed away by countless missiles.

Stark's spiritual pressure exploded, and the blade in his hand shimmered with azure light, as bright as the stars in the night sky.

False flash!

A crescent-shaped virtual flash appeared on the blade and struck out. Stark, in his current state, still retained this ability after returning to the blade.

The moment Sufeng was temporarily forced back, countless phantoms burst out from the blade, swallowing up everything in front of him like a vast ocean.

Without any hesitation, Stark turned around and ran away after unleashing such a move, and his speed of activating the ring was far more than several times that of Bailegan.

"Fighting against the monster-like Death is truly the most unwise choice ever!"

Before he finished speaking, his figure disappeared at the end of the sky...

The gap between the front and back of the Great Hollow is still huge. It is shown in the animation that Achukas, who was instantly killed by Harribel with a knife, after being arrancared by Aizen, killed Harribel with a backhand knife. Although it is a bit exaggerated. But it can also explain the difference in strength between the front and back of Arranchi.

ps: Thanks to Mr. Magic Jiezi for the reward!

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